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Bindi has 2 blue eyes, Alpha has 1 brown and 1 3/4 brown 1/4 blue eye (believe they call this a pinto eye)

I believe when they have an eye that has both colors in it, they call it parti-eyed. Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen a Husky with two parti-eyes?

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I believe when they have an eye that has both colors in it, they call it parti-eyed. Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen a Husky with two parti-eyes?

Yep, Aries has a very weird form of this. His eyes seem to have a layer of brown over a layer of blue and they have ended up with a greenish hue. In low light they seem more brownish, whilst in sunlight they look light green with a strong blue glow.





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I know what you guys mean about the bi-eyes, it does confuse the brain a little. But ironically, if I had to choose between brown eyed and bi-eyed...I might go with bi-eyed! I kind of like it, especially when the brown eye is a lighter brown, but I know i'm a weirdo!! Brown eyes have that heart-melting effect on me, but the bi-eye is very unique to me, and I like uniqueness.

Yep, Aries has a very weird form of this. His eyes seem to have a layer of brown over a layer of blue and they have ended up with a greenish hue. In low light they seem more brownish, whilst in sunlight they look light green with a strong blue glow.

His eyes are pretty!! I knew there are green eyed Huskies out there, but there aren't a lot of pictures. You know what would be really interesting? A Husky with a blue eye and a green eye! I'm sure it's happened, but finding a picture might be hard. I guess they would look mostly blue eyed though...

I didn't notice before, but some Huskies have eyes so light blue they are almost white...now those eyes are amazing. They almost glow! :)

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There were a LOT of top show dogs from the US that were imported into Japan in the early 1990's, and a larger proportion of show dogs in the US have brown eyes than blue, so that may explain why there are so many more brown eyed Siberians in Japan than blue eyed ones.

Unfortunately, because many not-so-reputable "breeders" breed specifically for blue eyes, the blue eyes have kind of become associated with "pets". Therefore, many show breeders really don't like blue eyes, and try to avoid them, or will at least have a certain amount of preference toward brown eyes, as opposed to blue, bi, or parti eyes.

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There were a LOT of top show dogs from the US that were imported into Japan in the early 1990's, and a larger proportion of show dogs in the US have brown eyes than blue, so that may explain why there are so many more brown eyed Siberians in Japan than blue eyed ones.

Unfortunately, because many not-so-reputable "breeders" breed specifically for blue eyes, the blue eyes have kind of become associated with "pets". Therefore, many show breeders really don't like blue eyes, and try to avoid them, or will at least have a certain amount of preference toward brown eyes, as opposed to blue, bi, or parti eyes.

Its so true, if you have a blue eyed Siberian in the show world you get pegged for buying from a pet breeder. So funny, my dog's grandsire has blue eyes and hes phenomenal! But lets not forget blue eyes are a recessive gene also!

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Its so true, if you have a blue eyed Siberian in the show world you get pegged for buying from a pet breeder. So funny, my dog's grandsire has blue eyes and hes phenomenal! But lets not forget blue eyes are a recessive gene also!

I have 2 blue-eyed sisters; Angel is lovely, and most show judges would absolutely love her! Her sister, Jazz, looks like she came from a puppy mill - she's black and white, with a huge, white cloverleaf on her face! You know, though, she's the better of the two from a quality and movement standard, and a truly honest judge that knew what they were looking at - and was willing to look past the coloring and markings would have acknowledge it...

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I have 2 blue-eyed sisters; Angel is lovely, and most show judges would absolutely love her! Her sister, Jazz, looks like she came from a puppy mill - she's black and white, with a huge, white cloverleaf on her face! You know, though, she's the better of the two from a quality and movement standard, and a truly honest judge that knew what they were looking at - and was willing to look past the coloring and markings would have acknowledge it...

Thankfully a good judge will take a look at the total package....it's the whispers from outside the ring is where the branding comes from.

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There were a LOT of top show dogs from the US that were imported into Japan in the early 1990's, and a larger proportion of show dogs in the US have brown eyes than blue, so that may explain why there are so many more brown eyed Siberians in Japan than blue eyed ones.

Unfortunately, because many not-so-reputable "breeders" breed specifically for blue eyes, the blue eyes have kind of become associated with "pets". Therefore, many show breeders really don't like blue eyes, and try to avoid them, or will at least have a certain amount of preference toward brown eyes, as opposed to blue, bi, or parti eyes.

Really? I didn't know the blue eyed Huskies had such a bad rap in the show ring. That's really sad, but maybe I find it sad because I was naive about the breed when I fell in love with it, and I honestly thought blue was the standard. :oops: What could be the future for blue eyed Huskies if most breeders have a slight preference for brown? Could blue eyes become a rarity in the future? I think it's a beautiful trait worth preserving, as long as the breed standard and health are kept a priority of course. I read somewhere that Huskies and Australian Shepard's are two of the only breeds that can have blue eyes no matter what their skin/hair color is, and that most other breeds would need to have white or white around the eyes to have blue eyes. If that is true (and I apologize if I misunderstood or misquoted that!), I think that is very special for worth holding onto for this breed! :)

That large import into Japan you mentioned must be the "Husky Boom" my husband read about on Japanese Wikipedia...or linked to it. He said it was around when he was a kid, so 1990's is about right. I still can't wrap by head around a Husky Boom in a country like Japan. Tiny houses...workaholic culture...it must have been a nightmare and a sad end for so many Huskies who's people didn't research the breed first and only got them because they are cute. :(

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Really? I didn't know the blue eyed Huskies had such a bad rap in the show ring. That's really sad, but maybe I find it sad because I was naive about the breed when I fell in love with it, and I honestly thought blue was the standard. :oops: What could be the future for blue eyed Huskies if most breeders have a slight preference for brown? Could blue eyes become a rarity in the future? I think it's a beautiful trait worth preserving, as long as the breed standard and health are kept a priority of course. I read somewhere that Huskies and Australian Shepard's are two of the only breeds that can have blue eyes no matter what their skin/hair color is, and that most other breeds would need to have white or white around the eyes to have blue eyes. If that is true (and I apologize if I misunderstood or misquoted that!), I think that is very special for worth holding onto for this breed! :)

That large import into Japan you mentioned must be the "Husky Boom" my husband read about on Japanese Wikipedia...or linked to it. He said it was around when he was a kid, so 1990's is about right. I still can't wrap by head around a Husky Boom in a country like Japan. Tiny houses...workaholic culture...it must have been a nightmare and a sad end for so many Huskies who's people didn't research the breed first and only got them because they are cute. :(

gosh! Never heard about "husky boom" before... But it must be really sad :( and no, don't worry.. Blue eyes are very common in huskies. There's no way blue eyes would be such rarity. It possesses a dominant gene so basically it means if a brown-eyed mates with a blue-eyed, most of the puppies will be blue-eyed :)

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gosh! Never heard about "husky boom" before... But it must be really sad :( and no, don't worry.. Blue eyes are very common in huskies. There's no way blue eyes would be such rarity. It possesses a dominant gene so basically it means if a brown-eyed mates with a blue-eyed, most of the puppies will be blue-eyed :)

Aww yay!! I didn't know blue possesses a dominant gene in Huskies. That explains why breeders would have a slight preference for brown, because they will end up with blue at some point anyway! You learn something new everyday, and I love learning about this breed! :D

And yes...sorry it's off topic, but assuming we didn't get lost in translation it must have been so sad. By Husky Boom, I mean like for example when 101 Dalmatians came out and there was a Dalmatian Boom. Movies are a double edged sword when it comes to animals. :(

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Really? I didn't know the blue eyed Huskies had such a bad rap in the show ring. That's really sad, but maybe I find it sad because I was naive about the breed when I fell in love with it, and I honestly thought blue was the standard. :oops: What could be the future for blue eyed Huskies if most breeders have a slight preference for brown? Could blue eyes become a rarity in the future? I think it's a beautiful trait worth preserving, as long as the breed standard and health are kept a priority of course. I read somewhere that Huskies and Australian Shepard's are two of the only breeds that can have blue eyes no matter what their skin/hair color is, and that most other breeds would need to have white or white around the eyes to have blue eyes. If that is true (and I apologize if I misunderstood or misquoted that!), I think that is very special for worth holding onto for this breed! :)

That large import into Japan you mentioned must be the "Husky Boom" my husband read about on Japanese Wikipedia...or linked to it. He said it was around when he was a kid, so 1990's is about right. I still can't wrap by head around a Husky Boom in a country like Japan. Tiny houses...workaholic culture...it must have been a nightmare and a sad end for so many Huskies who's people didn't research the breed first and only got them because they are cute. :(

The reason the blue eyes are such a bad rap is basically the blue eye gives the illusion of the eye being too round (most actually tend to be with blue eyes), and that almost every pet breeder (BYB and Puppymill included) breed specifically for blue eyes nothing more. You breed that many recessive genes you are bound to have a dog with issues. There are quality blue eyed Siberians out there, but blue eyes are not a very dominant gene. Most other sled dog breeds as you notice only have brown eyes...we are blessed with one of the few that have a multitude but NEVER will we breed for eye color specifics when breeding ethically.

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I honestly think I might be the only person on here who doesnt like the bi eyed look... I'll admit it

Hahaha! You're not alone. I prefer brown eyes and am not a big fan of the two different eyes - though both of my boys ended up being like that! I actually call the blue ones the "dead eyes" because I think that compared to the soulful brown eyes the blue ones look dead and cold. Scout's blue eye is very pale, so his looks even more eerie than Wyatt's! Especially if you can't see the pupil, LOL!


They really get noticed though - people are forever commenting on them when they see us on walks. My favourite is when people look at me with that big dumb grin and say "they both have two different coloured eyes!"

I always looked shocked and say "they do?" *look at the dogs* "Dammit, they've gone and switched them again!"

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They really get noticed though - people are forever commenting on them when they see us on walks. My favourite is when people look at me with that big dumb grin and say "they both have two different coloured eyes!"

I always looked shocked and say "they do?" *look at the dogs* "Dammit, they've gone and switched them again!"


btw Raven sorry to ask but which one is Wyatt and which one is Scout? .__.

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Back to the original question for a moment .......... if you think you may be "shallow" for wanting a specific eye colour in your husky, what about coat? Length? Colour? What about gender? Why male over female or the other way around?

When we first were looking for a sibe 7 years ago, I was adamant I DIDN'T want a black one as I did not want the stigma of "Ooh, that dog looks evil" as some black masks can look daunting, no matter how beautiful a nature the dog was! So we ended up with a blue-eyed grey & white girl that stole our hearts.

3 years later, we thought about adding another to the mix. We didn't have an "ideal" second in our heads, just one that Myshka got along with (as she can be a funny mare!!) - never in a million years would I have picked Diesel - a redhead with bi-eyes!! But he picked us. I must admit, it did take me a week or two to get used to one blue eye & one brown eye looking at me, it was a little strange as we had never encountered bi-eyed dogs before. Now I don't even notice them!! Added to that, we have a third husky now, a dark grey who is also bi-eyed but opposite way to Diesel - I never thought about the "Darn, they swapped eyes again" line!! Will have to remember that one for the future!

So, like everything in life, we know what we like & tend to veer towards that. If something comes along to make you have an alternative .... all well and good too ....

See, you're not alone!!!!!!

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Blaze was a litter ov 7 I think out ov all ov those puppies blaze was the only one with a blue eye (he is bi-eyed) the rest were brown eyed

I love brown eyed huskies u can really melt in their eyes :-)

Forgot to mention that we didn't even pick blaze so his eyes wasn't something we specifically went for , tho I loved his dad's bi-eyes we actually got there n was told we had a little bi-eyed boy (I think he actually saved him for us because me n mum had a convo about eye colour when we were there)

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Back to the original question for a moment .......... if you think you may be "shallow" for wanting a specific eye colour in your husky, what about coat? Length? Colour? What about gender? Why male over female or the other way around?

When we first were looking for a sibe 7 years ago, I was adamant I DIDN'T want a black one as I did not want the stigma of "Ooh, that dog looks evil" as some black masks can look daunting, no matter how beautiful a nature the dog was! So we ended up with a blue-eyed grey & white girl that stole our hearts.

3 years later, we thought about adding another to the mix. We didn't have an "ideal" second in our heads, just one that Myshka got along with (as she can be a funny mare!!) - never in a million years would I have picked Diesel - a redhead with bi-eyes!! But he picked us. I must admit, it did take me a week or two to get used to one blue eye & one brown eye looking at me, it was a little strange as we had never encountered bi-eyed dogs before. Now I don't even notice them!! Added to that, we have a third husky now, a dark grey who is also bi-eyed but opposite way to Diesel - I never thought about the "Darn, they swapped eyes again" line!! Will have to remember that one for the future!

So, like everything in life, we know what we like & tend to veer towards that. If something comes along to make you have an alternative .... all well and good too ....

See, you're not alone!!!!!!

Awww thanks Val! It feels good not to be alone! Ironically, besides eye color, I am not too bothered about everything else! Girl or boy, black or white, it's all good for me. If I had to decide, I might side with a boy with light grey or wolf-grey/agouti markings and an all-white face. But i'm actually extremely flexible about everything, only thing I have my heart set on are icy blue eyes. :)

I never thought of a black husky as looking "evil" ...I think they are stunning! It's so sad if someone thinks they are evil. The only Husky that I thought might get that comment are the ones with the "mean eyes" facial markings. Those poor puppies, they look angry all the time (example below). :P


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  • 3 months later...

When we went up to pick out a puppy the only thing we knew is that we wanted a red-and-white. There was only one in the litter --- I so hoped he would have blue eyes, but when we got there, he had mossy green eyes... that are now an amber color that matches his coat perfectly. I was a little disappointed that he didn't have the blue eyes, but have definitely gotten over it. And I still get comments on the 'weirdness' of his eyes - lots of people ask if he's part-wolf.

If I can ever convince my husband to let me get a second husky, I definitely want a black and white blue eyed puppy.

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