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Husky sleeping with you on your bed


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Hi, just wanted to know if anyone else lets their sibe/s sleep with them on their bed, cause I met a fellow owner today while walking Aya and we had a chat (also let the dogs get to know each other - he told me that all sibes inherently understand each other). He said it's not good to let her sleep on my bed because she will get big, hair will be everywhere, she will get accustomed to it etc... But I really don't mind, I'll gladly vacuum everyday as a sacrifice to easing my mind that she is comfortable on my bed rather than cramped in a crate and that she is next to me and safe. Anyone else let their babies sleep with them? Also I sleep on a king size bed, plenty of room, and I'm single at the moment so there's no girls sleeping over or anything like that (hopefully that will change soon - thanks to Aya's help - she is a lady killer)

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my two have been crated since we got them, they arent even allowed upstairs, i lived with my mum when i got them and its stuck ever since. my old dog had the run of the house, night and day....but then i could trust him :) plus he was going mad in his old age, so if he woke alone would tend to panic and try and find you.

he also didnt moult....i dont like waking up to a face full of hair....personnel preference :)

Would like to point out they arent crated 24/7 lol

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mine are not allowed up stairs either......daughter has asthma, and need to avoid the hair especially !!

Shylah sleeps in the utility room, and Lily in the hallway...neither crated :)

as my bedroom is on the ground floor ( converted bungalow)...have found my GSD sleeping next to me on the floor of my room if i have forgot to close the door properly....but never on the bed :)

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It's all down to your own personal preference. I wouldn't mind at all, but I have no dogs at home :( But I've slept at Glala and Dana's home a few times when the owner was away for a week. They are allowed upstairs and on the bed but they never even go upstairs for some reason :( So I moved the mattress downstairs (with permission!) and they loved it! I suddenly slept with two dogs in a single person bed. A bit cramped, but all three of us loved it. There's nothing like waking up, still being a bit drowsy and suddenly being greeted by a big lick over your face :doglick:

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Akuma used to sleep by the bed but was banished to the landing as he took exception to the other male in the bed :o

So we've stuck to the landing rule for Kobi, strangely although he's crated when alone he never goes in it any other time. He sleeps in his basket outside our door and will usually lie on the bed for a while once we've woken (good for m having a shower cos I know where he is!), this morning he woke me at 4am cos he was awake and obviously fancied snuggling up on the bed, he whined a bit then went back to sleep. Shame I didn't :(

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I think it's down to personal preference... But here in my home the rule says "no dogs on bed or couch". If the rule already says that, the doggie has to obey. But if you're OK with having Aya on your bed, then that's alright too :) just remember to teach her how to jump down on command--and that once you said "down", she has to jump down. A training site I recently visit stated that dogs who share bed with their owners tend to be more dominant since it is in the dog's nature that leaders sleep in the highest, most comfortable place. However I don't believe in this statement 100% because I know some members who shares bed with their doggies and have no dominance issues with 'em. But I do know that the training site might be right, and it is necessary to teach them that the word "down" means "down"--and about who actually owns the bed :)

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there used to be a time when i was a single lady id let my dog on my bed but they were also crate trained and would take them selves to there crate in the middle of the night now there two in the bed there's no room for the dogs so they sleep down stairs in there crates x

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I think mydiamond touched on the subject there. I personally feel that the bed is the domain of the pack leader and therefore people should remember about dog hierarchy. Sometimes it all gets lost when people think about their Huskies as their 'babies' and sharing. Now some people have said they have had no dominance issues. Maybe so, maybe they have allowed their dogs on the bed from a young age. I would say 'better to be safe than sorry' Any dog, yes even Huskies can suddenly decide that they want to challenge and i would hate to think that one day someone was trying to shoo their 'baby' off the bed and was suddenly and viciously nipped or even worse bitten.

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Mine have free run of the house and yes, they both sleep on the bed, Storm used to sleep on her sofa but when I introduced Shadow she made sure she had the best spot going and now she likes nothing more than her bedtime belly rubs.

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Mine don't unless I'm sleeping on the futon on the floor lol. If you do allow your dog to sleep on furniture make sure your allowing them up by invite only and they don't just assume they can do it when they want to. More for the the couch when you have guests than anything else. Kiana got into this horrid habit of "someone sits on the couch I can jump up and pester the bananas out of them" and it led to some pretty bad scratches from her digging at people's backs and such. This was when she was much younger but I nipped that in the bud by making sure she knew she could only be on furniture when she was invited and when she was calm.

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My dogs dont sleep on my bed during the night. But are sometimes allowed to have a nap with me if i cba to get up lol. Also they go upstairs to wake me up some days because they all just jump on me! lol

If i let them sleep on my bed then i'd end up getting kicked off lol

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I really don't believe that dogs that sleep on the bed will be more dominant - mine sleeps in my parents bed and we don't have any issues with him. In fact, he is a very obedient dog in the house.

Personally, I don't mind him on the bed if I want to cuddle with him or just pet him while watching TV. But I do not like sleeping with him, so I won't let him in my bed at night. First of all, he takes lots of space for a dog and secondly, I toss and turn a lot in my sleep, I don't want to have to worry I will hit him somehow.

Now for the couches... I don't like dogs on couches. We used to have a no-couch rule in the house, but at some points my parents decided to allow him on the sofas. So there's not much I can do about that, other than not allow him on the couch while I am sitting on it.

It's a matter of personal preference. To be honest, if your dog respects you enough, you shouldn't have any problems if you allow them to sleep with you. But I want to emphasize that a dog that doesn't get off a bed/couch when told so should probably not be there.

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Suka doesn't like it when I share the bed - the greedy dog! Either it's: he gets the whole bed, or I try to lay down beside him for bonding yet he growls and me and jumps off as if he's disgusted by me. LOL

It's probably just a dominance thing, though. Stupid Suka!

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Kissu can sleep where he wants. When he's not feeling well, he either sleeps in his crate where he can't be bugged, by the bathroom door where there's more air current, or on the cool kitchen tiles.

When he's fine, he generally sleeps as close to me as he can get; next to me on the bed or couch. In the summer I would sometimes tell him to get down cause it was too hot and he'd sleep right next to the bed.

He's generally very well behaved. Exception is going bonkers when he sees another dog, which we're working on. But him sleeping on my bed with me has nothing to do with that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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nahh mine arent allowed on beds ;)


Mine neither ;)



Mine sleep where ever they want. Mya sleeps on the bed with me all night and Storm swaps between the bed and the floor beside me. Yes there is fur on the bed but I just hoover it, literally. Love waking up to husky :doglick:



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Hi, just wanted to know if anyone else lets their sibe/s sleep with them on their bed, cause I met a fellow owner today while walking Aya and we had a chat (also let the dogs get to know each other - he told me that all sibes inherently understand each other). He said it's not good to let her sleep on my bed because she will get big, hair will be everywhere, she will get accustomed to it etc... But I really don't mind, I'll gladly vacuum everyday as a sacrifice to easing my mind that she is comfortable on my bed rather than cramped in a crate and that she is next to me and safe. Anyone else let their babies sleep with them? Also I sleep on a king size bed, plenty of room, and I'm single at the moment so there's no girls sleeping over or anything like that (hopefully that will change soon - thanks to Aya's help - she is a lady killer)

We have two Siberian Huskies. Neptune who is 8 months and Caroline who is 3 in a half months. We trust Neptune out at night. He has in own futon in our bedroom and when he is too hot, he will go sleep on that. But lately, he has been trying to fall asleep right next to me! Which I do not mind, I sleep by two windows and he keeps me nice and warm!! Needless to say, I was thinking he was sleeping by me, because he loved me, but I think he loves the windows even more. As far as Caroline, she starts off in the crate at night. She is not fully potty trained. So when she wakes us up in the middle of the night, we will take her out and then she gets to sleep in our bed after that. So when I wake up, I have Neptune on one side and Caroline on the other. Therefor, I do not want to get out of bed, because I am so TOASTY WARM!! LOL To answer your question, I do allow our pups to sleep with us at night.

Now, if I ever had a issue where they wanted to sleep above our heads, I would not allow them to sleep in our bed. I have heard when they do this, that means they think they are more dominant and alpha in the pack.

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You may change your mind when shes blowinge her coat ;) Ours sleep downstairs in the crate, I wouldnt want them getting hair all over my bed URGH, its the only time I manage to get away from it. I also wouldnt want to have them lay at the bottom of the bed as I move about a lot and get annoyed with Tony a lot of the time let alone 3 dogs as well !!

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