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2nd favorite breed is...?


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So there's this empty lot beside my house that my dad bought last year (last YEAR! and he hasn't started building yet?!)... And he plan to turn it into a pool area. The land is a pretty big one, bought in low price from a retiree that is about to move out of town. This land is originally bought by the retiree to build a house, so... Yea.. My dad is obviously buying a land way too big for a simple private pool area :confused: once there's the word "cheap" everything suddenly became worth-buying, right? :P aaaanyways this land is way too big, and my dad start to make up ideas to use the remaining space. Guess what he came up with.

A DOG HOUSE!!! :yahoo: And a husky off-lead running area, too!!! If you guys remember, I once tried to persuade my mom to adopt a 5-months-old male called Ziebelt. My mom didn't give the permission in the end, but she made a trap with her own words by saying that "now is not the right time. Maybe after the pool area's done....." :hehe: I will surely remind her of those words :cool:

Now the thing is, Diamond is obviously not the best dog out there x) his stubbornness in potty-training made my bro+dad disliked him, and my bro even made it clear to me that he doesn't want another husky in the house. I honestly don't care about his opinions :rolleyes: but my fear is that my dad feels the same way =\ if it's up to me I'd definitely snatch another husky, but what if I'm not allowed to do so? :( my mom loves the Siberian Husky breed, but the breed's specimen she had in front of her eyes is not as cute as those Eight Below huskies (well what does she expect? we don't live in the South Pole to begin with) so even she, with all the love she has for huskies, prefers another breed :(

I still don't know how would they react if I insisted on having another husky, but this is just as a back-up. What breed would you guys recommend to me? x) A bit about me:

1) I live in a pretty big house with 6+ foot tall fences. In fact, I think my fence is 10+ foot, but idk for sure x) but I know it's too tall to jump over. Even Houdini himself wouldn't risk to jump over my fence :cool:

2) I do have some fish ponds at home and that's where my dad keeps his beloved koi fishes so... A dog that would do anything to swim is deffo not for me. And to make it even worse, the dog house would be not too far away from the swimming pool, and my dad has created a no-dog-in-pool rule even before we actually have a pool :confused:

3) Once the pool area is fully-functional there would be more than enough space for two dogs to run around. The doggies would also be taken out for walks 2-3 times a day (all depends on the weather) with 40-60 minutes duration for each walk. Night walks, however, only lasted for 25-30 minutes. I am also more than willing to train the dogs so don't worry about stubborn breeds. I already have one anyways :P

4) The breed has to be friendly with other dogs. I live in a dog-lover neighborhood and not all of those dogs are well-behaved (some could provoke a well-mannered dog and get themselves bitten). I can't have a dog that is naturally not good with other dogs or dogs with same sex (people don't trust Indonesian vets, they think Indo vets aren't qualified to do such thing as neutering so 99% of dogs here are not spayed/neutered. Plus, some folks simply don't know what 'neutering' is)

5)I don't need protection, and I don't need a noisy watchdog x_x besides their appearance and intelligence, what's so fascinating about huskies for me is their silence. I can't cope with a natural barker (example: Finnish Spitz)

6) I am not a fan of toy dogs :confused: If one day I had a chihuahua I'd have nightmares of stepping on it or sitting on it by accident every night! The breed has to be at least medium in size or I'd lose it as easy as I lose a key x(

Some breeds I adore:

1) Rough collie. I LOVE them! But their herding instincts would cause me trouble coz I don't know how to train them not to nip on people's heels :confused:

2) Samoyed. A breed that my mom fell in love with. They're lovely for sure, but I read they're a bit nippy and noisy?

3) German Shepherd Dog. Oh gosh I've always loved this breed they're just simply beautiful. But with the popularity of GSD in today's society, it is more than hard to look for a healthy puppy with no mental/health issues :(

:P sorry if it's too long... Any recommendations?

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Have you considered either a Malamute or Shiba Inu? I've heard that Mally's could have some issues with other dogs, but also heard from owners on here that they don't experience this. Shiba Inu are very loyal, loving family members and are intelligent and are very sweet, at least the ones I've met.

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Have you considered either a Malamute or Shiba Inu? I've heard that Mally's could have some issues with other dogs, but also heard from owners on here that they don't experience this. Shiba Inu are very loyal, loving family members and are intelligent and are very sweet, at least the ones I've met.

Mallies are pretty rare in here =\ I saw one mally-for-sale ad once and the puppy's price is equal to a motorcycle's price :eek: Shiba Inu is a lovely dog :wub: honestly I got intimidated by the statement "hardest breed to train" that I found in Dogs 101, but they are adorable :wub: I know a good Shiba Inu breeder that is located somewhere in Jakarta... Might try this breed if the price is not too sky-high :D would prefer a dog that I can get locally tho .___. can't imagine traveling by plane with a small puppy :confused: only 1-2 hours, but still x_x

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What breeds are readily available in your area? Could make suggestions but if you cannot get them, it wouldn't be any help to you.

Perhaps once you get your dad to agree to a second dog, you could involve all the family in selecting a breed, may help to get them on board and feel a part of things?

Good luck with your search, x

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What breeds are readily available in your area? Could make suggestions but if you cannot get them, it wouldn't be any help to you.

Perhaps once you get your dad to agree to a second dog, you could involve all the family in selecting a breed, may help to get them on board and feel a part of things?

Good luck with your search, x

they don't really bother since my dad+bro doesn't like dogs, and my mom just can't make up her mind :facepalm: show her a pic of a collie and she'll say collie. Show her a pic of a chow and she'll say chow! :confused: In Indo, all popular breeds (like Doberman, golden, lab...) are available and easy to get. Especially smaller breeds such as Shih Tzu and Chihuahua. The thing is: none of these locally-available breed fascinates me :confused1: if I want a Samoyed, or a Rough Collie... Or even a Yorkie, I have to go out of town x_x so I've expanded what I call as "local area" by few more kilometers. Any town nearby that I can reach within 2-3 hours of driving would still be considered as local :P however once the trip involves any kind of plane it would be too far for me, no... The puppy. Can't imagine such a small puppy put inside a crate and forced to fly for hours :( aaanyways I've been browsing some online pets-for-sale shops and made a list of available local breeds




4)Fox Terrier

5)Pitbull (and American... Bully? :confused:)

6)Yorkshire Terrier

7)Siberian husky

8)Shetland Sheepdog??!! Can't believe this breed is locally-available!

9)Kintamani, native Indo dog breed

And now our popular friends


2)Shih Tzu



5)Golden Retriever


7)Poodle (toy)

8) GSD

EDIT: I also have Chows, Dobermans and Pug available in the area. Oh and Sammys, too. Some other breeds that are not always available: French Bulldog, great dane, scottish terrier

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Ooh kintamani! Isn't that the dog you were showing us the other day? God they're gorgeous dogs.

You said you loved gsd's. If that's where your heart truly lies, you'll never find another breed to compare. Perhaps it's worth talking to locals for advice on good breeders who won't rip you off?

Shame your family won't help but you'll work something out, I'm sure. Good luck, x

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Boxers are wonderful family dogs and I have found them to be excellent playmates for Huskies.. they are both pushy, energetic and rough, so therefore they keep up with each other very well and have the same energy level, so don't get sick of each other or feel pestered. All of Taz's best friends were Boxers! :)

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have to say GSD's they are a fabulous breed of dog....much easier to train than a husky :) and just as sweet :)

you do have to make sure of there health problems generally skin and hip's should be checked out, but i don't feel they are any more of a health concern than many other dog breeds :) from my own experience :) it depends on your breeder.....find out as much as you can about the breeder and what they test for :)

this is Lily at age 3



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I love my GSD. i only have experience with my husky and my GSD so I couldn't recommend much else :( Both my husky and my GSD get along very well. In my experience, my GSD is a bit neurotic and a bit of a scaredy cat. She will bark up a storm (as is typical with GSDs since they are good watch dogs) so I sort of had to train her out of that. She is decent with other dogs, wary of strangers and protective of me. She is also very VERY obedient. She heels very well and has amazing recall (even if there is a bunny or a squirrel near by she will ignore it and come to me when I ask her to). Although she is not NEARLY as smart as my husky, she is trainable with consistency and firmness. As you mentioned, I worry about her health as well as her neurotic tendencies. Even though she came from a responsible breeder and both her parents had few health issues, I do worry about her because of the common health problems in GSDs.

Hope this helps...

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Pitbulls are very loyal dogs. Boxers have some high energy and are beautiful but if I was getting a new dog and it couldnt be a husky I would go for a pit bull. Mostly because they have a bad rep and are so sweet if trained correctly. We also have an over abundance of them in my city.

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Not in your list mydiamond but my personal second favourite would have to be the Basenji. Very clean, rarely bark, look like they are constantly perplexed and a majority of them really do not like water. Downside (kinda) is they are pretty much as mad as a box of frogs like Huskies :D

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Well I'm a fan of pit bulls but you know that already lol. We've talked about them before and I know you have knowledgeable of the breed and would be willing to research them more as well :D American bullies are not a breed I'm a fan of. Not because of their temperament but because to me they look like hippopotamuses or pigs. A lot of people confuse them with American pit bull terriers but they are a separate breed. They were developing pit bull with outer breed like mastiffs.

American Bully:





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I know it is not on your list but look into a Jindo, it basically has the instincts of both GSD and a husky combined. As well as they don't shed as much as a husky plus they do prefer a pack and also they do guard but rarely bark at the intruder they just alert the owner. These dogs are extremely loyal to their owner to a fault unlike a husky's nature to be friendly to everyone but just as smart and stubborn to train as a husky.

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I think you are going to have a hard time finding a dog that isn't going to want your dad's koi, but that said, if you are going to fence off the husky area, you will be able to make it a haven for them, right? They will want to be with their pack [you], so they may not be happy not being able to see you all, and if you are enjoying the pool, you may have some unhappy huskies. What about a husky mix of some sort. I was in love with my Stormy girl, who was a husky/shepherd, and many on the forum have this mix, as well as others. I think your Dad and brother will see a very different Diamond when he is with another husky. I know all mine have changed with each addition to the pack. The best breed I could recommend is "SAVED"...so start perusing petfinder or the local humane society and you may be surprised at the breed/dog that chooses you! Good luck, it sounds like a fun adventure, and maybe distracting enough for you to not want to rush your teen years away!!! Have fun with it. :yahoo:

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thankyou for all the replies :D I still can't decide x_x but I am definitely gonna pick either one of these:

1)Rough collie



4)Big Rescued Mutt Dog

5) another husky

Gsd, golden, pitbull, doberman, and dogo argentino... Don't forget, pic of ur pool, once it's finished...with Dime swimming in the pool...if that's possible... Lol...

the rule is set in stone, Lin x_x no dogs in pool :(

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