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Huskies attacking kids


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Why is there so many stories about huskies attacking children . I mean huskies have the most loving natures is it due to the owners or should huskies never be around children ? I mean obviously people know never leave a dog around a baby unsupervised and I know that babies make weird noises and movements that dogs get a bit scared of and when a toddler is running around playing is it there prey drive that kicks in and makes them think that the child is prey ?

These kind of stories are making it really hard for me to convince my partner that Tanna will be fine if we had a baby which we are planning on doing and I must admit that I am starting to wonder if it would be the best idea to have a baby round her as she has never been around children. I would love to think everything will be great and she will be so loving and protective round the child but honestly do I take the risk ? It breaks my heart to even think of getting rid of her and makes me think just forget about the baby . Wouldn't it be great know what a dog thinks

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I've got to children and to huskies my kids are 2 and a half and 9 months and the dogs get on with them great the key thing like you said is never to leave your dog alone with the child this doesn't just got for huskies this is any breed of dog as you don't no what the child will do to aggregate the dog so every dog has the chance it could harm but if ur always there to supervise this will never happen. I think you'll find children that have been hurt will have been left alone so I'd class this more as bad parenting there's no reason what so ever children and dogs can't be raised in the same home as long as its done properly

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I agree with the comment above. Most of the time those "baby attacked by dog" stories are not the dog's fault. As long as the dog is not left unattended with the baby, everything would be OK. And remember; teach the dog to respect boundaries. Make the baby's room a restricted place for her. She might be a bit puzzled at first but everything will turn out fine in no time :)

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In my opinion, most of the stories out there about babies/children getting attacked by a husky (or any dog for that matter) is just the parents' fault. You simply shouldn't leave the dog and the baby together unsupervised. It may happen that the dog doesn't even have bad intentions, but since babies are quite fragile, even being grabbed by a dog's mouth can cause serious injury. It's mostly common sense, so it's really sad to see those dogs put down because of this.

I don't think that having a baby and a dog are two incompatible things - as long as you are careful, nothing wrong should ever happen. I have many friends that grew up with dogs since they were babies and I really don't think that should be a problem if you take all your precautions.

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Agree with the above , my little brother was 9 when we got blaze ,but when we got my rescue staffy x he was 3 years old (another breed with bad rep) and they've been fine , it's just common sense 2 not leave them alone together , you should also be able 2 get CDs that make baby noises 2 help desensitize a dog 2 those kind ov sounds that could worry or scare a dog

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I agree with the comment above. Most of the time those "baby attacked by dog" stories are not the dog's fault. As long as the dog is not left unattended with the baby, everything would be OK. And remember; teach the dog to respect boundaries. Make the baby's room a restricted place for her. She might be a bit puzzled at first but everything will turn out fine in no time :)

I def. Agree with this and in my house (my children are older, 8 and 14), we found it useful to have an area set aside for the dogs that the children must keep out of. Same principle but in reverse!

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the problem is because they look a bit like wolves and so many idiotic people have ideas that they are 90% wolf etc etc when a story like this presents itself it spreads across the news like its some kinda proof that they are nasty animals.

I mean you never hear about a labrador attacking a person/child do you?

I have two kids and my youngest was 4 when we got storm.

They are now 11 and 5 and neither has ever been bitten by one of my two.

In fact neither have I, the only times I did get bit was when I tried to get a ball out of angels mouth and her tooth grazed my finger, and when we had a foster and they had a fight and I got caught up in it.

Its a shame and the reason so many people cross the road when they see the dogs :(

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Our 3 love children, one of them will sit in the front garden and watch the kids playing football in the street and gets really excited if he’s in the house and hears them playing all he wants to do is play with them, we’ve got 3 kids and not once have they growled nipped or shown any aggression at all.

German shepherds are another great choice with children we had 2 when i was growing up, We lived on a USAF base so all the back gardens backed onto each other, the guy next-door went to lift my little sister over the fence so she could play with his son, and Sasha made it from one side of the garden to the other and was hanging from his armpit before she went over the fence! Coz he was trying to take her.

IMO 2 breeds i trust are huskies and GSD when it comes to children J

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Our 3 love children, one of them will sit in the front garden and watch the kids playing football in the street and gets really excited if he’s in the house and hears them playing all he wants to do is play with them, we’ve got 3 kids and not once have they growled nipped or shown any aggression at all.

German shepherds are another great choice with children we had 2 when i was growing up, We lived on a USAF base so all the back gardens backed onto each other, the guy next-door went to lift my little sister over the fence so she could play with his son, and Sasha made it from one side of the garden to the other and was hanging from his armpit before she went over the fence! Coz he was trying to take her.

IMO 2 breeds i trust are huskies and GSD when it comes to children J

I have a husky x gsd and hes so lovely with the kids.

He does have to warn off the elder one sometimes, he gets a bit too much for him.

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Togo came from a family with two small children (both under 5)and as a puppy if he heard children playing he'd be desperate to go and play to. Loki and Safi came from a family with slightly older children ( under 10) Peppa from a family of teenagers

I grew up with dogs, my best friend was the lab/gsd cross we had from before I was born. I learned to respect animals not treat them as disposable objects.

I've been bitten by a cocker spaniel, aunty's dog bit my hand when I was 5

A GSD, neighbours dog. It ran at me across a field swung behind me an sank its teeth into the back of my thigh when I was 11 for no other reason than it didn't like me.

A golden lab, when I was 14 I arrived at a stable yard to enquire about vacancies an it hurtled round the front of the house an bit my arm

About 18months ago my neighbours Belgium shep went for Loki, as I intervened it caught my top lip an nicked it. That dog has since been pts after killing one of her rotty pups.

And most recently, after Safi bring ill and the girls having dominance issues I got bitten on the calf separating them

Needless to say its never put me off dogs lol it sounds like I must torment dogs to get bitten so much lol. I don't honest!

Seriously, the point I'm trying to make is, it doesn't matter what the breed, there is no 'safe' dog. They can all bite, it's up to us as owners to use common sense in introducing the baby and remembering dogs aren't there to take any crap a child hands out without an ultimate reaction.

I wouldn't rehome my dogs because of horror stories.

You know your dog, she's given you no reason to believe she'd attack another person. Put the horror stories aside and have faith in yourself, your dog and the way you raised her.

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Jack gets very excited when the kids come over (my granddaughters) and because they are both about the same height as the dogs, sometimes the dogs forget they aren't "playmates." We have had to teach the girls not to run (not always fun) so the dogs don't chase them, but eventually, they all figured it out. Mine aren't around kids a lot, but when we go to the coffee shop, every kid asks their mom if they can pet the doggies, and they push in for their share, with tongues and tails wagging!!!:doglick:

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I've noticed with Ryn is that she used to like to 'discipline' children or sometimes 'mother' them. Often, IMO, I think many of these "maulings" are due to circumstances similar to disciplining or mothering.....When Baby K cries, Ryn gets pretty upset and immediately wants her to stop......

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