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For those of you that have mixes

Gideon Cross

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What traits have you noticed they inherited from the breeds that make them up. I noticed that my two shepherd husky mixes had a combnation of both husky and GSD personalities. they are not as aloof as the GSD but not as friendly as huskies. meaniing that when they see strangers they bark and alert us but when there is someone we know visiting that they never met, they are friendlier to those people since they know they are friends of the family.

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Tao barks at strangers like a German Shepherd but he is more like an Husky in all his other habits, digging holes digging water out of the water bowl etc. His mother was a pure Sibe and his father a pure bred GS........Ron



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Qilaq is a Husky X Malamute, she does show traits of both, though i think she seems more husky like.

She can be aloof, yet friendly. she's a digger. can be headstrong at times. can have selective hearing when it comes to recall, but very rarely when it matters. can be VERY energetic and need lots of mental stimulation. Can be very noisy and "needy." When i say needy, i just mean that alot of the time she needs to be doing something constantly. Although i suppose alot of this can be said of Mals. The only strong malamute trait i think she possesses, at times; is being REEEEALLY chilled out. Around the house, when she is chilling out, she is really really chilled out. Around other dogs, such as at the husky meets we've been to - she is so relaxed for about 95% of the time. Just ask Marc - he commented on it at the last meet we were at. lol

As for which breed she looks most like, well - decide for yourselves.





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She looks more like a mal. Eventhough huskies and mals look alot alike to the point that people confuse then a mal has a broader face where as a huskies is slimmer. I posted these pics in another thread but I'll post them here. these are my 2 mixes Lucky and Celinemeandthepack008.jpg


Lucky as a puppy


Celine as a puppy


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Kiska is a GSD x husky and I would say she behaves more like a GSD; she barks at strangers until she's gotten to know them, especially men - for no particular reason, she's never had a bad experience with men, her breeder was a man and she grew up with my dad and all of my male friends that come round all the time. She has excellent recall and although she likes so chase rabbits and squirrels she doesn't 'go deaf' when she does and will stop dead and come running back if I blow the whistle. She doesn't really dig holes, doesn't howl or make a lot of noise, she's very attached to me and protective (she body blocks most strange dogs from coming near me if I try to fuss them :rolleyes:), she isn't incredibly destructive, though she did go through a chewy stage when she was teething. Annoyingly too she doesn't really like to run. I take her on about an hours walk every day and she spends most of her time running about, but when I try to take her out on the bike she's got no interest in keeping up any speed and if I try to take her out for more than one walk a day when we get to the field she just sticks by my side with a look on her face like "Why are we out again?? I want to go home!!" :P She does play like a husky though, she loves a good wrestle and she 'talks' when she's excited or frustrated too :D

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Scout is half-GSD half-husky, and I really think I ended up with the best of both worlds (mostly)! and he definitely looks half and half.

GSD attributes:

Super obedient :yahoo:

Barks to alert of strangers

Loyal to his family - definitely has a preference for his people above any others

Wants to be near me/doesn't stray far

Does the 1000-yard Stare of Eternal Patience

Husky attributes:

Super friendly


Loves to dig :confused:

Loves to chew (though I think any dog can be like that)

Does better in the cold

Prone to separation anxiety/destructive when anxious or bored


Perfect example of the two different personalities: GSD 1000-yard Stare of Eternal Patience vs. husky "OMG we stopped. Why are we stopped?!!"


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Diamond is a GSD x Husky also! She's just the greatest puppy ever :) She had a rough start to life with a non-qualified husky home, but is thriving today. She is 100% a people pleaser, whenever we have people come over she HAS to be in the center of attention! The only down side of the mix is being white and blue-eyed she ended up being deaf from birth.



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I have to admit. When I joined this site, I wasn't expecting to see so many people with the same mixed breed I have. i think that is pretty cool. :)

Yeah, it seems to be a pretty common mix. I didn't realize there were so many GSD crosses on here either! Like HuskyMom09 I got Scout because especially as a pup he was difficult on account of the husky tendencies and just not everyone is suited to dealing with that. Being even part husky satisfies the requirement for a Husky Support Group - they definitely aren't like most other breeds of dogs, that's for sure!

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The mixes mother, my husky was the second dog, I bought after I moved here. The first, was a rottie. I bought the rottie cause it was a tough dog and I had a good experience with a rottie, as a kid, and thought it was the same as owning a GSD. I had problems with that rottie since day 1, When I bought him from a pet shop. The dog got sick on me the first week, I brought him home ,and his temperment wasn't that great. When he was an adult, I had fed him a piece of cooking ham, and started petting him as he ate. He then turned around and bit me on my arm giving me 10 stitches. I know it's not the dog's fault. I'm sure he came from a puppy mill or an irreseponsible BYB since I bought him in a pet shop. The thing is my dad was telling me to send him to the shelter, and I refused. I felt that if I got rid of the dog I would make sure he went to a good home with someone better equipped than me to deal with him. My dad met this guy that he was doing business with, to sell some land to our pastor. He mentioned he needed a good guard dog to guard his property, since someone was stealing his chickens. My dad told me and I decided to give the rottie to him. suffice to say he is very happy in his new home. I bought the husky before I gave him away, since I always wanted one, but this time I started doing some research on huskies before I bought one. since then, researching dogs has been a hobby of mine. Since I was a kid, all the dogs I ever had were from friends that bred them. That was my first time getting one from a petshop and the last. never again.

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What traits have you noticed they inherited from the breeds that make them up. I noticed that my two shepherd husky mixes had a combnation of both husky and GSD personalities. they are not as aloof as the GSD but not as friendly as huskies. meaniing that when they see strangers they bark and alert us but when there is someone we know visiting that they never met, they are friendlier to those people since they know they are friends of the family.

my Storm missed the memo pmsl.

Hes over friendly, not bothered if people enter his home as long as they fuss him.


however I would not change him for the world, he is my light of my life. :heartbeat:



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Gizmo is a mix! :)



Craves attention

Thinks he's top dog

Always funny


Constant barker!



Picky eater



Big head! lol


easily provoked

Burrows in to pillows and behind people to keep warm

Not a dog i'd choose to buy but he's a right little character :)


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I don't know if Suka's a mix or not...but he has some traits that aren't normally found in Sibes... besides the obvious physical ones.

- Doesn't like the cold.

- Doesn't like the snow or it falling on him. He yelps as if its burning him...

- Doesn't dig, though maybe that's just cause he was trained very well.

- Is very quiet - only woos at you when he wants something, or when there's somebody at the door he'll RARELY howl in short bursts.

- Sedentary, though that may be because his old age.

- Is mostly loose-leash throughout the whole walk...except when he 'jerks' to pee on something.

And things that I've noticed that does prove he's a Sibe (or atleast part Sibe)...besides the physical ones...

- He's an escape artist.

- Loves everyone.

- Poor recall...can't be trusted off-lead.

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Not 100% sure what Sheldon is :/ Most say Huskamute, some say full husky, some just wonder...


Whatever he is, he's definitely barks alot! He has major seperation anxiety, is very obient (not like a husky, lol) never wants to be far away from me, quite shy/nerous around other dogs and he loooovves to sleep (lazy bugger)


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Not 100% sure what Sheldon is :/ Most say Huskamute, some say full husky, some just wonder...


Whatever he is, he's definitely barks alot! He has major seperation anxiety, is very obient (not like a husky, lol) never wants to be far away from me, quite shy/nerous around other dogs and he loooovves to sleep (lazy bugger)

looks full husky to me

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He just stands out from most others I think, I've not seen one like him at a meet and he's completely different to all my friends, I know they are all different but I think he stands out like a sore thumb. :/ But then again, I think he's far to small to be a Huskamute

he is way too small to be one. Hes an unusually marked husky thats all

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