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Help with Caroline and Neptune


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Alright, so now is the time where I know I will be asking plenty of questions and hope everything turns out for the best.

Well at this moment I am worry that they are trying to show who is alpha and who isn't. When they get into their little nagging fights, should I stop it or allow them to finish until one shows the other who is boss? Right now I am stopping it once they start. It is just over sharing that gets those two started. Like Neptune doesn't like when she has a bone, when he already finished the one that I gave him. And Caroline doesn't like the fact that she has to share toys with him, when all Neptune wants to do is play tug-a-war.

So I guess my question is, how do I resolve this with no more fights? Other than that, everything is great!! They both love to cuddle with each other and last night, Neptune even slept right next to her crate last night.

Just open to all advise!

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They are taking a nap next to each other right now, so that has to be some kind of sign that they like each other right? LOL, I think I am going to give them toys a little bit a the time. But I am thinking they get into little fights over showing who is the boss with the toys and bones. So I think Caroline needs to learn that she can't run Neptune around, unless he allows it of course!! LOL Just a matter of time, this is only the first full day of them being together.

Thank you,


Since Caroline was asleep, this is what Neptune decided to do!!


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they're precious :wub:

when we first took Zoey home, her and Embry would get in little growly arguments over bones and toys. I removed all toys from them unless they were alone in their crate for 2 weeks. After that I gave them supervised toy/bone time, and if they started growling toys were moved again. They eventually learned and to this day we've never had a fight.

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what I suggest is to stop the fights right away =\ I won't like it to see Little Caroline "fight" Big Neptune even if Neptune doesn't mean any harm he might unconsciously injure his little sister. There are many other ways to claim the alpha spot I think and if u want Neptune to be alpha u can just feed him first, let him walk out the gates first etc etc

I'm a single-dog owner tho so don't listen to me too much :rolleyes: better listen to those who actually knows the feeling of owning multiple doggies!

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So I think Caroline caught on to Neptune and toys. Neptune likes to tease Caroline with the toys to make her run after him. What a goofball, but it seems to be opening up Caroline a little bit more.

SN: Caroline is doing great with potty training. We only had a couple pee accidents, but no poop inside, thank goodness!! We just found out though, that Neptune's incision (from him getting neutered) is now infected. He is going to the vet today to get some medicine. He is back to being Mr. Conehead again. So lesson learned today, that there will always be a problem that needs fixing, no matter what!! LOL

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If it's not agressivre, leave them to it. One of them will get the hint and move on, or if it does start to get nasty, take the bone/toy away from both of them so neither one can have it, that way, theres nothing to fight about :) Glad her training is going well, I have all that to look foward to again starting saturday too :) Sheldon's just been neutured so he is also a mr cone head, makes me cry of laughter when he smashes into everything because he can't judge the size of the cone, poor little bugger :(

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So we survived a whole week and I thought we wouldn't make it.

Just an update:

Caroline does not do well with crate training in our bedroom at night, so we had to move her downstairs, so we can get a couple hours of sleep at night.

-- Any suggestions that will help with crate training at night? Neptune was a saint for crate training and within 2 months we trusted him enough to allow him to sleep outside the crate. We tried putting something in her crate that smells like us. We tried giving her a bone/kong. We even tried covering her crate with a blanket and nothing helps!

As far as Neptune, his incision got infected, so he has to wear the cone for another 8 days! This infection caused him to lose weight, so vet advised us that we need to increase his food intake. He was getting 3 cups a day, but now he is getting 4 cups. But it is only until his weight gets to where it should be. His next vet visit is on 2/3 and hoping he can make the 40 lb mark. He was at 32 lbs about 4 days ago. But he likes wearing his cone because it is an advantage for him when he is playing with Caroline. He found a way to smoosh her to the ground with it. Quite funny to watch!!

As for as these two together, they are doing well. They graduated to getting to play with toys together. They will get a little growly over bones, but if it gets to bad, I always take it away from them.

Here are some updated pictures!!









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Two dogs and contentious behaviour.

I've almost always had two dogs and seldom get involved in their discussions.

I've had a Lab and a Spaniel - and the spaniel ruled the roost.

I've had a lab and a Sibe - I don't think they ever had a serious disagreement, they got enough rough play time that, I think, they agreed to get along.

Accept that dogs play rough - and Sibes play rougher - I wouldn't stop it unless they're doing damage to the surroundings, they have to learn some control -or- act like they're going to do serious damage to one another.

Serious question, can you tell the difference between "I'm going to get you!" and "I'm seriously going to get you!" ( that's roughly translated from doggish, btw ) As long as it's play, even rough play, let them have at it - it's this play time that really determines dominance, if they don't have that then it will escalate to serious dominance issues - which you really don't want because someone will get hurt.

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Usually I can tell when trouble will start. And it is usually when Neptune gets really aggressive towards Caroline, because Caroline is being aggressive towards him. When they are both snarling their mouths and showing their teeth and then go after each other. That's when I stop it. It is usually over Caroline getting upset that Neptune got her bone and then Neptune doesn't want to give it up. But I know huskies in general play rough. So I leave them be for about 95% of the time.


This is how they normally play. I will have to get a better video to show how Caroline really plays!!

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Just thought I would post an update on these two little rascals!!



They are DRIVING ME INSANE!! LOL jk, but I am close to it!

These two are doing a lot better than they were when we first got Caroline. They know how to share toys and bones. In fact, last night, I saw Caroline grabbing a bone out of Neptune's mouth and Visa Versa and no fights happen. Thank goodness. So that being said, I believe we are now out of the dominate stage! YAY

Also, Neptune incision is no long infected!! He also weighs a whopping 40 pounds. 10 days ago he weighed 32 pounds and the vet advised us that he is under weight. So we increased his food intake, but will now be lowering it, since he doesn't seem like he is starving!!

On another note, I am having problems with crate training and potty training with Miss Caroline. Which is to be expected with such a young pup. But when it comes to crate training, you were to think I am literally killing this pup slowly. I have tried everything by putting a bone in a crate. Turning on the radio. Covering her crate up with a blanket. Adding something of my scent in the crate. Yet all of this, seems to have come to a fail. It finally got to the point where we have to leave her crate downstairs while we are asleep. Because, if she was in our bedroom, we would get no sleep whatsoever, since she does not GIVE UP or IN to sleep!! She plays hard with Neptune for about an hour before we go to bed to, so not excuse for too much energy. Now onto the next subject. Three nights in a row she has been pooping in her crate.

So we are rearranging our routine to this.

Bathroom before bed.

Put her to bed.

Wake up between 12-1 AM to let her out.

Put her back to bed.

Fiaince wakes up to take her out at 430AM

Then I get up, get ready and take her out at 630 AM

Feed her and Neptune around 640 AM

Then allow them to play till I go to work.

However, it seems between 12 - 630AM, she has trouble holding it. I don't know if it is a matter of her learning that she need to hold it. Or maybe she is being stubborn and just wants to go potty where ever.

What am I doing wrong here? Do we need to take her out every hour at night? I just don't know. Neptune was such a breeze when we potty trained him, Caroline is a different story.

I am open to all and any suggestions on potty training and crate training.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well it has almost been a month since I last posted an update about Neptune and Caroline.

I think February has been a great month for us, or at least the last two weeks. Caroline has really developed and strong bond with Neptune. Anywhere Neptune is, she has to be there. It is great to see them develop a bond. We will see how this bond will play out when we start taking her the dog park. I have a feeling that Caroline will be the one standing up for Neptune. Because this little girl knows how to handle her business!! LOL

Neptune turns 8 months this Saturday. I cannot believe fast time flew by with him. He is maybe 45 pounds now.

Caroline is 3 1/2 months and will be 4 months on March 13th. It seems like we have had her for a year and she is a still a puppy!! LOL, but I think this is because she knows how to keep us on our toes!! She goes for her last round of booster shots this Sunday and I will find out what she weighs. I am going to assume that she now weighs around 25 pounds. Our little girl is getting so big!!

Here are so pictures that were taken within the past couple days.










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Caroline went for her vet visit today and weighed in at 25 pounds and she is only 15 weeks. She has one more round of the parvo shot in three weeks and then she will officially be done with her boosters. Seems like it has been forever going through this. But she did great at the vets. In fact, she is great period. That's because she wasn't around her brother Neptune to make her at like a nut case!! She actually acted like a lady!! LOL Here's a picture of her vet visit!!



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I was looking through my photobucket account and saw this picture and couldn't help but caption it!!



Neptune and Caroline are doing good overall. Though, Caroline hasn't been feeling to hot the past couple days. I am thinking between the booster shots and teething, this is whats causing her to be kinda down the past couple days. Other then that, Caroline must have went through a big growth spurt because one minute she was a chunky butt and now she is skin and bones!! She is eating, but not enough. So I am going to go to the store tonight to pick up some wet food to help pack on some pounds!!

As far as Neptune, well he is still be picky on when he eats, but he is eating, just here and there. Do you recommend keeping a husky to a strict eating routine, or does it not matter? What we do is leave food out in the morning until the pups ate it all and will not add more until the evening. Most of the time though, they always have a tendency to just eat in the evening. Does anyone else's husky do this? Maybe mine are just being hard headed and stubborn, who knows!

On Tuesday the 13th of March, we will be taking Caroline to her first dog park outing. Everyone please wish us luck!! We will see how she does. She can be a bit bossy and is not afraid to put someone in their place!! At lease she just does that with Neptune. So hopefully she will be a little calmer at the part. But I cannot wait, so we can get all this energy out of the pups once and for all!! Plus the warm weather is coming up, so it will be easier to take them for longer walks!!

Well I hope you all are having a wonderful day in paradise!! LOL

Take care,


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Hi Nicole, Just saw this post in what's new....just don't get to be on here as much as I'd like to anymore. It sounds like things are going great, and I'm in love with Caroline, and partial to reds...as we have our #1 boy, the big red roo (andy), but we are partial to huskies, period, and also have a b/w. Love the video of yours that won for the month....they really do seem totally normal siblings to me, even though adoptive. We had andy 3 months and then got Jack, and both are around the same age. Took nearly 6 months for them to really bond and figure out who was in charge (Andy is still #1) even with Jessy now, though Jack and Jessy are still fighting for 2nd fiddle. It's really normal for the toy thing to be confusing. We've had to put the bones and toys away because jack and andy will play tug, but jessy loves the toys so much she just collects them. I think it's a girl thing, because our stormy girl used to do the same with our lab. You are doing a great job. I would just let them figure things out for themselves. Most of the time, even when growls happen and teeth are bared, it's more about play. Ours get kind of crazy with each other one minute, and the next they are all three cuddled on the bed. Love watching them grow together. Keep on what ever you are doing, they sound like they are doing great. Not all dogs that live together always are snugglers, and maybe Caroline just wants to be with Neptune instead of her crate. Ours aren't in crates as Andy broke out 4 times and never was naughty in the house. I was lucky to be at home, so when Jack came, I could watch them. Each time we just kept them in our room and closed the door, and eventually they became trustworthy. Jessy and Jack each had an accident the first night, and after that, no more night time pooping. I think it's more about what time they eat. I really enjoy watching your furbabies grow. I have a little girl in my lap who wants me to go lay on the couch with her...(she's singing to me). Take care, husky hugs, :wave::wave::wave::huskyfall:

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As the days go on, the stronger their bond is becoming!! We took Neptune and Caroline to the beach today with Neptune's Malamute friend, Moonshine. Here are so pictures!!













I am glad that they did well today. I was surprise at how well Caroline listen to me. I thought for sure, she would be the one that would jet away from us first. However, since she is so attached to Neptune, she sticks by him. About 95% of the time, Neptune will come back to us, and there for Caroline will come running too!!

A will say this, I may not be able to walk both of them by myself until I invest in a walking belt. I tried walking them both on a splitter. Between them pulling me to be everywhere and close lining me with the leashes, it took me about an hour to get a two mile walk!!

Another side note, Caroline will FINALLY be 4 months on TUESDAY!! You know hat that means?!?!?!? Dog park time!! WOOT WOOT!! LOL, can you tell I am excited. I am looking for them Neptune and Caroline to finally be able to go to the dog park because then we will have some worn out pups, which results in some well behaved pups!!

Well I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

Take Care,


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So for my birthday, I wanted to get professional pictures taken of our little family. Needless to say, it isn't the easiest task with these little ones!! But the photos turned out great!! And the best part was the procedes went to the K-9 Rescue group in our local area!!


SN: Caroline finally went to the dog park last week and she does GREAT!! She is a little skiddish when other dogs come up to her, but she shakes it off and plays well with other dogs. What is nice though is she doesn't mess with the dogs that are trying to make a scene. If you know what I mean. Hopefully next week they will get the point where they feel relaxed and not so bounded up!!

Attached you will find a video of Caroline running around like crazy!!


Here are some other pictures I took of Neptune and Caroline before the professional pictures.






Have a great day everyone!!



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So we FINALLY took a family trip up to Washington D.C. for the first time ever, this past weekend!! We all had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures to share!!


Such a handsome stud!!


Mommy does my nose look big to you??


All set for our trip!!


Driver Check!!


7-11 Jerky is a ritual for a long trip!!


Show off my pretty blue eyes!!


Meet up with some friends!!


Get nice and dirty for the rest of the weekend!


Cuddle with bestest friend is whole wide world!!


Find the muddy spot and apply to coat nice and thick!

The rest of the trip was of my fiance and I going to a hockey game, touring DC, bar hopping, having some laughs and going to the zoo!! Couldn't ask for a better weekend!!

To top it all off, Caroline did wolf down a live bird, when staying at our friends!! So needless to say, she wants to eat more birds!! LOL

Have a great day,


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