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Help with Caroline and Neptune


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brill pics!!! so glad things are on the up for you all :)

how did u do that cartoon style pic - its brilliant

For the cartoon pics I just use Photobucket.com. It is my favorite site ever, besides this site of course!!

Just wanted to give an update...

Today we did a lazy Saturday. Here are two pictures from tonight.


Other than today being a lazy day, decided to give Caroline a bath and clip her nails. Well the bath went fine, but clipping her nails wasn't. She was fussing with me and moved when I went to clip a front paw nail and I ended up cutting the quick. I cut pretty deep. So we have been cleaning it, applying powder. We just now put super glue on her nail and it stopped bleeding. I couldn't find any other way to stop the bleeding any faster. So I have been feeling like a bad mom for making her bleed.

Needless to say, we will now make sure to leave the nail clipping to the professionals.

As for Neptune, I mentioned last week that the vet wants to take X-rays to find out what is wrong with him. He will be getting X-Rays on 4/10. Neptune has been limping since he was 5 1/2 months. We thought it was a pulled muscle. because once he starts walking the limp goes away. It is only bad when he gets up from laying down a lot. The vet believes it could be a growth plate issue. If that is the case, then he will need surgery to fix his limp. Either way, we need to get him all fixed up and healthy.

Sidenote: I have been working on training with the pups and they are doing great. I gotten to the point where I only walk one at a time. It is a lot easier and Neptune loves him some Mommy and him time!! I always carry food with me for him because he is very food driven (It is so funny!!). Every time I walk him it is like the true puppy comes out of him, I LOVE IT!! Every time I stop, he always gets right in front of me and sit and looks at me, wondering where his treat is!! Caroline on the other hand, she knows her commands but she is too excited to pay attention to me because she is on her walk!! She will get to Neptune's level one day.

Well I hope you all are doing great!!

Have a good night/morning/afternoon.

- Nicole



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Wonderful pics! Very glad that Neptune is doing so well with his training. Let us know how things go when he has his x-rays done, please?!

BTW, even "professionals" sometimes "quick" the nails when clipping them, lol! Fortunately, I usually end up doing it when the dog is anesthetized, so it's not a big deal... We usually try to get them as short as possible while the dog is out (usually for surgery, but often for any procedure where anesthesia is used), but sometimes it seems like you're doing fine, and you just take a little more off and you're there! :eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to give everyone an update with Neptune's limp. Unfortunately, Neptune did not want to do the xrays. The Vet and nurses were unable to keep him still long enough in order to get an xray. Good thing though, she did say that when she was applying pressure and pulling and pushing on his legs, that she couldn't feel or see anything out of the ordinary. But what she did do, was send us home with a bottle of rimadyl (whole week supply) & that he NEEDS to be on bed rest for a whole two weeks!! Our goal is to hope the medicine will get inflammation to go down and heal whatever is bother him. After two weeks and he does his normal activities and he is still limping then he will need xrays for sure. Which means that only way we can get xrays is if we sedate him :-(. They wanted to sedate him for yesterday's appointment, but I couldn't afford it. I am hoping this will help!!

I also heard that puppies will limp due to their bones not being the same length. Which makes sense to me. Neptune still limps, but he isn't limping as bad as he was when he was 5 1/2 months old. He is now 9 months old. The vet told us that here in about two weeks he will be going through another large growth spurt!! Which I hope because he is only 42 pounds, and I believe that puts him on the small end of the stick for male huskies!! But either way weight doesn't matter because he is an amazing dog!!

As for Caroline she is doing good. She still likes to push our buttons, but lets admit, what female doesn't!! LOL Caroline will be 5 months on April 13th. I cannot believe how fast time flew by!! She weighs a whopping 30 pounds and almost as tall as Neptune!! So needless to say, we know who is going to be the bigger husky here!! Caroline figured out a new trick. That is how to open up our bedroom door!! She is so obsessed with having to be around Neptune 24/7!! When I go to walk Neptune in the morning she will go upstairs, open our door, get on our bed and stare out the window where she can see him. And she will stay there until we get back from our walk!! What is really funny is now when I go to walk Caroline, Neptune will go upstairs and go to the window and look for Caroline. It is like a game now for them!!

Also, another thing that they like to do is go to their crates in the morning after I am done walking them. That's because they know that's when I give them their ritual chicken jerky. But they haven't got the hint that they still have time to play with each other. So I set up their crate, they go in, I give them their jerky and then I am stuck doing nothing. So I end up going to work a half hour early!!

I love these two puppies so much. Even though they may stress me out and push my buttons and make me yell, they are the best dogs ever!!

Here is an updated picture of them enjoying a beautiful spring day in Virginia, USA


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But what she did do, was send us home with a bottle of rimadyl (whole week supply)

be very cautious with Rimadyl Nicole.. Two members have reported bad experience with that med. We don't want you to be third one :( google everything first.. after reading two scary stories about possible rimadyl side effects the name of that med alone freak me out x_x

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just another friendly update!!

Neptune was suppose to be on bed rest for a whole week while taking remedyl. Well he did just fine with that. But then we took him to the dog park on Friday and saw that the limp came back. :-( Needless to say, he will have to be sedated in order to get x-rays done on his front right leg. :-( But I will say this, that the limp is only slightly noticeable and he only limps after he has been laying for a while and gets up. So I am hoping that it is nothing too serious!!

Caroline, on the other hand, has been sick this whole entire weekend!! I felt so bad for her not feeling well. We took her to the vet last Wednesday and they diagnosed her with seasonal allergies. So needless to say, we have had her on Dog Allergy medication that is suppose to help with the itching. Ever since she started that medicine, she has been having diarrhea. This weekend it turned into explosive diarrhea. Then Sunday, she threw up. We have come to the conclusion that we are not going to give her the allergy medicine just yet. We were thinking that if the itching is bothering her so much, then we will give her Zyrtec over the counter allergy medicine. She seemed to be feeling better this morning. I gave her some anti-diarrhea medicine this morning along with a little bowl of rice and a little bit of her dog food. We will see if she eats it.

I hate having sick puppies, I feel so helpless sometimes. But I know sometimes that they can have a bug and it will past in time. I am just hoping that she does not have parvo. But she has not been acting like she does!!

Sorry to keep going on like this, but just wanted to give you guys an update on my two little runts!!





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I LOVE these pictures they are great, you have lovely huskies but for this forum that is not enough.:P

But thanks for sharing these pictures, I really like them.

Thank you, I have like a million more I can post. I love taking pictures of these two nut cakes!! They can be so funny and I love their personalities together.

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Neptune went to the vet yesterday to get his x-rays done and come to find out he has no bone problems, YAY. But the downer is, we still don't know why he limps. I was thinking from the beginning it was a muscle issue. And I ask the vet yesterday and she agreed. So we have him on these tablets that will help rebuild his muscle around his joints. She did suggest to try minimum exercise possible until he grows out of his puppy stage. That will be hard. So I told my fiance that he will at least get a 30 minute walk/jog a day and one hour of dog park time on the weekend. I rather have a well behaved puppy than one that wants to destroy our house because he is bored!! Even though I spent a lot of money on the x-rays I was glad to hear that he doesn't have a serious bone issue!!

Update on Caroline, she is feeling a lot better than she was this past weekend! I put her back on the allergy medicine, but decided to give her one a day. Not four, like the vet was suggesting!! If she goes back to having an upset stomach, then we will get over the counter allergy medicine.

Overall, we have happy and healthy puppies now and that is all that matters!!

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I LOVE these pictures they are great, you have lovely huskies but for this forum that is not enough.:P

But thanks for sharing these pictures, I really like them.

Please proof read before you hit post reply . When I read this message it sounded like you were saying that having lovely huskies was not enough for this forum. That is untrue. We do know that she has these huskies and they are in fact hers. And they are more than lovely!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!! We have had two very busy weeks and glad that things are starting to slow down. Thought I give you all a heads up on these two crazy nut cakes!!

Neptune has been doing great after he got his x-rays done. He was put on supplements, called Rejuvenate. He has been to the dog park about 5 times a within the week and haven't been limping has bad as he was before!! He is so happy to be at the dog park again. However, a problem has come up!! Since the heat is getting so bad here, Neptune and Caroline will chill by the water section and keep their feet in the buckets of water. I am fine with that, but what I am not fine with, is him guarding the water bowl. He doesn't care if Caroline comes up to get a drink, but if another dog comes around, his happy trail goes up, he snarls his teeth and starts growling. I have been pinning him down and telling him settle if I see him doing this. I know in time he will get out of this stage. But it is just upsetting to see him do this, because this behavior is not him!!

So needless to say, we have came up with another solution for them. We got them their first kiddie pool!! Best $35 we have ever spent on them. Here are some pictures of them playing in the pool!!

Learning to hold my breath!!


Go Swimming with Daddy... Or Not!!


Dive into pool!!


Knowing this is the best thing ever to do on a hot sunny day!!


Seriously Mom, you're addicted to taking pictures of us by now... LET US PLAY!!


I feel something coming out of that hose and I am going to get it!!




This is my pool and no body is allowed in it, except for Neptune of course!!


I found a squeaky toy!!


I am going to getcha little fishy!!


Top it all off I was able to get video of these two playing!! They haven't learned to wrestle in the pool just yet!!


On top of that, I wanted to show off before and after pictures of Neptune and Caroline. I haven't realized how much they have grown until Caroline went through her growth spurt...

Neptune at 3 Months old


Neptune now at 10 months old


Caroline at 2 1/2 Months Old


Caroline now at 5 1/2 Months Old


Hope yall are having a good one.

Edited by Pupelvr
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well a lot has happened since the last time I posted on here. The day after I posted my last post, Caroline got into trouble. She has been going through issues when we go to walk Neptune and she is not with us. Well my fiance went to go walk Neptune and 5 minutes later, he came back to see our plant all over downstairs and the roots were upstairs. SO needless to say she created a big big mess and he was not happy about it!! He called the vet the day after to get her schedule to get fixed!! She was fixed last Tuesday!! She is making a quick recover. Also, within the past week I have seen her grow such a strong bond. I believe she finally realized that I am here to help her and not make her life horrible. Also, I started taking Neptune and Caroline on longer walks and I know she is enjoying that!!

After she got fixed, I believe she got a lot smarter!! The day after we got her fixed we had to run out to check out a place and we were gone for an hour in a half. She was in her wire crate for an hour. We have extra locks that go onto the door. Well we came back and saw she got out. She open the front area of the crate up. So needless to say, we got zip ties for the crate. She hasn't gotten out yet. But we are putting her in the plastic crate instead. What is funny though, when she did get out, she did not destroy anything!!

Everyone is saying that Caroline is destructive and always destroying everything. But this is not true. I don't see Caroline being destructive. She just goes crazy when Neptune is not around. I need to know how to fix this before it gets worse. But until then I will be taking her with us for the mean time!!

Any ideas to help her to calm down while I take Neptune on a walk and not her?

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  • 2 months later...

It has been forever since I have been on here, but I thought I would give an update!!

First and for most, we took Caroline to the Oceanfront in Virginia Beach, VA, USA and she had a blast. I wanted to share a video of her playing in the ocean!!

On July 3rd, we were able to celebrate his very first birthday. Everyday my fiance and I are so thankful to having him in our lives. We are grateful that he over came Parvo when we first got him!! We couldn't have asked for a better male dog, then him!!

Here is a picture of him celebrating his B-day!!


As far as Caroline, she is still keeping us on our toes. But she is realizing that we love her so much. I think in the beginning, she was putting up walls because she didn't know how she felt about us. Granted we had some bad days, but they are being seen as the past and we are moving onto the future. Caroline is realizing that she does not always have to be around Neptune now. At the dog park she is starting to play with other dogs and plays awesome with them!! She came up with a new game for herself as well. At the dog park, you will ALWAYS find her in the water bucket!! So I guess she got tired of just standing in the water bucket and decided to put a ball in there. So we will dig in the water bucket to try and get the ball out and once it gets out, she will put it right back in. Most times, I will take the ball, throw it, and she goes to get it and puts it right back in the water bucket. Any body elses husky do this?? She is so smart!!

Her is a picture of what is looks like now!


Neptune is officially 45 pounds and Caroline is around 38 pounds. They may not seem like much, but together they can easily pull us without a problem. Grateful that they only get that way when they know they are going to the dog park!! :-)

Well that is all, I hope everyone else is doing great. Time to catch up!


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