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Struggling with walking 2 dogs at the same time: how do others manage?


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As some of you will be aware, we collected 'the bear' (Timber) last weekend - and (mainly) so far so good! He is so well behaved.:wub:

However, lunchtime walking sessions are proving to be a big challenge for me. (I am on my own with them all day so can't call on Moll's dad for help.)

We get out of the front door and the pair of them are so fired up they pull like crazy and snap at each other in a bid to be first. Then Molly, desperate to be lead dog, pulls me down the street. I swear people working at the industrial centres we pass are sniggering or shaking their heads at me trying to cope with these two as I am led down to the park.:dog3:

We arrive at the park, and Molly wants to dart off to the bottom of the field and Timber wants to cock his leg at a tree. Result: I get pulled in 2 directions, Molly switches direction, the leads gets tangled and I end up spinning 360 degrees (and we've only just arrived).

Taking them out seaparately isn't an option at the moment as Timber is still very new to us and I don't want to create new problems because one is going out without the other.

Molly has a 'walk with love' harness but the last time I used it (months ago), I put it on upside down and inside out. Basically, I am a numpty when it comes to harnesses and afraid that it'll slip off her. :oops:

We have a split lead but I'm worried they'll get in each other's way and snap at each other and then I won't be able to separate them before any damage is done.

Should I consider a completely new set up? Different types of leads or configurations thereof, or will they just settle into a walking routine under their own steam after a while?

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:pictures: LOLOL I had that for a while, then I invested in a walking belt...life is some much less painful (and my tennis elbow is healing very nicely thank you)...mine still snap at times and still want to go different directions but at least I know have more control. What I have done at time is, because Bindi wants to walk upfront, is hear lead has an extention in it so that Alpha cannot walk upfront... hope this help a bit..
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You might want to try the split lead - that seems like the best option, IMO.

What collars do each of them have on? If it was only 1 dog, I'd recommend the Martingale collar...but I don't know if that kind of training method would work at all with 2 dogs...I have to constantly pay attention to Suka and 'check' him during our walks or else he'll pull me down on my face (again!)

EDIT: As for the comment above, I tried a walking belt. I bought a really good one after using a 'makeshift' one for about half a year. The first time I tried it on, he wanted to get to THAT PARTICULAR POLE to pee. There was nothing I could do - because I'm so small, I was easily dragged there and almost did a face plant on the curb. After lying there, clutching my knee for a good few minutes (though it felt longer!)...help finally came from random strangers. During the time I was waiting, Suka kept on peeing on that same pole. Didn't pay any attention or concern to me.

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Personally, I'd go for a good quality walking belt, coupled to a 2 dog gangline, with the neck line attached to the collars to keep them together, they'll soon get used to being that close.

Make them sit, and do not let them go through the door before you. Once you go through the door make them sit and wait whilst you close it.

If they pull you all over the place and misbehave, just stop and dont move again until they calm down. It can take a long time to get anywhere but they soon get the idea.

I'm sure someone else will come along and say something quite different, but that's how I'd proceed.

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Personally, I'd go for a good quality walking belt, coupled to a 2 dog gangline, with the neck line attached to the collars to keep them together, they'll soon get used to being that close.


This enables me to walk Fox and Eponine, with an infant strapped to my chest and a toddler being walked along by the hand.

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For starters, insist on polite behaviour before they're even out the door. They have to sit before going out the door and wait patiently for you to go first. I swear to you, if my two can learn this any dog can! If they learn that they don't get to walk unless they sit quietly, they'll sit quietly, don't you doubt!

Keep them short and don't let one lead ahead of you. Period. I keep one dog on a regular leash, the other on an extendable. While we're on the street walking to the park they are both heeled beside me. Period.

When we get to the park, one dog stays heeled, while the one on the retractable gets to roam ahead, explore, sniff, etc. So for half the walk one dog gets to be free, then halfway through I switch leashes and the other dog gets to roam free on the way back.

Training it wasn't easy to start - after all, me brudder''s running around free why can't I?! - but they do learn the routine and come to accept it pretty readily.

It took some trial and error too, but find out which one is more "patient" and a better candidate for waiting until the halfway point to be free. For example, Wyatt used to roam first, but Scout was really bad about leaning on the leash. I noticed that after he had his run and we were back on the road on the way home he was always much better about walking beside me. So I switched to letting Scout run first. Wyatt didn't care for having to wait his turn at first, but he calmed down and got used to it quickly and was much more patient during the first half. The result was a much better walk because Scout didn't pull the second half of the walk while Wyatt was free.

So that works for me, anyway. No cross pulling, no tangled leashes. When the dogs are heeled I don't let them sniff and mark on everything we pass, because I don't tolerate them pulling me anywhere. They start and end the walk heeled beside me, and always have to sit and wait to leave/enter the yard/house.

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A walking belt best thing ever I use halti on mine just because 3 of mine weigh the same more then me lol I walk 3 of mine if not 4 without a problem even when they see a dog unless the dam thing is offlead then its harder to stay on your feet bloody offlead small dogs I could bloody shoot them pmsl only jokin but I do hate them.

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Thanks for all of the great replies as well as the really amusing acedotes!:D

I should have stated: Moll's dad bought me a military webbing combat belt a week ago which I have been using as a walking belt; I don't trust it though - I keep worrying that it'll come undone, so don't use is in the way that I should. (I pretend it isn't there and walk them as though they were not attached to me.)

Rob: just for you, I'll have Moll's dad video the whole sorry experience if you like.

Nick: any personal recommendations on a 2 dog gangline? (And are they 'numpy' friendly?:oops:)

Cas: Timber has a Canny collar but spends all of his time clawing his face (and actually hurting himself) trying to remove it, according to his previous owner. She gave it to me and said that I might have better luck with it, but I don't want to try it out yet because the poor chap has enough on his plate (Molly being a spoilt brat) to contend with at the moment.

There is apparently a husky meet at Black Park in Buck's on the 3rd April which we are considering going to, but I need to get this sorted first, otherwise I could well end up embarrassing everyone else and being disowned by all the other Husky walkers.:D

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I honestly don't know how you guys don't fall over with those walking belts, either I'm incredibly weak, or because Suka's a bigger husky he's got more pulling power? (ie, he can easily pull my Mom over when she's bracing herself (both at a standstill)...and my Mom's 220 pounds. Suka's 76, so that's like...almost 3 times his weight!

It's probably cause I'm small/weak, though, cause I only weigh 120ish pounds

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(thinks to self: attractive to Moll's dad or good Husky walker...attractive to Moll's dad...?)

Yeahhh, you're right; better make another lemon drizzle cake today then.:rolleyes:

Lol! He'll kill me if he spots this post.:D

Haha - I've been trying to gain weight (by, literally, eating all the junk food I can. Eating tubs of ice cream without 2 days) and I barely gain a pound. I lose it the next day. Like, really, is my body against me!? I know it must sound like a dream, but really, it's not. I don't want to be fat, obviously, just not freakishly skinny!

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I have a walking belt, I can walk all 3 of my dogs on it no problem.

I have 3 separate leads so not relying on one for all 3. I also have collar to collar connectors made out of the same stuff as the leads so I can keep them in a line in front of me.

I have to admit, sometimes, I do end up leaning slightly backward when I'm walking lol

Here's a pic of me with my 3 at New Brighton meet, see it is possible :)


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I have a walking belt, I can walk all 3 of my dogs on it no problem.

I have 3 separate leads so not relying on one for all 3. I also have collar to collar connectors made out of the same stuff as the leads so I can keep them in a line in front of me.

I have to admit, sometimes, I do end up leaning slightly backward when I'm walking lol

Here's a pic of me with my 3 at New Brighton meet, see it is possible :)[ATTACH=full]42864[/ATTACH]

Jeepers, Brian! I'm too short do cope with that and would look like Neo out of the Matrix when he bends over backwards.

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