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100 Sled Dogs (huskies) Slaughtered


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the comment on the husky thing, "canadians are a brutal race" or something along those lines. i dont think ive ever heard anyone call us anything like that. anyways, SIGNED IT.

People make me mad. How an entire country can be labelled as brutal because of the actions of a few is beyond me :( Stupid, childish and ill informed. Would hate to think what the world thinks of us South Africans - our crimes are/were far worse.

You have a great country Samantha, don't let some random person's ignorance bother you.

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"Canadians are a brutal race"!?!?!?

LOLOLOL - I'm sorry, but that make me laugh so friggin' hard! We're anything BUT brutal, and IMO, the best country I've visited so far! (Okay, I'm sorta biased...being born in Canada and only been in the states for a month or so total...but still, what I saw just scared the **** outta me! Just thinking about living in another country doesn't appeal to me at all!)

That guy who made that comment is terribly immature, as you can tell from his lack of punctuation in his post - he's probably like...12 years old. LOL

And, really, Canada is heavily influenced by the States...at least on an economic level...so that's like calling most of North America a brutal continent! Where does it STOP!? Hehe...

Anyways, I don't think I'm going to sign it because it obviously looks like, even with a petition, the government isn't going to care. People did actual demonstrations and signed REAL petitions in that province, and still the people weren't put to justice. :(

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Okay, I refuse to sign this.

Actually, this has seriously upset me because of the misinformation given. It's stupid petitions like this that are giving real Sled Dog owners and racers, and people who make a living with sled dogs, a bad reputation.

For the record:

In April 2010, 100 husky sled dogs who participated in the Canada Winter Olympics were slaughtered. Reportedly, one man carried out the killings utilizing both a shotgun and a knife. The slaughter took place because the company who owned them  Outdoor Adventures  felt the dogs were no longer a viable profit source.

They then ordered them slaughtered.

Lie. That the "dogs were no longer a viable profit source" was not the reason the sled dogs were killed. Yes, they were part of the whole boom of the Winter Olympics. Yes, once the Olympics were over there was a serious downturn, but they weren't slaughtered because they weren't profitable, they were killed because the owners could no longer care for the amount of dogs they had.

There is no justification for this savage act of murder.

Semi-true. Honestly in some cases I think there can be "justification" for the euthanasia of animals and while we might not "like" it, we're also not in their situation. Personally I see this as something similar to what some shelters have to do. As much as they may want to help animals, sometimes there is no help for them even if they're perfectly healthy. And those dogs then have to be put down. It sucks, it's sad, but if some of these places are going to help animals, sometimes there is no choice, and not every shelter can be a "no kill" place. In this case: it sucks that the dogs weren't sent elsewhere, it sucks they had to lose their lives, and I won't even go into the manner they were put down, but the gentleman who owned them advertised for months on sled forums that he had dogs to sell, even give away. He went to the humane society and was turned away. He went to the vets and was turned away. The reality is, there was nothing else that could be done and he made the only choice left he felt he had. Whether its right or wrong depends on your PoV (leaving the known result out of the equation).

Killing animals  and especially the manner in which the dogs were slaughtered  should never be tolerated, period. That 100 dogs were so brutally executed for such callous and selfish reasons is reprehensible.

Truth. The entire Sled Dog Community was shocked and horrified - and still are - over this especially since it was one of their own, and none that I know of actually support the people involved. In fact, they're disgusted because they should have known better. Since then, BC has enacted legislation with input from vets, behaviorists and "sled dog experts", which also follow the Mush with P.R.I.D.E guidelines to care specifically for sled dogs. The North West Territories, the Yukon, Nunavut and others are also looking into enacting similar laws. There is some issues with the laws among sled dog people - the US is trying to put in similar sled dog specific laws but are taking much longer at it for various reasons - but I've read the legislation and it seems fair enough. One of the biggest problems will be enacting said legislation, and the issues that will come up in court over it (some pointed out how the dogs are exercised is just one issue).

All of those who were part of this act need to pay for what they've done. Sign the petition urging the Canadian government to further investigate the slaughter, punish those responsible, and enact stricter legislation that would combat such savage acts of animal cruelty.

As this petition was done last year and things are in process (save for charges laid, as far as I know there haven't been any yet) the people signing it now are people who I think are just uninformed about the truth of the situation and going on emotions, not realizing what's happened since this came out.

So this is the big thing I want to say. Please, stop before you sign, research the topic fully, look into the Sled Dog forums to see what mushers are saying about the event or talk to mushers yourself, before signing this thing. Honestly the Harper Government doesn't care and it's not up to the Feds to make regulations for this. Animal laws are more a provincial matter, hence why BC's enacted the legislation it has.

As for me personally...

One musher I follow on FB commented how one of the people involved did this PR like stunt which turned into a decent discussion not just about the legislation enacted in BC, but how the sled dog community needs to start really looking at themselves and policing themselves. But, as I pointed out, the "hush hush" sometimes found in the community is more so out of self protection. If I make a claim that "so and so" is abusing or doing wrong with their dogs, what's to keep flack from coming back on me? Actually that's already happened (or might have happened, I haven't "tested" the theory yet) to me and I didn't even have dogs at the time. Now I don't even dare go to a certain kennel/breeder, or affiliates, because of what might have been said about me, which is total lies. And the person who lied? Had "reasons" to be hateful and malicious and make up lies at the time because I "hurt" them.

If sled dogs are a person's livelihood - like tour operators - and a bad reputation gets out (like what happened to this company), these people are done for. And if it turns out that it was lies to begin with, (which is perfectly possible), that doesn't matter anymore, because now they've got that stigma, and that's all the public will care about, not the truth.

As for the "Canadians are a brutal race", I wasn't aware Canadians were a race? :P That said, the one video posted about the Spanish or Italian musher who forced his obviously exhausted dogs onward? Does that make the entirety of his country "brutal"? No, thought not. IMO this falls under the label of "stupidly funny".

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Laine (was about to quote you, but the message is too long hehee) sorry I posted it without doing any more research beforehand :(

and about the Canada thing... Sorry I didn't know there's an immature someone that posted such stupid comment x_x I didn't mean to make you guys read racist comments by leading you to that link :(

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Laine (was about to quote you, but the message is too long hehee) sorry I posted it without doing any more research beforehand :(

and about the Canada thing... Sorry I didn't know there's an immature someone that posted such stupid comment x_x I didn't mean to make you guys read racist comments by leading you to that link :(

Yeah, sorry for the long post. I didn't exactly think it'd be that long. :whistling:

No worries really, especially since you're not even in North America so you wouldn't know. As it is I just know a little more because I follow people on FB and elswhere who know the situation and people involved more than I do. Reality is, the entire thing is sad all around and we do need to upgrade our animal cruelty laws.

As for the comment, like I said, I more so laughed at it than anything. Obviously the person is an idiot and shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. Didn't make anyone do anything, so it's all good. :)

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Laine - I seem to recall a statement made at the beginning of all this wherein the guy who performed most of the killings did so because the local area humane societies refused to take any of the dogs because they were deemed to be unadoptable - hence him feeling like killing them was the only "humane" option. Do you know if there is any truth to that? I'd go do some searching on it but I just haven't the time at the moment.

ETA - I had to LOL at the "cruel race" comment too. But then, can we really deny it? After all, as a "race" we habitually bludgeon adorable seals to death, partake in the ritual killing of moose by pummeling them with timbits, and have created a mass-scale and debilitating addiction to maple syrup, which is - after all - our number 1 export and sole source of income as a nation.

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Laine - I seem to recall a statement made at the beginning of all this wherein the guy who performed most of the killings did so because the local area humane societies refused to take any of the dogs because they were deemed to be unadoptable - hence him feeling like killing them was the only "humane" option. Do you know if there is any truth to that? I'd go do some searching on it but I just haven't the time at the moment.

ETA - I had to LOL at the "cruel race" comment too. But then, can we really deny it? After all, as a "race" we habitually bludgeon adorable seals to death, partake in the ritual killing of moose by pummeling them with timbits, and have created a mass-scale and debilitating addiction to maple syrup, which is - after all - our number 1 export and sole source of income as a nation.

From what I've learned, that's the case, yeah. After looking into the humane societies and after advertising the dogs on web forums for sled people, the owner I guess tried to talk to vets to try and get them put down humanely with them, but even the vets said no. I got this from one of the dog mushers I follow on FB, who apparently know or know of the people involved.

LMAO - oh yes, the great Timbit hunts for moose! That is for rogue moose, by the way. Tame moose are used as Extra Mounts for our RCMP since horses are too expensive to take care of now-a-days. (What does it mean though if I don't like maple syrup? I'm already a bad maritimer for not liking fish or lobster that much. :D )

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. (What does it mean though if I don't like maple syrup? I'm already a bad maritimer for not liking fish or lobster that much. :D )

:jawdrop: Laine, you don't like maple syrup ? It is horrendously expensive here, but it is still on my shopping list - I mainly buy local produce, etc, but ........................ I just can't resist dribbling the golden maple syrup over pancakes and waffles :oops:

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:jawdrop: Laine, you don't like maple syrup ? It is horrendously expensive here, but it is still on my shopping list - I mainly buy local produce, etc, but ........................ I just can't resist dribbling the golden maple syrup over pancakes and waffles :oops:

No, I can't stand maple syrup. Actually makes me sick, even to smell it. And if it's on or in food, I can't eat it.

Just the thought of it on food... *gag* :P Not my fault though; I used to love it and then the elementary school I went to made french toast, with sausage, bacon and the smell of syrup was overwhelming and the combined smell of all of that made me sick. Can't stand it since then.

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the comment on the husky thing, "canadians are a brutal race" or something along those lines. i dont think ive ever heard anyone call us anything like that. anyways, SIGNED IT.

Lavs, I'm glad I went up to read the commentary on the Husky issue. I signed this over a year ago and this shows again the need for research. I wish I had time to research everything that needs it. As to Canadians being a "brutal race" I've never met a Canadian that wasn't friendly, down-home, welcoming and helpful. Canadians rock!! Great Folk! Thanks for the update and your care.

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Laine - I seem to recall a statement made at the beginning of all this wherein the guy who performed most of the killings did so because the local area humane societies refused to take any of the dogs because they were deemed to be unadoptable - hence him feeling like killing them was the only "humane" option. Do you know if there is any truth to that? I'd go do some searching on it but I just haven't the time at the moment.

ETA - I had to LOL at the "cruel race" comment too. But then, can we really deny it? After all, as a "race" we habitually bludgeon adorable seals to death, partake in the ritual killing of moose by pummeling them with timbits, and have created a mass-scale and debilitating addiction to maple syrup, which is - after all - our number 1 export and sole source of income as a nation.

ROFL! Those Timbits are DEADLY! Not only maple syrup, but we also make a killing off of animal furs and whale oil! LOL

And I don't find maple syrup that bad, but its not my favourite thing to put on my pancakes...

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ROFL! Those Timbits are DEADLY! Not only maple syrup, but we also make a killing off of animal furs and whale oil! LOL

And I don't find maple syrup that bad, but its not my favourite thing to put on my pancakes...

HA! I used to help make the Timbits ("Time to make the Donuts" reference, y'all and I probably just really showed my age with that, lol :P) and you've noooo idea! :lolman:

Not all animal furs and whale oil; we need that for ourselves, you know, to help keep our igloo's warm. And before anyone asks, yes, we do "Celebrate" Thanksgiving, just at the proper time of year. :P

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LMAO - oh yes, the great Timbit hunts for moose! That is for rogue moose, by the way. Tame moose are used as Extra Mounts for our RCMP since horses are too expensive to take care of now-a-days. (What does it mean though if I don't like maple syrup? I'm already a bad maritimer for not liking fish or lobster that much. :D )


Heh, living on the prairies, people are often shocked when I tell them my grandad (from Newfoundland) used to eat lobster because they couldn't afford anything else! It's super-expensive in the landlocked provinces!

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