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stubborn crate training


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ok so i have a very stubborn boy. he will walk in and out of the crate to get his toys or go in there when he thinks hes in trouble but come time to actually be kenneled omg. 1 min after being in the crate and the others are in theirs too, he starts the crying and howling. i ignore him before and after the crate to try not to reinforce it.

the other day i had people over doing work on the house upstairs and the crates are downstairs and for 3 straight hours he did nothing but howl and bark. i have even tried a 3 mile walk/run on the tredmill before putting him in thinking he just had to much energy. but every single time its the same thing. i make sure there are always toys and chews if they are locked up and no luck.

anyone else have a stubborn husky?

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stubborn huskies!

I'd go back to basics, 30 seconds in the crate, if no noise, let him out and praise, then a min in - repeat. build up to 5 mins - repeat adding a few mins on every time - take a while but persistence and patients pays off x

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Hah I know exactly what you are going through! How old is your husky? I got mine around 7-8weeks and started crate training immediately and let me tell you it is NOT pleasant in anyway. My boy did the exact same thing but trust me your dog WILL get used to it. Just dont leave him in there for more than a couple hours at a time depending on age of course. Dogs respond to repetition and routine and eventually he will learn that the crate is HIS place and that you WILL come back to let him out. It may take a week, it may take 2 months but do NOT give up. I dont care what anyone says crate training is essential. I am so happy I did it and I have so many people tell me that they wished they crate trained their dogs at a young age. It will make both your lives easier in the long run. I know how discouraging it is and how cruel it seems. I even had the SPCA called by my neighbours because of the horrifying sounds they were hearing and when I explained I had an 8 week old husky who was being crate trained the SPCA workers were immediately understanding. Now my boy loves his crate. No dog wants to be locked in for any great period of time but he knows if he just snuggles in and has a nap he'll be out in no time. Also one crucial thing is to NEVER let your dog out when hes making a fuss. No matter how long it takes wait until hes quiet.

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I dont think letting the pup cry it out is the way to go (please don't take offense VanIslandSibe). Both of my pups have been trained using the exact same method and the longest my neighbour has heard them cry at any point in time is 30 mins when the little one still suffered from SA with Teeko (she didn't care when we left! Lol!) You want the crate to be a positive environment for your boy...not just a place he has a nap in because he knows there is no other option. My 2 love their crates and, now Teeko is no longer crated, they will often both hop into the same crate when I start preparing to leave. Keeta whizzes into hers as soon as I say 'bedtime' on a night and curls up happily!

It will probably be better to start all over again as if he were a brand new dog. Instead of closing the crate door....try putting his water bowl in there for a week (if you can cope without him crated for a week that is....i dont know if that is feasible). Then give him his meals in the crate. And theeeennn....restart crate training. Door closed, instantly open. Door closed...step away for a few seconds...then open....on and on, building time and distance until he can be in his crate for 30 mins without a fuss.

Let us know how its going! There'll be lots more with more experience and extra advice!

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I totally agree. I didn't mean to sound so insensitive. It should be a positive experience. And whenever possible the dog should be eased into the crate. Play fetch into the crate. Hide little surprises in there so they associate the crate with happy things. And definitely try it with the door closes for small amounts of time. But I know in my circumstances with work and obligations the dog eventually will have to be left for a longer amount of time without someone being there. And it is going to want out. I didn't mean the dog should be left in indefinitely until it learns. I just mean if you are going to let it out, make sure it settles down for a minute so it doesn't think that screaming will get itself let out. Also I find if you come running when the dog is crying it will feel like it is being "rescued" from the crate. I try to get the dog to settle down and focus on something other than getting out of the crate. Then casually let the dog out so it doesn't seem so dramatic. And if you are still potty training then it is important that everytime you let dog out of the crate you immediately take it outside. It has to know that it will get to go to the bathroom when it gets let out. That way it will be more motivated to "hold it". I found letting the dog sleep in the crate is a great way to get it to feel comfortable. The first week I got Kojee I would spend half the night sleeping on the hardwood floor next to the crate so he would feel comfortable in it. Eventually I could sleep in my bed. And then eventually I could leave the room. Everyone will have their methods. All dogs are different and everyones schedules are different but I found routine is the best way for the dog to learn to feel safe.

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I totally agree. I didn't mean to sound so insensitive. It should be a positive experience. And whenever possible the dog should be eased into the crate. Play fetch into the crate. Hide little surprises in there so they associate the crate with happy things. And definitely try it with the door closes for small amounts of time. But I know in my circumstances with work and obligations the dog eventually will have to be left for a longer amount of time without someone being there. And it is going to want out. I didn't mean the dog should be left in indefinitely until it learns. I just mean if you are going to let it out, make sure it settles down for a minute so it doesn't think that screaming will get itself let out. Also I find if you come running when the dog is crying it will feel like it is being "rescued" from the crate. I try to get the dog to settle down and focus on something other than getting out of the crate. Then casually let the dog out so it doesn't seem so dramatic. And if you are still potty training then it is important that everytime you let dog out of the crate you immediately take it outside. It has to know that it will get to go to the bathroom when it gets let out. That way it will be more motivated to "hold it". I found letting the dog sleep in the crate is a great way to get it to feel comfortable. The first week I got Kojee I would spend half the night sleeping on the hardwood floor next to the crate so he would feel comfortable in it. Eventually I could sleep in my bed. And then eventually I could leave the room. Everyone will have their methods. All dogs are different and everyones schedules are different but I found routine is the best way for the dog to learn to feel safe.

Definitely agree that dogs love routine! I swear ours have OCD! At one point. The big lad wouldnt settle to bed until both myself and the OH had said goodnight...and he had to have the right cuddly toy! The little one....cries if one of her blankets is missing (she has 3!).

Like the idea of games in the crate. You could play hide the treat!

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I'm in the same boat. He does the same things but sometimes I think he actually likes it. Then I shut the door and he starts to whine. Nimbus is 1yr and a half, I take him out on very long bike rides and then try to train him afterwards. Luckily I've been able to be with him since I got him which was about when he was 6 months old. So I skipped out on the crate training and am trying now. Eventually I would want to just let him be in the house while I'm gone. I've got about two months that I can afford to crate train him and stay at home. He does fine in the back of my 4runner, but I would really love for him to just stay at home. I've tried before but my roommates did not like the fuss he made when I was training him so I just gave up. Now I'm moving into a house with my girlfriend and we are going to try to train him to stay home. He is a great dog listens to me most of the time, an escape artist but always comes back home when he does manage to escape or he mainly just stays in our block away from cars. He made me chase him once around the block when I first got him and crossed the street and ran into a car, luckily the car didn't not run into him. After that incident he just runs around the block but never on the streets. Anyways, keep me posted with the training and I will as well. we can help each other out. As for the husky experts let us know how to keep a husky in a crate or to stay at home and not be so crazy. thanks :wolf:

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One of mine has been a nightmare. It has taken 3 months really for him. But he did have some 'extreme problems' and some SA. Now I am please to say its 99% gone apart from if he thinks he might be missing out on something lol. Just stick with it, believe me it will get better :)

Orion and Shila both have this issue too, the whole "We're missing something!" thing.

Both my dogs are good with the crates though if I take one outside even to go potty there's a fuss. My previous x-large crate was broken the first couple of weeks I had Shila home and last week Orion broke it more and got out, meaning a whole new crate. He's settled back down now though and I'm working on them staying in their crate, even if they have to potty, until I release them. I can, as of this morning, say they both stay in their crates until I release them when they can't even see me and I'm at the back door. :) I'm a proud momma right now for that. After a few days of this, I'm going to progress to them having their doors open and me moving around doing stuff and them not out of the crate until released.

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Orion and Shila both have this issue too, the whole "We're missing something!" thing.

Both my dogs are good with the crates though if I take one outside even to go potty there's a fuss. My previous x-large crate was broken the first couple of weeks I had Shila home and last week Orion broke it more and got out, meaning a whole new crate. He's settled back down now though and I'm working on them staying in their crate, even if they have to potty, until I release them. I can, as of this morning, say they both stay in their crates until I release them when they can't even see me and I'm at the back door. :) I'm a proud momma right now for that. After a few days of this, I'm going to progress to them having their doors open and me moving around doing stuff and them not out of the crate until released.

yeah, mine hate being seperated. Ive been doing it more to get them walking on their own occasionally.

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I don't crate-train mine so don't listen to me too much :rolleyes: but from what I've read, crate training certainly takes longer than you think. When did you start crate-training your boy? Maybe it's just that he needs more time :) his age would affect his crate training progress, too.

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yeah, mine hate being seperated. Ive been doing it more to get them walking on their own occasionally.

Yeah, I'm going to work with walking and taking them out longer on their own, though once I get my belt I want to have both of them on it with me. I need to take video, too, of them waiting in their kennels and then breaking from them. Awesome to see them both do it at the same time.

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ok so i have a very stubborn boy. he will walk in and out of the crate to get his toys or go in there when he thinks hes in trouble but come time to actually be kenneled omg. 1 min after being in the crate and the others are in theirs too, he starts the crying and howling. i ignore him before and after the crate to try not to reinforce it.

the other day i had people over doing work on the house upstairs and the crates are downstairs and for 3 straight hours he did nothing but howl and bark. i have even tried a 3 mile walk/run on the tredmill before putting him in thinking he just had to much energy. but every single time its the same thing. i make sure there are always toys and chews if they are locked up and no luck.

anyone else have a stubborn husky?

I am going through the same stage with you!! So I feel your pain. I did everything by the books. By adding something of my scent in the crate. Putting a blanket over the crate. Giving her bones and toys in the crate. Have the radio on. Yet all this, seems to not help AT ALL!! So I am lost right now. We have been crate training her for two weeks, so i am hoping in time, she will get used it.

How old is your pup by the way? Mine is going on 11 weeks and where she came from, she had a big outdoor facility that she could roam around in. So I think it is a big adjustment for her to get used it. But I am going to read up more on help her to get adjusted.

I hope things get easier for you!

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