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What are your thoughts on the Alaskan Klee Kai?


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Alaskan Klee Kai

Dog Breed Info:




They don't seem to be recognized by the AKC, which is a little scary.

The Siberian Husky is far and away my favorite pup, but there's a very realistic possibility that I move into an apartment in the next year or two, so a smaller dog seems more fair to the pup.

Need some opinions from the pros! Thanks guys!



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They are not AKC recognized because they are still very new "breed" of dog. Klee Kai like most small dogs are very prone to little dog syndrome so a strong leader is a must. They are also complete polar opposites to huskies as they are by nature very shy and wary of strangers so early socialization to as many different people and animals as possible is a big must. They often remind me of Shibas because they don't like being dirty and have almost cat like issues with puddles LOL. They have a very prim and proper attitude :)

I've met two at our dog park that are just wonderful dogs and there's one at the same park that is a terror and for some reason absolutely HATES anything that even resembles another husky type dog. He's a nightmare and has caused many problems there and his owner won't do anything about it. So is a good example of how NOT to raise these types of dogs. Like any breed they have the capability of being wonderful dogs as long as you're a strong leader and you're not afraid to put your "little" dog in it's place when it's needed.

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I've read that like most small dogs they have low tolerance levels and can be pretty snappy. I appreciate that there will be exceptions to this but I wouldn't personally want one as a family pet around younger children, they have a tendency to forget their manners at times and may possibly get bitten in return.

Oh, just realised everyone else has already said the same thing, whoops!

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They literally do just looks like miniature huskies - does anyone know how they came about? Are they Siberian huskies with a dwarf gene? Siberian huskies that have been bred over generations to be this small? Or a completely separate breed altogether that just happens to resemble them? From what I hear about their temperament they sound very greatly removed from the true Siberian.

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ProspectiveHuskyOwner I like Klee Kais they are very adorable :wub: however it will be quite a challenge to look for the right breeder because they're not yet recognized by the AKC--this breed needs to set up some standards. Popularizing the breed at this stage would be disaster because lots of BYBs would jump in thinking this is the new way to earn money :( so IMO I'd stay away from this "breed" for quite a while. Once they're recognized and has a stable breed standard, you can try to challenge your luck and look for a reputable Klee Kai breeder :)
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They literally do just looks like miniature huskies - does anyone know how they came about? Are they Siberian huskies with a dwarf gene? Siberian huskies that have been bred over generations to be this small? Or a completely separate breed altogether that just happens to resemble them? From what I hear about their temperament they sound very greatly removed from the true Siberian.

The breed was developed in Wasilla, Alaska, during the mid-1970s by Linda S. Spurlin after she observed the result of an accidental mating of an Alaskan Husky and an unknown small dog. The breed was developed with Siberian and Alaskan Huskies using Schipperke and American Eskimo Dog to bring down the size without dwarfism. She bred these dogs in private until she released them to the general public in 1988. Originally called the "Klee Kai", the breed split into "Alaskan Klee Kai" and "Klee Kai" for political reasons in 1995. The breed consolidated under the new name in 2002. The Alaskan Klee Kai was officially recognized by the American Rare Breed Association (ARBA) in 1995 and by the United Kennel Club (UKC) on January 1, 1997.

Here also is her website it's got some great info on how she started the breed: http://www.alaskankleekai.com/spurlin/index.htm

ProspectiveHuskyOwner Take a look at the link I posted it has a link to the UKC standard of the Klee Kai and I believe the UKC also has a link to breeders that are registered with them to help you at least get a foot hold for some good research and questions that you can ask :)

I did a great deal of research on these dogs before I was allowed to get Kiana and I didn't like what I've seen so far from them being a new breed. Don't get me wrong I found two wonderful breeders that are working together in a tight nit group to get a standard going and get them AKC recognized but that is going to be many many years down the road. I would highly suggest either waiting or doing some seriously deep deep research before settling on a breeder. If I may also throw it out there do NOT settle for anything under $1000. During my research it was a big problem and it is either A. Scam or B. very poorly bred husky with a smaller dog that just looks AKK or C. The person no longer wants it and refuses to ship it back to the breeder. This is the biggest problem and all breeders that I've talked to make you go through an in depth application that includes sending the dog back if you can't keep it. Research Research Research and tons and tons of questions. If the breeder gets annoyed with you (given your questions aren't silly and mundane) move to the next one. Any breeder who truly cares about a new breed will happily chat with you if you are serious about getting a pup.

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We looked into these a few years ago when we were between huskies. All I will say is, I wasn't very impressed with them. The breed is so new that there is no history yet of possible health or behavioral issues. Their physical proportions also still vary greatly. I've seen pictures of some that look exactly like a mini sibe and I've also seen some whose head looks like a chihuahua stuck on a sibe body. Dog Fancy magazine had done an article on them and interviewed several Klee Kai breeders and various owners. Every one of them said that the dogs can be snippy and do bark quite a bit. The barking bit concerned me. One of my favorite traits of a sibe is that they bark very little. Personally, I would wait a few years before considering getting one. Let the breeders get the "kinks worked out" first. Also, they are difficult to come by and the breeders are extremely particular about who their pups go to. They're also very expensive....least expensive ones we found started at $1500.00 and went up from there. Needless to say, we stuck with our sibes. :D

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