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Another husky ?


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I recently got a Siberian Husky ( he was born on Nov 9) and I am now the happiest man in the universe! Anyways my girlfriend lives with me and although she loves our Balto, she wants a little female husky pup as well. Luckily we found a breeder near us and we found the perfect little little girl :) That being said..I heard one husky is already a handfull so would 2 be chaos? Keep in mind that as of right now (Feb 6) Balto is 1 day from being 13 weeks and our little girl would be 6 weeks. We will be visiting our breeder this coming Sunday to check everything out. So again I would love for some feedback. Should we get this cutie or shouldn't we?

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I would urge the breeder to keep the puppies until at least 8 weeks old, it's really important for their development. As well as some states it's actually illegal to sell a puppy before 8 weeks old. 2 puppies can be a handful and it's usually best to wait until one is more of an adult so that they aren't positively reinforcing their naughty behavior with each other.

Just be sure you're really ready for a Husky, let alone 2! When they're puppies they're super cute but they grow up and can be quite a PITA! lol!

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I would urge the breeder to keep the puppies until at least 8 weeks old, it's really important for their development. As well as some states it's actually illegal to sell a puppy before 8 weeks old. 2 puppies can be a handful and it's usually best to wait until one is more of an adult so that they aren't positively reinforcing their naughty behavior with each other.

Just be sure you're really ready for a Husky, let alone 2! When they're puppies they're super cute but they grow up and can be quite a PITA! lol!

First off thankyou for your post :) and yes that's what we both are thinking. But I've been reading that 2 huskies are better than one. They will tire themselves out and will actually be better behaved.lol yea "better behaved" anyways one thing I do know if we do have two huskies ... We will have a nice coat of fur on our floor for weeks :'(

I would urge the breeder to keep the puppies until at least 8 weeks old, it's really important for their development. As well as some states it's actually illegal to sell a puppy before 8 weeks old. 2 puppies can be a handful and it's usually best to wait until one is more of an adult so that they aren't positively reinforcing their naughty behavior with each other.

Just be sure you're really ready for a Husky, let alone 2! When they're puppies they're super cute but they grow up and can be quite a PITA! lol!

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First off thankyou for your post :) and yes that's what we both are thinking. But I've been reading that 2 huskies are better than one. They will tire themselves out and will actually be better behaved.lol yea "better behaved" anyways one thing I do know if we do have two huskies ... We will have a nice coat of fur on our floor for weeks :'([/quote

By the way we were only going to see the puppies. The breeder will not let us take her him until the 26th of this month :)

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In my experience, two is definitely better than one, and I am sure my huskies would agree :) But I also agree with what Kristina says, they are a handful, especially as far as training is concerned. We got our little girl when Ozzy was just over five months old and he wasn't fully trained yet, and Micah at four months old (a re-home) wasn't fully trained either. They are now just over two years old and it has been 'interesting'. One of the main issues we had was them jumping up against people - we still have lapses at times, but it has been a long hard battle.

If I can give you any advice, it would be to be very certain that you can handle the training of two huskies, keeping in mind that what the one does, the other will do too, and being huskies, this is amplified :rolleyes: You will need to be very firm from day one - consistency is the key to their training, and you and your girlfriend will need to be on the same page.

Also, it is a good idea to get them used to being separated from each other for short periods of time - we found that at such a young age they grow very attached to each other, and my two would go ballistic if separated. Socializing with other dogs is also very important.

Now that they are adults and I look back, I don't think I would have changed anything, but I have been on the forum since I got Ozzy and received a lot of help with training and helping them. So whatever you decide, we are here if you need us.

Good luck with whatever decision you make, a life with huskies is a life worth living :)

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I agree, although through experience with others that have multiple Husky's that I've asked about on this same issue-you see, I also posed that same question-and like you, thought that 2 would be better because they would entertain each other, keep each other company, and tire each other out causing less destruction culmitavely. Most that have 2 or more would not trade that experience for the world ;) I, like RoseMary, have trouble with ours jumping up on people, but we have only one and its trouble, so one is challenging but patience is the key whether you have one or more-just try and be very patient-it will be rewarded in kind-go for it if you are committed!

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Our two are brothers, bought from the same litter.....never again..

if i could i would get one at a time as we found training them was a tad harder than previous experience.

if one of them doesnt want to do something you've asked them to do the other tends to think about it and then stick with his brother, but then sometimes its the other way round one wont want to but because his brother is he will.

then theres the other side, we are at work they keep eachother company and have an amazing bond, i suppose like most brothers and sisters they are some what in seperatable.

its not a small decision....try not to let your heart rule your head as its quite easy to go home with the whole litter :)

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I can't imagine having more than one Siberian puppy at one time, a Siberian and an Aussie puppy were hard enough. I'm glad I waited until my first Siberian was almost 2 years until I brought the next Siberian puppy into my home. I had one rock solid trained dog to help guide the puppy to the expectations which made almost every aspect of training that much easier.

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two puppies at home? :eek: sounds like you're a brave person LOL btw I think 6 weeks is 2 weeks too early for the puppy to come home... IMO you should urge the breeder to keep your little girl with her mommy and litter mates until she's 2 months old :)

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we have 3 dogs - two are huskies - imo 2 huskies ARE better then one HOWEVER i would NEVER have 2 puppies that young - my staffy x was 6 years old before we got our first sibe pup - he was then around 16 months old when we got our 2nd sibe pup - i prefer to wait till a dog is where i want them to be with training etc before getting another so they dont grow up with bad habbits that they learn off each other

if u do get ur girl - wait till she is 8 weeks old minimum - and rememeber to take them out on their own and do one on one training so they dont bond together so closely as u might need to seperate them for some reasons - vets etc and u dont want them to get seperation anxeity from each other and not listen to you aswell

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Again thanks for all the feed back. It seems that I forgot to mention that we are going to only VISIT our possible future sibe. We can take her home on the 26th of this month. I will be paying our breeder $600 if we do decide to get her. She would be worth every penny :) I will be posting up pictures of my boy soon. I also forgot to mention that I had already trained Balto to sit, come, laydown, and handshake by the time he was 9 weeks. Yes it only took him a week to understand those commands and just a few more days to master them. I was having trouble teaching him stay, heel, loose leash walking and others so I enrolled him into a 6 week program at petsmart :) and yes I will do the same with the female puppy if we do decide to get her.

Ok so far I have read that :

-2 puppies are indeed better that 1

-2 huskies are a handful but if I'm patient I can succeed.

-don't ever get 2 puppies from the same litter ( check) lol

I have taken all this in consideration and so far there are more pros than cons :) which makes me very happy and my girlfriend saying I told you so ;) I know with 2 huskies comes great responsibilities. I still have a few more questions.

-is having a male husky puppy and a female husky puppy, being weeks apart a good idea?

-Will the girl learn a lot more quickly knowing Balto is ahead by weeks?

-how many licks does it take to get to center of a tootsie pop?

-should we have her spayed? Him neutered?

Please respond. Except for the 3rd question lol


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- so long as ur careful if ur girl comes into season i wouldnt worry - however like i said having two young puppies from the same litter or not WILL b hard work

- they all learn at their own pace - my male is really hard to train however my girl (who is a year n 3 months younger) is a quicker learner

- i would get them both spayed/neutered when old enough

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While 2 Huskies is definitely more fun, and can be easier... I wouldn't say that 2 puppies at once is easier. If anything I think it's more difficult.

You would need to get at least one of them altered once they reach maturity... That's also a not nice thing to have to deal with having 2 at once at such close ages.

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Ozzy is about 5 weeks older than Micah and I had them spayed and neutered at the same time - at about six months old, not many people agree with having it done so early, but it is the 'norm' in South Africa. Having an accidental pregnancy was my worst fear :(

I would actually say that Ozzy learns a lot from watching Micah, even though she is younger, but that does not mean he will do as he is told. His aversion to following the rules has never had a negative effect on Micah.

Is it a good idea? Only you can answer that one :) I have never regretted it, but I am at home with them 24/7, so maybe that makes a difference, I don't know.

We don't have tootsie pops here, but if you send me one, I will test it for you :angel:

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Hi and WavingWelcome.gif!

I would definitely have them spayed and neutered before she comes in season, if you get her! An intact male around a bitch in season can be a nightmare... They will often chew (or try to) through, pull apart, or climb over or under any barrier you put between them and the object of their "affection"! They can be quite noisy as they serenade her - never seeming to require sleep, even to the point where you think that they MUST lose their voice at some time. Many times they will be so wound up and upset that they won't eat for an entire week.

It's never a good idea for a Siberian under the age of 2 to reproduce, which is about the age that they are mature... For the girls, it's like a teenager having a baby - only multiplied by 4 or more! Additionally, there are several genetic diseases that are common in Siberians; eye diseases can often be detected by around a year of age, but hips can't be certified as normal until they reach 2 years old. If you have any intention of breeding, I would commit to having these tests done before breeding, and if you don't have any intention of breeding, it is FAR easier to live with spayed/neutered dogs than it is when they're intact! Puppies are a lot of work, and can be very, very expensive, especially if a c-section is required on an emergency basis (and most usually are)!

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We got Maya (female) at 8 weeks old and when she was 16 weeks, we got Togo (Togo) who was 8 weeks old, so there is only 8 weeks difference in their age and it was definatly a fun first few weeks hahaha... We had literally just got Maya going through the night without needing the toilet and had about 2 weeks maybe of more than 4 hours sleep (in one go) and then we got Togo and we had started again with the getting up every 2-3 hours to let him go to the toilet, to avoid accidents in the house etc... But that is only the start of it...

I would not change anything in having them both so early, but they do form a strong bond with each other and trying to seperate them was a bit of a nightmare to begin with (now that Maya is nearly 10mths old and Togo is nearly 8mths, it is a little easier and they have less Seperation Anxiety from each other) But on the positive side, when me and the OH had to be out of the house at the same time, they had each other for company...

One thing i did find though is that when one discovers something that can be chewed, the other is quick to join in, hence why my coffe tabble now has 4 rounded corners from being chewed off haha, and you never quite know who has done what haha

When the bitch comes into season though, you will have to keep a very close eye on them, as this was when they were never allowed to be alone together in the same room, not even for a second.. and be Wary that they can still mate through a crate as well, so I had kept them both in entirely different rooms when i went out (it was doing this which curing a bit of their SA as they got used to being apart, but knew eventually they would be together again)...

I would advise getting some new toys, so your pup doesnt feel like he is having to share his toys with this new little intruder into his home

Having two kind of slowed Maya's trainging down a little bit, as they distract each other and dont necessarily rely on you so much as they would do if you only had one... Maya wasnt interested in 'playing' as much as she was when she was on her ow because she had a play mate, and althugh they still like to play with me, they know they can play with each other, so maybe not concetrated as much as they needed too... For instance, on a walk... IF one pulls, the other immediatly pulled as well trying to make sure they wernt 'left behind' etc

Overall though, i would not change anything, and once they are a little older, i will be looking into getting a third, most likely a rescue, but i want to try get through their teenage years first...

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Again thanks for all the feed back. It seems that I forgot to mention that we are going to only VISIT our possible future sibe. We can take her home on the 26th of this month. I will be paying our breeder $600 if we do decide to get her. She would be worth every penny :) I will be posting up pictures of my boy soon. I also forgot to mention that I had already trained Balto to sit, come, laydown, and handshake by the time he was 9 weeks. Yes it only took him a week to understand those commands and just a few more days to master them. I was having trouble teaching him stay, heel, loose leash walking and others so I enrolled him into a 6 week program at petsmart :) and yes I will do the same with the female puppy if we do decide to get her.

Ok so far I have read that :

-2 puppies are indeed better that 1

-2 huskies are a handful but if I'm patient I can succeed.

-don't ever get 2 puppies from the same litter ( check) lol

I have taken all this in consideration and so far there are more pros than cons :) which makes me very happy and my girlfriend saying I told you so ;) I know with 2 huskies comes great responsibilities. I still have a few more questions.

-is having a male husky puppy and a female husky puppy, being weeks apart a good idea?

-Will the girl learn a lot more quickly knowing Balto is ahead by weeks?

-how many licks does it take to get to center of a tootsie pop?

-should we have her spayed? Him neutered?

Please respond. Except for the 3rd question lol


I would say that two puppies at the same time, are not better than one puppy. It is more difficult to train two at a time, and the one thing that you risk with two puppies at the same time, is that they bond to each other more so than to their humans, making training even more difficult. Not saying don't get the second puppy, because from your posts, I can tell you really want to get the second puppy. I'm just saying be prepared.

From what I've been told by all the females in my life, girls are smarter than boys, and they learn more quickly without regard to any age of boy. Now, how that filters down to dogs? A few weeks separation in age, most likely won't be an issue.

As far as spaying and neutering go, I would highly recommend that you have both taken care of.

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What a handsome boy he is :) and I'm not the best person to advise as I would have a house full of huskies pups or older it wouldn't matter... only the OH stands in the way ... two huskies are deffo better than one but more is even better :D

Thankyou ! :) yes he's growing very fast. He is still the smallest out of his siblings. I guess we got the runt out of the litter :)) he still kicks his bothers butt lol ( my girlfriend's uncle bought one of the brothers)

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2 are better then one and I plan on getting another one but not until summer :D but I dont know about getting puppies together. It will be hard to tain bad habits out of them if both of them are doing it. I would defilitly get them fixed, female first would be the better choice or both at the same time :P Gigi said everything else I would have said and more

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