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so angry i'm shaking!

Tams Teeko and Keeta

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I'm fuming...livid....spitting blood type angry with my 2! So embarrassed on our walk today when Teeko decided to pick up a piece of plastic and growl at me when I asked for it. Everytime I got close to him giving me it calmly, Keeta decided to leap in and jump on his head. In the end he ate a sizeable piece of this rubbery plastic and I have no idea what it was.

Then they decide to fight on the end of the lead. I was so angry I had to close my eyes and let them get on with it while I counted to 10. Sorted them out...sat them down and they walked home perfectly.....him clearly knowing he was in trouble.

Then he's outside and has gone down to the gate. Needed to bring him in as the OH's friend is on his way. Pitch black...can't see what he's upto so walk towards him, saying his name and generally chatting and the little (insert several expletives here) as the nerve to resource guard whatever piece of crap he now has and growl at me.

Admittedly I roared...and told him to get in the house...so he ran circles on the grass. Then keeta gets out and they wind each other up. 5 mins later finally get her in the house and he runs and spins and barks at me....its too dark to see if he's playing or being nasty (more likely play knowing teeko). Finally get him to sit and calmly take hold of his collar and walk him in nicely but so angry with him that I ama ctually shaking like a f.@#ing leaf.

He's so good and then once in a blue moon I get this crap. I can hand on heart say I think its partly due to the fact my OH would constantly go over me and tell Teeko off if he was misbehaving even if it was towards me (this has caused many an argument) and I still think sometimes he thinks its okay to ignore me.

But right now....i'm fuming! I won't tolerate any level of agression...out of character or not.

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I'd be mad too if mine acted aggressive to me. I've had Siku running around the backyard with something dead in her mouth a few times with me yelling and screaming after her (after trying to trick her to come in with lots of treats. I can only be so patient! lol).

Also remember if you think one of your two has eaten something bad and it's not caustic (burn on the way back up) then you can give them a little hydrogen peroxide. Siku ate what I thought was a piece of rope (turned out it was a squirrel tail) and I was afraid it would cause a blockage and made her throw it up.

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hope he calms down soon - has he been chopped? it might not help but blaze was the same VERY growly towards us if we told him to do something - so we got himdone and he hasnt done it since

Yeh he's done. We had to do a lot of work with him on resorce guarding when he was young and he is honestly excellent now but once in a blue moon...he seems to forget and he'll growl. He never snaps, give him his dues, he never does snap. He just does a low growl and occassionally will curl his lip.

I don't think the pelting round the garden was agression but its so dark out there it was hard to tell and I was so angry it wasn't helping.

To be fair...once keeta was inside he came over and sat down first time asked...then darted away...but second time asked he sat and waited and I brought him in.

I just wont have it and was so hugely angry....thought if I had a vent i'd calm down lol! Anger doesnt help...he just picks up on it. He's spent the last 40 mins looking up at me sheepishly and laying on my feet.

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oh dear ..... sounds like the little darling is pushing the boundaries & seeing what he can get away with, but you did the right thing, you calmed yourself down, waited for him to chill then brought him in - just keep reminding him who is boss & keep on top of the resource guarding, :(

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oh dear ..... sounds like the little darling is pushing the boundaries & seeing what he can get away with, but you did the right thing, you calmed yourself down, waited for him to chill then brought him in - just keep reminding him who is boss & keep on top of the resource guarding, :(

Will do. Its the one thing that I am determined will not once again rear its ugly head. Its rare (i think I should give him more credit lol! But I do have very high expectations),

My getting angry was the wrong reaction, this I know, and it being dark doesn't help (still nooo idea what he was guarding). But he wont get away with it, don't worry.

I do trust him and don't think twice about wrestling the pair of them and leaping in mid play to join in, safe in the knowledge I wont get bitten. But......growling at me...aint gonna be tolerated.

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I'm fuming...livid....spitting blood type angry with my 2! So embarrassed on our walk today when Teeko decided to pick up a piece of plastic and growl at me when I asked for it. Everytime I got close to him giving me it calmly, Keeta decided to leap in and jump on his head. In the end he ate a sizeable piece of this rubbery plastic and I have no idea what it was.

Then they decide to fight on the end of the lead. I was so angry I had to close my eyes and let them get on with it while I counted to 10. Sorted them out...sat them down and they walked home perfectly.....him clearly knowing he was in trouble.

Then he's outside and has gone down to the gate. Needed to bring him in as the OH's friend is on his way. Pitch black...can't see what he's upto so walk towards him, saying his name and generally chatting and the little (insert several expletives here) as the nerve to resource guard whatever piece of crap he now has and growl at me.

Admittedly I roared...and told him to get in the house...so he ran circles on the grass. Then keeta gets out and they wind each other up. 5 mins later finally get her in the house and he runs and spins and barks at me....its too dark to see if he's playing or being nasty (more likely play knowing teeko). Finally get him to sit and calmly take hold of his collar and walk him in nicely but so angry with him that I ama ctually shaking like a f.@#ing leaf.

He's so good and then once in a blue moon I get this crap. I can hand on heart say I think its partly due to the fact my OH would constantly go over me and tell Teeko off if he was misbehaving even if it was towards me (this has caused many an argument) and I still think sometimes he thinks its okay to ignore me.

But right now....i'm fuming! I won't tolerate any level of agression...out of character or not.

AWWWWW!, I soooooooo empathise with you!!! My Kira is a lovable, cuddly, kissable, biddable (bitch) almost most of the time. BUT, she has times when she tries to bite me or eat her lead, like when she 's not ready to go home, or when she's grabbed food I don't want her to have (E.G. gum/chips etc.. off the pavement or fieldmice in the hedgerows. (yes, I know she's doing what comes natural, but it still frightens me, & sometimes it's just because she wants her own way!!!) Having 2 huskies must double the risks of this kind of behaviour....

However, I learned very quickly that she must have only 1 master/mistress, and my husband & I decided that that would be me, as I spend the longest time with her each day.

Now he tells everyone that she's my dog, not his. She jumps up at him, sometimes trying to bite him, but she rarely tries that on with me, and she obeys me more quickly when I command her to get down from him or visitors. Persevere, work out a plan with your other half - then stick to it. Over time it will pay dividends. :wave1:Good luck, let me know how you get on.....

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AWWWWW!, I soooooooo empathise with you!!! My Kira is a lovable, cuddly, kissable, biddable (bitch) almost most of the time. BUT, she has times when she tries to bite me or eat her lead, like when she 's not ready to go home, or when she's grabbed food I don't want her to have (E.G. gum/chips etc.. off the pavement or fieldmice in the hedgerows. (yes, I know she's doing what comes natural, but it still frightens me, & sometimes it's just because she wants her own way!!!) Having 2 huskies must double the risks of this kind of behaviour....

However, I learned very quickly that she must have only 1 master/mistress, and my husband & I decided that that would be me, as I spend the longest time with her each day.

Now he tells everyone that she's my dog, not his. She jumps up at him, sometimes trying to bite him, but she rarely tries that on with me, and she obeys me more quickly when I command her to get down from him or visitors. Persevere, work out a plan with your other half - then stick to it. Over time it will pay dividends. :wave1:Good luck, let me know how you get on.....

Bless, that spounds tough. Honestly...he obeys us both. We both have different ways with him and when we're both together, my OH is under strict instruction to let me deal with him if he is misbehaving towards/with me and vice versa. Seems to work. Its just this one blinkin thing! We'll get there. He is a million times better than he was 6 months ago thats for sure.

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Well done for realising small errors you made though - in the heat of the moment we often act before thinking x

hope you calm things down :) x

We've kissed and made up lol. I came up to bed and he followed then sat quietly on the end of the bed for ages. He doesn't usually like the bed coz he gets too hot so I think its safe to say we've forgiven each other. :-)

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oh dear, my Storm is exactly the same occasionally.

Every now and then he will act like a total idiot!

almost always out on lead.

He trys to play with angel on lead and they end up making me resemble a human maypole!!

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oh dear, my Storm is exactly the same occasionally.

Every now and then he will act like a total idiot!

almost always out on lead.

He trys to play with angel on lead and they end up making me resemble a human maypole!!

Lol! So glad its not just me. Its so infuriating. They're always little gits when you could really do without. I had a huge headache...verging on migraine...which didn't help and the I got the whole 'shall I come with you next time speech' from the OH so felt like he was implying I couldn't handle them coz I got so wound up. But...they are so loving the rest of the time that they just have to be forgiven!

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I totally understand, when you know how good they are an then they act like a knob lol. At least you can rant here and people understand where you're coming from :)

We took Togo to a fair in the summer. There was a dog show on and a lot of not only huskies about but many other breeds. He was such a tit I turned round and brought him home. I could have killed him lol

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Everything that could go wrong went wrong last night....lol

started when i needed them to sit while i picked up kaidens number 2...while struggling to keep their attention (dog in the distance) i managed to pick the poo up with my hand rather than the bag...glad i was wearing gloves....thing is while i was trying to put it into another bag we went round the corner and they both bolted....(9metre lead) the lead was slowly unwinding itself from my arm and they was dragging me towards another dog...because of the snow i couldnt anchor myself...so i proceeded to drop on my ass to stop them....luckily it worked.

i have never been so embarrassed or angry as they have been really good recently....but whenever they see another dog they just HAVE to get to them....it must be a dog thing....trying to push the boundaries...they knew they was in trouble and always do...i love them again this morning...but defo didnt last night.

my heart goes out to you as i know where your coming from....lol x x

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They do tend to pull our strings at times. Even the Princess Ryn can be a turd. When she does, I tell her - "Quit acting like a labrador!" and she settles down. She will even turn and laugh if I tell her that she needs more husky friends to emulate rather than acting like the neighbor's GSD!

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