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HO 2012 Yearbook; How did you end up with a husky in your life?

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Well you have this super ability that's been driving me mad for some time now to right click on an image, select properties and in the little window that pops up a url should appear. I really should just give in and get a new mouse...

Highlight and ctrl+c the http:// etc bit that shows, and paste it here

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Our story:

we have 3 children: 2 boys aged 24, 20 and a daughter aged nearly 13. For the last 15 years we have kept Siamese cats and no dogs. Throughout the years we have all agreed that 'hyperthetically' if we did have a dog, it would have to be a Husky.

Why? They appealed to us as being good with children, people in general, other dogs and not aggressive.

I finally caved in when my then 11 year old daughter lost her best friend. I bought Molly for her and she was there for her through this difficult time.

It was then that I learnt how precious Molly is. :D

Timber is a bonus! He's a lovely dog and we all love him.:D

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i think thats it my pic comes up when i click it sorry not too clever when it comes to stuff like this :(

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Our story:

we have 3 children: 2 boys aged 24, 20 and a daughter aged nearly 13. For the last 15 years we have kept Siamese cats and no dogs. Throughout the years we have all agreed that 'hyperthetically' if we did have a dog, it would have to be a Husky.

Why? They appealed to us as being good with children, people in general, other dogs and not aggressive.

I finally caved in when my then 11 year old daughter lost her best friend. I bought Molly for her and she was there for her through this difficult time.

It was then that I learnt how precious Molly is. :D

Timber is a bonus! He's a lovely dog and we all love him.:D

Do you have a title? Is there a pic you'd like included? Also, who would you like the author to be written as?

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My Monsters

By Valkyries

Where do i start, well we always had a dog growin up so it was natural for me to want one when i moved to Oxford and met Dave. we bought our home but there was some thing not quite right, what was it ? yes a dog, i've always had staffs but always wanted a husky.

Dave never wanted a dog at all, it took me a year of nagging and showing him every picture on the net, still he would not budge. so what did i do to get my baby lol i threatend him, told him if i don't get my husky then he WILL come home from work and find a little handbag dog, which he really doesn't like but knew i ment it, i would get one lol

so we got my dream bot Odin, we saw lots of pups but he just stood out with his big blue eyes gazing into mine i just knew he was coming home with me there and then.

when Odin turned 18months i told Dave he needs a friend, no way was the reply but at the same time he knew i'd get my own way lol i always do.

After being on this forum i desided we had to rescue our next husky, so the hunt began and along came Topaz, that name had to go so it was changed to Loki.

we had no intention of a 3rd husky but one day i was looking online when i saw a picture of a lovely boy needing a home fast, i begged Dave 'please he needs a family or he will be pts we can't allow that' in the end he caved in and off we went to see him, the best part of this is it was Dave who fell in love with him as soon as he saw him he said ' he's coming home with us so along came Bentley, now come on Bentley that had to go, so he was named Thor.

on the 3 meets we had to introduce the dogs they got on great so we were allowed to adopt him but things changed as soon as we got home, for 3 months we had all out war with Odin and Thor, they could not look at each other without going all out to kill each other so what did we do ? take him back, hell no we made a commitment so we had to deal with this.

we had our shair of blood theirs and our's but we could not give up and thanks to the support of husky owners we did it, now their finaly brothers. it was all worth every minute we put in and we managed to save 2 lives, my problem now is their all spoilt rotton lol

so heres my kids

Odin big, strong 7st stuborn, grumpy but oh so loving to me he's my baby.

Loki small, stocky 5st gobby, argumentative, sly, mischivouse but so funny.

Thor big, strong 7st2lb stuborn, loner likes his own space, a howler

To Sarah and Mac i thank you so much for this forum as without you Thor and Loki would not be here, also thanks to you two i've met some great people xxxxxxx

i'll add a pic when i can get on PC as on ipad an no pic's on here xxxx

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I loved reading all your stories. :D Some made me cry, others gave a good laugh. <3 Hoping to see lots more and can't wait to reread them in the finished yearbook. (Not to mention the ones I haven't seen yet.)

I want to add my own story but I'm a bit intimidated to. XD; Guess it's just coming from where I'm not sure what this is all about, I'm new to the forum, and where Niko is still a puppy and I've only had him 3 weeks. D:

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Duremite I'll be giving about a months notice before closing submissions, and you'll notice I still haven't written my families up yet. We didn't actually start out wanting a Husky...but well you'll see. Anyway...don't be intimidated at all. This thread is just part of a larger project that's being done for the first time this year on the forums officially. Last years was a surprise Sarah, but the ebook, the hardcover b & w, and the hardcover full color are availible for purchase. The ebook is free, but it would be great if anyone who felt like donating to the forums would contribute even a dollar after downloading it.

If you toss yearbook into the search engine above you should be able to get a bigger feel for things, and if you want to look at last years ebook/yearbook you can find it here. Ultimately it's an attempt to capture the vastness of Husky-Owners as a forum, a family, and a group of fellow enthusiasts in book form. There's some great threads in there from the first few years of Husky-Owners and a ton of other things. This year I'm trying to get as much forum involvement in things as I can.

The google-doc won't be the finished product but it is helping with getting everything into one place with the same format (something that was a bit of a challenge for me last year) so that asthetic things and spelling and grammar can all be hammered out easily.

Don't forget to vote for this years theme!!! We need that before we can really push forward with things. Also if you'd like to contribute pics of you and or your furbaby feel free to check out Yearbook Photo Request

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Alright, I understand what's going on then. :3 I'm defs going to take a look at last years book. Thanks for clearing it up for me and posting links. I'll most certainly be doing my best to contribute even though I'm new to the whole place. XD With that, I can't wait to read your story. Haha. We weren't expecting a Husky either, but... you'll see. xP

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My Lucky Day


Ever since I laid eyes on a husky I've wanted one. I'd talked and talked to my husband (dating at the time) about it and he said sure as long as I get my German Shepherd lol. We knew we couldn't afford either dog at the time, so we were not looking. (both dogs here go for $1,000 each on a good day). I had been going through a fuss with my employer, they were underpaying me. We finally got it sorted out & I ended up getting a lot of back pay. I decided I'd take the hubby to Santuck, it's a giant flea market at the first of every month, to show him all the cool things they have...eventually we made it around to the section where the pets are....I always enjoy playing with the puppies....low and behold, a sweet little female husky puppy with a purple bow sitting all alone. I of course had to hold her, she was so sweet. I told my hubby, lucky they don't have a boy or I'd get him. He says yeah, I know lol. I put her back and turn to walk away and I hear a mom tell her child to put that dog up they've got to go...here come this little boy running back to the pen with a beautiful male husky pup....plops him right in my arms and runs off....my husband looks at me like uh oh....I look down and the pup has made himself very comfortable in my arms. Everything in me said do not put him back! So I calmly ask the man, how much for the husky? Expecting to hear $1,000 again....he says $350. I turn around to see hubby drop his jaw lol. I didn't have to say anything & he just said, yes we'll get him. Moro has been my little buddy since then. He is such an awesome dog & I'll own a husky for the rest of my life.

The day I got Moro




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Husky-Owners.Com 2012 Yearbook Google Doc

For those of you interested in contributing the story of how you ended up with a husky in your life, there are 2 options:

Option 1: Reply to this thread with that story. Include what you'd like it to be titled, and who you'd like to have credited as the author along with your forum name.

Option 2: Put the story directly into the google doc above. You can put it anywhere under the 'Stories of Us' heading, and make sure that you highlight the title, select format and set the title as a heading 2 I believe it is.

Please don't reply in both places, as I'm going to be tormenting someone from the merry band of volunteers that have come forward to help with this project to take on the task of moving stories from this thread to the document above.

More information about this project can be found here:

Yearbook Photo Request

Husky-Owners.Com 2012 Yearbook

Yearbook Recipe Request

Yearbook Theme Contest

Title: A Special Sort of Fate

Author: Kerry Lapworth

Forum name: kerry_lapworth

Date: 29/04/2012

I am currently the owner of a beautiful rescue husky called Raya (or as I like to call her 'Roo Roo'; 'Ray Ray' 'Roozle'....the list goes on!...)

I think in order to tell you how I came around to being owned by her I really do have to start at the beginning. The ups, the downs and the almost, but not quites!!

I never wanted a husky. There - I said it. I had never even considered owning one. I wanted a smaller dog that I thought I could handle well and considered myself too 'namby pamby' for a husky. Bearing in mind I had NO idea about them whatsoever, this was based on my extremely limited knowledge.

My ex partner on the other hand, had considered a husky and his dream was to buy a pup. One evening I received a phone call from him to say that he was viewing a husky puppy - a male - the last one left. Chosen because he wanted a male and another couple had walked in behind him asking for a boy....

I was a bit cross to say the least and flabberghasted that I would soon be an owner of a breed I didn't particularly want and had no experience of. My family dog had been put to sleep 2 weeks previous to this and I was still quite raw...

The next week we went to collect our new puppy, who was named 'Saaba' (a name my ex made up). Saaba was adorable. A very handsome boy and I soon melted into a husky shaped mess. This did not last long as, as we had no expectations of a husky, no idea about his parentage and no idea what we were letting ourselves in for. We were, at best, outrageous novices. As Saaba grew, so did his dominance and he really threw his weight around with me. I can't count the times he reduced me to tears with his 'bullying'. My story wasn't believed until I forced my ex to watch from outside the window. Saaba favoured him and was rather bolshy, demanding and nibbley with me. He barely left me alone for a second, desperate to exert his pack leadership over me. I was afraid of bringing up an unruly dog. I decided to take the situation in hand and thought to enrol him onto training classes, which he excelled with. He also attended puppy parties and, in my naivety (!) ringcraft classes. I say naivety as Saaba was not really a show husky. He bit through through the leads, played around with other dogs and left me red-faced MANY times after messing in the middles of the 'ring'... The GOOD thing is I joined the Husky Owners forum which provided me with some excellent support during his progression from cute puppy into what I thought was a 'hell hound'!! I was very fortunate enough to meet other husky folk who helped me to take him racing.

Saaba's dominance did not wane over me and while he was an excellent boy with other dogs and people, he seemed to have 'separation anxiety'.

After upsetting complaints from neighbours about our noisy husky we decided the only option was to search for a friend for him.

I searched at many of the rescue sites looking for a good friend. By that point we had realised from books, net sites, husky forum chums and experience that we were not dealing with a 'dog', but a husky...so we thought to look for a slightly older female to keep him in his place!

That's when I saw a lovely female husky with bright blue eyes and cheeky playful grin which spoke to me on a rescue site. Her name was Zara and sadly she was reserved for someone else. I continued looking and Saaba met with another young male who he didn't get along with. They were both still intact and it would be a constant power struggle. I checked with optimism back on the rescue site that I saw Zara advertised on and noticed that she was no longer reserved. I arranged for them to meet at the weekend and we were told that Zara was not friendly with other dogs and they didn't think that the two would hit it off. She was found as a stray in Manchester and wasn't chipped. She was quite wild and had no social manners at all, not to mention was underweight and would only eat lamb and rice. It didn't sound positive....

We visited and decided to walk them together to introduce them. The rescue staff were amazed that they got on, even playing at the end of their walk. I, personally visited the rescue centre and Zara several times before deciding and bought Saaba along. They were friends. At that point we were going on holiday and it was then we decided to put Saaba into the rescue boarding kennels next to Zara while we were away so they could get used to each other.

When we got back we collected them both and decided to change Zara's name - it sounded too much like Saaba. I chose Raya, which means 'Friend' in Hebrew. She then became 'my' dog. They got along wonderfully, Raya being in charge of course! ;) I was curious as to why no-one was looking for her. I checked lost dog websites etc but nothing came up. I still can't understand why.

Sadly 3 years after bringing her home myself and my partner split up after 11 years together. I moved out of our home and was distraught that I couldn't take Raya with me. My ex even asked me to look for homes for both dogs as I was the one who had contacts and had made the effort, so to speak. I didn't have the cash to move anywhere by myself and had moved back with my parents who wouldn't have her. MANY tears were shed. At this point I was a husky convert - proudly sporting a husky hat on walks, joining a husky rescue for charity work with Raya as my trusty sidekick following me all over the house.

Early 2012 I was fortunate enough to move out of my parents and start again, taking Raya with me. She is spoilt rotten. I can't describe how much I adore her. She really is my special little light. I couldn't bear to give her up. She has a new harness, new leads, collars and is now going on group husky walks and actually be-friending other huskies. Up to now she was always muzzled on walks, last week I took her on a group husky walk unmuzzled. I am so proud of my shining star.

I miss Saaba very much and no longer see him, but as long as Raya is in my care she will be loved and happy.

We also had a FAB time at Husky Camp in April.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to the folk at Husky Owners and all of our supportive husky friends. Keep 'hiking on'!! :D



I know this is SO long so please feel free to edit this. It was hard to fit it all in! There is so much more to say !!!



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This is going to be a long one (sorry! I got rambling I guess). I was going to post in a few days for Taz's 1 year anniversary since I lost him, however, I spent so much time writing it, I decided to post it now. Cookies for anyone who gets through the whole thing!

Fate Saved Us Both

My whole life, I had always loved dogs and had always wanted a dog. Especially a Siberian Husky. I could never have a dog and grew up without one. I didn’t have things too easy and I dealt with a lot of problems.. depression, anxiety.. I was a very isolated individual from a broken home. My grandmother always told my father that a dog would be perfect for me and help me through a lot of my issues. Still, I could never have one.

Now to fast forward to age 19, I approached my dad about me finding a Husky to foster, so I can help a dog in need, yet it would only be temporary, and I can gain experience with the breed for the future, because I knew one day I would own one. I didn’t even bother asking to adopt or buy one for permanent keeping, because at that point, the answer would have been no, regardless if I were the one caring for it and paying all expenses. Luckily, I got ‘yes’ as an answer to foster. Although, 50% of me had the thought of keeping whatever dog ended up in my hands.

I went on craigslist, and this is where fate came in. At that time, I lived in the Long Island/NYC Metro area, with that said, there were a TON of ads for all different breeds and plenty of Huskies to choose from. Many ads had photos, detailed descriptions, etc. I chose the one ad for a Husky in Manhattan with no photo and no specific details. And that is the only ad I responded to, for whatever reason, fate at work I guess.

I contacted the poster and it was not the actual owner of the dog, it was a courtesy post from a woman that met this dog while out walking. She commented on how beautiful he was and went to pet him, and the owner asked if she wanted him, as they were planning to euthanize him because they had too many in their apartment. She did not want that to happen, so told him to hold off and she will try to find someone to take such a beautiful and gentle animal. I found out his name was Taz, he was a 9 year old male living in that apartment with several other Huskies, which they were breeding. He was the oldest of the bunch and they had had him since he was 8 weeks old. I was told there were several responses to the ad, however, when people found out his age, they turned him down. I didn’t even know him, and I myself refused to let anything happen to this dog. I lived about 45 minutes out from the city, and had no car, and asked if there was any way we could arrange anything, and she eagerly agreed to bring him out to me. I did not meet him first, or anything, we just arranged it as quick as possible to spare his life.

That first night, September 6th, 2005, I was so excited and happy to have him in my home. As you can imagine for him though, a 9 year old dog who has lived in the same place with the same people his whole life, he was very stressed and anxious. Less than 24 hours after coming into my home, the first morning, he saw me open my eyes and jumped on my bed and layed down next to me, with his upper half on me, his paws resting on my shoulders in an embrace and licked my face.. that was the moment that sealed the deal. Long story short (because it’s already a long story!), I let him grow on my dad a bit and approached him about keeping him. Lots of opportunities fell through when people realized how old he was. And I am glad nothing worked out, because I knew in my heart we were meant for each other. We bonded extremely quick and he gave me a bond I had never felt in my life.

We spent 5 ½ wonderful years together.. years he wouldn’t have had if it wasn’t for the woman who stopped his owner and played matchmaker for us. Other than being 20 pounds overweight when I got him, he was very healthy and there was no reason to euthanize him. I got the weight off with good food and lots of exercise. His golden years were a fun time for him and me.. lots of walks, lots of doggie friends and trips to the dog park, birthday parties, cuddles and love. It was an unbreakable bond. He made me feel alive. He made me feel worth something. I had something wonderful to wake up to every morning and things to look forward to. He made it easier for me to talk to complete strangers and always made me feel comfortable. No matter how bad things could be, I knew I always had Taz. He gave me the strength to carry on and he made me happy. He brought out the best in me.

It’s funny how the things you love most in life, the things that make you the happiest, can also bring the most amount of pain. In January 2011, Taz was doing extremely well going on his 15th year. He was incredibly healthy with no known issues and I was pretty sure he had a few years left in him. In April 2011, problems arose with his movement and he was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia. Sadly, I had to make a decision quick, because he deteriorated quick in such a short amount of time, and nothing was helping him. It was shock and a very sudden decision, but I had to do the right thing for him and free him of his pain on what was the worst day of my life, May 2nd 2011, 2 months shy of his 15th birthday. As he went in my arms, I felt like I died with him. After that, I went back to a dark place, even worse this time. I lost the best thing that had ever happened to me and I couldn’t deal.

I swore I would never have a dog again. After a while, I thought about it, and thought it would help keep me busy to have another dog. But not a Husky. Nothing that even remotely resembled Taz. However, I failed. A stray female Husky pup who got the name ‘Laila’ came into the shelter I worked at. She never got claimed and she had issues (which is probably why she wasn’t claimed). After her 10 day hold, I decided to take her in as a foster-to-possibly adopt, if it worked out. I didn’t think it would work out, but wanted to give her a shot, even though I felt my heart wasn’t ready and felt that she may not be suited for apartment life, even if I was properly excercising her and keeping her happy. I felt she might be too loud for the neighbors, tear apart the house. I’m very glad I tried, because out of pure luck (or fate at work again?) she was the perfect house dog. Yes, she had her issues, but none of them interfered with her living here. I couldn’t believe such a young Husky was that good, that she was great in the house, even while I was at work. I definetly considered this a sign that she was the one. So despite refusing another dog, especially another Husky, I decided to adopt her .. she has since been renamed Echo and doing better than ever and is just about over a year old now.

I blame Taz for my Husky addiction. Because of him, I will now never be without one.

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Title: My Angel, My Husky

Auther: Molly Evans/GizMaiz&Diesel

I have always loved Huskies! for as long as i can remember i have wanted my own. But i thought it was always going to be a dream.

A few years ago i lost a dog that was i was very close to. He was my best friend and a few weeks later i was diagnosed with depression. I used to cry every night for months for my dog wishing he would come back, but he never did. I couldnt leave the house, i couldnt talk to anyone, i couldnt even look family members in the eye.

I realised May 2011 that it needed to change! I needed to change! I thought for weeks and finally came up with a solution. I needed a dog or a pup that i could raise, train and look after. So i wasnt thinking about how i felt all the time, i was thinking about the dog and distracting myself.

I spoke to my counciler and she said it was a great idea. Something to pull me out of the darkness. I asked mum but she was a little hesitant at first.

After a month of researching and looking on pet sites i found this forum. I asked if anyone on here had a husky i could let mum meet so she could get to know the breed and ask real owners about their dog. A few let me to go a meet and to a few fundraisers for husky charities.

We were then looking at the Pets At Home pet board 1 day and mum saw a breeder had put a postcard up about husky puppies for sale. Mum shouted at me and i ran over. I didnt shut up about them for the next three days! Mum eventually caved and called the breeder up to arrange to see the pups. We went on a Thursday and there were 2 boys i could choose from, 1 quiet and cuddly and 1 trouble maker, i really wanted both but that wasnt going to happen. So after a long sleepless night we went back on the Friday to choose. I chose the trouble maker ofcourse. I had to wait 4 weeks before i could take the pup home and it was probably the longest 4 weeks of my life!

In August I was finally able to bring my little pup home! I called him Diesel but i cant remember why, he just looked like a Diesel.

He was climbing up me the entire way home but it was great! I still have little scars on my neck but they are tiny reminders of the day i brought him home.

Diesel used to be so scared of other dogs and wouldnt let people touch him, just like i wouldnt talk to strangers or look people in the eye. Because he was a gorgeous little husky pup whenever we went out people would talk to me and pay attention to him. So we both got used to attention and slowly became better around people. After spending alot of time together, alot of training, socialisation and getting both our confidence levels up we now socialise with loads of people and dogs! We have both come so far together and i wouldnt change it for anything!

Its because of Husky-Owners i have Diesel. He saved me. He has kept me going and helped me through the dark parts of my life! So i owe a MASSIVE thank you to Husky-Owners! Thankyou!!



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Forgot to add a photo .. thought this one was appropriate.. just showing how happy my old man was in his golden years and how he loved to have fun and be silly!



Dear Jackie, Just for you and Taz.

Husky Lovers in Vermont


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Title: My Angel, My Husky

Auther: Molly Evans/GizMaiz&Diesel

I have always loved Huskies! for as long as i can remember i have wanted my own. But i thought it was always going to be a dream.

A few years ago i lost a dog that was i was very close to. He was my best friend and a few weeks later i was diagnosed with depression. I used to cry every night for months for my dog wishing he would come back, but he never did. I couldnt leave the house, i couldnt talk to anyone, i couldnt even look family members in the eye.

I realised May 2011 that it needed to change! I needed to change! I thought for weeks and finally came up with a solution. I needed a dog or a pup that i could raise, train and look after. So i wasnt thinking about how i felt all the time, i was thinking about the dog and distracting myself.

I spoke to my counciler and she said it was a great idea. Something to pull me out of the darkness. I asked mum but she was a little hesitant at first.

After a month of researching and looking on pet sites i found this forum. I asked if anyone on here had a husky i could let mum meet so she could get to know the breed and ask real owners about their dog. A few let me to go a meet and to a few fundraisers for husky charities.

We were then looking at the Pets At Home pet board 1 day and mum saw a breeder had put a postcard up about husky puppies for sale. Mum shouted at me and i ran over. I didnt shut up about them for the next three days! Mum eventually caved and called the breeder up to arrange to see the pups. We went on a Thursday and there were 2 boys i could choose from, 1 quiet and cuddly and 1 trouble maker, i really wanted both but that wasnt going to happen. So after a long sleepless night we went back on the Friday to choose. I chose the trouble maker ofcourse. I had to wait 4 weeks before i could take the pup home and it was probably the longest 4 weeks of my life!

In August I was finally able to bring my little pup home! I called him Diesel but i cant remember why, he just looked like a Diesel.

He was climbing up me the entire way home but it was great! I still have little scars on my neck but they are tiny reminders of the day i brought him home.

Diesel used to be so scared of other dogs and wouldnt let people touch him, just like i wouldnt talk to strangers or look people in the eye. Because he was a gorgeous little husky pup whenever we went out people would talk to me and pay attention to him. So we both got used to attention and slowly became better around people. After spending alot of time together, alot of training, socialisation and getting both our confidence levels up we now socialise with loads of people and dogs! We have both come so far together and i wouldnt change it for anything!

Its because of Husky-Owners i have Diesel. He saved me. He has kept me going and helped me through the dark parts of my life! So i owe a MASSIVE thank you to Husky-Owners! Thankyou!!


Thank you for sharing your beautiful story, it really touched us and thank you Diesel for touching your mom's heart.:heartbeat::wub::heartbeat:

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My story starts, I moved here from Germany in 1966, and I thought how cool it was that people owned "wolves". Not speaking the English language, it took a bit for me to understand that they were Siberian Huskies. I had fallen in love with the breed at that time in my life and it has been the breed I have always loved. Because our family moved often from the States to Abroad, a dog was not possible. Then one day in 1996, where I worked I saw the cutest picture of a Husky puppy with a phone number and puppies for sale. I called the number and made the arrangements , so on a Saturday in November I closed the Bakery and picked up my Sasha. I felt like a parent coming home from the Hospital with a new born saying to myself, what do I do next and how do I raise this little one. Then my life went from Sasha and me, to Sasha, Me and my OH. A year went by and along came our first rescue, Dakota. He was a year old, and he fell head over heels for Sasha. Sasha really liked Dakota, but she was one of those "independent" girls who didn't need anyone but herself, with the exception of Me. A little over a year had passed and we received a phone call from where we bought all of Sasha's and Dakota's toys, supplies, etc..(Pet Food Warehouse) they asked how would we be interested in a third Siberian. We replied, " a third Siberian?" we must be crazy. So crazy as it was, and spur of the moment we took Sasha and Dakota for a ride, without them realizing they were soon going to have a little brother. Kayak was a rescue situation. People had moved and left him in the back yard on a small rope attached to a very beat up wooden dog house. He was very dehydrated and malnourished. He was only 4 months old. We immediately took him to our vet to have him properly examined. For many years the five of us remained a cohesive pack. The saddest day came for me is when Sasha had to say good bye (6/28/2010) and then nine months later we had to do it again and say good bye to our Dakota (3/14/2011). After March of 2011, it became a pack of three. Kayak is King until his last day with us.:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

Husky Lovers in Vermont:doglick:

The photo on the left was the picture hanging "Husky puppies for Sale with phone numbers and that was Sasha's only sister" if you look into the upper right corner, you will see Sasha, barely. The picture on the right is Baby Sasha, 1996. The picture is further down at the bottom.



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Title: Dreamy Boy Gibson, My Dream Come True

Author: Jerad Sartwell, Jerad

Ever since I was born, animals held a special place in my heart. Living with my mom after my dad passed, we always had multiple family pets. The family favorite throughout the years was the Golden Retriever. But I remember the first time I met a husky. My mom's friend, Laurie, and her boyfriend, Scott, had a beautiful parti-color eyed grey and white husky named Sascha. I remember how big the dog seemed when I met her, although not much bigger than our Golden at the time, Gus. What seemed big in this new friend, was her personality, and her heart. She spoke with Laurie whenever I was there in her husky ways, and she always tried to cuddle with me when I sat on their sofa.

My affinity with dogs, cats, and all things in the animal world only grew as I got older, even my second most desired aspiration (next to Inventor) was to be a Wildlife Photographer. Throughout my years growing up and coming into my own, I always loved to meet huskies, wherever they were. Their personalities seemed so familiar to me, and from 5 years old on, I always wanted one to raise.

Well, while with my mom and my new father from the age of 6 on we had many dogs. I saw many puppies grow, and saw a few loved ones pass. Some of them had to find other homes because, though we loved them, they needed a different life. When I moved out on my own in the senior year of High School, I thought a bit on having my own pet. Though it would be almost 4 years until those thoughts came to reality. I always mentioned that I wanted a husky when discussing pets, and some people attempted to discourage me along the way. Saying "Huskies are far too much to handle" and even that they were bad with children (a fallacy extraordinaire).

This past few months, I've been planning moving to my own place. I had been living with roommates and friends up until this point. I felt it was the right time to search for the companion I always wanted at this point. Well, while browsing puppies available in the Michigan area, I found an add posted for a small litter, 2 pups, a boy and a girl. The little girl had been sold, which was fine by me, as I've wanted a male anyways. That is where I saw her brother - simply labelled "Dreamy Boy".

I contacted the breeder for more information to find multiple families were interested in the pup. I lost sleep thinking about the chance that I wouldn't meet him. Finally on April 16th, I put the deposit on Dreamy Boy, and me and my girlfriend started discussing names. Well, this didn't help my sleep much either, while I knew I'd have him in my life soon, the excitement kept me up more then the anxiety of uncertainty.

Finally, after waiting a lifetime (or 4 days, not sure which) I went to pick him up on April 21st, 2012. Still unsure of what to expect, but feeling an indescribable connection, we set out on a 5 hour round trip to Petersburg, MI to meet the pup, his parents, and the breeders.

The breeders were very nice, and highly seasoned, with a very respectable pack of huskies (some 38 total huskies on a 10 acre property). That's when I met Prince, his royal father, Dreamy, his young and beautiful mother, and Dreamy Boy Gibson himself. His coat was more striking than any pictures I had seen, his eyes a rich blue with a soulful depth, and his personality - the true gift, a kind and loving soul. He was more than I could have ever expected, and is a welcome part of my life. I still dream of huskies, but now, my dream doesn't end when I wake.

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Title: Finding my Kai

Author: Nadine Martin

Ever since a young age i knew i had a love for Siberian Huskies, i think it started when i was out in Skegness with my Nan and Grandad one day, and i fell in love with a Husky toy in one of those crane machines, i knew i had a love for dogs as i had always been brought up with them, but i had never seen one that looked so pretty. After many failed attempts at trying to get the toy out the machine, we had to go. I was so upset, and then my nan surprised me with one that looked exactly the same she found in a shop and bought for me. It made my whole day. And ever since then onwards growing up, whenever i saw a husky i couldn't help but long to have my own one day.

Back in 2009, i asked my mum if i could have a reptile, as i saw a tank full of bearded dragons in a tank in a pet shop ( in Skegness again )and it re sparked a love i had for them since middle school (when 3 lizards and snakes were brought in for us) as i had been in a rut for a few years and really wanted a pet to look after, so i had more responsibility and something to get up for and care for, but somehow we never got around to getting the pet and my dreams died down. Then back in 2010, i started thinking about getting a Siberian Husky puppy, as i had always wanted a Husky, and as i was still in a big rut, i thought it would be an even better Pet out of my 2 loves ( the reptiles and huskies ) as i would have alot more i would have to do to look after the dog. My mum agreed i could have a pet but said she doesn't think a Husky is right for me, as she had researched the breed. As i was upset, i didn't want to look at any other breed of dog, so instead looked back at reptiles again, which my mum agreed to, and we ended up with my two lovely bearded dragons Marilyn & Lita, which i love to death. I got Marilyn & Lita in March 2010, and there was no more speak of dogs as they made me so happy.

But then in August/September the same year, a friend was over and was browsing the internet and saw a litter of white German Shepherd puppies, and for some reason she thought the advert had listed them for free, and said " ohhh i'll get your mum one " as we already had 2 German Shepherds ( black and tan ) and my mum has always wanted a white one, but i laughed it off and said don't be so stupid. A few weeks later i was on the internet, bored, and came accross the same advert my friend had saw, just by coincidence. My mum was right by me, so i called her over and said " ohh remember so & so wanted to get you that German Shep puppy, well this is the advert for it " so we had a look at the advert and my mum started thinking about getting a puppy from the litter, as she fell in love with the puppys in the photos. In the next week or so as she had the idea playing in her head, it brought back all my longing for a dog so i asked if she was thinking about getting a German Shep, couldn't i have a Husky puppy if i promised to look after it etc as i had done more research on the breed by then. I started looking up Husky puppies, and after going through several pages one in particular caught my eye. I showed it to my mum and after much deliberation she decided a new dog would be okay. But now we had to choose between the white German Shepherd, or a Husky puppy for me. What made the decision hard was that the white German Shepherd litter was where we lived, but Kai's litter was up in Northampton. It was so tempting to just go and ' have a look ' at the white German Shepherds and we were having trouble finding contact info for Kai's litter for some reason. Eventually we did, and i knew i wanted a boy as i loved the name Kai, and i wanted a blue eyed boy too, so we rung up and luckily they had a few boys left ( though not all blue eyed ), i got so excited and mum said if i was very responsible i could go and choose one, as she knew how much it would mean to me so we arranged to go up the next week as my neighbour at the time knew Northampton well and offered to drive us, but in the mean time my mum had really looked forward to potentially having a white German Shepherd, we knew we shouldn't be getting 2 puppies at the same time for many reasons, but we gave in and went to view them, there was 2 boys and 1 girl, but we fell in love with Shiya's loving personality and brought her home a few days later ( 16th October 2010 ).

On the 17th October ( going from the dates it says on my photos, though i don't remember going straight up to see Kai the day after getting Shiya, strange ) i went up to Northampton to view Kai's litter. I had 3 boys i ended up having to choose between, but narrowed it down to 2, there was a lovely really dark coloured boy with brown eyes, and a lighter coloured boy with blue eyes. The boy with blue eyes, i was told was laid back, and he really looked it, he just laid cuddling with my little brother on the sofa, i held the other boy which was more outgoing. I then had such a tough choice to make, but Kai's blue eyes won me over so i choose him, even though, weirdly, i didn't even hold him. I came back on the 23rd October to pick him up, and i have never been as excited as i was on the way there all my life! The journey home with Kai was amazing, he was very well behaved, though he did keep licking my arm and then trying to bite it as he was teething bless him, it was so cute. I had him in a box filled with towels to keep him comfy and he fell asleep through a lot of the journey too, as he slept, i couldn't help but stare at him, and i knew the whole way home, that i loved him, and it would be the start of an eye opening and amazing journey for the both of us.

As i'm writing this, and i have had Kai a little while now, i can safely say he is one of the best things that has happened to me, he's changed my life so much from what it was, and he makes me so proud to have him. Some times he can be a bit of a challenge, but i wouldn't change him for the world. He's my pretty little man and i would be so lost without him. On the odd times when i've been away from him for a few days, i miss him so much and can't wait to come back home through the door as he follows me around for about an hour like a lost sheep, it's the most adorable thing. I'm ever so grateful for my mum with what she's done for me over the years, and Kai was a big thing she did for me, so i can't thank her enough. All i can say now is, i hope i have many more amazing years to come with My Kai, nothing can prepare you for the joy a dog can bring, so i'm ever so grateful that my Kai came to me and has lighted up my life.


Sorry it's quite long i got a bit carried away!



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