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Sibes: inside or out?


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I'd never keep my sibe outside. Im not against keeping sibes outside as some are working dogs and thats what they are bred for not being house pets. But mine is a house pet so it would be impractical to keep mine outside yes. But like i said, working teams or whatever are kept outside and they are fine, so wouldn't say its cruel (Unless ofcourse they were left out and never fed/looked after)

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Like already pointed out, it depends on the circumstances. My husky in an indoor dog, partly from his choice (he doesn't go outside very much, he prefers to stay inside) and partly because it was my choice. He's my dog and when I'm in the house, I want him to be there with me...not outside all day.

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Kiska is kept inside with me as she is a companion animal, not a working animal or anything like that. However I voted "Outside is okay" because that's how I feel - I don't do it personally but have absolutely no issue with dogs living outside provided they're given something appropriate to live in out there and that they're given adequate attention and not 'forgotten about' out there. Some people do it because they have allergies and such so I don't think it would be right for someone to be totally and completely against keeping them outdoors.

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hammer goes out if he wants. sometimes we will keep him out for a few hours when its nice or if we are doing some work in the house. sonoma is always in but she likes to be outside too and we are slowly introducing her to being tied out, right now she is only tied out if im outside able to supervise her and i take her in when i go in. when she's older she can hang out outside all she wants but she will always be inside at night.

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Mine are inside unless they want 2 stay outside . Blaze used 2 choose 2 sleep outside all night , that was his choice so we let him but left the back door unlocked so he could come in if he wanted 2 , we have a very secure back garden or he wouldn't b allowed , he chooses 2 sleep inside now tho so no waking up freezing cuz he's left the back door open cuz it doesn't need 2 stay unlocked now yay lol

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Sasha is both indoors and out all day and part of the night. The truth is she gets bored anywhere and leaving her outside means eventually she would dig or continue her latest project stripping the bark of the tree. I walk her ( a mile each way) three to four times a day back and forth to the forest preserve nearby. She loves climbing on fallen trees and exploring. Inside she has her den and plays with the kids at times. She needs to keep active except during sleep.

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Diamond stays inside most of the time due to the surgical steel in her legs...she has no tolerance of the temp swings. Rockie is inside in the summer but outside in the winter, he recently started having heat stroke issues and the house it too warm even at 73F. The rest have the run of their outdoor kennel runs and have rotating house time or house time after say going to the vet or groomer as a reward. I find that mine enjoy their house time but are equally happy to be outside. We spend a lot of time with them outside in the large play yard :)

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I dont have any issue with them being kept outside nor inside, i think the reasons have been covered previously.. Peronally my 2 both sleep inside but during the day when ever i am home the back door is left open and they can choose whether they go out or not, and usually they split their time 50/50 depending on their mood.

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Tux is inside when I'm home, otherwise he's either riding shotgun with me, weather permitting, or with the "dogs" (in his view! :P) in the kennel. Most of my guys have to stay out in the indoor/outdoor kennel most of the time, but I do bring one or another in from time to time, putting them in a crate while in. I have 2 older cats who never taught the dogs respect (they always ran - real helpful!), and then a number of younger cats on my acreage. For the cats' sakes, the dogs are kept separate from them - Tux is very good with them!

They don't really seem to mind being outside, for the most part, especially as long as I make sure to spend some time with them on a daily basis, but do seem to regard being invited inside as being a very valuable prize!

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Mine are in, or out, depending on how they feel - the door is always open. At night they are inside because Micah barks at the squirrels, and I don't think my neighbours would be too happy :rolleyes: but I am sure they would prefer to be able to come and go as they please at night too.

As long as they have good shelter, and it is safe for them to do so, I think its great if they want to stay outside. Some huskies are lucky enough to get 5 Star accommodation - like Sutsibe's huskies :)

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Mine are outside during the day when we are at work and inside when we are home and at night...at the end of the day dogs are animals and are quite capable of being outside...i do think its a little too precious and paranoid..to think your dog must be kept inside at all times

It is very common in Australia for dogs to be outside only, especially in a house with children

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My dogs our outside (although I do occasionally sneak them inside when my husband isn't looking). My husband has allergies and we also have a certain cultural taboo (that I don't always agree with) about keeping dogs inside the home. Ours have an AC'd dog house/shed as it gets very hot in las vegas but the winters are mild. You were brave in asking this question and I salute you for it. I've been very harshly bashed on other forums for keeping my dogs outside :( and it still hurts when I think about it. People have told me things like "you might as well consider squirrels and worms a part of your pack by keeping them outside" but I consider them like family and for someone to think like that of me.......harsh :'-(

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