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Back to the (emergency) vets for Ice.


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Feeling a bit sorry for my little Icy boy. He's been vomiting and suffering from diahrroea all day yesterday and this morning it got worse, he was passing blood.

So off to the emergency vets we go and £184 later he's diagnosed with gastroenteritis and given lots of different meds to help him.

Now on the way home I have been trying to work out what he was exsposed to that Bear and Brooke were not. There is only 1 thing. That bloody vets I took him to on Monday that messed us around with his neuter. I'm starting to convince myself he's picked this up from being left in the kennels, around other sick animals. I Posted a link below to the thread about that experience!


Now, that would really add insult to injury if true and I certainly cannot prove it even if I suspect it to be the case. I'm not even sure if an incubation period of 5 days is typical for gastroenteritis! I'm just really :mad: and :cry1:right now and perhaps not thinking clearly. Maybe I'm looking for somebody to blame when I shouldn't be, who knows. I just wish he wasn't so sick.

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:sorry: to hear about ICE, hope he has a speedy recovery from this.:lovebone: We know what he is going through...our Kayak had the same thing, no fun :(seeing them go through this and having to give the antibiotics.:eek: One never knows if he picked it up at the clinic, just like hospitals they are for the sick and not the well...

Husky Lovers in Vermont:doglick:

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Ryn went through a serious bout of this and I know how scary it can be for you...........it's hard to see them go through it. She got so dehydrated that they had to give her IV fluids and she spend two days at the vet.

Keep a close eye on him. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery!

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Thank you everyone for wishing my Ice well. He's currently sleeping in the living room doorway (we're eating bacon crusty rolls) The anti sickness shot seems to be helping as he ate a tiny peice of ham earlier (I hid his tablets inside it). No sickness since 10am this morning but we know it'll take a lot longer before his husky butt settles down, he's loose at the best of times!

Yes Molly's_Mum I did a sharp intake of breath when I saw the bill but thankfully haven't paid the water bill yet so that money covered most of it! Sod Thames water, they'll have to wait lol.

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Someone's been changing my avatar! lol

:lolman: Marc? Dunc? :adminpower: sure you'll get revenge!!!

Come to think of it that's not the girl from the moomins is it? I recognise her but can't remember where from! Must be getting old, lol x

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update: He's much perkier now and still hasn't been sick or gone to the toilet (poops) which I take to be a good sign. No more bloody lumps being passed, thank god. Must be the anti sickness shot he got (was told by the vet that it's very painful and most dogs either hit the roof or cry, my baby boy didn't even flinch. Must of been feeling to rough to care).

He's taking metronidazole anti-biotics and pro- koline paste to firm him up. Has been following me around as per usual and curling up to sleep making sure i'm within his eyesight. He's eaten a little bit of chicken but refused to touch the rice, still that's better than nothing! When I took Bear out for a walk earlier (an experience in itself, her power is unreal and not in a good way!) he even walked up to me giving me the big blue eyed hopeful stare that he would get a turn too, so hopefully this will continue when the effects of his jab wears off!

Bear and Brooke still well touch wood. I'm shattered and knocking back the malibu and coke, thank god text can't slurrrrrr, lol. Early night tonight coz I was up all night last night suffering from bad nausea myself (my usual reaction to stress, pain, greasy food, most things really. Perhaps I should of asked the vet to give me a shot too, could do with it, sometimes). Good night everyone, and hope you all had a great easter xxxxxx

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Back to the vets again today. Ice is more lively and getting is appetite back but has still been pooping nothing but jelly and last night was back to bleeding too. He's lost more weight and is now 22kg (2kg less than a week ago). Have given me more antibiotics, amoxycillin this time and some specialist dog food for sensitive stomachs. We have to go back to the vets on friday to review the situation. How long can this last for???

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