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Shock Collars


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i disagree with them.... you shouldnt need to cause shock or whatever to your dog :( its not nice, i've been told i should try one on my girl cause she barks at every little thing and it should teach her not too but i wont do that too her, i wouldnt want it doing to me so wouldnt do it to my dog... also heard somewhere that they have caused burns on some dogs due to been used too much use :(

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i can see how they could be useful to fine tune behaviours at long distances, like gundogs for example, but I dont think they should be sold to the public, you should only be able to get one via a certified dog trained after extensive training on how to properly use it. Would I use one? No because I dont know how to use it safely and correctly

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Strongly disagree. They're designed to cause pain, or at the very least such a negative feeling that the dog will want to stop what it's doing. I would compare it to smacking your dog. There would be a whole list of - BETTER - alternative solutions to create or modify each behaviour a person chooses to use a shock collar on. There is never a reason to use a shock collar other than "It's easier" which basically equates to "I can't be bothered to put more effort into my dog's training, I'll pick the easy route".

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Disagree, and for the same reasons they quit using electroshock therapy on mental patients. Other methods, more loving and humane-why not tase someone in the neck like a family member who's human when they do something that annoys you, too? Because to those we love, we don't intentionally and willfully hurt or injure-my input ;)

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I don't use them but I do have a story.

A friend of mine put in an invisible fence for his lab. He knows this wasn't the best way to do this but he had the fence put in and had to go to work the next day so he decided to put the collar on the dog that morning and left for work. Evidently the dog got to know the system pretty well because when he got home the dog was sitting exactly in the middle of the yard and was afraid to move when he was called! Poor thing must have had quite a day.

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Strongly disagree. They're designed to cause pain, or at the very least such a negative feeling that the dog will want to stop what it's doing. I would compare it to smacking your dog. There would be a whole list of - BETTER - alternative solutions to create or modify each behaviour a person chooses to use a shock collar on. There is never a reason to use a shock collar other than "It's easier" which basically equates to "I can't be bothered to put more effort into my dog's training, I'll pick the easy route".

What's wrong with picking an easier option? Why would you want to make training harder for yourself than it needs to be? I would always choose the option that is going to give me the best results in the quickest time. I would love to hear as well what better solutions you would have for the reason I used my collar, which was to proof my dog's recall to 100% reliability. She already had a really great recall, worked off leash with no dramas but would only fail to recall in rare instances when she was quite a distance away from me (but not switched on and working - say 50-100metres or more) and was so stuck on a scent she could not hear me calling her. Having a remote training collar on her meant I could condition the stim as a cue to recall when she could no longer hear me calling her. How else would you fix that problem with a method that guaranteed results and a high degree of reliability?

There was a topic on this recently so I'm just going to repeat what I said there, in this thread. I actually use a remote training collar so I am speaking from personal experience with the tool.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about remote training collars and a lot of misinformation spread about them, the way I use (and the way many people use) the remote training collar is not about hurting the dog or causing it pain but finding the lowest perceivable level on the collar for the dog (so the stim they can only just feel) and teaching the dog what that sensation means, and that they have the power to turn it off. My collar has 127 levels and my dog usually works on around level 12-16. Most people can't feel the level my dog works on.

Anyone who whacks the collar on their dog and takes it to the park and lets it off and stims it expecting the collar to work is not using it properly, I actually start training the dog to respond to the collar on a long line in low distraction environment first. You have to teach the dog what the stim means and how to turn it off before you get to the point where you'd let them off leash even in a low distraction environment.

I rarely ever use physical corrections in training, I rarely ever even use a leash or collar in training but that's why I decided to use the e-collar - because it's the most gentle and subtle correction you can give your dog and IMO is one of the most effective tools. My dog already had a good recall and was great off leash but she wasn't what I consider 100% reliable with her recall so I used the e-collar to get that last bit of reliability.

Also, just because you use an e-collar does not mean you can't also use positive reinforcement. The two aren't mutually exclusive. I always reward my dog for responding to commands even when using the e-collar.

If anyone has any questions on using remote trainers please feel free to ask, I'm happy to answer any that anyone has :)

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i use a shock colar as myia still being young started to develop a trend for chasing sheep and cattle, i want to be able to have her off the lead on walks and this wasnt an option before, i have only had to use it twice since ive had it and shes like a different dog when wearing it, she listens to comands when you say no she doesnt chase livestock. but yes i think in the wrong hands they are a bad thing

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actually, if the myth saying that shock collars create enormous pain to dogs are erased, it won't be such a controversial training tool (wait.. this IS a myth right?) But in all honesty, I'd prefer people staying away from it like now. This way, ignorant and uneducated people who doesn't have too much thought going in their heads would stand back :)

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actually, if the myth saying that shock collars create enormous pain to dogs are erased, it won't be such a controversial training tool (wait.. this IS a myth right?) But in all honesty, I'd prefer people staying away from it like now. This way, ignorant and uneducated people who doesn't have too much thought going in their heads would stand back :)

But the point to remember is that any tool can be abused, abuse is in the user not tool. People could misuse e-collars like they could misuse any tool. You could beat or hang a dog with a leash if you wanted to, but the abuse would be in the person using that tool to cause harm not the tool itself.

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actually, if the myth saying that shock collars create enormous pain to dogs are erased, it won't be such a controversial training tool (wait.. this IS a myth right?) But in all honesty, I'd prefer people staying away from it like now. This way, ignorant and uneducated people who doesn't have too much thought going in their heads would stand back :)

i dont think its really painful just like it says, shocking. my fiance's crazy drunk friend (let's call him...Jay) decided he wanted to try one on a long time ago (i know, i know, ridiculous) and they turned it up to the highest amount of shock. he was sitting on the couch and another guy hit the button and "Jay" went flying back and smoked his head off the wall. After the fact he said it didn't hurt but he couldn't control his reaction. So I'm assuming they aren't inflicting pain just enforcing your command with a startling experience. And yeah I know, our friends are nut jobs. I have noticed though that "Jay" does not use a shock collar on his beagle... hmm...

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i dont think its really painful just like it says, shocking. my fiance's crazy drunk friend (let's call him...Jay) decided he wanted to try one on a long time ago (i know, i know, ridiculous) and they turned it up to the highest amount of shock. he was sitting on the couch and another guy hit the button and "Jay" went flying back and smoked his head off the wall. After the fact he said it didn't hurt but he couldn't control his reaction. So I'm assuming they aren't inflicting pain just enforcing your command with a startling experience. And yeah I know, our friends are nut jobs. I have noticed though that "Jay" does not use a shock collar on his beagle... hmm...

oh my goodness!!! And I thought "abusive tools" means dog training tools that were viewed as being abusive to dogs!! Turns out they're being used to abuse humans too!!! :eek:

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oh my goodness!!! And I thought "abusive tools" means dog training tools that were viewed as being abusive to dogs!! Turns out they're being used to abuse humans too!!! :eek:

yeah but i dont think you'd be training with the power turned all the way up to the highest like he did. now the ppl whose collar it was used it on their male beagle bc he would jump on ppl and hump them ALL THE TIME and they usually kept it on 2 or 3 and now he doesn't need to wear it anymore they just keep the collar on the table when ppl are over and if they hit the warning button he backs off and settles down. so i think in some cases its a tool that can get results it just depends on how its being used.

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yeah but i dont think you'd be training with the power turned all the way up to the highest like he did. now the ppl whose collar it was used it on their male beagle bc he would jump on ppl and hump them ALL THE TIME and they usually kept it on 2 or 3 and now he doesn't need to wear it anymore they just keep the collar on the table when ppl are over and if they hit the warning button he backs off and settles down. so i think in some cases its a tool that can get results it just depends on how its being used.

ALSO just for clarification to my previous posts, I will not use a shock collar on either of my dogs. I think that it is a reasonable option for someone whos dog is perhaps grown to large for them to physically correct (ie-Thapushing down off someone) or for a dog that is extremely stubborn and persistant as well as a brute! If I had a 150lb rottweiller who liked to jump on people then i may consider it. However, with my two dogs I have, I can physically handle them just fine and they know who's boss so I don't need to physically discipline them because they know what I'm saying and all I have to do with Hammer is point at him and shout "HEY" in a cross voice and he knows.

That being said I've put in the time with him and my puppy to teach them to respond to what I say so I don't need alternate forms of punishment. HOWEVER i don't judge someone who uses the shock collar because there are a million options out there and testing everything is the only way you can find something that works.

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I disagree with calling them shock collars as this is what leads to peoples misunderstandings, (it does not shock but gives a low level electrical stimulation for a split second) plus peoples igranance to learn how to use an advanced tool from a professional before trying it on their dog. Its the same for any tool you use it all about the timing and the energy behind it. Its the same as the choke chain, the incorrect use of any tool can have serious consiquences for the dog but when used correctly at the right time and with the right enery it can save their life.

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I dont see anything wrong with them IF used correctly, they can assure a 100% perfect re-call on an Siberian Husky, overcoming their greatest disadvantage of owners not letting them off due to poor re-call. The video above is a dog trainer who uses Dogtra collars on many dog breeds including Siberian Huskies.
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Some may also think prong/pinch collars are harsh, Alaska wore one that day and she sniffed 2 dogs without her muzzle, without teeth baring or growling - huge success ... sorry about the video quality btw. But you should of seen her on a bad day when she was tearing holes in other dogs throats ect - sometimes we as humans need a little extra help but it is in no way a short-cut, it's just being a responsible dog owners to use training methods correctly that work for you and your dog whether it is e-collars, pinch collars, halti's, harness ect ....


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I don't use them, kind of neutral about them. Honestly, if a dog was about to attack, I would rather it's owner have a shock collar on to stop it (if this worked for the dog), than have a human being shoot the dog out of fear. I've heard about way too many dog shootings lately.

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I'll just say I agree with the others; it's a tool, in the wrong hands, it can harm but in trained hands it can help. Would I use it on my two? Not without training; that said if I had the training I would probably use one on Orion, but only if any other training I did with him did not work. E-collars, to me, should be a last resort thing if nothing else works.

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Many people think shock collars is only the power shot but thats wrong. There is also vibration and beep signal,with in many cases is absolutely enough. (works like stimulus only).I regularly use when the dog isoff the lead,:) works great.I think100 percent is better to use technologies like keep dog on leash.Short video how my dog ​​come back(do not use collar)


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I would disagree with them I have NEVER used a shock collar on my dogs, I am totally against shock collars, they might work but I disagree with them why I disagree them? Well when you click that button you send a shock to your dog's neck and when that dog feels that he/she knows that you did it, and it will break up the forever bond between you too. That's in why I don't use them and never will. Just my advice;) .

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I would disagree with them I have NEVER used a shock collar on my dogs, I am totally against shock collars, they might work but I disagree with them why I disagree them? Well when you click that button you send a shock to your dog's neck and when that dog feels that he/she knows that you did it, and it will break up the forever bond between you too. That's in why I don't use them and never will. Just my advice;) .

If a correction (because that's what the dog feels, not some horrible electric shock) can "break" the bond between human and canine there was a serious flaw in the connection to begin with.

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I would disagree with them I have NEVER used a shock collar on my dogs, I am totally against shock collars, they might work but I disagree with them why I disagree them? Well when you click that button you send a shock to your dog's neck and when that dog feels that he/she knows that you did it, and it will break up the forever bond between you too. That's in why I don't use them and never will. Just my advice;) .

How does the dog know the correction came from you when you are using a remote training collar?

And what if you use the e-collar as a cue, not a correction?

I gather from your post HOTG that you are against using corrections at any time, if your logic is that corrections diminish the bond between dogs and owners.

This is my youngest dog who has been trained on a remote training collar, if anyone thinks that using one has ruined our bond (LOL) feel free to point out where and how.


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