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is it so hard to pick it up??

Storm Angel n Auroras Mum

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took angel on the school run, and just before we get to the school we have to go through a turnstile type thing. Going to the school fine, just literally seconds after id gone through it and i was going the other way home there was a load of dog poop-411.gif it wasnt there seconds before but after it was.

I admit I did wonder if angel could have done it without me noticing but we didnt stop at all so Im sure it wasnt.

So since its a place where a lot of kids walk through including mine, I did a decent thing and picked it up in a bag and binned it.

Its not nice picking up your own dogs poop, never mind someone elses.

It shouldn't have had to to be honest.

I am very annoyed because this is "normal" practice in my village lately. This morning as well as this i had to dodge 4 other poops on roadside (where there is no path) and paths.

How hard is it to pick it up?

I pick up after mine even in farmers fields which I know you dont have to,

why cant others?


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its not hard at all some people are just plain lazy or they dont see why they should because they class it as disgusting (if they want the dog they should be prepared to pick up after it lol ) personally i always do it i always carry poop bags even when i dont have the dogs with me it annoys me when we have to walk to school we have to go down an alley which is nicknamed dog s**t alley theres no excuse for not picking up the dog poop there poo bins at the entrance to and the exit of it but round here it mainly the little chavs who wont pick it up for fear it will lower there street cred lol x

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I ask myself that every time i take D out. Poop all over the path almost the entire walk! not just 1 dog, it must be about 6 or 7 dogs that do it. How careless can people be! Its on a school route aswell! I've noticed it getting worse aswell, used to be just a few bits in a few places. Now its piles smeared all over the path! Ridiculous. I know picking up isnt 'fun' but if you buy a dog thats what you have to do! Especially if its on the path. If its in the woods out of the way i let them off a bit but if its on a main road path its stupid!

Dont wanna pick up? DONT BUY A DOG! lol

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It never ceases to amaze me how lazy people are...I was recently at Petsmart and lost count of how many left pee puddles and a couple piles of poop there were. I watched one guy let his dog poop and then walk away. When I asked him about it, he just shrugged and said dogs will be dogs. PICK UP AFTER YOURS!!!

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This is really annoying, I don't understand why people think it's ok to leave it there - it's NOT! Especially in the dog park, which seems to be some sort of doggy toilet.

I've even had people look at me funny when collecting my dog's poop, but I think this is the normal thing to do, even if nobody else does it around here.

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If I can poop pick up with a dog with a sensitive tum which, when it plays up, could clear a mortuary as well as being really runny. I even have to carry a water bottle to wash the remains(sorry too much info) so I don't see why people can't pick ot up. If they're too mean to buy poop bags use carrier bags. I don't care pick it up. Also pick it up in the park and off lead areas as well as pavements.

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I always get funny looks and derogatory remarks directed at me for picking up after my dogs but honestly I'm proud to do it. It shows my love for my dogs just like wiping graffiti off your building shows your love for your building. I'd love to see a study done with the correlation between people not picking up after their dogs and the dogs behavior problems. Would be interesting for sure.

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It's the same around here....there is always one massive pile almost horse amount, so thinkt he only thing that could explainis the great dane around...

I hate the idea of picking up, but it's part the parcel, your pet your job etc......I always carry bags around but Pepper never poos, she just about wees if desperate, she would rather wait til she gets home.

Theres a staffy about 7 months old and a neighbour will let her son take him for a walk and he will nto pick up and they have told him that they dont either!..:mad: this is also a school route!!

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I always get funny looks and derogatory remarks directed at me for picking up after my dogs but honestly I'm proud to do it. It shows my love for my dogs just like wiping graffiti off your building shows your love for your building. I'd love to see a study done with the correlation between people not picking up after their dogs and the dogs behavior problems. Would be interesting for sure.

I'm the joke of the neighbourhood for picking it up in the woods but there are pathways all the way through them covered in it cos of lazy a**e dog owners.

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It isn't nice but has been said, it's part & parcel of having a dog.

I have 3 dogs so x3 the amount & one of mine does donkey dumps!! :lolman:

What does my head in is that I've come out of my gate to find someone else's dog dump right outside & I've nearly walked in it!

A man up the road used to get up early & just let his GSD out loose down the alleyway so it could do it's business. He could hardly walk so didn't go & pick up after it. One day I caught him & told him, he completely ignored me.

I waited until he'd gone back inside with his dog, picked up it's crap & posted it loose through his letterbox :jawdrop:

He didn't do it again, he ended up getting a dog-walker :rolleyes:

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I've seen it said on here before but what about the ones that pick it up then leave the bag? Or throw it up into the trees so it ends up hanging there like a smelly Christmas tree decoration!

I saw a bag yesterday, sat on top of a wheelybin?! Why go to the trouble of picking it up & taking it to a bin & then NOT put it inside?!!! :arghh:

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had to share this someone posted it on facebook

I have been a very naughty boy today, whilst over the park i noticed a man playing with his staffie dog. The dog proceeded to do its business near the childrens playground , and the man ignored it and blatantly walked off. I shouted to him to pick it up as there are kids that play round here and his reply was " if it bothers you, then you pick it up ". As pissed off as i was i kept my cool and pic

ked up his dogs mess and very discreetly followed him to where he lives. Luckily he lives near the alleyway i use to take Mya over the woods. As i walked down the alley way i launched the poo bag towards his house and walked on. 1 hour later on my return, i passed his house and to my amusement the poo bag had splattered on the roof of a gleaming bmw m3 in his drive. . . . still pmsl now lol:doglaugh:


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had to share this someone posted it on facebook

I have been a very naughty boy today, whilst over the park i noticed a man playing with his staffie dog. The dog proceeded to do its business near the childrens playground , and the man ignored it and blatantly walked off. I shouted to him to pick it up as there are kids that play round here and his reply was " if it bothers you, then you pick it up ". As pissed off as i was i kept my cool and pic

ked up his dogs mess and very discreetly followed him to where he lives. Luckily he lives near the alleyway i use to take Mya over the woods. As i walked down the alley way i launched the poo bag towards his house and walked on. 1 hour later on my return, i passed his house and to my amusement the poo bag had splattered on the roof of a gleaming bmw m3 in his drive. . . . still pmsl now lol:doglaugh:


You should bowl for England's Cricket Team then maybe we might win a bit more.

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its not hard at all some people are just plain lazy or they dont see why they should because they class it as disgusting (if they want the dog they should be prepared to pick up after it lol ) personally i always do it i always carry poop bags even when i dont have the dogs with me it annoys me when we have to walk to school we have to go down an alley which is nicknamed dog s**t alley theres no excuse for not picking up the dog poop there poo bins at the entrance to and the exit of it but round here it mainly the little chavs who wont pick it up for fear it will lower there street cred lol x

i do that to my boss burst out laughing the other day at me cuz i emptied my coat pockets and just had a load of poo bags in there

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went on a 7 mile walk yesterday around pitsfore reservior, not one poo bin in sight! no wonder people dont pick it up!

its rediculous theres barely any poo bin's anywhere here either..i take kiz in the woods for an hour everyday if am not in work, my woods split into too...there's 2 poo bins in the entire woods..absolutely rediculous

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My house is three storey so my lounge is on the first floor over looking a grassed treed area. Children play on there, school kids walk across it. So do I and my neighbours. I spotted a chap letting his Akita poo on the grass then just walk away. So shouted out the window at him to pick it up. He just shrugged an claimed it had only had a wee. But I've not seen him walk his dog in our area since lol

And I agree about the tree hanging. Why pick it up then leave it hanging ! The same on a walk in malham. People stuff bags in the dry stone walls!

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