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Husky Puppy Outside


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Hello everyone,

I just got my 10 week old husky puppy. He's a charmer gets all the ladies to stop and pet him and he is amazing. I love him already. I was wondering if i tied him to his crate and let him stay in the balcony. Only during the day though for like 5 hours because i think it would be better for him to spend his time there rather than whining in the bathroom. What do you think is it too cold. where i live right now it is like spring weather so mornings 8 degrees celcius and noon 15 degrees celsius and than afternoon i will bring him in and keep him inside until the next morning. I will also take him for walks obviously. Thanks

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Hello everyone,

I just got my 10 week old husky puppy. He's a charmer gets all the ladies to stop and pet him and he is amazing. I love him already. I was wondering if i tied him to his crate and let him stay in the balcony. Only during the day though for like 5 hours because i think it would be better for him to spend his time there rather than whining in the bathroom. What do you think is it too cold. where i live right now it is like spring weather so mornings 8 degrees celcius and noon 15 degrees celsius and than afternoon i will bring him in and keep him inside until the next morning. I will also take him for walks obviously. Thanks

Hi and welcome to the forums! :)

Why would you want to leave him outside? People could easily steal him! :(

You might want to look around the forum for threads on crate training.

You shouldn't walk your husky until they get their second set of shots, and even then, the general rule is +5 minutes to the walk per every month of growth after that

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no matter where you keep him, if he has Separation Anxiety (whining and being destructive while left alone) then the whining would not stop. At ten weeks old, he still needs a bunch of socialization and bonding times with you so this "time out" periods might--just might--disturb a bit. Is it not okay to keep his crate inside the house?

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At 10 weeks old I'd assume that would be too cold for the little tyke. Puppies don't regulate their body temps as well as adults do...and a valid point is made that someone could easily steal him or he could easily chew through his tie out and be gone....I'd start crate training, don't just shut him in the crate help him associate the crate with safe positive feelings (I did this by feeding mine in the crate). He will miss you while you are gone so don't be surprised if he does cry and howl...

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Hi and welcome to the forums! :)

Why would you want to leave him outside? People could easily steal him! :(

You might want to look around the forum for threads on crate training.

You shouldn't walk your husky until they get their second set of shots, and even then, the general rule is +5 minutes to the walk per every month of growth after that

because i guess noises and the view would distract him. I am on the 5th floor and there are no balconies next to mine so they cant.

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because i guess noises and the view would distract him. I am on the 5th floor and there are no balconies next to mine so they cant.

well if he's not well-socialized yet, the view and the noises might scare him to death :( puppy stage is the period when you want to spend as many time as you can with your little baby. Guess it's not yet time to put them outside. Not saying that huskies can only live inside, but at 10 weeks old... Maybe not yet :) besides, the temperature is a bit too low for him

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At 10 weeks old I'd assume that would be too cold for the little tyke. Puppies don't regulate their body temps as well as adults do...and a valid point is made that someone could easily steal him or he could easily chew through his tie out and be gone....I'd start crate training, don't just shut him in the crate help him associate the crate with safe positive feelings (I did this by feeding mine in the crate). He will miss you while you are gone so don't be surprised if he does cry and howl...

i doubt it. if its too cold for a husky then i guess the world is over. and he cant i have a body harness and then tied to a chain.

i am getting my crate today but the thing is that it would be better for everyone if he stays out there during the day since i cant even taje him out

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i doubt it. if its too cold for a husky then i guess the world is over. and he cant i have a body harness and then tied to a chain.

i am getting my crate today but the thing is that it would be better for everyone if he stays out there during the day since i cant even taje him out

well if it really is the best for everyone then it's your choice.. It's just that I won't recommend leaving him outside for hours at his current age. And sorry if I sound nosey, but HuskyMom09 clearly states that it is not too cold for a husky, but for a little puppy since they don't regulate their body temperatures as well as adult huskies do. Don't want the little baby to be sick :)

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well if it really is the best for everyone then it's your choice.. It's just that I won't recommend leaving him outside for hours at his current age. And sorry if I sound nosey, but HuskyMom09 clearly states that it is not too cold for a husky, but for a little puppy since they don't regulate their body temperatures as well as adult huskies do. Don't want the little baby to be sick :)

obviously not! i dont know i am going to have to rethink it i guess i just thought he would have more fun out there

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At 10 weeks old I'd assume that would be too cold for the little tyke. Puppies don't regulate their body temps as well as adults do...and a valid point is made that someone could easily steal him or he could easily chew through his tie out and be gone....I'd start crate training, don't just shut him in the crate help him associate the crate with safe positive feelings (I did this by feeding mine in the crate). He will miss you while you are gone so don't be surprised if he does cry and howl...

btw my husky looks a lot like yours same mask same color (my picture is not my husky that was a friends)

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well if he's not well-socialized yet, the view and the noises might scare him to death :( puppy stage is the period when you want to spend as many time as you can with your little baby. Guess it's not yet time to put them outside. Not saying that huskies can only live inside, but at 10 weeks old... Maybe not yet :) besides, the temperature is a bit too low for him

how would they scare him to death i mean when he experiences them in the walk isn't it the same thing :$

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btw my husky looks a lot like yours same mask same color (my picture is not my husky that was a friends)

LOL really? well be ready he might transform into a very different "being" in a few months time ;) at his age you can never know what will he look like once he grew up :P

Diamond--my husky--really loves the outside. He prefers sleeping outside than inside, that's for sure. But he's an older boy, he tolerates the weather more and he doesn't have SA so leaving him alone outside is considered acceptable. It all depends on your boy tho, if he really likes it outside and he's doing great, no problem then. Just don't want him to be sick because of the weather :) and you will have to crate-train him first before leaving him alone for 5 hours every day

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how would they scare him to death i mean when he experiences them in the walk isn't it the same thing :$

I thought he hasn't had his walks yet, sorry! :oops: I mean, everything new and different is scary for a pup. If he's not yet socialized with as many new things as possible he might be terrified when he first saw them. A terrified, left alone pup is not a good combo.. The crate might not survive if he's an adult dog :confused:

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I thought he hasn't had his walks yet, sorry! :oops: I mean, everything new and different is scary for a pup. If he's not yet socialized with as many new things as possible he might be terrified when he first saw them. A terrified, left alone pup is not a good combo.. The crate might not survive if he's an adult dog :confused:

i understand what you're saying and i know that i wouldnt get a dog in the first if i thought i wasn't prepared especially a husky

but right i m doing my hw because i am going to the beach today and tomorrow and he will be moving 24 hours

in fact yesterday i was with him outside (not near any dogs of course) just walking him and he was just being a goof and when i brought him home at about 9 pm he was so tired he didnt eat his dinner he just slept and woke up at 8 today

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i understand what you're saying and i know that i wouldnt get a dog in the first if i thought i wasn't prepared especially a husky

but right i m doing my hw because i am going to the beach today and tomorrow and he will be moving 24 hours

in fact yesterday i was with him outside (not near any dogs of course) just walking him and he was just being a goof and when i brought him home at about 9 pm he was so tired he didnt eat his dinner he just slept and woke up at 8 today

awww :wub: he sounds really tired. Should keep the walk short and slow-paced... Don't want him to tire out his ligaments

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Without wanting to state the obvious, what if it rains and your husky is tied outside? I'm assuming you have shelter of some kind that will keep the rain off just as does he have somewhere shady to move to if as the weather improves an it gets hotter. In summer if you plan on leaving him out he could easily get heatstroke. I appreciate you wanting him to get fresh air and have interesting things to watch but huskies have strong prey drive. Worst case scenario is you could come back an find your young teenage husky dangling over the edge of your balcony having gone after a bird. As unbelievable as it sounds it's not beyond the realms of possibility.

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Without wanting to state the obvious, what if it rains and your husky is tied outside? I'm assuming you have shelter of some kind that will kill the rain off just as does he have somewhere shady to move to if as the weather improves it gets hotter. In summer if you plan on leaving him out he could easily get heatstroke. I appreciate you wanting him to get fresh air and have interesting things to watch but huskies have strong prey drive. Worst case scenario is you could come back an find your young teenage husky dangling over the edge of your balcony having gone after a bird. As unbelievable as it sounds it's not beyond the realms of possibility.

um interesting point but i my balcony is 5 feet high i dont see how he could get over

i dont know about the summer its still 3 months away but when it comes i will find a way

anyways i just brought him in he was sleeping outside and shaking (not alot but if you stared at him you could see it anyways i brought him in

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awww :wub: he sounds really tired. Should keep the walk short and slow-paced... Don't want him to tire out his ligaments

yeah i guess but hes on the really active side and i still havent bought him any toys so he just bites on my sweatpants and pulls me

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um interesting point but i my balcony is 5 feet high i dont see how he could get over

i dont know about the summer its still 3 months away but when it comes i will find a way

anyways i just brought him in he was sleeping outside and shaking (not alot but if you stared at him you could see it anyways i brought him in

5 feet is not high for a husky - mine easily jumps 6 ft high fences. You said he would also be tied to the crate, but what would stop him from climbing onto the crate and from there jumping over the balcony side? You'll say that he is too young for that, but in a month he won't be anymore and he will definitely be attracted to birds or noises from the outside.

In my opinion, unless your balcony is completely enclosed with windows, it is not a safe place for a dog - be it puppy or adult.

But why not keep him in his crate rather than tying him to the crate? This way you could also keep him inside and make sure he really is safe.

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5 feet is not high for a husky - mine easily jumps 6 ft high fences. You said he would also be tied to the crate, but what would stop him from climbing onto the crate and from there jumping over the balcony side? You'll say that he is too young for that, but in a month he won't be anymore and he will definitely be attracted to birds or noises from the outside.

In my opinion, unless your balcony is completely enclosed with windows, it is not a safe place for a dog - be it puppy or adult.

But why not keep him in his crate rather than tying him to the crate? This way you could also keep him inside and make sure he really is safe.

My thoughts exactly. We've had one clear our fence from a standing start

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As you said yourself you've got a bit of thinking to do. Any breed of puppy is similar to a baby and can't regulate it's body temperature as efficiently as an adult so they require assistance from whoever is looking after them and their environment.

I've got an incredibly chilled out adult husky but I can see him becoming stressed left on a balcony for hors simply because he can see things going on but has the frustration of not being able to get to them. A husky is definitely capable of destroying a crate, they can also seriously injure themselves in the process, even more likely if they have a collar on/ are tied to the crate. My boy stays in his crate perfectly happily with a stuffed kong and bowl of water, I've left him up to 5 hours but this was done very gradually.

A fellow husky owner I meet on walks told me recently his husky jumped out of a first floor bedroom window, they had thought he was safe and the height would deter him, it didn't, they got lucky, he wasn't hurt but they keep the windows properly secured now.

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5 feet is not high for a husky - mine easily jumps 6 ft high fences. You said he would also be tied to the crate, but what would stop him from climbing onto the crate and from there jumping over the balcony side? You'll say that he is too young for that, but in a month he won't be anymore and he will definitely be attracted to birds or noises from the outside.

In my opinion, unless your balcony is completely enclosed with windows, it is not a safe place for a dog - be it puppy or adult.

But why not keep him in his crate rather than tying him to the crate? This way you could also keep him inside and make sure he really is safe.

yeah you;re right thats what im going to do crate him i just thought that the view and nature would comfort him but oh well if thats the way to go i dont mind

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I have to wonder if maybe you want to keep him outside because you aren't actually allowed to have animals where you live and you think maybe someone won't hear him cry outside? I'm concerned that you have not sufficiently researched his needs, and now you are torn between keeping him somewhere inappropriate or keeping him at all?

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Please be prepared for what a husky can do, they are smart and stupid all at the same time. My first one would knock the garbage cans over and use it to clear the fence, when we moved them away from the fence she would drag them over there, she often got caught in process, except for when it rained and it was quieter due to slicker conditions and faster for her to accomplish, as well as we could not hear as well with the rain. She had such a high prey drive that she never "learned" that diving into a cactus after something was not a good idea (did this at least 2 times a year for 3 years). She got herself stuck under the house going after something (as has my current sibe), and would also dive out an open window (even if just far enough and not all the way down in a moving car if the mood struck her. She also had a knack for being able to manipulate door knobs and cupboards. Like I said smart and stupid all at the same time. My neighbors long ago, had two huskies who could climb a chain link fence which I know was over 8ft tall, so he had to build a roof on it and make it a huge kennel. Until you know what your husky can do and likes to do, I would supervise your husky on the balcony. Be very weary of what your incredible creature can do, and give it lots of time and love to feel apart of your life. Neither of mine were crate trained, and were trusted in the house (after a few incidents of chewing things in the beginning).

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