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Dogs In The Garden - poisonous plants

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    • A

    • Aconite Acontium napellus


    • Adam and Eve Arum maculatum

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, and the Cuckoo Plant


    • Acorns (Oak Poisoning) Quercus sp.


    • African Violet Saintpaulia sp.

    • Also known as Cape Marigold. The leaves of this plant may be toxic for dogs.


    • African Wonder Tree (Castor Oil Plant) Ricinus communis

    • Toxin = Ricin (Highly Toxic)

    • All parts are poisonous, especially the seeds


    • Alocasia Alocasia spp.

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Elephant's Ear


    • Aloe Aloe vera

    • Toxin = Saponins


    • Amaryllis Amaryllis sp.

    • Toxin = Lycorine and others

    • Known by many other names, including: Belladonna lily, Saint Joseph lily, Cape Belladonna, and Naked Lady


    • Ambrosia Mexicana Chenopodium botrys / Ambrosia mexicana

    • Toxin = Sesquiterpene lactones

    • Also known as Jerusalem Oak, and Feather Geranium


    • American Holly Ilex opaca

    • Toxin = saponins

    • Also known as English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry,or Winterberry


    • American Mandrake Podophyllum peltatum

    • Toxin = Podopyllin

    • Also known as Mayapple, Indian Apple Root, Umbrella Leaf, Wild Lemon, Hog Apple, Duck's Foot, and Raccoonberry


    • Andromeda Japonica Pieris japonica

    • Toxin = Grayanotoxins

    • Also known as Pieris, or Lily-of-the-Valley Bush


    • Angelica Tree Aralia spinosa

    • Toxin = Araliin

    • Also known as Hercules' Club, Devil's Walking Stick, Prickly Ash, or Prickly Elder


    • Apples Malus sylvestrus / Malus sp.

    • Toxin = Cyanogenic glycosides

    • Like some other tree-fruit species, the stems, leaves and seeds contain cyanide, which is particularly toxic in the process of wilting. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include brick red mucous membranes, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, panting, and shock. Whilst many dog owners have fruit trees growing in their gardens without issue, it is worth clearing fallen fruit from the ground, especially if you're dog is likely to scavange apples. Eating a large number of apple pips may cause problems, and fallen fruit often attracts wasps, which may also be a problem if the dog is stung whilst eating fruit.


    • Apricots Prunus armeniaca / Prunus sp.

    • Toxin = Cyanogenic glycosides

    • See 'Apples' above


    • Arrowhead Vine Syngonium podophyllum

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Nephthytis, Green Gold Naphthysis, African Evergreen, Trileaf Wonder. All part of this plant are poisonous.


    • Arum Lily Zantedeschia aethiopica

      Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

      Also known as Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florist's Calla,and Garden Calla


    • Asparagus Fern Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri / Asparagus setaceus

    • Toxin = Sapogenins

    • Also known as Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, and Shatavari


    • Australian Nut Macadamia integrifolia

    • Toxin = Unknown

    • Also known as the Macadamia Nut, or Queensland Nut


    • Australian Pine Araucaria heterophylla

    • Toxin = Unknown

    • Also known as the Norfolk Pine, House Pine, and Norfolk Island Pine


    • Autumn Crocus Colchicum autumnale

    • Toxin = colchicine and other alkaloids

    • Also known as Meadow Saffron


    • Avacado Persea americana

    • Toxin = Persin

    • Ingestion causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs and cats


    • Azalea Azalea sp. / Rhododendron sp.

    • Toxin = Grayantoxin

    • All Azalea and Rhododendron spp are toxic to dogs. All parts of these plants are poisonous if chewed or ingested. Symptoms of poisoning include irritation of the stomach and abdominal pain, incresed heart rate and abnormal heart rhythm, convulsions and coma. May be fatal.


    • B

    • Baby Doll Ti Plant Cordyline terminalis

    • Toxin = Saponins

    • Also known as Ti-Plant, Good-Luck Plant,and Hawaiian Ti Plant


    • Baby's Breath Gypsophila elegans

    • Toxin = Gyposenin

    • Also known as Maiden's Breath


    • Barbados Lily Hippeastrum spp.

      Toxin = Lycorine and other alkaloid

      Also known as Amaryllis, Fire Lily, Lily of the Palace, or Ridderstjerne


    • Barbados Pride Caesalpinia pulcherrima

    • Toxin = GI Irritants, Tannins.

    • Also known as Peacock Flower,and Dwarf Poinciana


    • Bead Tree Melia azedarach

    • Toxin = Tetranortriterpenes (meliatoxins)

    • Also known as th China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Pride-of-India,or Chinaberry Tree


    • Begonia Begonia spp.

    • Toxin = Insoluble oxalates


    • Belladona Atropa belladonna

      also known as deadly nightshade


    • Bergenia sp. Elephant Ears

    • Highly Toxic. Ingestion may be Fatal


    • Bergamot Citrus Aurantium

    • Toxin = Essential oils and psoralens


    • Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia gilliesii / Poinciana gilliesii

    • Toxin = Uncertain, possibly hydrocyanic acid

    • Also known as Peacock Flower, Barbados Pride, Poinciana,or Pride of Barbados


    • Bird of Paradise Flower Strelitzia reginae

    • Not as toxic as 'Bird of Paradise' (see above), but the fruit and seeds of this plant are poisonous if chewed.


    • Bishop's Weed Ammi majus

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Greater Ammi, or False Queen Anne's Lace


    • Bitter Root Apocynum androsaemifolium

    • Toxin = Cardenolides

    • Also known as Dogbane Hemp, or Indian Hemp


    • Black Laurel Leucothoe davisiae

    • Toxin = Grayanotoxins

    • Also known as Dog Hobble, Dog Laurel, Fetter Bush, or Sierra Laurel


    • Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum

    • Toxin = Solanine, saponins, atropine like substances

    • Also known as Nightshade, or Deadly Nightshade


    • Black Walnut Juglans nigra

    • Toxin = Unknown toxin present in mould that grows on nuts


    • Branching Ivy Hedera helix

    • Toxin = Triterpenoid saponins (hederagenin)

    • Also known as English Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, or California Ivy


    • Bread and Butter Plant Coleus ampoinicus

    • Toxin = Essential oils

    • Also known as Indian Borage, Spanish Thyme, Coleus, Maratha, Militini, or East Indian Thyme


    • Brunfelsia Brunfelsia spp.

    • Toxin = Brunfelsamidine

    • Also known as Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Kiss-Me-Quick, Lady-of-the-Night, and Fransiscan Rain Tree


    • Buckeye Aesculus spp

    • Toxin = Aesculin (a glycosidic saponin), and other saponins

    • Also known as the Horse Chestnut tree


    • Buckwheat Fagopyrum spp.

    • Toxin = Fagopyrin


    • Burning Bush Euonymus atropurpurea / Euonymus occidentalis

    • Toxin = Alkaloids, Cardenolides

    • Also known as the Wahoo, or Spindle Tree


    • Buttercup Ranunculus sp.

    • Toxin = Protoanemonin

    • Also known as Butter Cress, or Figwort


    • Box Buxus sempervirens


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    • C

    • Caladium Caladium hortulanum

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Malanga, Elephant's Ears, Stoplight, Seagull, Mother-in-law Plant, Pink Cloud, Texas Wonder, Angel-Wings, Exposition, Candidum, Fancy-leaved Caladium

    • 220px-Brandywine1.jpg

    • Calamondin Orange Citrus mitis

    • Toxin = Essential oils and psoralens

    • 220px-Calamondin_in_our_front_yard.jpg

    • Cape Jasmine Gardenia jasminoides

    • Toxin = Genioposide, Gardenoside

    • Also known as Gardenia

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    • Cardboard Palm Zamia furfuracea

    • Toxin = Cycasin

    • Also known as Cycads and zamias

    • 240px-Zamia_furfuracea03.jpg

    • Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis

    • Toxin = Lobeline

    • Also known as Lobelia, or Indian Pink

    • 220px-Lobelia_laxiflora_flower.jpg

    • Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus

    • Toxin = Unknown irritant

    • Also known as Pinks, Wild Carnation, or Sweet William

    • 220px-Pink_carnation_crop_two.jpg

    • Ceriman Monstera deliciosa

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as the Cutleaf Philodendron, Hurricane Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant, or Mexican Breadfruit

    • 220px-Monstera_deliciosa2.jpg

    • Chamomile Anthemis nobilis

    • Toxin = Volatile oil; bisabolol, chamazulene, anthemic acid, tannic acid

    • Also known as Manzanilla, Garden Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, True Chamomile, Corn Feverfew, Barnyard Daisy, Ground-apple, or Turkey-weed

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    • Charming Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia amoena

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates, proteolytic enzyme

    • Arisaema_triphyllum_fruit.jpg

    • Cherry Prunus sp.

    • Toxin = Cyanogenic glycosides found in some species

    • Like some other tree-fruit species, the stems, leaves and seeds contain cyanide, which is particularly toxic in the process of wilting. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include brick red mucous membranes, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, panting, and shock. Whilst many dog owners have fruit trees growing in their gardens without issue, it is worth clearing fallen fruit from the ground, especially if you're dog is likely to scavange apples. Eating a large number of apple pips may cause problems, and fallen fruit often attracts wasps, which may also be a problem if the dog is stung whilst eating fruit.

    • 220px-Prunus_padus_-_Tuomi_-_Marjoja_H9255_C.jpg

    • Chinaberry Tree Melia azedarach

    • Toxin = Tetranortriterpenes (meliatoxins)

    • Also known as Bead Tree, China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, or Pride-of-India

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    • Chinese Evergreen Aglaonema modestrum

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • 220px-Aglaonema_commutatum2.jpg

    • Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana

    • Highly Toxic

    • Symptoms include Nausea, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, tenesmus, shortness of breath, dehydration and excessive thirst, weakness, muscle twitching, convulsions, coma. May be fatal.

    • 220px-Prunus_virginiana_flowers.jpg

    • Christmas Rose Helleborus niger

    • Toxin = Bufadienolides, glycosides, veratrin and prtoanemonin

    • Also known as Hellebores, Lenten Rose, or Easter Rose

    • 250px-Helleborus_niger.JPG

    • Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum sp.

    • Toxin = Sesquiterpene, lactones, pyrethrins and other potential irritants

    • 250px-Chrysanthemum_sp.jpg

    • Clematis Clematis sp.

    • Toxin = Irritant glycoside (Protoanemonin)

    • 250px-Clematis_%27Nelly_Moser%27.JPG

    • Climbing Lily Gloriosa superba

    • Toxin = Colchicine related alkaloids

    • Also known as Gloriosa Lily, Glory Lily, or Superb Lily

    • 220px-Gloriosa_rothschildiana_01.jpg

    • Clivia Lily Clivia sp.

    • Toxin = Lycorine and other alkaloids

    • Also known as Kaffir Lily, Clivies, Caffre Lily, Cape Clivia, or Klivia

    • 220px-Cliviaminiata2.jpg

    • Coffee Tree Polyscias guilfoylei / Aralia guilfoyei

    • Toxin = Saponin

    • Also known as Wild Coffee, or Geranium-Leaf Aralia

    • 220px-Coffee_Flowers.JPG

    • Coleus Coleus ampoinicus

    • Toxin = Essential Oils

    • Also known as Indian Borage, Bread and Butter Plant, Spanish Thyme, East Indian Thyme, Stinging Thyme, or Country Boarage

    • 220px-IndianBorage.jpeg

    • Corn Cockle Lychnis githago

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    • Corn Plant Dracaena fragrans

    • Toxin = Saponins

    • Also known as the Cornstalk Plant, Dracaena, Dragon Tree, or Ribbon Plant

    • 220px-Starr_031209-0040_Dracaena_fragrans.jpg

    • Cow Parsley Heracleum maximum

    • Toxin = Furanocoumarins

    • Also known as Giant Hogweed

    • 220px-Heracleum_lanatum_07269.JPG

    • Cowbane Cicuta species

    • Toxin = Cicutoxin

    • Also known as Water Hemlock, or Poison Parsnip

    • 220px-Cicuta_virosa_-_K%C3%B6hler%E2%80%93s_Medizinal-Pflanzen-038_cropped.jpg

    • Creeping Charlie Glecoma hederacea

    • Symptoms of poisoning include excessive salivation

    • 220px-Glechoma_hederacea1_ies.jpg

    • Crocus Colchicum autumnale

    • Toxin = colchicine and other alkaloids

    • Crocus bulbs in particular are highly toxic

    • 220px-Crocus_longiflorus5.jpg

    • Cutleaf Philodendron Monstera deliciosa

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Hurricane Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant, Ceriman, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron, Window Leaf Plant

    • 220px-Monstera_deliciosa2.jpg

    • Cycads Cycas sp. / Zamia sp.

    • Toxin = Cycasin, B-methylamino-l-alanine

    • Also knownas the Sago Palm, or Fern Palm

    • 220px-Cycas_circinalis.jpg

    • Cyclamen Cyclamen sp.

    • Toxin = Terpenoid saponins

    • Also known as Sowbread

    • 220px-Wild_cyclamens.jpg

    • D

    • Daffodil Narcissus sp.

    • Toxin = Lycorine and other alkaloids

    • The bulbs are most poisonous, but also the leaves and flowers if ingested.

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    • Dahlia Dahlia sp.

    • Toxin = Unknown

    • 220px-DahliaDahlstarSunsetPink.jpg

    • Daphne Daphne sp.

    • All parts are poisonous. Watch out for berries especially.

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    • Delphinium Delphinium sp.

    • Highly Toxic. Toxin = Diterpene alkaloids

    • Also known as Larkspur

    • 220px-Delphinium.jpg

    • Desert Azalea / Desert Rose Adenium obesum

    • Toxin = Digitalis like glycosides

    • Also known as the Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, or Kudu Lily

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    • Devil's Ivy Epipremnum aureum

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Pothos, Golden Pothos, Taro Vine, or Ivy Arum

    • 220px-Epipremnum_pinnatum_var.jpg

    • Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates, proteolytic enzyme

    • Also known as Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, or Exotica Perfection

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    • Dock Rumex sp.

    • Toxin = Soluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Sorrel

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    • Dog Daisy Achillea millefolium

    • Toxin = Achilleine and alkaloids

    • Also known as Dog Fennel

    • 220px-Leucanthemum_vulgare_%27Filigran%27_Flower_2200px.jpg

    • Dog Hobble Leucothoe sp.

    • Toxin = Grayanotoxins

    • Also known as Dog Laurel, Fetter Bush, Black Laurel

    • 220px-Leucothoe_axillaris2.jpg

    • Dogbane Hemp Apocynum

    • Toxin = Cardenolides

    • Also known as Bitterroot, or Indian Hemp

    • 220px-Apocynum_cannabinum_6801.JPG

  • Dracaena Dracaena sp.

  • Toxin = Saponins

  • Also known as Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, Dragon Tree, or Ribbon Plant

  • 220px-Dracaena_draco.jpg

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its fine. It could save some dogs lol.

But its taking ages! may take me a few weeks!

Nope, you got it started! You can't take anytime for anything till it's done!! :)

:goodjob: An excellent and educational reference.

:thankyou: I've know about some of these, but some are also new to me. Thank you and keep up the good work!!

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    • E

    • Elephant Ears Colocasia esculenta / Caladium hortulanum

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Caladium, Taro, Pai, Ape, Cape, Via, Via sori, or Malanga

    • 220px-Songe-R%C3%A9union.JPG

    • Emerald Feather Asparagus densiflorus

    • Toxin = Unknown

    • Also known as Emerald Fern, Asparagus, Asparagus fern, Sprengeri fern, Plumosa fern, Lace fern, Racemose asparagus, or Shatavari

    • 600px-Zephyranthes_candida_Osaka.jpg

    • Eucalyptus Eucalyptus sp.

    • Toxin = Essential oils (eucalyptol)

    • 220px-Eucalyptus_tereticornis_flowers%2C_capsules%2C_buds_and_foliage.jpeg

    • European Bittersweet Solanum dulcamara

    • Toxin = Solanine

    • Also known as Climbing Nightshade, or Deadly Nightshade

    • 220px-Bitterweet_Nightshade_2.jpg

    • Everlasting Pea Lathyrus latifolius

    • Toxin = Aminoproprionitrite

    • Also known as Sweet Pea, or Perennial Pea

    • 220px-Lathyrus_latifolius.jpg

    • F

    • False Queen Anne's Lace Ammi majus

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Bishop's Weed, or Greater Ammi

    • 220px-Ammi_majus_002.JPG

    • Fern Palm Cycas sp.

    • Toxin = Cycasin, B-methylamino-l-alanine

    • Also known as the Sago Palm or Cycads

    • 220px-Cycas_inflorescence.jpg

    • Ficus Ficus benjamina

    • Toxin = Proteolytic enzyme (ficin), psoralen (ficusin)

    • Also known as Fig, Weeping Fig,or Indian Rubber Plant

    • 220px-Ficus_benjamina2.jpg

    • Flag Iris sp.

    • Toxin = Pentacylic terpenoids (zeorin, missourin and missouriensin)

    • Also known as Iris, Snake Lily, Water Flag

    • 200px-Iris_sanguinea_2007-05-13_361.jpg

    • Flamingo Flower/ Flamingo Lilly Anthurium scherzeranum

    • Toxin = Insoluble calcium oxalates

    • Also known as Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Pigtail Plant, or Painter's Pallet

    • 220px-Flamingo_Flower.JPG

    • Foxglove Digitalis

    • Highly toxic. Toxin = Cardiac glycosides

    • Widely recognised as the most universally toxic plant. All parts are poisonous.

    • 220px-Digitalis_purpurea2.jpg

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