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Who here works full time?


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My schedule is quite erratic thanks to my open availability but on average I work 8hrs a day more or less 5 days a week. If I work more than 9hrs I make a trip home to let the kids out then go back. They have the full run of the living room and get fed in the morning and at night. I don't have anyone to take them out for me so I leave pads down just in case and usually they don't use them unless it's an emergency.

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Great thread Bec :) Good to see there are people who can hold down full time jobs and have well adjusted huskies/pets. I truly admire that. It takes a lot of commitment to make sure they are exercised, even after a loooong day at work.

I don't work - stopped four years ago so I am at home with the huskies 24/7. But, if i did work, I wouldn't have a problem leaving them on their own. It is a fact of life that we have to work - the dogs adjust - nothing cruel about it if the necessary steps are taken to make sure they are comfortable and have what they need while you are away.

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Both the OH and I work between 2 and four 12 hour shifts a week. Most of the time we have opposite shifts which sucks for us but it's great for kira. When we have a shift on the same day my mum feeds/walks her and she gets a good run as soon as we come home


I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=51.636603,-3.421090

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I cant comment to much at the moment as Shadow isnt with me but when i did have Shadow and Logan i worked full time i would get up 2 hours before i had work to walk them for an hour then feed them etc then get myself ready, then we had a housemate so he would get home mid day and let them out then either me or my ex would get home and id take them for a walk again in the evening.

They had full run of the house except the bedrooms and bathroom (but i had dog proofed the house)

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I work 3 evenings a week but the husband is at home with the dogs and kids.

During the day he works 7-4pm and I am at home with the dogs all day, except for when I am doing the school runs.

Mine get crated when left and we try not to leave them for more than 4 hours.

I really want to go to crufts in march, but it would be a very long day for the dogs on their own so im not sure. However I do have in-laws living next door so they wont be expected to hold it all day lol. But they cant walk them, One of us (ALEX) lol would have to walk them in the morning before we went,

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I am unemployed and receive a lot of medical care. Me and Robyn are currently living seperate so Aleu is completely in my care. If I go to visit my mum of an evening though, my uncle and auntie are here for her so it's very rare that she's left alone, but even though I'm home pretty much all day, I try to lead a pretty individual life from her as I don't want her seperation anxiety to crop up again when I go out, so most the time I'll be doing something and she'll be chilling somewhere else.

Stacey xxx

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I work full time for the US government. It is unfortunate in that I do not get to spend as much time with the dogs as I like to on weekdays. But without my job, I could not afford to care for the dogs properly. So I am very fortunate to have one.

Luckily for me, my boyfriend and his 2 dogs have been staying with me for a few months now. So he is home with the 3 boys for the most part. Before my boyfriend came to stay with me, Viggo would be home alone for about 9 hours. He survived though. I just made sure I gave him loads of attention and exercise when i got home from work. :-)

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I'm interested after reading some responses in the other thread - how many of us dog owners work full time? If so how many dogs do you have and what do you do to "juggle" everything?

I'm at work five days a week all day, I have three dogs and am planning to get a new pup this year.

Hi Bec

I work full time - me my the OH also run a business together and I also help out at 3 obedience classes at the weekends too. All three dogs do their own obedience class on top of this. Juggling is my speciality. The trick is identifying A**E from Elbow - not as easy as it sounds :)

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I work 8-5 mon-fri. but luckily I live across the street from work so I go home for at least an hour each day to take him out. But there have been some accidents. I'm guessing since the cat box in is the bathroom he thinks thats where everyone does their business so he occasionally goes in there if he has to. i put pads down in there while Im gone just in case. He gets an hour walk in the morning and in the evening he gets another hour walk at least. He has stopped eating my furniture so thats good. ;)

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I work pretty much 9-6, Monday through Friday. I leave Okami at home and currently am not in a position to get back during the day to walk her. I leave her to roam the place (minus the bedroom) while I am gone and she doesn't seem to have much problem with it. I'm sure she would like to get out more, but she doesn't destroy anything, go to the bathroom inside, etc. Normally when I get home she just walks up to me with a "Hey! You are home! Cool," attitude.

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I was working/travelling 50 to 60 hours a week and akuma luckily got used to it although I felt he got a bum deal cos I wasn't working at all when we adopted him. I stopped working just over a year before he died, at least I was with him lots and getting his required treatment was easier to schedule (I actually gave up my job cos my Mum was terminally ill :( ).

Kobi has me around lots more but in hopes I do find some part time work I do leave him most days for an hour or so and other times for 5 hours or so, time doesn't seem to bother him, when I get home he is chilling in his crate and waits patiently till I decide to get him out (usually once I've out shopping away litte scamp!)

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I work full time as well as go to school. The dogs are left between 6-10 hours at a time when I don't take them with me. When I finish nursing school they'll be left home 12 hours a day a few days a week since I'll work 12's

They handle it fine, people have to work or they couldn't have dogs. As long as you make time to give them what they need...

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Both hubby & me work full time, it was a bit of a worry when we first rescued Shadow as to how he would cope, he manages by sleeping on my bed all day! Has been absolutley good as gold when left so must of been used to it in the past. Although I did take him to work with me every day for the first three weeks we had him, so he is also used to being there if I need/want to take him for any reason ;)

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I work full time Tues-Sat, my boyfriend was working Mon-Fri and would get home an hour and a half before me, however, this month he took back his old job and works out of town and comes home on weekends. Since this, I am looking into hiring a service to take Echo out midday, until I get a car. I give busy work while she's alone and she gets walked 3 times plus running time at the park on her 50 foot lead. It's hectic, but managable and she seems happy (if anything, she looks forward to me leaving because she wants her Kong), has not shown any signs of seperation anxiety at all, but would still like someone to take her out midday. Once I get a new place with more room (within the next year I'm hoping!), I would like to bring in another pack member, and they can keep each other company! It's just not an option where I live right now, no space for another one.

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My OH and I both work full time, from 8:30 to 5:15 and Sabien is left at home. He has a good long walk in the morning and then an hours walk when we get home. We split the walking, OH does the morning I do the evening. Sabien has the run of the house while we are at work and has never caused any problems. If I take flexi and come home early it takes him a while to come to the door as he is generally asleep on his bed and looks as if to say 'your home early' and then gets excited. I always feel guilty, but he seems happy and we tend to revolve our weekends around Sabien and going places he can also come to. It is hard work and I am knackered during the week, but it is worth it and Sabien seems happy.

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Both the OH and I work between 2 and four 12 hour shifts a week. Most of the time we have opposite shifts which sucks for us but it's great for kira. When we have a shift on the same day my mum feeds/walks her and she gets a good run as soon as we come home


I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=51.636603,-3.421090

I quite like working the opposite end of the day to my OH :lolman: 'sorry John luv ya really:heartbeat: Isn't it about time you went to work my love??:evil:

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I quite like working the opposite end of the day to my OH :lolman: 'sorry John luv ya really:heartbeat: Isn't it about time you went to work my love??:evil:

Sometimes I like it (having the bed to myself for a few extra hours in the morning :P) but when it's like two weeks in a row I get fed up...Kira likes the extra bed space too mind..

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The job I have now, I work 7-3.30pm (sometimes until 5pm) - when the clocks change 8-4.30pm 5 days a week. My old job I'd be working up-to 12 hrs a day.

I've had Deiffen, my eldest Border Collie since he was 4 months old (now 10yrs) & apart from a 6 month spell of unemployment, I've work full time since I got him.I've never had any problems with his behaviour etc even when I was out 12 hrs a day..

I've got Tango - 5 yr old Border Collie & Mishka - 16 month old Husky. I feed & walk them all before I go to work & as soon as I get home, I'm in & out again, back in the car with the dogs to take them to the park etc for a run, fed again when we get back.

Mishka & Tango are crated because I wasn't sure about Mishka chewing up my flat & she seemed to settle better when I put Tango in with her (it's a large - 48inch crate). I'd crated Tango as a pup for a spell because he'd have periods of going 'toilet' in the flat because he wasn't getting attention (when I was there!) so he was already used to a crate & enjoyed the security it offered.

I have a couple of people who can go & let them out to 'loo' at dinner time so as long as they have water, they're fine for the day.

Anyone who's seen pics/videos of mine can see they're happy, well adjusted dogs & to be honest, they get a lot more exercise than anyone else's dogs I know, even the people's that are home with them all day! (Husky-owners members are not included here as I don't know any of you yet ;):lolman:)

I don't feel guilty about working, it's what makes me able to buy nice things & care for my dogs. The dogs don't suffer as they are well cared for & loved. At the end of the day, that's what matters most, my dogs :D

Editted to add - I tend to let my dogs sleep in the bedroom sometimes because I like them near. My Collies sleep either side of the bed, Mishka likes to cuddle up next to me in a ball.

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The girlfriend and I both work FT. If we were to leave Aspen @ home for the day it would be in her crate and she would be there for 8.5 hrs, but luckily I get to bring her with me to work. (She is with me in the office, I don't leave her in the car). I think when she gets older we will put her in daycare, but that depends on her office behavior, if she's too loud she cant stay:(.

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