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The only tricks Mika knows pat down are "paw" and "which one." Which one is where ill show him a treat and close it in a hand and then ask him which one. Most times he ll paw at the hand the treats in. Sometimes he ll get too excited and just jump on me lol

He's known paw since he was 3-4 months. I just taught him which one at 10 months.

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Bings i started teaching tricks at 3 years old (thats when we got him) he knows : paw , 2 paws, other paw , left and right (paws) sit , down , play dead , twirl, kisses hug and big hug (i cant think if he knows anything else lol)

Blaze i have been trying to train since we got him at 7 weeks n 3 days old - but he is a stubborn dog so only knows : sit, sit up , down, hug, paw , other paw and kisses

Skyla i have been training since we got her at 14 weeks old - she knows : sit , down , sit up , hug , big hug , twirl, bow , kisses , paw

ETA: she also knows watch me and leave it , and im currently teaching touch

the book 101 dog tricks by kyra sundance is a brilliant book for teaching tricks as it gives u a step by step guide and pictures to go with it

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We have ours since he was 8 weeks old and we started teaching him stuff as soon as we got him. He knows: sit, lie down, stay, play dead, bow, roll over, paw, both paws, the other paw, crawl and... :cheerleader: closing doors on command. This one took me ages to teach in fact, but I am so proud of my boy. This always impresses guests lol. :D

I am now planning to teach him to bark on command and fetch items. I want him to know some useful commands, I sure enjoy teaching him funny tricks, but why not teach him something helpful. I actually got the idea with closing the door because one day I was in bed, the balcony door was open and it was getting cold, so I had to get out of bed and close the door... but I realised I have a dog. He can do that for me!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

How do you guys teach play dead and twirl. My mishka is 9 months and she knows, sit, lay down, paw, other paw, both paws, touch (with nose). She has forgotten roll over, newly learned is leave it (with a treat on her paw) until I snap my fingers. She sometimes goes for it to soon tho. Still working on stay. And he comes when she wants to haha.


I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.034637,-72.761215

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Ryn does sit, leave it, touch (touches my hand with her nose), give loves (I get a kiss), shake, and on occassion roll over. She also understands gee, haw, on by, hike, line out and other similar commands. I use these on walks and have since I brought her home. Not only do they come in handy while running them, they are great for walks and even in the home when you need them to move in a specific direction.

To teach touch, all I did was put my hand out and say the command. At first I would state the command and then touch her nose with my hand, then treat her. It took her only a few minutes to figure out what I wanted.

Begin teaching what you want her to do as early as you can. I usually work with Ryn just a few minutes at a time and we always stop on a positive note. Never extend the training past the point that their attention waives and never end on a failed attempt - stopping the training before they lose interest or before they fail is the most important, IMO.

The book Nixy suggested is excellent. We have it too.

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Maisy- Sit, paw, laydown for fun tricks which we taught as soon as we got her. Wait, Stay, leave it and back for helpful tricks again as soon as we got her. She was an only dog so it was easier

Gizmo- Sit, Paw, laydown (but he gets confused and tries to do all 3 at the same time if he's excited lol) Wait, Stay, leave it and back for helpful tricks. Tried teaching all as soon as we got him (about 10weeks) but he doesnt have the same attention span Maizy does so its taken a bit longer

Diesel- Sit, paw (left paw), other paw (right paw), laydown (But he'll only do it if theres something in it for him lol) Wait, leave it and back for helpful tricks and we're working on stay atm. Working on serious tricks more than fun tricks atm. But will be getting the book Nix suggested :) Have been teaching him most of the serious tricks since we got him so from 10weeks.

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Suka knows...



Down (lie down)

"Ninja!" (Crawl)

Come (though its not reliable. Only with food...)


"Shake-the-other-paw" (beg)


"Off" (get off something)

"On" (get on something)

"Jump" (jump on something)

"Go" or "Let's Go" (start moving)

"Go get __" (go get <familiar person's name>)

"Mat" (go to your mat)

"Bed" (go upstairs to go to bed)

"C'mon!" (go faster!)

"Oi!" or "EH!" (stop that or No!)

and there's other words he recognizes...like "food", "squirrel", "cat", "dog", "Do you wanna...", "Walk", "Outside", "Treat", etc, etc...

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These are all the commands that my two understand...They don't do them 100% of the time but I'm happy with them :)

Smokey (Husky) ~1yr



come here

play dead

roll over


shake (like he's shaking off water)


high five



go (as in you're free to run off leash)


other paw

take it

leave it

drop it

go around (if his leash gets caught around a pole or bush)

get busy (when he needs to poop. this just helps him hurry up...i have a video if you don't believe me :)


Zeeva (GSD) ~6-7mo




roll over

come here

go (as in you're free to run off leash)

shee shee (when she needs to go pee. this just helps her hurry up...)


high five

stay with me (for about 5 minutes right now on our walks. i guess it's like heel.)

take it

leave it

drop it

Am a proud parent! :))))

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You can begin training with a puppy really whenever you want, you just have to make sure you keep training short and sweet to build up the dogs attention span.

Usually i just do training sessions of 10-15 mins.

Honey is too much of a goofball with her brain injury, she has sit, lay down, wait for food. But that's about it.

Osh has a few tricks, as well as some behaviours for work which can be classed as tricks i suppose.

She does -




Leave it - still working on her sniffing things at times

Up - to release from a down stay


Right paw, left paw

She sits on her butt and waves her front legs

Leg weaves

Stands up against me while i spin around - this is for doggy dancing



Back up

Lay under - for going under chairs/tables

Touch - touches hand or my leg using her nose

We're working on Jump through and cross paws

Her work skills are coming along -

Turns on/off light

Gets my medication bag - working on this, she isn't keen on picking things up so much

Alerts to anxiety

Alerts to me being in a mood - she then uses a grounding behaviour

Finds store exit with an Out command.

And lastly we're working on her doing some sound alerts, for her to recognise an alarm for me to wake up or do meds.


This trainer has great videos on tricks


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I would love to teach my mishka (9mo) gee, haw, hike, heal. I try to use then whenever I take her biking an roller blading, but don't see any progress. Any tips?


I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=42.034661,-72.761302

Best time to do it is when out on walks - give the command whn you make a turn - it may take a few days / week depending on how often you can get out and do the training x

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