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Why don't people research breeds???

Luna's Mum

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I do not understand some people's mentality when it comes to getting a dog...especially a rescue!! When I first saw Luna I fell in love but I went home, red every article I could & joined this forum to ask questions. I even got a wierd sort of "post natal" depression when we bought her home because I was worried we couldn't give her enough (I do realise how wierd that sounds but I wasn't in the best place when she first came to us)

Now, on to my rant.

About 6-8 weeks ago a beautiful husky boy turned up at Luna's old rescue centre. As much as I would love to we simply cannot afford a second dog, but I kept an eye on him on the website & asked the staff how he was doing on a weekly basis (they run Luna's obedience class).

It didn't take him long to be snapped up.

Unfortunately the family who adopted him didn't have a clue & obviously hadn't bothered to do any research. About three weeks after he went to them she turned up with him at the end of Luna's class. She wasn't coping & had come to ask for some advice. Absolutely nothing wrong with asking for advice as long as they listen. They didn't. When he was given up they said they couldn't cope, he was hyperactive, destructive, kept running away when they opened the door. When asked how often he went out they said "he went out in the garden all the time" and walks? "Oh he pulled so badly my husband use to take him out but he was out for atleast half an hour" WTF!!?!

He's a big boy, proper husky lad, and they'd been trying to turn him into a lazy lap dog!!! They would've been better suited to a retired greyhound!!

I'm so glad they gave him back to the rescue & didn't just dump him but why didn't they do any research??? I think they rescue will now ask for husky experience. I'd love to have him but unless our incomes changed dramatically there's just no chance.

The rescue asks for a donation per animal but if anyone's interested pm me and I'll let you know which rescue he's in. If that's okay with the admins??

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Im a new husky owner and I had lived with a husky before for a short time, but I still researched before I agreed to get him. And a few days after I joined this forum which has given me so much info on things I wondered about. Maybe the rescue could suggest this forum for future husky rescues just so people can get the right information. Huskies are def not lapdogs..

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they are all right, it is a very common issue. people think that a dog is just a dog and that every breed is easy to deal with, so they just get whatever they can get for free or cheap, and it doesnt dawn on them that they should have put more thought into it until it was too late.

Heck even my Inlaws are very misguided about dogs, especially mine....my sister in law was trying to pass around some lie that a husky with blue eyes like kiyahs eyes, "turn out to be vicious." I just about lost it when I heard that.

It all goes back to education though....

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Its frustrating and all too common. :-( lets face it...how many ads have you seen for 6 month old husky with some completely naff excuse (the most annoying i've ever seen is that they didnt expect the dog to get so big!).

We researched and researched and researched some more before getting teeks.

same we researched and researchedand you mentioning naff excuses i saw one ad for 8month old with the reason that they didnt expect it to shed fur!!

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Let me preface his with I'm definitely not one to talk - I've done everything wrong and don't have my Husky.

I've gotten all my animals for the better part (or more?) of 30 years from rescues. I've had everything from German Shepherds to Spaniels. I won't say that "a dog's a dog" but let's face it, the arctic breeds are definitely a breed apart. If someone has had dogs all their life and suddenly get a Sibe, they're going to be lost. They're not like any other dog out there and people don't expect the intelligence and independence that comes with the breed.

If someone is used to the mentality of let's say a lab or a shepherd or a spaniel or a heeler and then find this beautiful dog that they just have to have they aren't going to think about researching the breed and they aren't going to know what to expect - I have, I did, I didn't and now I'm paying for it.

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People are just pathetic. I think it comes down to a few things...

1. People assuming all breeds of dogs are the same.

2. People go 'OMG PUPPY! WANT!' without even thinking about the responsibilities of getting a puppy or researching the breed.

3. People are just too lazy to research.

When I found Suka at the shelter, I was hesitant to get him even though I always wanted a husky. I wasn't sure what they needed, so I went back home and I did a lot of research even though my Mom wanted to adopt him right away. It turns out he was the perfect fit for us. :)

A lot of huskies I see at the shelter are young (6 months - 2 years, usually.). :(

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Yep, a disgustingly common problem.

I got Scout because he was on death row since he had been rehomed to no less than 3 different places by the Humane Society and was returned each time. Each one of them was due to the fact that they were simply unprepared for a nearly 60 lb puppy with all your standard husky "issues." One woman even tried to keep him in an apartment and didn't understand why he was so destructive! The worst part is that he's one of the best dogs I've ever owned.

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If I had not already spent several years of my life experiencing huskies then I doubt Id have decided to have 1 let alone 3.

I always try to pass on some useful knowledge to new owners but i find it can also be hard to pass on good info when theres

such an extra-ordinary amount of total C-R-A-* out there. Before this forum I can tell you that I saw very little out there

that I would consider a valuable resource for husky info.

I would like to urge you to pass along general info on our beloved breed to anyone you can, but also most especially to the people

who stand right in front of you and say the words " OMG, huskies are so gorgeous!!" whenever you bump into other husky owners

in your community....pass them a slip of paper with the H-O website info too, that way if they get a wild hair up their wazoo and decide

to breed- maybe just maybe- they might be good enough to pass the info on to the new puppy owners. Advocacy is becoming more

and more important every day.

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I will be totally honest here. When we got Bindi I did not know anything about huskies, nada nothing,zip....but boy did she teach me quickly.. a lot we needed to know we researched the week after we got her, which all helped me greatly.. now we still do not know everything learning day by day and have 2 furkiddos and could not be without them...

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Let me preface his with I'm definitely not one to talk - I've done everything wrong and don't have my Husky.

I've gotten all my animals for the better part (or more?) of 30 years from rescues. I've had everything from German Shepherds to Spaniels. I won't say that "a dog's a dog" but let's face it, the arctic breeds are definitely a breed apart. If someone has had dogs all their life and suddenly get a Sibe, they're going to be lost. They're not like any other dog out there and people don't expect the intelligence and independence that comes with the breed.

If someone is used to the mentality of let's say a lab or a shepherd or a spaniel or a heeler and then find this beautiful dog that they just have to have they aren't going to think about researching the breed and they aren't going to know what to expect - I have, I did, I didn't and now I'm paying for it.

oh Al, it breaks my heart :(

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We also did our research and still we come to things we didnt expect people see huskies and see how beautiful they are they dont realize how much expersise they need and that they are pack dogs better in groups then on their own thats why we got our second one people also dont realize their power and strength they are bred to work not laze around i try to spend as less time away from mine as poss but luckly they are used to being elone they have each other for company lots of toys and chews lol people make me sick errrr i am looking for a furry pet for my daughter and even though i have had hamsters in past i am still doing research like any pet we have snakes dragons iggy weve bred our dragons and sucssesfully had a 4 batches of 15 eggs each and only lost one and we were new to it research helps in anything

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I will be totally honest here. When we got Bindi I did not know anything about huskies, nada nothing,zip....but boy did she teach me quickly.. a lot we needed to know we researched the week after we got her, which all helped me greatly.. now we still do not know everything learning day by day and have 2 furkiddos and could not be without them...

I'm right there with you Robke.....I had no clue on my first one, and she trained me well. my hubby had raised several GSD, but I had grown up with mutts.....I was googly eyed over them and lived two doors down from the breeder, this was 12years ago. To be honest I don't remember anything ever that made me want to take her back, not being dragged in the mud, not the 4 billion attempts to escape, not the bed she tore up and ate, not my cell phone she destroyed, not my couch she destroyed, nor the daily torture of my cat....Nothing made me want to just give up. You get a dog, you make a commitment.....you adopt a kid, do you take it back when you start to have difficulties? I just wanted to do everything I could that was best for her. I remember it being a new challenge everyday, a new worry everyday, all wrapped up with more and more love and bonding in a relationship that was indescribable to the typical person. There are those who get it and those who don't, it's their loss! But it is sad that any dog has to go back and forth like that, and I think all rescues should be educating people more about breeds and find out more about what a person is looking for in a dog. I hope he finds a loving home.

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I grew up watching my neighbor's sled team...thinking NO WAY would I EVER want one of these wound up, energetic, crazy acting, woo-wooing dogs...then I met my husband, a Siberian Husky was all he ever wanted after we started discussing getting a puppy together. I didn't know much about the breed, he even less....luckily our first (Dakota) was more of an "anti-husky" so he broke us in easy...however our second made us realize how little we knew and how lucky we were...I immediately started researching (behind the 8 ball, but better late than never), joined a local dog group, found a breed mentor, and settled in for the learning experience...I wouldn't trade ANY of it for ANYTHING! I love my furry kids and everything they have brought to my life :)

However, being in rescue, I have seen the side of it that the dog suffers because the human refuses to learn and blames the dog for the human shortcomings...let me tell you it's my least favorite part of the "job" sometimes....but I don't do it for the human, I do it for the dog. Sometimes I have to remember that.

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I did months and months of research before getting Kira. If I didn't she would be an absolute terror right now because I would not have had a clue. I'm proud of my girl and it's only becuase I was prepared before I got her. Although as everyone says no matter how much research you do nothing lives up to actually owning a sibe and experiencing it.

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