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HO 2012 Yearbook; How did you end up with a husky in your life?

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Husky-Owners.Com 2012 Yearbook Google Doc

For those of you interested in contributing the story of how you ended up with a husky in your life, there are 2 options:

Option 1: Reply to this thread with that story. Include what you'd like it to be titled, and who you'd like to have credited as the author along with your forum name.

Option 2: Put the story directly into the google doc above. You can put it anywhere under the 'Stories of Us' heading, and make sure that you highlight the title, select format and set the title as a heading 2 I believe it is.

Please don't reply in both places, as I'm going to be tormenting someone from the merry band of volunteers that have come forward to help with this project to take on the task of moving stories from this thread to the document above.

More information about this project can be found here:

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Wasn't sure what to do on the Google page, so I'll post here.

My Huskies, my life

By: Rosemary

When I stopped work a couple of years ago I was spending hours on the internet every day, just browsing dog related websites. I knew I would never be able to have a dog, but that did not mean the longing for one went away.

One day, I stumbled across a website which said that Siberian Huskies were normally a good match for people with asthma. That was all I needed. As soon as my husband came home I bombarded him with this information, which in my opinion was the gospel. He insisted we speak to my doctor first, so we made the appointment and went to see him. The doctor was of course totally against it, but we negotiated.

On the doctor’s recommendation, I phoned the breeder of a puppy I had seen and loved the look of, and made arrangements with him. I was going to have Ozzy on a trial basis, if my asthma did not play up, he would be mine - if the asthma did play up, well ...........

My family went ballistic when they heard the news, they could not understand what it meant to me, but my husband knew, so we went ahead.

I tried very hard not to get my hopes up on the way to see him, but when the breeder put Ozzy in my arms, I started shaking so much I thought I was going to drop him. I was so emotional all the way home, and tried so hard not to cry, but it was impossible. All I could think of is what if my asthma plays up and I couldn't keep him - I had him five minutes and knew it would be near impossible for me to give him up. I have never prayed so hard in my life.

My husband watched me like a hawk for days. When we realised that I was fine, I phoned the breeder to say we were definitely keeping Ozzy forever and ever. Not long after that we re-homed my darling little Micah.

I love nothing more than being able to hug Ozzy and Micah and put my face in their necks and just savour them - I have never been able to get so close to an animal before. My huskies saved me from a life of longing, and life is now perfect.

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I have never used GoogleDocs so I'll put it here coz I know I won't make a mistake here and would make many mistakes there :P sorry if it's too long... Feel free to tell me if the length is not good.. I can edit it and cut off the unimportant parts

Diamond: A Miracle's Offspring

By: Amanda Olivia


I have always wanted a dog. But thanks to my asthma, my small cramped house, my dog-hating neighborhood and cynophobic (fear of canines) brother I am in no position to take one in. Still, it doesn't stop me from dreaming of owning one. Every time I got a problem that made me upset, I told myself: "if I have a dog, I would have been less upset" just like a little kid looking for excuses to save herself. Well I am a little kid when I started telling that to myself, but the habit didn't go away. I kept repeating the sentence in my head whenever I had to go through a bad day even when I was 13. Seems like the sentence was counted as a prayer, because then--slowly but surely--my surroundings start to grow supportive of my dream. I had an irrational fear of swimming ever since I was little, but when I was ten I defeated my phobia and managed to cure my asthma by swimming therapy. When I was about eleven, my cynophobic brother started to ask me how do I like his idea of adopting a dog. Then when I was twelve, my family moved out from the cramped house into a bigger one which is coincidentally located in a dog-owning neighborhood. Next up, when I was thirteen... A classmate called to tell me about a male Siberian husky in need of a new family. He's one year old, rescued by an old lady from a closed-down puppy mill, and has been passed around from family to family since then. My mom quickly said "no" when she heard that the dog is sick and has a bad past life, and I thought it is over. My dream is intangible, period. Surely it was a very bad day for me that time, and there goes "the sentence" again. I was so close... Only if I have that dog, I would have been less upset.

Two days after my mom's rejection of my dog-adopting plan, I came home from my English course to an almost empty house. My brother ran down from the stairs and casually said: "why are you still here? Get the lady's address ready, we're getting the dog". Both Diamond and me didn't have a good impression that night.. My mom started to doubt her decision when we saw Dime. He was obviously malnourished, very shy, a little bit aloof and clearly thinner than he's supposed to be. On the other hand Diamond's previous owner wasn't happy to hear that I have never had dogs before, but somehow both my mom and Diamond's 3rd owner agreed to let Diamond go to his 4th home. Surely, his first month at home can be described by a few words only: he was a total nightmare.

He got diarrhea, ear infection and lack of weight when I bring him home. He has a lot of things beside those illnesses including behavioral problems such as fear of so many things and food guarding. The only thing he doesn't have is manners. But even if so, since he came to my life no matter how awful a day is, I have always been less upset than I'm supposed to be. Some prayers are really answered, believe it or not ;)


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Life changing

By Liz Jones

We have always had dogs ever since got married, mum wouldn't allow us to have dogs when I was little. When the children where little we decided to get an Alsatian called Kim. She was the most loving and fantastic dog, that was 25 years ago and at the time my OH had asked me to consider a husky. At that time they weren't very popular and when I researched them I accidently looked at the Akita, hence we decided on an Alsatian. Kim lived until she was 12 yrs old and her passing was very hard on all the family. As the children where still young we decided that it would be nice to get another dog, so thinking it best went for a small dog. We then got Wesley who was a Lhaso Aspo. He again lived to a ripe old age of 15 yrs. At the same time as losing Wesley we lost my OH dad and it was such a hard time on all of us. We vowed no more dogs!!! 6 months down the line we got pestered by my daughter for a dog... She had researched the husky breed and decided one of these most magnificent dogs would be ideal for us. I also missed not having a dog. Missed the walking and the unconditional love they give. And boy do huskies have loads of this :)

We then went to get Freya :) she was the most amazing dog and soon settled into our live and wormed her way into our hearts, like none of our other dogs had done. Freya just before she was 12 mths old became very withdrawn and appeared depressed so off we went to get Indi. We had already picked the name as our surname is Jones and my OH wanted my son to be called Indiana Jones and I had put my foot down and said no, we knew that this was the name of our next dog. Indi came from a wonderful breeder who obviously had a love of the breed. They lived with 15 huskies in a small house but had a large garden, the living room was like a fur rug :) Indi again found a very special place in our hearts and we just found that having two was sooooo much easier.

The third Brooke came into our lives as a play mate for Indi.. Indi has so much energy and Freya is a more chilled out dog and will play but only when she wants too. Brooke has grown into the most amazing dog, who at first showed a head strong personality, Freya soon put her in her place :) Now the pack is complete and I couldn't have wished for 3 better dogs.

What has changed my life forever is finding this forum! I have learned so much on how to raise my dogs and get the best out of the breed. We have also met so many lovely people who we now meet on a regular basis and have formed some very solid friendships. The dogs just love to see each other and have also formed some lovely friendships. We are active all the time and spend most of our time now outdoors.

Thank you to a magnificent breed who have changed my life for ever :D

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I have never used GoogleDocs so I'll put it here coz I know I won't make a mistake here and would make many mistakes there :P sorry if it's too long... Feel free to tell me if the length is not good.. I can edit it and cut off the unimportant parts

Diamond: A Miracle's Offspring

By: Amanda Olivia


I have always wanted a dog. But thanks to my asthma, my small cramped house, my dog-hating neighborhood and cynophobic (fear of canines) brother I am in no position to take one in. Still, it doesn't stop me from dreaming of owning one. Every time I got a problem that made me upset, I told myself: "if I have a dog, I would have been less upset" just like a little kid looking for excuses to save herself. Well I am a little kid when I started telling that to myself, but the habit didn't go away. I kept repeating the sentence in my head whenever I had to go through a bad day even when I was 13. Seems like the sentence was counted as a prayer, because then--slowly but surely--my surroundings start to grow supportive of my dream. I had an irrational fear of swimming ever since I was little, but when I was ten I defeated my phobia and managed to cure my asthma by swimming therapy. When I was about eleven, my cynophobic brother started to ask me how do I like his idea of adopting a dog. Then when I was twelve, my family moved out from the cramped house into a bigger one which is coincidentally located in a dog-owning neighborhood. Next up, when I was thirteen... A classmate called to tell me about a male Siberian husky in need of a new family. He's one year old, rescued by an old lady from a closed-down puppy mill, and has been passed around from family to family since then. My mom quickly said "no" when she heard that the dog is sick and has a bad past life, and I thought it is over. My dream is intangible, period. Surely it was a very bad day for me that time, and there goes "the sentence" again. I was so close... Only if I have that dog, I would have been less upset.

Two days after my mom's rejection of my dog-adopting plan, I came home from my English course to an almost empty house. My brother ran down from the stairs and casually said: "why are you still here? Get the lady's address ready, we're getting the dog". Both Diamond and me didn't have a good impression that night.. My mom started to doubt her decision when we saw Dime. He was obviously malnourished, very shy, a little bit aloof and clearly thinner than he's supposed to be. On the other hand Diamond's previous owner wasn't happy to hear that I have never had dogs before, but somehow both my mom and Diamond's 3rd owner agreed to let Diamond go to his 4th home. Surely, his first month at home can be described by a few words only: he was a total nightmare.

He got diarrhea, ear infection and lack of weight when I bring him home. He has a lot of things beside those illnesses including behavioral problems such as fear of so many things and food guarding. The only thing he doesn't have is manners. But even if so, since he came to my life no matter how awful a day is, I have always been less upset than I'm supposed to be. Some prayers are really answered, believe it or not ;)


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Life changing

By Liz Jones

We have always had dogs ever since got married, mum wouldn't allow us to have dogs when I was little. When the children where little we decided to get an Alsatian called Kim. She was the most loving and fantastic dog, that was 25 years ago and at the time my OH had asked me to consider a husky. At that time they weren't very popular and when I researched them I accidently looked at the Akita, hence we decided on an Alsatian. Kim lived until she was 12 yrs old and her passing was very hard on all the family. As the children where still young we decided that it would be nice to get another dog, so thinking it best went for a small dog. We then got Wesley who was a Lhaso Aspo. He again lived to a ripe old age of 15 yrs. At the same time as losing Wesley we lost my OH dad and it was such a hard time on all of us. We vowed no more dogs!!! 6 months down the line we got pestered by my daughter for a dog... She had researched the husky breed and decided one of these most magnificent dogs would be ideal for us. I also missed not having a dog. Missed the walking and the unconditional love they give. And boy do huskies have loads of this :)

We then went to get Freya :) she was the most amazing dog and soon settled into our live and wormed her way into our hearts, like none of our other dogs had done. Freya just before she was 12 mths old became very withdrawn and appeared depressed so off we went to get Indi. We had already picked the name as our surname is Jones and my OH wanted my son to be called Indiana Jones and I had put my foot down and said no, we knew that this was the name of our next dog. Indi came from a wonderful breeder who obviously had a love of the breed. They lived with 15 huskies in a small house but had a large garden, the living room was like a fur rug :) Indi again found a very special place in our hearts and we just found that having two was sooooo much easier.

What has changed my life forever is finding this forum! I have learned so much on how to raise my dogs and get the best out of the breed. We have also met so many lovely people who we now meet on a regular basis and have formed some very solid friendships. The dogs just love to see each other and have also formed some lovely friendships. We are active all the time and spend most of our time now outdoors.

Thank you to a magnificent breed who have changed my life for ever :D

DONE EDIT: Liz is there a photo you want on it?

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thank you very much :D

EDIT: sorry to bother you Lou but could you tell the photoshopper team to crop the lower part of my pic please? I was so excited Diamond finally showed a good pose and ended up with part of my finger in the photo :confused: if it's too troublesome leave it the way it is if no one's troubled with the "bad pic" :)

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I saved their life they repaired my soul.


Unlike most husky owners on this forum, I didn't want a dog or any pets at all. Figure since I was pretty cold toward most people I meet I would not do any better with a animal. Until the day a friend of mine came to me begging me to save a dog who is on his last chance. At first I rejected her plea thinking I have enough problems in my life why the hell would I create one for myself. After hours of her calling and draining my cell I finally agree to just see the dog and if I still refuse she will not bother me again.

So I setup the meet with the foster parents with the thought of just going through the motions and be done with this annoying task then I can move on with my life. Day came I was at the foster parents house in the afternoon, and a wolf looking black and white dog greeted me at the screen gate. At that moment looking at Sam back then I felt at peace just calm and its been such a long time since I felt that way. I walked in greeted the foster parents heard about his background

He had a rough start in life 1st owner was a idiot raised him until he got too big and decided that this was not a dog for him. 2nd one was no better didn't understand the breed and at some point decided to discipline him by locking him up in a crate with no way to relieve himself. When I first met Sam his hind legs and tail had practically no fur due to either urine burn from sitting in his own filth and/or self inflicted damage. Aside from the physical Sam had behavioral issue due to poor socialization and life traumas. After hearing all that the foster parents said that if Sam gets returned again into a shelter they will label him un-adoptable and be euthanize. Knowing this and understanding the experiences that life throws you crap with no fault of your own Sam deserved better.

For the next 2 weeks went to the doctors to make sure I don't have any allergic reaction to pet dander. Then did hours of research everyday after work. After couple of weeks I convince the foster parents that I wasn't just pulling their legs in delaying the adoption of Sam and just wanted to lay the prep work for a lifetime commitment after all that he was with me.

After nine months of having Sam and working and documenting all the issues and the steps to eliminate or at least control certain urges I felt he needed a partner to relieve some of the boredom while I was at work. I started looking at the rescue groups again about a month later I found a female which I thought would be a good match. Setup the meet and brought all my documentation to prove I am a capable husky owner. When I met Syn back then the rescue called her "Brooke" I think she hated that name. I figure her story was some dumb owner who didn't know about the breed and dumped her when she became too much to handle.

Well like Sam, Syn had a particularly hard start in life as well. She was rescued from a dog fighting ring in Atlanta, at the time they were waiting for Syn to hit her first heat to breed, and she was locked up most of the time. The second owner didn't realize that huskies has a really high prey drive decides to leave Syn with her tiny chihuahua after the first day to go to work. She came back found a bloody mess and Syn went back to the rescue. Don't know if it was fate, destiny or dumb luck that brought me to Syn, but I knew I can help her and that day she came home with Sam and I.

It actually took about 2 years before Syn warmed up to me like wagging her beautiful tail at me but it was damn worth it now she does all the time. The unconditional love that these 2 provided over the years has brought me peace that no material wealth can ever give me for that I owe them.

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I saved their life they repaired my soul.


Unlike most husky owners on this forum, I didn't want a dog or any pets at all. Figure since I was pretty cold toward most people I meet I would not do any better with a animal. Until the day a friend of mine came to me begging me to save a dog who is on his last chance. At first I rejected her plea thinking I have enough problems in my life why the hell would I create one for myself. After hours of her calling and draining my cell I finally agree to just see the dog and if I still refuse she will not bother me again.

So I setup the meet with the foster parents with the thought of just going through the motions and be done with this annoying task then I can move on with my life. Day came I was at the foster parents house in the afternoon, and a wolf looking black and white dog greeted me at the screen gate. At that moment looking at Sam back then I felt at peace just calm and its been such a long time since I felt that way. I walked in greeted the foster parents heard about his background

He had a rough start in life 1st owner was a idiot raised him until he got too big and decided that this was not a dog for him. 2nd one was no better didn't understand the breed and at some point decided to discipline him by locking him up in a crate with no way to relieve himself. When I first met Sam his hind legs and tail had practically no fur due to either urine burn from sitting in his own filth and/or self inflicted damage. Aside from the physical Sam had behavioral issue due to poor socialization and life traumas. After hearing all that the foster parents said that if Sam gets returned again into a shelter they will label him un-adoptable and be euthanize. Knowing this and understanding the experiences that life throws you crap with no fault of your own Sam deserved better.

For the next 2 weeks went to the doctors to make sure I don't have any allergic reaction to pet dander. Then did hours of research everyday after work. After couple of weeks I convince the foster parents that I wasn't just pulling their legs in delaying the adoption of Sam and just wanted to lay the prep work for a lifetime commitment after all that he was with me.

After nine months of having Sam and working and documenting all the issues and the steps to eliminate or at least control certain urges I felt he needed a partner to relieve some of the boredom while I was at work. I started looking at the rescue groups again about a month later I found a female which I thought would be a good match. Setup the meet and brought all my documentation to prove I am a capable husky owner. When I met Syn back then the rescue called her "Brooke" I think she hated that name. I figure her story was some dumb owner who didn't know about the breed and dumped her when she became too much to handle.

Well like Sam, Syn had a particularly hard start in life as well. She was rescued from a dog fighting ring in Atlanta, at the time they were waiting for Syn to hit her first heat to breed, and she was locked up most of the time. The second owner didn't realize that huskies has a really high prey drive decides to leave Syn with her tiny chihuahua after the first day to go to work. She came back found a bloody mess and Syn went back to the rescue. Don't know if it was fate, destiny or dumb luck that brought me to Syn, but I knew I can help her and that day she came home with Sam and I.

It actually took about 2 years before Syn warmed up to me like wagging her beautiful tail at me but it was damn worth it now she does all the time. The unconditional love that these 2 provided over the years has brought me peace that no material wealth can ever give me for that I owe them.

DONE Is there a pic to accomodate it?

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He Changed My Life:


By Sarah

My mother and father in law bought a husky bitch and later a male. After all testing etc, they had their first litter. Now, i've never owned a dog in my life but am very passionate about animals, the husband however has never been keen on my having pets - hence why we've had a cat, hamsters, rabbits etc (i put my foot down lol)

When the pups were born, after work we stopped by to see them and i sat and held one and fell instantly in love! I asked my husband if we could have one and begged.....his answer " if you want yes"! I nearly fell off my chair!!! His only prerequisite was that it had to be a male - i checked with his parents and there was 4 girls and one boy - so no choosing then - Kimba became part of our lives.

Shortly after having Kimba home with us, i was looking around the internet and realized there was something missing - a husky forum for PETS! Hence how my second home was born. Later on, Kimba's parents had another litter, this time I made sure that I was there at the birth. She had 8 pups and they were all perfect! I so badly wanted another but I knew my husband would be so angry - so i didn't tell him. I gave a cheque as a deposite to his dad who took a picture of it and text it to the husband. He rang his dad and asked why on earth he had received that picture message. His dad told him that it was the deposit for his next husky - he demanded to speak to me right away........too late I told him, the deposit is none refundable, we're having another boy.......and that's how we got Kaiser!

Koda, was slightly different! I was out walking Kimba and Kaiser one night and got a call from my father in law who asked me to call round as a lady had turned up at his house wanting to re home "Storm" as he was then called. He had to go to work so asked me to call in and take pitcures of Storm and post them on the forum as free to good home. When I arrived I was met by a stunning pair of blue eyes and a black and white husky. I was in love! I called the husband and somehow managed to pursuade him to let me take Storm for the weekend on a trial run. That weekend came quickly and I walked to meet his owners with my boys. I walked all three of them back home to my house and let them all off lead in the back garden. There was a lot of running, humping and peeing everywhere by them all but no fights - that sealed it.....Storm became Koda and became a part of our family.

Not a day goes by that I don't regret anything. My boys have taught me so much and for that I will be forever grateful.

Left to right - Kaiser, Koda, Kimba


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Kuma: An Awkward Addition

By: Fallon


We had been wanting to get Koopa, our American Pit Bull Terrier a doggie friend for a while. We had thought about many possible breeds, perhaps another pit bull or even a small dog. My boyfriend had always wanted a husky so we decided to look for one to add to out lives. We found an online add for Kuma and were mesmerized by his stunning blue eyes and lovely mask. He was in need of a new home as his previous owners had moved and were not allowed to keep dogs in the house. Kuma was being kept outside in a pen and his former owners wanted a better life for him. We picked Kuma up and took him back home to meet Koopa.

Kuma wasn't a very social boy with us at first. He was quite reserved and timid. He took up with Koopa more quickly and slowly began to come out of his shell. As he settled in with us his timid nature melted away into a rather silly boy who acted more like a cat than a dog. Each month he seemed to show us more and more of his real personality and him and Koopa continued to get along and were the best of buds. It has been almost a year now since this awkward pup came into our lives and while he is still reserved with strangers he has fully opened up to us. We added Tenchi a little Pekingese to make our pack of 3. All the dogs get along wonderfully and Kuma and Tenchi play almost constantly. Kuma is one of the oddest dogs I've ever had. He is socially awkward at times but is a big cuddle bug with us. Sometimes I think he is an overgrown cat in dog's clothing. As a rather weird and odd couple me and Tim think this awkward husky is a perfect fit.


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Our Angel, Echo

by: Celestial Echo


We were faced with the sad truth that Brandon's childhood Beagle, Abby, was preparing herself for Rainbow Bridge. We had been wanting a puppy for a long time. We were lucky enough to be in a position where we could own a dog, since his dad gave us his mobile home. We wanted our new puppy to meet Abby before she passed, but we didn't want to rush to get a pup. Because of her special needs, Brandon's dad ended up taking Abby full-time, as he was always home and could monitor and care for her. We were then dogless, and it hurt. We talked and talked and talked, and argued, about different breeds. A friend of ours had an "accidental" litter between his Pit and Chocolate Lab, and we almost got one of the puppies, but he sold her to someone else. We continued talking, and arguing, about breeds, and Abby passed away. This was a huge blow for Brandon. I don't think it really sunk in, until once it happened.. and it happened here at our house.

With Abby's passing, we continued to talk, and search, and discuss. I mentioned Siberian Huskies, and for ONCE we were in agreement. So I searched, and searched, for breeders and puppies and possible adoptables, and finally after about a year of searching, we found a breeder in Northern Maine that had a litter off pups due around our anniversary. I emailed the breeder, and she sent me several emails with LOADS of information about the breed, her licensing info, common diseases that are a threat to puppies, ect. She sent me pictures of the parents (both on site), pictures of the pups, ect. Brandon and I read all of the information she provided us with, bought books on huskies, and continued our research on the breed. We were hooked, and we quickly made a deposit on #4, a beautiful red female Sibe. Then the argument about names began. I picked Echo, and it stuck.

We brought Echo home on August 24th, 2010, the day before I joined this site. Echo continues to be an absolute joy in our lives. I would do anything for my furry four-legged daughter. We are blessed to have her, and I will forever cherish all that she has taught me over the past (almost) two years.

[EDIT]: I tried resizing the picture in Photobucket, but it still came out huge. Sorry!

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