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2nd favorite breed is...?


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I'm really between GSD and Rough Collie as a 2nd-favorite right now... But Siberian Husky is still holding the first place :wub: At first Labrador entered the list, but when I read this breed was made to swim, guess this is not the right breed for me :confused:Marakai tell me more about Sammys :D negative things first, and then the positive ones :P do they bark a lot? do they nip a lot? is their herding instinct as strong as a collie's? do they love digging? are they a lovable nutcase like huskies? :P

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My fav breeds are






all though i do love all breeds these 5 a my favorites 2 of which i own ?(husky and staffie) i work with gsd. at present can own a pitbull.

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I'm really between GSD and Rough Collie as a 2nd-favorite right now... But Siberian Husky is still holding the first place :wub: At first Labrador entered the list, but when I read this breed was made to swim, guess this is not the right breed for me :confused:Marakai tell me more about Sammys :D negative things first, and then the positive ones :P do they bark a lot? do they nip a lot? is their herding instinct as strong as a collie's? do they love digging? are they a lovable nutcase like huskies? :P

I don't have much experience with Samoyeds, but from the general reading on the web + the sam we had on my previous internship + stories I heard from Ruth I believe they *can* be more dominance than the huskies. Nipping? No. Herding? No. They're quite like the Siberian Husky. Can't be led off lead, shed a tremendous amount of hair and I wouldn't really doubt they love digging too.

I'll ask Ruth what a Samoyed is like compared to the Husky. She had a bunch of Samoyeds before :)

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I don't have much experience with Samoyeds, but from the general reading on the web + the sam we had on my previous internship + stories I heard from Ruth I believe they *can* be more dominance than the huskies. Nipping? No. Herding? No. They're quite like the Siberian Husky. Can't be led off lead, shed a tremendous amount of hair and I wouldn't really doubt they love digging too.

I'll ask Ruth what a Samoyed is like compared to the Husky. She had a bunch of Samoyeds before :)

Ruth? RuRu? Owner of still-floppy-eared puppy Kenai? good to know that someone knowledgeable is in the forum :D

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Ruth? RuRu? Owner of still-floppy-eared puppy Kenai? good to know that someone knowledgeable is in the forum :D

Ruth, the owner of Glala and Dana. But I totally forgot to ask her. She's new to computers and she has bought a first one a few month ago. I'm now teaching her how to work with the computer step by step (Today's lesson was chatting!), and I completely forget her to ask about it. Sorry :facepalm: Will ask it the next time I see her (which - hopefully - will be soon as I can now chat with her!)

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Shiba Inu is a lovely dog :wub: honestly I got intimidated by the statement "hardest breed to train" that I found in Dogs 101, but they are adorable :wub:

I'd like to add a little to this in the sense that Shiba's are only considered "hard" to train because they are like sibes and will do it only if it benefits them. They have much of a sibe personality in ways of independence and stubbornness but also HATE to get dirty. They are very cat like as they will take a ten mile walk around a small puddle lol. They are very intelligent though and they can rough house with any sibe I know :) Kiana has two shiba buddies that often play with her and they are wonderful. They are very loyal and good watch dogs but not guard dogs for sure. I wouldn't recommend taking them off leash as with sibes they can go partially deaf when they feel like it. Again that brings in the fiercely independent attitude they have as well. Anyway that's just what I found out looking them up when I was debating what kind of dog to add to our group for Kiana.

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I'd like to add a little to this in the sense that Shiba's are only considered "hard" to train because they are like sibes and will do it only if it benefits them. They have much of a sibe personality in ways of independence and stubbornness but also HATE to get dirty. They are very cat like as they will take a ten mile walk around a small puddle lol. They are very intelligent though and they can rough house with any sibe I know :) Kiana has two shiba buddies that often play with her and they are wonderful. They are very loyal and good watch dogs but not guard dogs for sure. I wouldn't recommend taking them off leash as with sibes they can go partially deaf when they feel like it. Again that brings in the fiercely independent attitude they have as well. Anyway that's just what I found out looking them up when I was debating what kind of dog to add to our group for Kiana.

Shibas ARE very loyal - ever seen Hachi: Dog's Story? The main character is a Shiba...

But, also, about the off-leash...I thought they were fine? According to the history the movie is based on, Hachi was left off-leash to go to the train station to wait for his master. Although, that might just be a one-dog scenario and maybe he was TOO loyal.

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Shibas ARE very loyal - ever seen Hachi: Dog's Story? The main character is a Shiba...

But, also, about the off-leash...I thought they were fine? According to the history the movie is based on, Hachi was left off-leash to go to the train station to wait for his master. Although, that might just be a one-dog scenario and maybe he was TOO loyal.

Shiba pup was at the beginning of the film. The real Hachiko and the one that played in the film were Japonesse Akitas.

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Sooooo what I learned about Samoyeds now: They are very similar to huskies. They are can be equally stubborn, are good cuddles and Ruth had the experience that her Samoyeds all went along great with her other Malamutes. She had not noticed that her sams where more dominant than any of her other dogs (as long as you don't have two males), but as you know it can differ for each dog. They're the northern breed so expect anything that the husky has too. So things like training them is pretty much the same. Most notable though is that when they shed, it's even worse than the husky. And when they shed they apparently look awful :violin:

I can vote for the Shiba Inu too. They seem to be like huskies, only smaller. And cute :D You know how hard it is to catch a loose husky (in an enclosed area)? Well, Shiba Inu's are even worse as they have the advantage of hiding under cars - as we found out :eek: Other than that, awfully cute and very cuddly :D

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Shiba pup was at the beginning of the film. The real Hachiko and the one that played in the film were Japonesse Akitas.


I should have known that - thanks for the correction! And I JUST saw that movie - maybe I was too busy bawling my eyes out.

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Shibas ARE very loyal - ever seen Hachi: Dog's Story? The main character is a Shiba...

But, also, about the off-leash...I thought they were fine? According to the history the movie is based on, Hachi was left off-leash to go to the train station to wait for his master. Although, that might just be a one-dog scenario and maybe he was TOO loyal.

I have to disagree with you here. Every Shiba owner I've talked to (not to mention the forum I'm on lol) strictly says no off leash. They do have a high prey drive and WILL go deaf if they see something they want. The problem is similar with sibes in as pups they think you are the icing on the cake and can be off leash until they reach that 5 or 6 month mark when the world becomes far more interesting than you. This is what turned me off of the breed as I figured if I'm going to get another dog untrusted off lead I might as well get another husky (that fell in the toilet lol blasted shelter :P). They are very curious and love to hunt and explore every nook and cranny they can get into.

Yes they ARE very loyal as any well trained and well loved dog is but they still have instincts that are bred into them that they just can't fight.

Again there are, like sibes, exceptions to the rule and there may be a few shiba's that can be trusted with a 100% recall. However, even though it's based on true events, using that as a single basis for a whole breeds behavior is not something I would take to heart when considering a dog. Not bashing the idea or anything. For example, say there was a movie similar to that but it was a sibe instead. We all know what a sibe would most likely run off with the first stranger that gave it scraps. Granted there may be an exception depending on the dog, it's personality, and how it was raised/trained but the idea is pretty far fetched given the bulk of knowledge on the breed.

This is just my experience/opinion I really hope no one takes this personally and stuff.

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I have to disagree with you here. Every Shiba owner I've talked to (not to mention the forum I'm on lol) strictly says no off leash. They do have a high prey drive and WILL go deaf if they see something they want. The problem is similar with sibes in as pups they think you are the icing on the cake and can be off leash until they reach that 5 or 6 month mark when the world becomes far more interesting than you. This is what turned me off of the breed as I figured if I'm going to get another dog untrusted off lead I might as well get another husky (that fell in the toilet lol blasted shelter :P). They are very curious and love to hunt and explore every nook and cranny they can get into.

Again there are, like sibes, exceptions to the rule and there may be a few shiba's that can be trusted with a 100% recall. However, even though it's based on true events, using that as a single basis for a whole breeds behavior is not something I would take to heart when considering a dog. Not bashing the idea or anything. For example, say there was a movie similar to that but it was a sibe instead. We all know what a sibe would most likely run off with the first stranger that gave it scraps. Granted there may be an exception depending on the dog, it's personality, and how it was raised/trained but the idea is pretty far fetched given the bulk of knowledge on the breed.

This is just my experience/opinion I really hope no one takes this personally and stuff.

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I have to disagree with you here. Every Shiba owner I've talked to (not to mention the forum I'm on lol) strictly says no off leash. They do have a high prey drive and WILL go deaf if they see something they want. The problem is similar with sibes in as pups they think you are the icing on the cake and can be off leash until they reach that 5 or 6 month mark when the world becomes far more interesting than you. This is what turned me off of the breed as I figured if I'm going to get another dog untrusted off lead I might as well get another husky (that fell in the toilet lol blasted shelter :P). They are very curious and love to hunt and explore every nook and cranny they can get into.

Yes they ARE very loyal as any well trained and well loved dog is but they still have instincts that are bred into them that they just can't fight.

Again there are, like sibes, exceptions to the rule and there may be a few shiba's that can be trusted with a 100% recall. However, even though it's based on true events, using that as a single basis for a whole breeds behavior is not something I would take to heart when considering a dog. Not bashing the idea or anything. For example, say there was a movie similar to that but it was a sibe instead. We all know what a sibe would most likely run off with the first stranger that gave it scraps. Granted there may be an exception depending on the dog, it's personality, and how it was raised/trained but the idea is pretty far fetched given the bulk of knowledge on the breed.

This is just my experience/opinion I really hope no one takes this personally and stuff.

Sorry - I was mistaken. Northenstar corrected me; the dog in Hatchi and in real-life was a Japanese Akita.

I now feel like an idiot. LOL

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Sorry - I was mistaken. Northenstar corrected me; the dog in Hatchi and in real-life was a Japanese Akita.

I now feel like an idiot. LOL

AWWW lol don't feel that way honestly I haven't watched that movie. I have issues watching movies with animals in it mainly because they often paint the dogs in a light that is false to the public. That and I can't afford to be seen blubbering like an idiot haha. I have this strong heartless reputation to maintain here :P Wasn't trying to pick on you or anything just wanted to be sure if the Shiba was considered by someone they knew what they were getting into haha.

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My Samoyed is absolutely EASY to train(didn't even know sit when we rescued him), so amazing I am actually going to compete him in agility and obedience. Much easier then any lab, aussie shep, kelpie, gsd i have worked with. With the shedding they are worse because the hairs are massive but I don't think they look awful when they are shedding..

Here is he part was through blowing his coat


They are dominant dogs, I have another male here (desexed male, my Samoyed is not desexed yet) but my bitch (desexed) and Sammy are worse then the male! She is dominant too though! But they all know where they stand so there's no problems.

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Mmm that's a bit hard :confused: Dime's not neutered... Dominance issues might be a real trouble here since I'm probably the only one that is being assertive and firm =\ the rest of the family doesn't care about anything such as "pack hierarchy" so yea dominant dogs would be a real issue here =\ If I managed to get a less-dominant female Sammy, then Sammy it is. But I gotta make my mom agree that the Sammy HAS to be spayed (don't worry it's easier to convince her to spay a female since there are more bad side effects of letting ur female unspayed) first before even starting my search x) btw GSD is still on my list. They're popular and almost always locally-available, other than that I've been reading here and there and found that they're simply wonderful. Their energy would surely catch up with Dime's, and I am so in love with their trainability, loyalty, and reliableness off the lead. I wonder if they're aloof with strangers? Because I am looking for a friendly, sociable dog that would help Dime ease his fear of new people. Oh and Rough Collie--the graceful mischievous angel--is still in my list as well. Their lively, cheerful, sensitive personality would match Diamond perfectly and no one would complaint if I asked for a collie x) in all honesty there are great chances my two maids would quit once I brought a GSD home, since they are originally afraid of dogs. The calm-and-sweet Diamond is the only dog they're fine with, and even if so my younger maid would scream and run away when Dime started being a neurotic demon by running around the house in maximum speed (LOL! oh wait I'm not allowed to laugh) :confused: even when I brought Diamond home 1.5 years ago, my current maids quit in an instance :facepalm: all because of a "scary" dog that gave them a big happy grin

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