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Why the Siberian?


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1. I have loved Huskies since I was a kid. For their beauty, intelligence, fun personalities and the amazing ability to pull a sled for hours on end. I'm also fascinated with the sport of mushing. I studied and researched the breed off and on for many years. I finally decided to actually get one when we bought a house that had a very large fenced in yard.

2. We got our first Husky, Elke, in 1993. She passed in June 2008. Just 3 months shy of 15 yrs. We then got Zoya in Sept. 2008. Eisa joined us in April 2011.

3. First 2, Elke & Zoya, as 8 week old pups. Eisa was a rescue from a local shelter.

Thank you so much for doing a rescue. Husky Hugs for what you did

Husky Lovers in Vermont

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog? Always loved wolves, and they have that look-I know its cliche, but they are both highly intelligent and represent "true wild" and a nature spirit untamed full of life and vigor, however, I would attest that to me, they look far better than a wolf. Don't know if I'm predisposed to prejudice because I'm so in love with them, but they represent pureness, vitality, love, compassion, innocent mischievousness, and live life to the fullest today attitude and what a joyful nature and spirit they have-I just:heartbeat: love them! :heartbeat: Now as I ponder this question, its a perfect match-me, a Scandinavian (

wife calls me a Yeti because I love the cold-always ran AC in winter here because it wasn't cold enough for me-that stopped when she move in :D) and a Siberian-both of us Northern Breeds:p !

2) What year did you get your Siberian? I got my first back in 1997 and my ex-wife took her away when we got divorced-felt like I lost a child :( didn't do my research too well with her, but I've been handling dogs since I was a teen and never have gone without one, so I thought I'd always be ready. Our current boy, Czar Demon Dragunov has been with us since he was 8 weeks old, got him from a breeder 45 min away. Felt kinda bad for not rescuing, but I've rescued Australian Cattle Dogs for about 23 years and THIS TIME, after thoroughly doing my legwork on researching this marvelous breed, I wanted to get a pup(this is my wife's first Husky-and first Dog! She always has been a cat person) To answer the second question, we got both as pups at different times, one in 1997 and Czar Demon in Jan 29th, 2011

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue? As a pup. We are the rescuing kind, and would rescue one when we are ready for another. Right now, we have lots of rescue cats who are indoor/outdoor (in at night, out during the day) as we live in the woods and they love it! Rescued them from Hurricane Ike when we went through that. Sorry for being too long:rolleyes: I'm very passionate about Sibes and rescues

Thank you so much for doing rescues. It is people like you that make our animal world a better place.

Husky Lovers in Vermont

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What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

My favourite animals in the world have always been the Siberian Tiger and Siberian Wolf :)

When I stopped work I spent months on the internet just looking at pictures of dogs and cats and watched any animal related programs on TV. Then one day I came across a website that said huskies are usually a pretty good breed for someone with allergies/asthma. That was it - I started looking and then persuaded my husband, and then my doctor that we should a least try it. I found Ozzy :heartbeat: and he stole my heart, a few months later we got our precious Micah :heartbeat:

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

2009 - a few months apart

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

Ozzy was an accidental pregnancy (supposedly) :( Father registered, and mother was a rescue

Micah was a re-home at four months old :(

They make my life complete :yahoo: I cannot imagine my life without them :)

We want to thank you so much for believing in a rescue dog. Husky Hugs to you!

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1. She was in a rescue center I was volunteering at and she was so friendly, happy & bouncy I fell in love. I went home, found this forum, did a shedload of research & weighed up the pros & cons and then the following weekend I took my partner to meet her. We weren't specifically looking for a husky cross, it was her nature & personality that won our hearts.

2. July 2011

3. She's a rescue. Husky cross Labrador who was given up by a couple in their 70's, their reason? She got too big & bouncy!

Thank you for putting another dog into their Fur-ever home and Husky hugs to you!

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One: I have always been passionate about animals. Of every kind. Growing up- instead of watching saturday morning cartoons, I was watching animal planet ER vets and such! :) The Siberian had always been one of my favorite breeds. Im a fan of bigger dogs. Well During my first marriage We obtained two beautiful huskies. A Male and a female. They were stolen out of our backyard a year later. Two years before the divorce. I swore Id never replace them with another husky. 6 years down the road, I missed them like crazy. My Fiance' bought Grimm from a breeder in TN. [We had tried through rescues- but they wouldnt adopt to military families] Grimm is my love.

Two: 2011 :) He was 14 weeks.

Three: From a breeder in TN. I know I may get backlash for that, but Ill admit it. Reason being no rescues would adopt to a military family. Which- I understand why, but at the same time not all military households are irresponsible and ignorant. Grimm has been from TN to CA, Drove across the country with me to FL, flown to Mardid- and driven here to where we are in Spain now. He has been on 3 flights... It isnt cheap- but that in itself should prove enough we would never leave him behind. Tyrant is the hubby's dog- and he has traveled equally as much. They are our babies. :)


We are so sorry to hear about your first two Siberians, how heart breaking. Your world must have come to an end that day they were stolen. Husky Hugs to you!

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1. Husband wanted one.

2. January 2008

3. I call Wyatt a rescue. My husband found him on a kijiji-type site as "free to good home." We arrived to find a 6 year-old husky with frostbitten ears whose ribs you could count through his ragged winter coat. I still didn't want him, but I couldn't leave him there after I saw him.

Thank you so much for opening your heart and your home! Husky hugs to you Ravenwolf

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1) I have always loved huskies. I don't know why, I don't even know that anyone told me about this breed. Might sound odd and irrational, but the word "siberian husky" just popped up to my head and I have always wanted to own one since then O_O

2) Last year. Diamond is still counted as my new dog :)

3) Rescued at 13 months old

Husky Hugs for doing a rescue.

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

Always had staffs but wanted a sib since i was a lil girl, i love wolve and they are the close, their friendy and full of energy, i love that they have mood swings lol they argue back and they know what

they want an by god they will tell me.

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

As soon as we got our own house i asked hubby can i please have my sib now, he never wanted a dog so i told him if you don't let me have my sib i'll get a handbag dog whilst your at work, so in i

2008 he took me to get Odin.

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

Odin at 7 week old.

Loki a rescue at 21/2 years old.

Thor a rescue on death row, never wanted a 3rd but could not allow him to die, he was 3 years old and is so laied back.

4) would you have more?

Hell yes.

sorry had to add the last one lol

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

Always had staffs but wanted a sib since i was a lil girl, i love wolve and they are the close, their friendy and full of energy, i love that they have mood swings lol they argue back and they know what

they want an by god they will tell me.

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

As soon as we got our own house i asked hubby can i please have my sib now, he never wanted a dog so i told him if you don't let me have my sib i'll get a handbag dog whilst your at work, so in i

2008 he took me to get Odin.

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

Odin at 7 week old.

Loki a rescue at 21/2 years old.

Thor a rescue on death row, never wanted a 3rd but could not allow him to die, he was 3 years old and is so laied back.

4) would you have more?

Hell yes.

sorry had to add the last one lol

Thank you from our hearts to your doggie home for doing a rescue and loving one of the best breeds there is! And thank you for adding #4. Husky Hugs!!!

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what made me want to get a husky:

iv always thought they wre beautiful animals, but growing up around small dogs ie, yorkshire terriers i never wanted a 'big' dog. last year we were at the stage that i thought we could have a dog. i didnt want a puppy, didnt feel i had the skills and didnt believe in myself enough to be able to have one. after walking around the local dog shelter i decided i would re home an older one.

we visited a lot of different dog breeds over the weeks leading to getting keisha, non seemed 'right' for us though. my bf spotted an ad for a female husky 18 months old online. so we rang up and asked if we could come see her. when we arrived i thought she was stunning but i wasnt sure, she was jumpy and hyper and my youngest was scared of her.

i asked the owner if we could go home and think about it. so back at home i started researching and came across husky owners. after reading lots of posts and posting myself


i decided to go back and get her. its the best decision iv ever made and i thank all of you for helping me make that decision :grouphug:

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

I had no choice. My husband wanted one. I wanted a chocolate labrador. He said no husky no dog. :(

However it was mw who pushed for the second.

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

Storm was born 6th July 2010. We collected him 25th August 2010. (he is a cross but never mind lol)

We got angel on the 24th of July 2011. we know she was born in October 2009 but dont know the date.

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

both. Storm as a pup and Angel as a rescue.

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

I had no choice. My husband wanted one. I wanted a chocolate labrador. He said no husky no dog. :(

However it was mw who pushed for the second.

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

Storm was born 6th July 2010. We collected him 25th August 2010. (he is a cross but never mind lol)

We got angel on the 24th of July 2011. we know she was born in October 2009 but dont know the date.

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

both. Storm as a pup and Angel as a rescue.

My sister has a chocolate lab and her daughter has the brother also an amazing family pet! so loveable but nothing like the Siberian. They are so much more alert, in tune, strong willed, stubborn, clever, wolfish and we see very little of this in my sisters or in my nieces chocolate labs but they are still loveable (Kaluha, and Hunter) Thank you so much from our hearts to your home for rescuing. Husky Hugs to everyone in your pack. Thanks again

Husky Lovers in Vermont

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My Stormy girl chose my son at a pet store adoption. Knew nothing about huskies, and she was a shepherd/husky mix, but now that I know more, she was far more husky. So the husky chose us, which is usually how it works. After we lost Stormy, I thought I couldn't do it again, but then I also lost a job and was home alone and figured I would foster. Found Andy about a week later, and two weeks later, we were complete foster failures. One, led to two, then to three!

I think it was about 1997 with Stormy, Andy and Jack were 2010, and Jessy 2011.

All our huskies are rescues, Stormy girl was just 9 months old, and she was a stray, Andy (6) was from a rescue, had been in impound for eating a cat, was adopted and returned because he does not like to be confined, Jack (6) from a rescue after animal control picked him up...he was tied to a tree in a front yard in Minneapolis, that was his entire life, Jessy was an owner surrender that could not keep her due to their change in living arrangements...she was tied out to a shed with a pinch collar, my little 38 lb. imp was in a pinch collar which she regularly broke out of the chain and escaped, even the two days before we were picking her up she escaped, and she was 2 in September.

More? Of course. The age difference is large enough that once the boys are gone Jessy will not be able to be alone, so we will plan accordingly. They keep us young and moving!!!


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1. Huskies have always been a dog that I found to be beautiful and energetic and I have always wanted one when I was little so I researched the breed for about 10 years so I knw all about them and decided it was the perfect dog for me

2. Got Tanna in 2010

3. Tanna was a rescue . She was beaten,starved and near enough bald when I got her but now she is in amazing health :)

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My Stormy girl chose my son at a pet store adoption. Knew nothing about huskies, and she was a shepherd/husky mix, but now that I know more, she was far more husky. So the husky chose us, which is usually how it works. After we lost Stormy, I thought I couldn't do it again, but then I also lost a job and was home alone and figured I would foster. Found Andy about a week later, and two weeks later, we were complete foster failures. One, led to two, then to three!

I think it was about 1997 with Stormy, Andy and Jack were 2010, and Jessy 2011.

All our huskies are rescues, Stormy girl was just 9 months old, and she was a stray, Andy (6) was from a rescue, had been in impound for eating a cat, was adopted and returned because he does not like to be confined, Jack (6) from a rescue after animal control picked him up...he was tied to a tree in a front yard in Minneapolis, that was his entire life, Jessy was an owner surrender that could not keep her due to their change in living arrangements...she was tied out to a shed with a pinch collar, my little 38 lb. imp was in a pinch collar which she regularly broke out of the chain and escaped, even the two days before we were picking her up she escaped, and she was 2 in September.

More? Of course. The age difference is large enough that once the boys are gone Jessy will not be able to be alone, so we will plan accordingly. They keep us young and moving!!!


Husky Hugs to you for all the rescues of your Furry Fur-iends!

Husky Lovers in Vermont

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My sister has a chocolate lab and her daughter has the brother also an amazing family pet! so loveable but nothing like the Siberian. They are so much more alert, in tune, strong willed, stubborn, clever, wolfish and we see very little of this in my sisters or in my nieces chocolate labs but they are still loveable (Kaluha, and Hunter) Thank you so much from our hearts to your home for rescuing. Husky Hugs to everyone in your pack. Thanks again

Husky Lovers in Vermont

you see now, I could never imagine having a boring old lab!


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1. Always wanted one since I was little for some reason. Maybe the gorgeous look of the dog. Years later I began to do more research and decided tht it was time to beg my parents to let me get a dog lol oh and their goofy human personalities!

2. I got mika in may 2011

3. I got him when we was a puppy at 8 weeks. Returned him to my breeder a week later cuz I was overwhelmed since it was my first dog and the brought back a week after that cuz I couldn't live with myself. That one week with him was enough to create a

Bond with to last forever!

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

Our first husky was a rescue in 1981 only because she was cute. We fell in love with the breed and have been husky specific ever since.

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

1981, 1997 and 2012

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

1st (Shasta) and 3rd (Ahna) were rescues but under a year old. The second (Kenai-my avatar) was a pup and she was purchased at 8-10 weeks.

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

I've always wanted a husky for as long as i can remember!

Needed a dog that would help me with my confidence issues, the 2 ideas joined up pretty well! lol

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

Got Diesel in 2011 :)

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

As a tiny pup :)

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

Our first husky was a rescue in 1981 only because she was cute. We fell in love with the breed and have been husky specific ever since.

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

1981, 1997 and 2012

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

1st (Shasta) and 3rd (Ahna) were rescues but under a year old. The second (Kenai-my avatar) was a pup and she was purchased at 8-10 weeks.

From a rescue to the love of the breed and then another rescue, how wonderful. Thank you and we have a new thread called "puppy to Rescue" We are on our our way to becoming the only Vermont Siberian Rescue. Thank you for your info.

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

I've always wanted a husky for as long as i can remember!

Needed a dog that would help me with my confidence issues, the 2 ideas joined up pretty well! lol

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

Got Diesel in 2011 :)

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

As a tiny pup :)

Who couldn't resist a Siberian pup. But oh, what we are in for as they head for that yearling age and then waiting for that slightly mellowness to set in! But how we love them. It takes a very special person to own this beautiful breed!

Husky Lovers in Vermont

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1) What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

I've always been drawn to Huskies, but was never in a postition to have one until recently. I love them for their chorizema and the sheer power that they display. Their majestic appearance over shadows any other breeds, in my opinion. The fact that they talk rather than bark is another quality that stands out over others. I find that Huskies are eager to please while maintaining their need to be independent. Their hearty build and their plush double-layered coat adds substance to such a beautiful animal. I could just keep on going, but don’t want to take up too much time…

2) What year did you get your Siberian?

Macy picked us in August of 2011

3) Did you get your Siberian as a Pup or a Rescue?

Received Macy as a pup (7 weeks old)

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1. What made you choose the Siberian Husky as your choice of dog?

As a child I read the Jack London novels - "Call of the Wild" and "White Fang" and always fantasised about having my own team of huskies to pull me around the frozen north (living in Slough at the time this was quite a stretch of the imagination).

When I met Terry in 1993, we discovered that we were both dog lovers and she bought me Merlin (Benbeau's Ontario for Dreamcatcher) as a wedding present.

2. What year did you get your Siberian?

We got Merlin, our first husky, as a baby puppy in 1994

3. Did you get your Siberian as a pup or rescue?

We wanted him to show and race so we bought a pedigree pup from a good breeder. (Mind you in those days there were very few huskies around and it would have been even harder to find a rescue than a pup from a good breeder. Not like that today unfortunately!)


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Who couldn't resist a Siberian pup. But oh, what we are in for as they head for that yearling age and then waiting for that slightly mellowness to set in! But how we love them. It takes a very special person to own this beautiful breed!

Husky Lovers in Vermont

Exactly! Who can resist, until they turn into little furry monsters! Lol! Love my fluffy devil boy lol

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