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Would your husky protect you?


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Now we all know we have one of the friendliest, daftest breeds. I'm convinced if someone broke into the house Kobi would do a deal with them, showing them where the good stuff is in return for free run of the kitchen!

I used to say because of this Akuma would never protect me if someone went to attack me while we were out walking. A dear friend of mine who works with dogs disagreed and one day unexpectedly went as if to attack me on a walk and Akuma showed him his teeth.

I wouldn't have believed it if i hadn't been there.

When he was older our son was attacked out walking him, the man hit him in the face and Akuma just stood there waiting for it all to be over (luckily my geeky son is solid muscle and after he hit the guy back he ran off!).

Now recently we had a horrible incident in our woods, a woman was attacked whilst out walking her dog. She did manage to get away with minor injuries but clearly this was an awful thing and i hate to think how she feels.

This did get me thinking if Kobi would actually warn anyone off if they went to attack me.

Any such experiences with huskies?

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I used to say because of this Akuma would never protect me if someone went to attack me while we were out walking. A dear friend of mine who works with dogs disagreed and one day unexpectedly went as if to attack me on a walk and Akuma showed him his teeth.

I wouldn't have believed it if i hadn't been there.

it is most likely in the above scenario, that Akuma felt threatened himself. Dogs don't naturally protect us IMO. That's something that needs to be trained.

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I think Wizards looks protect me enough in my neighborhood. When I walk him and people are around, they cross to the other side of the street and say things like holy crap its a wolf!! I did once have a man running towards me (in my direction) and when he got too close his hair on his back stood up and he looked all mean. He is such a mommas boy though so Id hope he would protect me.

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Roxy tends to look out for my son. We were out walking about a month ago, and Riley had a football and was playing on our local field when a guys with 4 offlead labs came onto the field :rant:

Anyway the dogs came over and Riley picked up his ball and one of the labs was mouthing at him trying to get the ball (the owner did nothing) and Roxy was not impressed she got inbetween Riley and this other dog and was baring her teeth at him and when he tried to get at Riley again she was barking and not letting him come anywhere close. She's the same if people are playing with Riley and she thinks he's being hurt or people are being to rough with him she'll get inbetween Riley and the other person.

I'm not sure why she does it.. Maybe she thinks he's the baby of the pack or something? Not sure!

If it came down to us being attacked I don't think she would do anything (not that I would want her to) other than protect herself, but again I think her looks are enough to put people off!

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I don't think Aya would protect me, but as her owner and companion there is no way I would want her too. If a dangerous situation arrives I would rather me get hurt than see her suffer, I will recover and can voice any pain (Aya cannot). I remember one time she ran into a door and was in pain (every time she got up she cried), nothing I could do to soothe her pain, and that hurt me more than any physical attack I've ever experienced. And besides, I've taught Aya how to speak (bark) and when she barks she looks quite dangerous and could possibly deter most dangerous situations.

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I never thought Miya would ever protect me for anything as she was pretty selfish as far as dogs go. However, my dad thought it would be funny a while ago to shout at me and shake me by my shoulders. I was sat down at the time and she got on my lap in-between his arms and snarled in his face until he let go. She wasn't in any danger as she wasn't near me; she has also done it to my bf when he pretends to fight with me. More than a few times she has lunged at him as she thought he was hurting me. She was an ex- racing dog when we had her from the rescue and was the pack leader of 6 other dogs so might have something to do with it...

Sammy, however, would probably watch over me while I got beat into the ground :P

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I'd say that any dog would have to have training in order to defend its owner - having said that - I too notice most people crossing to the other side of the road when they see Luka - its those eyes! If only they knew what a goofball he was lol!

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Our millie tends to protect amy while im out at work if strangers come into the house like friends she has never sern before millie puts her fur up shows her teeth and has a wimpy bark lol if peoplr dony pay her attention when she does this she goes for their feet, never done it if i bring sttangers in tho :S weird one

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i'm not advocating in any way that any dog of mine put themselves in harms way to protect me. I just wondered after this incident recently whether a dog would do something (snarl/bark) if they felt their owner was threatened. I think Bec is right and Akuma only reacted this way as he thought he might be threatened.

I wouldn't train Kobi to do anything either and i too have experienced people walking over the road or out of their way to avoid us. I recently told some teenage boys in response to their question that Kobi wasn't particularly friendly as i ddin't feel comfortable with them all approaching/crowding round. Honestly he'd have just sniffed their pockets for food.

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In my opinion, dogs do NOT defend their owners. They look to the pack leader to act in a threatening situation. If the pack leader does not deal with that, then the dog LOOKS AFTER ITSELF and will attack the perceived threat. It all happens very quickly in the dogs mind; in fact the dog has probably assesed a dangerous situation faster than the owner has, and has not sensed the owners leadership in dealing with the situation. Just my opinion based on research nof dog attacks.

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In my opinion, dogs do NOT defend their owners. They look to the pack leader to act in a threatening situation. If the pack leader does not deal with that, then the dog LOOKS AFTER ITSELF and will attack the perceived threat. It all happens very quickly in the dogs mind; in fact the dog has probably assesed a dangerous situation faster than the owner has, and has not sensed the owners leadership in dealing with the situation. Just my opinion based on research nof dog attacks

I totally agree.

I found Miya would come and stare at me anytime a dog, my dad, mom or anyone was bugging her before she reacted. She would give me 'that look' we all probably know for me to sort out the situation before she did. My dad was very full on with her and he would ignore her growling and my telling him to leave her alone; it ended most commonly in him being snapped at. We always did say if she bites your face off don't come crying to us :P

If we were out in public though I would pull her behind my legs if a dangerous dog or human would come our way, so she would then instantly get behind me it there was something she didn't like the look of. Fighting off uncontrollable dogs is now my expertise aha

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no idea - i said in another post tho like this - i wouldnt want them to - i protect them not the other way around

Blaze protects Bings n Skyla from offlead dogs - n he MIGHT protect me n mum but i would hope he would never need to and id put my life on the line for them before i would let them put theirs on the line for me

ETA: i was going to same the same as bec about how Akuma probably felt threatened or scared of your friends actions and reacted accordingly to that rather than to protect u im afraid

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I don't think Suka would protect me against an attack from a person...but if it was an animal, the least he would do was warn us (I found this out last summer when he warned us of a friggin' bear in the area! We were eating fish outside at the cottage...). Then he 'might' protect us, but I wouldn't blame him if he ran away. I would run away too, lol!

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I never thought Calvin would protect me. But when we lived in FL we got a lot of people knocking on our door. One day (a few days before we moved) this huge guy came knocking on the door so I put Calvin in his kennel by the door like always and opened the door. The guy asked if my parents were home (kind of wanted to punch him since I'm 21 and married) and before I could answer Calvin got out of his kennel and lunged at the guy. No teeth showing or growls or anything but he lunged at the guy then took off running. Anytime the guy would get near me again Calvin would run straight at the guy and lung on him again. The guy didnt leave until my husband got Calvin inside and he got his sales pitch in. Apparently the entire time I was outside with the guy after Calvin went inside Calvin was at the door barking. I'm going to guess he didnt get a good vibe from the guy...not that I did either since he was wearing a little girls backpack.

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We had a huge come around to chop some palm trees down in our front yard a few years ago. When we were inside he had to go out to the back yard to get another one of the trees down so he went around to the side gate that no one EVER enters from (as it was padlocked) and entered our yard. The dogs had no idea who this person, he was a complete stranger. I was watching from inside as he came into the back and as soon as Micha saw him enter the yard he RAN over to this HUGE guy... with a toy in his mouth and put it at the guy's feet so he'd play with him :rofl: Nice work Moo LOL

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I never thought Calvin would protect me. But when we lived in FL we got a lot of people knocking on our door. One day (a few days before we moved) this huge guy came knocking on the door so I put Calvin in his kennel by the door like always and opened the door. The guy asked if my parents were home (kind of wanted to punch him since I'm 21 and married) and before I could answer Calvin got out of his kennel and lunged at the guy. No teeth showing or growls or anything but he lunged at the guy then took off running. Anytime the guy would get near me again Calvin would run straight at the guy and lung on him again. The guy didnt leave until my husband got Calvin inside and he got his sales pitch in. Apparently the entire time I was outside with the guy after Calvin went inside Calvin was at the door barking. I'm going to guess he didnt get a good vibe from the guy...not that I did either since he was wearing a little girls backpack.

I used to be mistaken for being the child in the house when I was first married. It saved a lot of hassle by just saying no my parents weren't home. Anyone asking to speak to the homeowner is out to sell something

Unfortunately, there's no mistaking who I am now lol

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i think if diva had to she would as when we are out at night shes very alert and if she sees someone shes unsure of she will bark not when they are close to us though

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