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some advice if anyone can help me


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ok so im not sure if you have seen my previous posts but i have had a few problems over the last couple of months

i have lambo who is just about 7months old he is really scared of people and i mean petrified he wee'd himself at the vets one day. i took him away at xmas and he bit my brother and my dad. so we are going to see a behavorist we went last week and was there 4 hours and im pleased, what a guy, i really believe he will be of some help to us but he mentioned about his eyes now this is something that i have said all along he said he is a very troubled dog.

i love lambo so much i admit i brought a husky not really looking into the breed but i am not the sort of person to back out on a dog i brought i look after him and i cater for his needs

what i am really after is are there any particular problems that huskys suffer with regarding eyes also does anyone have a similar problem i really believe my behavourist will help but im just after some of your thoughts and wisdom

thanks guys:redface1:

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There are some genetic eye problems, like juvenile cataracts, that will show up at an early age. Then there's also the normal gradual aging process as well which can result in eye problems down the road (I think Suka's just getting some eye problems and he's almost 9 years old.)

I think the main health concern for pure-breds is the eyes as they don't really have any other constant genetic problems. But there's also thinks like hip dyslepsia that you have to be aware of.

What did he exactly say about his eyes? Did he say they were cloudy? Young dog eyes, especially at that age, should be bright and clear with no cloudiness to them at all.

And what advice has your behaviourist given? That might let us know if he knows what he's talking about, and also if you could explain his behavioral problems a bit more. And did you buy him from a breeder?

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Huskies as a breed can be prone to multiple eye issues. Not only juvenile cataracts, but corneal dystrophy and progressive retinal atrophy, and to a lesser extent crystalline corneal opacities and glaucoma. So a pretty good laundry list, really.

It would make sense that Lambo would suddenly become fearful and snappy if he were having trouble seeing. It can be scary! It's so awesome that the behaviourist is going to be able to help you out, though now it seems that your next step is to get him assessed by a vet ASAP. Some things can be corrected if they're caught early enough!

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thanks guys his main behaviour problems are fear of people he is fine with other dogs but if we go for a walk he would sooner pull me in the road than walk past a person.

we got him from a breeder but looking back he was scared then we got him at just over 10 weeks and it took him a while to come to me he is fine with me and my oh but its everyone else. i have read all over that huskys are ment to love anyone i just wish mine did

as for his eyes he said he sees eyes as way to the soul and he said he is a very troubled dog that there i something definatly bothering him as for what i see his eyes dont seem evenly spaced one tends to wander if you see what i mean

here is a photo that shows what i mean


well my behavuorist is ranked the 4th best in the country and he told my friend who also goes that he is more determind than ever to help me so thats great for me we are getting him castrated then 2 weeks after we go to him every week

while he is asleep do you think the vets will be able to look at his eyes its just if he is awake he wont let anyone near him

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It would be worth a try to look at his eyes while he's under, anyway... I see worry in his eyes. My guess is that he wasn't socialized as a young puppy - there is likely to be some genetic basis for his "shyness" as well - I have one dog that is shy, and isn't very comfortable around other people. I have worked with him in obedience training, and that has helped, to an extent. I doubt that he'll ever really be much of a "people dog", but he can be handled as necessary. I hope that this behaviorist can help you!

Puppies generally go through a fear period right around 10 weeks, when you got him. There's another fear period that occurs right around 6-9 months of age. Scary things happening during a fear period can cause the fear to "stick" with them - you just have to work with them to help ease that fear. Your behaviorist should be able to help with this...

The white on the inside corner of his right eye looks to be his 3rd eyelid - not terribly surprising that it should be so visible as he's looking off to the right in the way he is...

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