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Whose dog he is, actually?????


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It has always been a good question--which means I don't have any answers for it. Just WHOSE dog Diamond is?! He's supposed to be mine, right? Well at least I told my parents about him, I'm the one who train him and I'm the one who care for him :confused: Shouldn't *I* be the one who decide what's best for him? Or at least, shouldn't MY opinion be heard?

Problem #1: The Collar

My cousin gave me a leather collar few weeks after I got Dime, and ever since I got him a dog tag I always make him wear his collar. You know... Anything can happen. What if he ran off and someone thought he's a stray? Won't happen if he wears a collar! ;) I also explained about this to both of my parents and they seem OK with that------AT FIRST. Now they keep telling me that it is "inappropriate" to make Dime wear a collar all the time. My mom---and YES she really said this---told me the collar can choke him. I told her no way since I adjusted the collar's size myself and she's still not pleased. I enlarged the collar in front of her, STILL not pleased. What she wants is for me to take the collar off, told her what will happen if Dime was found by a stranger and she replied: "even if he wears a collar I doubt the person will give us a call anyway" :confused:

My dad tried to be more logical. Told me the collar will make his neck area uncomfortable since it's too thick and told me I should get a thinner collar. Went to the pet store, he picked a collar made for chihuahuas and said "this is it". Shop assistant told him it was made for toy dogs, and I told him all collar for mid-sized to large-sized dogs are the same size. Somehow he's still not pleased... When I woke up yesterday Diamond's not wearing his collar anymore. Told my dad the collar was for preventing him being mistaken as a stray, his reply was: "he's lazy he will not run off" well that's funny since Dime has escaped about FIFTEEN times and my dad witnessed about ten out of fifteen.

Problem #2: The Behavioral Training

Diamond has one bad habit: begging for food. He would stalk anyone who is holding a food. Used to be much worse (jumping, trying to steal food) but now he only give them puppy eyes so I think it's OK. My mom, however, doesn't seem to agree that food-begging is a bad habit and she won't listen to me telling her NOT to give him anything she has in hand atm. She was holding a cake this afternoon and Dime gave her puppy eyes, she immediately gave the cake to him. I told her "no, don't it will enforce a bad habit" and she only said "no it won't" as if she knows anything about dog training :mad: I kept telling her "don't" but she acted deaf and gave Dime the cake anyway. She has always been like that... When I tried to teach Dime "sit up" (commonly known as 'beg') she said "don't do it the trick will damage his back legs" :confused: well I have no problem with people spitting out their arguments and opinions but I can't stand those who make up irrational facts simply because they want to be viewed as the right one. Some of you knows that I tried to make Dime neutered, and in the end I didn't win the battle since she told some of her (dumb) friends about my idea and what I got as a reply is: "don't neuter him my friend said neutered dogs are prone to cancer" I told her "that is absurd" but she still won't listen. You know why she won't listen?? Well it is because she was actually up to breeding. She once told me that she wants to breed Dime with a Golden Retriever or a Samoyed to "make cute puppies" which I rejected RIGHT that moment. Tried to explain about irresponsible breeding, she didn't say a thing and surprisingly agreed but then said that "we should get a female husky then!" :confused: I told her only show-quality dogs can be bred and she doesn't want to listen to me. She said that the breed standard--the AKC breed standard that I read in their official website--is wrong and woolly huskies are the one who fulfill the standards. G-O-S-H! :arghh:

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Alot of people have the 'collars choke' opinion but im the same as you. D always has his collar on. I try to keep all the doors shut but my sisters are idiots and tend to open the front door with all the other doors open. They dont seem to understand how fast he is. So he always has his colour on just incase. But i understand how annoying family is when you try to do the best for the dog :(


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You have my sympathies - that would be soooo frustrating! I'm right there with you on the collar argument - my dogs have escaped 3 times in the last 4 years, and each time I got them back because someone caught them and called the phone number on their collar. So long as you check the collar regularly to make sure it's not chafing, regularly lift it up and brush underneath it and wash it when it gets dirty, there is no problem. Every dog I've ever owned wore a collar for its entire life with no adverse effects.

As for the rest, good on you for sticking to your guns about the breeding issue! All you can do is just keep showing them the facts and hopefully it will sink in! Don't give up on your training just because your parents don'e follow it - while you might not be able to prevent him from begging from your mother when you aren't around, you can at least teach him it's not acceptable any time you are there so that it isn't a habit when other people are over.

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Do you have any macrame or knitting skills. My first GSD had a handmade hemp rope collar and it was small and adorned with beads, and stayed on well, and we attached a tag to it and then we had the other collar for when we went out, but the hand made collar was just enough to identify him if he got out of the house or yard. Seems like your dad doesn't want a collar to take away from his looks or something. Its not ideal, but if picked up right away they would at least find id tag on the dog. consider it an id necklace rather than a collar:)

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Oh dear... Some people have diffirent opinions on begging. Aya used to steel everything when we first got her, but she at least sneaks around us now. I don't give them food from our plates. If i ever give tibits it's in their bowl and I don't really give them cause Shiloh can't have it and he cries if the others have something he can't. I'm sorry I don't know what to surgest.

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Do you have any macrame or knitting skills. My first GSD had a handmade hemp rope collar and it was small and adorned with beads, and stayed on well, and we attached a tag to it and then we had the other collar for when we went out, but the hand made collar was just enough to identify him if he got out of the house or yard. Seems like your dad doesn't want a collar to take away from his looks or something. Its not ideal, but if picked up right away they would at least find id tag on the dog. consider it an id necklace rather than a collar:)

well my aunt knows how to knit... she's actually a tailor. However, the main reason why my parents don't want Dime to wear a collar is actually "shame". There is only one husky in this entire neighborhood: Diamond. And it means there is only ONE escape artist in this whole area. Diamond is the only dog who needs a collar since he's the only one who has a selective hearing, and---of course---it made him seem "different". Whenever people realized Dime is wearing a leather collar they will say that he's one spoiled dog and my family must be "rich" because we can pamper our dog like that. Plus, since huskies are a bit rare here, we're always viewed as "the millionare" even tho the fact is that I got Dime for $0. Guess they don't want that kind of view... But I thought "Chicken Soup for Teenage Soul" says that we have to have the courage to be different---because sometimes being different is the best thing to do (LOL I don't even know how do I remember that)

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Oh wow what a sticky situation. Seems like your mom isn't open to listing to your views at all or admitting to the facts even when you prove them to her by research, showing here things on the net, etc. I really can't say anything advice wise as you seem to do everything in your power to get her to listen and its to no avail. :(

As for the collars my dogs always were them unless they are in their kennel. I check the fit often and adjust as needed. I've always had dogs since I was little and my dogs have always worn collars all the time (my parents always had outside dogs when I was a kid :(). As long as they are fitted properly and checked often for the fit I see nothing wrong with keeping them on. Could you maybe get a nylon collar with a safety release buckle that snaps instead of the belt type ones that most leather ones are? That way on the off chance he did get the collar caught on something it would break away and Dime would be free.

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well my aunt knows how to knit... she's actually a tailor. However, the main reason why my parents don't want Dime to wear a collar is actually "shame". There is only one husky in this entire neighborhood:Diamond. And it means there is only ONE escape artist in this whole area. Diamond is the only dog who needs a collar since he's the only one who has a selective hearing, and---of course---it made him seem "different". Whenever people realized Dime is wearing a leather collar they will say that he's one spoiled dog and my family must be "rich" because we can pamper our dog like that. Plus, since huskies are a bit rare here, we're always viewed as "the millionare" even tho the fact is that I got Dime for $0. Guess they don't want that kind of view... But I thought "Chicken Soup for Teenage Soul" says that we have to have the courage to be different---because sometimes being different is the best thing to do (LOL I don't even know how do I remember that)

Being yourself, even if it is different is best for everyone.....makes the people around you learn a thing to two about differences and acceptance and not judging a book by its cover. I was actually a kid who had $$ growing up but had no idea that we did cuz my dad was so cheap, but little did I know that my address gave it away to the whole town that I had money. I didn't know my street was a "rich street", but I did not have things that represented that we had money, we drove old cars and wore hand-me-down used clothes....it was when I went to college and the rest of my friends didn't when I realized we had money to afford college. It was a big reality check. You seem to have a grasp on reality. Maybe having the dog wearing a collar that is handmade and obviously handmade won't look as bad as a leather collar. I have to be honest I see leather collar and I see $$ too! I cannot afford a leather collar or harness for my dog, and automatically think of that as being "expensive". My heart goes out to you, generational /age and cultural differences can be hard in families.

Keep smiling! Do you have microchip possibilities there?

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I was reading this and I have to say I think your father does have some good arguments about the collar - generally, we don't leave a collar on ours inside as yes, there is a danger of choking. What if the collar gets stuck on something, they can't move and can't get out of it? It can also destroy the fur a bit, this I have noticed happening with ours and considering he only wears a collar when he is walked, it can be quite bad for the fur.

On the other hand, to prevent choking issues you can get a home collar - to wear inside, with tags and all and that has a plastic buckle - those snap quite easily when force is applied, so he wouldn't choke in one of those. And getting another collar, with a solid metal buckle for outside, also with tags in case he escapes. Also, collar that preserve the fur are rolled leather collars, those are made especially for long haired breeds.

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I was reading this and I have to say I think your father does have some good arguments about the collar - generally, we don't leave a collar on ours inside as yes, there is a danger of choking. What if the collar gets stuck on something, they can't move and can't get out of it? It can also destroy the fur a bit, this I have noticed happening with ours and considering he only wears a collar when he is walked, it can be quite bad for the fur.

On the other hand, to prevent choking issues you can get a home collar - to wear inside, with tags and all and that has a plastic buckle - those snap quite easily when force is applied, so he wouldn't choke in one of those. And getting another collar, with a solid metal buckle for outside, also with tags in case he escapes. Also, collar that preserve the fur are rolled leather collars, those are made especially for long haired breeds.

Diamond's collar is the "home collar" you mentioned over there. Plastic buckle, rolled leather specially made for long-haired dogs (used to belong to my cousin's Chow Chow)

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Is microchipping common in your country? If so, you could at least get that done. I've found 3 dogs. None had tags on their collars (what idiot would put on a collar but no tag? I dunno). One had a microchip and the owners got him. the other two went to the animal shelter since I had no clue who owned them and wasn't about to keep them at my house cause I wasn't set up for dogs when I found the first one and the second one was dog aggressive and wanted to get at my two.

Mine don't usually wear their collars. Both are microchipped. If either of them escaped though, they'd be wearing them all the time. I usually only put on their collars if we take them somewhere. Siku had one of my mom's dogs get his jaw stuck in her collar and it was very unpleasant. Both dogs were freaking out.

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Oh gee :S that sounds like fun :P The only reason Marius doesnt wear a collar in the house is because I dont want it rubbing on its fur Ive already noticed from him having it on all the time when he was younger that hes got this ring of fur thats a bit shorter but if your not showing I guess it wouldnt be a huge deal. He hasnt made an escape yet (and I pray he never does) mostly becasue somone is always home with him and hes ALWAYS inside unless hes going out to the bathroom or if hes going for a walk then he will have a collar on :P

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You have my sympathies....

Suka's made to wear his collar all the time...24/7. It doesn't damage his fur, nor does it choke him. He looks kinda awkward without it, actually. :P

It's because of this rule that he was found the few times he escaped. He's microchipped as well, but most people don't think of that and just assume if the dog isn't wearing a collar than it must be stray.

As for the begging...Suka's horrible with that too. It doesn't help that my parents are complete suckers and my Dad insists on feeding Suka from the table and insists he's bonding with him...but after Suka stole a cookie out of Mom's plate while she was there, I think they might be seeing my point.

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You have my sympathies....

Suka's made to wear his collar all the time...24/7. It doesn't damage his fur, nor does it choke him. He looks kinda awkward without it, actually. :P

It's because of this rule that he was found the few times he escaped. He's microchipped as well, but most people don't think of that and just assume if the dog isn't wearing a collar than it must be stray.

As for the begging...Suka's horrible with that too. It doesn't help that my parents are complete suckers and my Dad insists on feeding Suka from the table and insists he's bonding with him...but after Suka stole a cookie out of Mom's plate while she was there, I think they might be seeing my point.

oh! So Diamond needs to steal a piece of chicken meat from my mom's plate to make her see my point? Sounds like a plan :hehe:

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Wow is just about all I can say! I can't imagine how tough this must be, but keep a smile on and I'll hope you'll continue to lead a good example of responsible ownership in your family!

As for the collar- all of mine are microchipped for the just in case, but I like the White Pine collars I get at the dog shows (can be ordered online). They were developed by a Samoyed breeder. They are thinner than the average collar and they do not damage or discolor the coat. I couldn't be happier to be able to keep a collar on my boy and not worry about ruining his coat before a show!

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Olivia pm me Diamonds neck size, your favourite colour and your address, i will make you a thin discrete collar to keep your dad happy :)

omg that's really really nice of you :wave1: I won't have my own money until Chinese New Year though so guess you've to wait a bit :P oh and somebody has to teach me how to use paypal :confused:

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