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New Puppy, AGGRESSIVE Behavior...help please :)


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1 ounce is approx 28g. So when you feed 24 ounces per day that equivalent to 680 grams of food - far too much!!!

Just been doing a bit of research into BlueBuffalo food and according to their feeding guide:

21 (9.5kg) to 50lbs (22.5kg) / 1-3 months old / 1 - 2 1/2 cups per day

I'm assuming that they use a standard cup which comes with each bag of food, do you use their cup size or one of your own?

Usually the 'cups' refer to the standard size on a measuring cup. Like this, if you're not familiar with it in the UK...


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My boy is not necessarily food or toy aggressive, but he gets super excited, barking and running around!.

What i do is make him sit and lay down, for his food i make him wait 5-15 mins, in his crate,site and lay down, each time he runs out to me before i give him his command "come get it", i restart, at first it took an hour before he got it right, (12 weeks), now at 15 weeks, he will wait until the command is given.

I do the same thing with toys, but just not as long. For both food and toys, i also put it infront of him and have him "leave it". The NILF like many others recommended is great.

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You have a 13 week old puppy, he isn't just any puppy, he is a Siberian Husky!!

Love him, enjoy him, but don't forget sometimes, you have to be cruel to be kind. You should have no issues with taking his most favourite toy/treat right from his mouth, he should submit, if he doesn't, you have the issue where Mr. Nigel thinks he's the big dog, he thinks he can do as he pleases and you need to address this ASAP. It is NOT his fault, he simply has been given the impression that he can be top dog. Don't be scared of him, thats the last thing you want him to think, there are so many techniques to gaining that alpha dog status and I think I used quite a few of them lol, this is anything from physical to psychological, yes, I have growled and barked at Luka and I have pinned him down when he was younger but remember, its not fear you are after, its respect!

Right, where to start, NILIF is a great starting point, Nigel should receive nothing unless he has earned it. You need to start eating something in front of him before he is fed, let him watch you, he'll get annoyed if he is hungry but eventually submit. When I first brought Luka home, he would try me every single day, then it was every other day, then once a week, having a your husky respect you is so important, you can help this along by giving him toys and taking them away, when you give him his food, take it away from him mid-meal, wait a second and give it back to him. Establishing yourself as the pack leader is the first thing you need to do if you're going to have any hope of training Nigel, is it too late? NOOOOO not at all!! :D he is still little, just start right away!

For his upset tummy, try feeding him less, and try splitting the meals into more frequent but smaller ones, i.e. if he is getting 200g a day then feed it to him between 8am and 8pm over several servings spaces 2 hours apart. If thats not solving it, he may have an allergy but hopefully that won't be the case!

I'm no expert, but I've had Luka since November last year and they do teach you a hell of a lot lol! I do think all of the research I did prior to bringing him home helped me a huge amount, and I only have these online forums to thank for it! I doubt any one post can cover everything you need to do, just keep doing that research and applying the different techniques!

Good luck and I'm sure you'll do just fine with him :)

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My boy is not necessarily food or toy aggressive, but he gets super excited, barking and running around!.

What i do is make him sit and lay down, for his food i make him wait 5-15 mins, in his crate,site and lay down, each time he runs out to me before i give him his command "come get it", i restart, at first it took an hour before he got it right, (12 weeks), now at 15 weeks, he will wait until the command is given.

I do the same thing with toys, but just not as long. For both food and toys, i also put it infront of him and have him "leave it". The NILF like many others recommended is great.

Don't take this the wrong way but you could probably achieve the same results if he waited a few seconds for his food rather than 15minutes :) As long as they understand they eat when they are told, thats all you need to establish really.

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a minute is a long time for an adult dog let alone a puppy, you should probably just make him sit and wait while the food is put down and on the floor, and only eat when you say ok. So 10 - 30 seconds max, each time he tries to eat before you have released him, take the bowl back up, only leave it down when he is sitting and waiting.

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a 13 week old sibe pup shouldn't be on 200g a day, mine are fully grown and on that much. remember sibes thrive on a lot less than most other types of dog.

I didn't mean to feed the pup 200g, it was just an example, but, puppies do need more than adults, in fact - looking at a few websites and feeding guidelines, 350g seems more appropriate?

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i certainly wouldn't feed him more than 200g per day until he gets bigger than say 25kg. xx if you feed this much when hes a puppy just keep an eye on his weight and fitness level (slimness, musculature etc) and if he starts to loose his 'svelte shape' feed a little less each meal.

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i certainly wouldn't feed him more than 200g per day until he gets bigger than say 25kg. xx if you feed this much when hes a puppy just keep an eye on his weight and fitness level (slimness, musculature etc) and if he starts to loose his 'svelte shape' feed a little less each meal.

Thats it i think, they're such odd doggies, those feeding guidelines don't really apply to them lol! I know at 23kg mine eats 500g daily and he is still very trim, but if i feed him 510g, he'll get the runs and 490g he'll complain like he hasn't eaten in 5 days!

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I definitely don't recommend pinning him or any other "dominance" based methods.

Resource guarding is almost always an insecure behaviour. I would read up on NILIF and implement that in all your interactions with him. With the toy, I agree I wouldn't leave any lying around and would give him one at a time. I would make giving them to you rewarding so he doesn't feel like you are a threat. Give him a high value treat when you take things away from him so he doesn't see it as a loss.

Also google the Triangle of Temptation and have a read - implement it at meals times, it's a great and easy program to use :)

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Don't take this the wrong way but you could probably achieve the same results if he waited a few seconds for his food rather than 15minutes :) As long as they understand they eat when they are told, thats all you need to establish really.

i understand what you are saying, i make him wait because he gets way too excited, when i feel he is calm i give him the command to go.

i Dont make him wait 15 mins all the time, 15 mins is more like the Maximum he will sit and wait before he starts "shaking" and wanting to move. Mind you before he would no sit and wait more then 30 seconds. I'm not saying everyone should do this, its just my way of doing things =).

Everyone here gives good advice! =)

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i understand what you are saying, i make him wait because he gets way too excited, when i feel he is calm i give him the command to go.

i Dont make him wait 15 mins all the time, 15 mins is more like the Maximum he will sit and wait before he starts "shaking" and wanting to move. Mind you before he would no sit and wait more then 30 seconds. I'm not saying everyone should do this, its just my way of doing things =).

Everyone here gives good advice! =)

Oh no, i didn't mean you were doing it wrong, its good that you wait till he is calm, i don't really think theres a wrong or right way, like you said, whatever works :) It just sounded like he waits 15minutes, even if he is calm and sitting there lol :)

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Oh no, i didn't mean you were doing it wrong, its good that you wait till he is calm, i don't really think theres a wrong or right way, like you said, whatever works :) It just sounded like he waits 15minutes, even if he is calm and sitting there lol :)

oh no i dont make him wait 15 mins even when he is calm haha, i cant even wait 15 mins everytime myself =), most of the time it only takes about a minute or two.

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to say thanks again for the advice and to update you.....We haven't had any incidents in two days with Nigel regarding toy possessiveness, we're going to take the advice of just allowing him to have his "chew treats" for his teething at certain times and to approach him only from the front until he realizes that he's not being attacked for it to be taken away. Our trainer will be here next week and I'll update you guys more on what he says! I am going to purchase Nigel another chew toy today and work with him with giving it to him for a few minutes, commanding him off it, picking it up and praising him, then giving it back to him. Hopefully this will build his trust with all of us that we're not the enemy when it comes to his toys, well chew toys, he loves if you play with him with his other toys! Husky's apparently love tug of war, lol.

As far as his tummy issues, we dropped off a feces sample to the vet's (their suggestion) came back negative, no parasites or anything else (yay! now back to training him to poop outside again) we did cut down on his food intake and although he still attacks the bowl like it's his last meal, he doesn't beg for food during the day. He weighed a little over 12lbs 2 weeks ago, so 2 1/2 cups daily instead of 3 (1 in AM and 1 1/2) with some treats in between should be fine until we see the Vet for his follow up next week. What do you guys suggest, is that still too much, too little? I am always confused about the food situation and don't want to starve him but don't want to make him a huge pig either. When the Vet assistant told us to up his food from 1 1/2 cups daily to 3 I was stunned. I always thought we were over feeding him. We also cut his exercise down the past couple of days and he although he was a little rambunctious, he still did great sleeping back in his crate last night and he seemed happy just running around the backyard and house with anything he could steal from us and make us chase him for it. In other words, he still seems very happy! I am going to ask the Vet about the heart worm medication when I see her, she gave me some type I've never seen before and although I asked the tech if that's what could have caused the diarrhea, she didn't seem to think so even though I told her that's when it started and that he threw up that night. What type of heartworm medication do you give your dogs?

So thank you ALL SO VERY MUCH for your advice, videos and just generally being kind and answering my questions and concerns. I love love love my Husky, I love showing him off to everyone and can't wait to do it more. I now know what it feels like to be the proud owner of a Husky and why people like myself use to always stop Husky owners to pet their dogs :)

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to say thanks again for the advice and to update you.....We haven't had any incidents in two days with Nigel regarding toy possessiveness, we're going to take the advice of just allowing him to have his "chew treats" for his teething at certain times and to approach him only from the front until he realizes that he's not being attacked for it to be taken away. Our trainer will be here next week and I'll update you guys more on what he says! I am going to purchase Nigel another chew toy today and work with him with giving it to him for a few minutes, commanding him off it, picking it up and praising him, then giving it back to him. Hopefully this will build his trust with all of us that we're not the enemy when it comes to his toys, well chew toys, he loves if you play with him with his other toys! Husky's apparently love tug of war, lol.

As far as his tummy issues, we dropped off a feces sample to the vet's (their suggestion) came back negative, no parasites or anything else (yay! now back to training him to poop outside again) we did cut down on his food intake and although he still attacks the bowl like it's his last meal, he doesn't beg for food during the day. He weighed a little over 12lbs 2 weeks ago, so 2 1/2 cups daily instead of 3 (1 in AM and 1 1/2) with some treats in between should be fine until we see the Vet for his follow up next week. What do you guys suggest, is that still too much, too little? I am always confused about the food situation and don't want to starve him but don't want to make him a huge pig either. When the Vet assistant told us to up his food from 1 1/2 cups daily to 3 I was stunned. I always thought we were over feeding him. We also cut his exercise down the past couple of days and he although he was a little rambunctious, he still did great sleeping back in his crate last night and he seemed happy just running around the backyard and house with anything he could steal from us and make us chase him for it. In other words, he still seems very happy! I am going to ask the Vet about the heart worm medication when I see her, she gave me some type I've never seen before and although I asked the tech if that's what could have caused the diarrhea, she didn't seem to think so even though I told her that's when it started and that he threw up that night. What type of heartworm medication do you give your dogs?

So thank you ALL SO VERY MUCH for your advice, videos and just generally being kind and answering my questions and concerns. I love love love my Husky, I love showing him off to everyone and can't wait to do it more. I now know what it feels like to be the proud owner of a Husky and why people like myself use to always stop Husky owners to pet their dogs :)

The heartworm medication that Suka is on is called 'HeartGard' and he hasn't had any problems with it.

A good sign in puppies (or in adult sibes) when you're overfeeding them, is they have diarrhea. Sibes have an efficient metabolism and they don't need as much food as other dogs would.

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I don't want to make any assumptions here, but upon reading what you wrote on both instances where both you and your husband approached your pup, it seems as though besides being possessive about the toy, your pup was surprised by you both, maybe didn't see you coming and being a possessive little thing, it didn't want to relinquish its treasure and did the thing in the fastest response time to secure its possession, by biting. Am I wrong to ascertain that you both were unseen/unnoticed by your pup and he was caught off guard perhaps? Here is another thread which deals with biting as well. I think you benefit by it. http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/bite-inhabition-the-most-important-thing-you-can-teach-your-dog.8234/#post-116947 Here is another link that some people use and like the results, its called NILF-Nothing In Life Is Free http://www.terrificpets.com/articles/102212265.asp Many undesired behaviors are learned out of demanding attention. For example, dog jumps on you, you pat him, dog is more likely to jump for attention the next time he wants it from you. Other dogs may poke, bark in your face, etc. The key is the dog is in control of the situation when he gets the attention he demands. Not good. He is also developing undesired behaviors, not because he is bad, but because you are reinforcing them. It is time to stop this. Since the dog is doing this for attention, you are going to deny him that attention. Walk away. Totally ignore the dog. You can give him as much attention as you want as long as it is by your rules and not his. Now, encourage your dog to come to you and sit. If all four feet remain on the floor, he can get attention. If he starts that undesired barking or jumping or mouthing, walk away. Be consistent and be fair. Maintain your composure and level of being in charge. Dogs that are confused about who is in control are more likely to act out.http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/nothingfree.htm This is another very valued link, I hope you will look this one over really well-I use it as a Husky Owner and has helped many people, hopefully you can glean off of its experience and will come to help you as well :up:http://www.allabouthuskies.com/puppies.html I hope this helps you to enjoy your puppy and turn out to be a best friend :doglick:

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I have a 12 week pup ( close in age to yours) and instead of a toy aggression, she had a food aggression ( at 9 weeks) We STRESSED the NILF technique with everything. Her personality is very strong and we have to do EVERYTHING consistently! Walking before her going in/out of doorways, having to stop her walks 40 bazillion gillion times when she pulls until she goes into a sitting position ( teaches her I control the walk, not you, and when you pull, the walk stops) Is it super frustrating? YES! Does it take us 10x longer and I probably look like a mad person to everyone else watching me walk my pup, but I know it will pay off in the end.

Wether it's a "NO, STOP, or ah-ah ( which my husband and I decided because when I say no its not deep enough and she basically just laughs at me, but when she gets the ah-ah, she KNOWS to stop what shes doing)

EVERYTIME I give her a command, she will always talk back to me.

"Me- Sit Meeka"

Her- arhh arhh bark bark bark arrgh , then she sits.

"Me- Lay down Meeka"

Her- arhh arrh bark bark bark arrh sighs, then lays down.

Rinse, Recycle, Repeat. Every.Time.

Just took a video to demonstrate her stubborness :)


Good Luck, your pup is beautiful!

I just saw this!!! WOW she is gorgeous! She would love Nigel, he has one ice blue eye and one tri-colored eye, very handsome ;) I loved what you did there and that's basically what I did with his chewy before throwing it away and am going to buy another one today to retrain him on it. I know what you mean about the walking, but he's pretty good most of the time, his problem is, he doesn't pick a side! lol I always thought it was the right side to walk them on, well that's what I did with my Akita, I will wait for the trainer to tell me. But I will tug him back gently and make him stop until he slows his roll. Thanks for the video, she is gorgeous! Good luck with her :)

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The heartworm medication that Suka is on is called 'HeartGard' and he hasn't had any problems with it.

A good sign in puppies (or in adult sibes) when you're overfeeding them, is they have diarrhea. Sibes have an efficient metabolism and they don't need as much food as other dogs would.

Yes it wasn't heartguard that she gave me, (I have the box in his file box, I'll look at the name later, it began with an "I" I believe, something I've never seen before) it was only a sample until his next appointment (the 19th) and to me, it just didn't agree with him and yes I think we were over feeding him. I cut his intake down a 1/2 a cup daily and am only feeding him twice a day again, should I do it even more? He probably weighs about 14lbs right now and I'm still not sure how much to feed him. I also cut his exercise down to only a 1/4 mile at nightime and just a 30 minute adventure walk with one 15 minutes of play out in the yard chasing the ball. I have decided to let him explore the backyard by himself and he loves it, I just watch from the door, so he's still getting some exploring time in, I just want him to be socialized.

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