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New Puppy, AGGRESSIVE Behavior...help please :)


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As far as his tummy issues, we dropped off a feces sample to the vet's (their suggestion) came back negative, no parasites or anything else (yay! now back to training him to poop outside again) we did cut down on his food intake and although he still attacks the bowl like it's his last meal, he doesn't beg for food during the day. He weighed a little over 12lbs 2 weeks ago, so 2 1/2 cups daily instead of 3 (1 in AM and 1 1/2) with some treats in between should be fine until we see the Vet for his follow up next week. What do you guys suggest, is that still too much, too little?

I still think that feeding a 13week old pup his daily intake in two meals is not the best idea, I won't comment on the amount you are feeding him because they are all different and require different daily intakes but I would strongly suggest feeding him 2.5 cups over 4 meals at least throughout the day, this will help his tummy out lots :) If you find he still has a runny stool, then cut that down to 2 cups over 4 meals, if its still runny, try a different kibble!

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I don't want to make any assumptions here, but upon reading what you wrote on both instances where both you and your husband approached your pup, it seems as though besides being possessive about the toy, your pup was surprised by you both, maybe didn't see you coming and being a possessive little thing, it didn't want to relinquish its treasure and did the thing in the fastest response time to secure its possession, by biting. Am I wrong to ascertain that you both were unseen/unnoticed by your pup and he was caught off guard perhaps? Here is another thread which deals with biting as well. I think you benefit by it. http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/bite-inhabition-the-most-important-thing-you-can-teach-your-dog.8234/#post-116947 Here is another link that some people use and like the results, its called NILF-Nothing In Life Is Free http://www.terrificpets.com/articles/102212265.asp Many undesired behaviors are learned out of demanding attention. For example, dog jumps on you, you pat him, dog is more likely to jump for attention the next time he wants it from you. Other dogs may poke, bark in your face, etc. The key is the dog is in control of the situation when he gets the attention he demands. Not good. He is also developing undesired behaviors, not because he is bad, but because you are reinforcing them. It is time to stop this. Since the dog is doing this for attention, you are going to deny him that attention. Walk away. Totally ignore the dog. You can give him as much attention as you want as long as it is by your rules and not his. Now, encourage your dog to come to you and sit. If all four feet remain on the floor, he can get attention. If he starts that undesired barking or jumping or mouthing, walk away. Be consistent and be fair. Maintain your composure and level of being in charge. Dogs that are confused about who is in control are more likely to act out.http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/nothingfree.htm This is another very valued link, I hope you will look this one over really well-I use it as a Husky Owner and has helped many people, hopefully you can glean off of its experience and will come to help you as well :up:http://www.allabouthuskies.com/puppies.html I hope this helps you to enjoy your puppy and turn out to be a best friend :doglick:

YES you are correct, we both did that and both from behind with the one exception whereas he didn't see my husband coming because his face was partly under the coffee table with the chewy in his mouth and my husband didn't see the chewy. Thank you SO MUCH for the links and the advice, we have been very stern with him the past two days as far as taking the leadership role. We don't yell, but we are making it known that we are in charge with a stern NO if he's doing something bad (biting or jumping up) and a stern "OFF" if he has his mouth on something he should not have his mouth on ie the coffee table, my fuzzy socks, my pant legs, my feet, my snuggie (that pup loves my snuggie! lol) anything that doesn't belong to him. We are also taking turns with his training, he can sit, stay (for about 4ft now) and come. Last night I let him in the yard by himself while I watched from the door, I called him and he didn't respond, then I said "Nigel, come!" in a stern voice and he came running right into the house. Could have been a fluke but it worked! I think it was a combination of Nigel thinking he was now the king of the throne and the element of surprise on our behalf. We have a trainer coming next week, so we should learn a lot more by then....I'm going to read and follow up on a lot of your advice and links and do as much training as possible, sort of like cleaning the hotel room before the maid gets there lol...I hope I don't have to retrain him after the trainer gets here ugh...but I cannot have him being toy possessive that's unacceptable.

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YES you are correct, we both did that and both from behind with the one exception whereas he didn't see my husband coming because his face was partly under the coffee table with the chewy in his mouth and my husband didn't see the chewy. Thank you SO MUCH for the links and the advice, we have been very stern with him the past two days as far as taking the leadership role. We don't yell, but we are making it known that we are in charge with a stern NO if he's doing something bad (biting or jumping up) and a stern "OFF" if he has his mouth on something he should not have his mouth on ie the coffee table, my fuzzy socks, my pant legs, my feet, my snuggie (that pup loves my snuggie! lol) anything that doesn't belong to him. We are also taking turns with his training, he can sit, stay (for about 4ft now) and come. Last night I let him in the yard by himself while I watched from the door, I called him and he didn't respond, then I said "Nigel, come!" in a stern voice and he came running right into the house. Could have been a fluke but it worked! I think it was a combination of Nigel thinking he was now the king of the throne and the element of surprise on our behalf. We have a trainer coming next week, so we should learn a lot more by then....I'm going to read and follow up on a lot of your advice and links and do as much training as possible, sort of like cleaning the hotel room before the maid gets there lol...I hope I don't have to retrain him after the trainer gets here ugh...but I cannot have him being toy possessive that's unacceptable.

Thats excellent that you don't yell, because you don't have to. We never have used yelling with ours either, they do not react well to it and it signifies a breakdown in communication process at the point when someone yells. I'm not a mechanic, nor am I mechanically inclined, but I was frustrated working on something simple on my tractor and smashed my hand, so I got mad and yelled, not at anyone, but still. I saw the reaction on my pup and that it had on him and it was so sad. So we never have yelled in our home, and we're all better for it anyway. Thats great that Nigel is doing better and so, so good that you are having a puppy trainer to help you as well :clap: they have a program called puppy kindergarten which alot of people swear by that all pups should attend to help in their developmental stage, which is the most critical age for them. This link is the best one and I hope you will give it a look into, I think it will be a great help to you now and in the future. http://www.allabouthuskies.com/puppies.html

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I still think that feeding a 13week old pup his daily intake in two meals is not the best idea, I won't comment on the amount you are feeding him because they are all different and require different daily intakes but I would strongly suggest feeding him 2.5 cups over 4 meals at least throughout the day, this will help his tummy out lots :) If you find he still has a runny stool, then cut that down to 2 cups over 4 meals, if its still runny, try a different kibble!

Thank you! I am going to see what happens with his stool today, this morning he was a bit better and that was with his 2 feedings yesterday with treats in between. I will go back to his regular 3 times daily when his poop calms down lol...can't believe I'm talking about puppy poop on the internet! I do give him treats during the day to keep him satisfied.

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Just wanted to add something......I 'think' I read way back on your thread that your pup is attacking his food? My Malakai used to do that - he would basically inhale his food, so I used to spread it on the floor so he had to work to eat, and as it wasn't all in one place it used to take him longer. I also used a smallish Kong which worked well as he had to tip and roll it to get his dinner. As he slowed his eating I then bought him a bowl which has a lump in the centre, like this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Trixie-Slow-Feed-Bowl-1-5/dp/B003TOQ0CG, he now uses a normal bowl and eats at a normal pace :)

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Just wanted to add something......I 'think' I read way back on your thread that your pup is attacking his food? My Malakai used to do that - he would basically inhale his food, so I used to spread it on the floor so he had to work to eat, and as it wasn't all in one place it used to take him longer. I also used a smallish Kong which worked well as he had to tip and roll it to get his dinner. As he slowed his eating I then bought him a bowl which has a lump in the centre, like this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Trixie-Slow-Feed-Bowl-1-5/dp/B003TOQ0CG, he now uses a normal bowl and eats at a normal pace :)

Yes he's still doing it! That's a good idea...here's another update....

I spoke with the Vet again Friday afternoon and she said to do the following, feed him 2 x's a day, once in the morning with 1 cup of kibble and 1/2 cup of white rice and then 1 1/2 cups at night with 1/2 cup of rice....I think his stomach is worse now! She literally just upped his food intake to 3 1/2 cups a day :/ So I am going to take all your advice and spread out his meals 3 times a day but I'm going to train him with his kibble instead of introducing too many treats to his diet (that could be another reason, I bought some Blue Buffalo treats to put in his kong and I did buy him a rawhide bone which he LOVES and it's big and he's not possessive, but the smaller chewy sticks he sort of grunts when he's eating them so I took them away for now). I like the idea of putting his food on the floor too to make him work for it and to put it in his kong, thanks!

Again, I cannot thank you guys enough for the advice, I am willing to try anything for my little guy, he still has all his spunk and crazy loving that goes along with being a pup, but not liking that he has the diarrhea, which by the way is on and off?? I feel like a bad mommy or something. The Vet did say that they would give me some anti diarrhea medication if the rice doesn't work. I hope it's not his food, I just bought him a 30lb bag lol. So for now, it's going to be 3 meals spread out, with some kibble going on the floor (OH I have made him SIT before putting his bowl down!) and some kibble in little amounts throughout the day in his kong and during his training. No cookies or treats and his rawhide just now and again during the day to help him teeth....does that sound good?

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Oh one more thing, the medication was called Interceptor, the Vet said they wanted to try it one more time before changing it, I'm not comfortable with that because if it did make him sick, why take the chance? I thought that was sort of silly but they said that's what they usually do. I would like to just change it to heartguard and see if that has a different result, I've had at least 4 dogs in my adulthood and gave them all heartguard and none of them have ever gotten sick.

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Hi, I've been reading your posts and it occurred to me you might try keeping him on the rice/kibble combination for a time. The rice will be lighter on his intestine while it's still sensitive.

My older female Safi has liver failure and although she's now back on biscuits (kibble) its a reduced amount compared with the other three. If I give her the same amount as everyone else it makes her vomit. No sooner has she cleaned her bowl than its coming back up. To prevent that she's on a combination of rice and biscuit. In the morning she gets a third of a cup and evening a half cup with 8 dessert spoons of rice. She's a three year old pure bred husky, standard breed height and weighs 20.5kg (45lbs)

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Malakai had really bad tummy when he was small, and the guys on here suggested I use Prokolin. It helps to 'harden' them up. You can buy it online for a fraction of the price the vet will charge. Now I always have a tube in the house as a stand by. You may have to check age though, as Malakai was a bit older than your pup, but it might be worth a look.

Rice usually does help with poorly tums, along with plain boiled chicken. I stopped giving the dry food and just rice/chicken until they are hard, then very slowly introduce the dry until they are eating normally again.

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Hi guys, just wanted to give you an update. Nigel has been very good as his toy "possessiveness" goes, he hasn't growled or tried to bite again since we've worked with him regarding this. We're also very careful about how we give him his chewies (he's only allowed a plain rawhide as of now due to his tummy), when we try to take them away to teach him that we're going to give him them back and we're not a threat, he's fine with it and sometimes he makes a game out of it and runs around the house with it in his mouth like a maniac instead of growling and snapping. He allows you to pet him while he's chewing/teething now, we only will approach him from the front or call his name to let him know we're next to him just to test that he will allow us to pet him on his back and he's fine. So the advice I've learned from your videos and posts seems to be working, thankfully!

As far as him attacking his food, I make him sit, stay and then when the food bowl is put on the floor and when I give him the go, he's allowed to eat. He's still gobbling though. He was slowing down with the rice in the bowl and he still seems like he's starving, but then again, he never begs for food but loves when you give it to him.

Okay his diarrhea (the fun part!) is still going on! We took him to the vet on Thursday, they said they weren't going to do a fecal exam and we're going to just treat him for worms regardless, they thought maybe they were lying dormant or something. He's pooping mud two at a time and stacks of it at least 2 or 3 times a day (after every meal)! It's not puddles anymore. He is being fed 3 times a day now but is being trained with his kibble so it's like 3 cups over 4 meals, I use it in his kong also (the vet said to stop the rice with the kibble because it wasn't working) and she hasn't given him anything for his diarrhea but has given him deworming medication. She wants to try that for 5 days then again in 2 weeks then bring him back before giving him anti-diarrhea medication. It wasn't his regular vet because she was in an emergency with a cat and we all know emergencies come first, so I'm only going to give it a day or two more then call his regular vet and see what she thinks of the treatment Nigel's been put on. The vet also said that there is a good chance we may have to change his food (of course, I just bought a 30lb bag of Blue Buffalo the day before! ugh...). She stated to go by the recommendation on the bag and for our breed, it's 1 1/2 to 3 cups a day and since he seems like he's starving when he eats I couldn't imagine feeding a 16lb puppy only 1 1/2 cups of kibble a day. No one seems to know what the exact amount of food he should be eating and so she said to just go by the bag :/ What do you guys think? He gained almost 4lbs in 3 weeks, that's good, right? He seems healthy, although today he was a little tired after our walk and for the first time he sat down under a tree to take a rest before going home, but he just has his shots yesterday and started de-worming, again, which could be the cause of the diarrhea right now. I'm extremely lucky that he goes on the pee pee pads, but I can't help but think he's going to be so hard to work with when we try to housebreak him again.

Sorry for such a long post, but I just haven't had time to get here, kids are on vacation this week and taking care of Nigel and his needs obviously is taking up my time, but thank you so much again for the advice and for listening :)

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nothing much to add since I don't know a lot about health and illnesses... But I do know that huskies eat much less than any other breeds. They might look hungry and will swallow down anything on sight, but it doesn't mean they need that much food. Your vet is right, hopefully Nigel's tummy will be back to normal soon :)

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Hi guys, just wanted to give you an update. Nigel has been very good as his toy "possessiveness" goes, he hasn't growled or tried to bite again since we've worked with him regarding this. We're also very careful about how we give him his chewies (he's only allowed a plain rawhide as of now due to his tummy), when we try to take them away to teach him that we're going to give him them back and we're not a threat, he's fine with it and sometimes he makes a game out of it and runs around the house with it in his mouth like a maniac instead of growling and snapping. He allows you to pet him while he's chewing/teething now, we only will approach him from the front or call his name to let him know we're next to him just to test that he will allow us to pet him on his back and he's fine. So the advice I've learned from your videos and posts seems to be working, thankfully!

As far as him attacking his food, I make him sit, stay and then when the food bowl is put on the floor and when I give him the go, he's allowed to eat. He's still gobbling though. He was slowing down with the rice in the bowl and he still seems like he's starving, but then again, he never begs for food but loves when you give it to him.

Okay his diarrhea (the fun part!) is still going on! We took him to the vet on Thursday, they said they weren't going to do a fecal exam and we're going to just treat him for worms regardless, they thought maybe they were lying dormant or something. He's pooping mud two at a time and stacks of it at least 2 or 3 times a day (after every meal)! It's not puddles anymore. He is being fed 3 times a day now but is being trained with his kibble so it's like 3 cups over 4 meals, I use it in his kong also (the vet said to stop the rice with the kibble because it wasn't working) and she hasn't given him anything for his diarrhea but has given him deworming medication. She wants to try that for 5 days then again in 2 weeks then bring him back before giving him anti-diarrhea medication. It wasn't his regular vet because she was in an emergency with a cat and we all know emergencies come first, so I'm only going to give it a day or two more then call his regular vet and see what she thinks of the treatment Nigel's been put on. The vet also said that there is a good chance we may have to change his food (of course, I just bought a 30lb bag of Blue Buffalo the day before! ugh...). She stated to go by the recommendation on the bag and for our breed, it's 1 1/2 to 3 cups a day and since he seems like he's starving when he eats I couldn't imagine feeding a 16lb puppy only 1 1/2 cups of kibble a day. No one seems to know what the exact amount of food he should be eating and so she said to just go by the bag :/ What do you guys think? He gained almost 4lbs in 3 weeks, that's good, right? He seems healthy, although today he was a little tired after our walk and for the first time he sat down under a tree to take a rest before going home, but he just has his shots yesterday and started de-worming, again, which could be the cause of the diarrhea right now. I'm extremely lucky that he goes on the pee pee pads, but I can't help but think he's going to be so hard to work with when we try to housebreak him again.

Sorry for such a long post, but I just haven't had time to get here, kids are on vacation this week and taking care of Nigel and his needs obviously is taking up my time, but thank you so much again for the advice and for listening :)

Good job on your progress, seems you are getting along very well!

Huskies do eat very little and in my opinion, 3 cups a day is a lot. I know that 1 1/2 cups seems too little, especially if he has a huge appetite. But feeding too much can cause tummy issues!

I would definitely cut back on the kibble and see if that helps with his diarrhea :)

Just to give you an idea, we feed ours about 1 1/2 - 2 cups daily and he is an adult!

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Good job on your progress, seems you are getting along very well!

Huskies do eat very little and in my opinion, 3 cups a day is a lot. I know that 1 1/2 cups seems too little, especially if he has a huge appetite. But feeding too much can cause tummy issues!

I would definitely cut back on the kibble and see if that helps with his diarrhea :)

Just to give you an idea, we feed ours about 1 1/2 - 2 cups daily and he is an adult!

Ditto the above!

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Panda is 4 months and he gets 1 1/2 cup a day over 3 meals. i've tried to raise it to 2 cups but he will get the runs.

However he gets treats and other things. He gets canned Tuna one meal every other day with his kibble Or other Vegetables.

Once he gets to 5 or 6 months i'll do 2 cups a day feeding 2 times.

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Hi, I did cut back to 3/4 cups 3 times a day and will slowly bring it back down to 2 cups a day. Another thing, my son slept on the couch last night (fell asleep) and Nigel slept right next to him and he didn't didn't cry to eat at all. I woke up at 8 and couldn't believe it was that late because I hadn't heard Nigel, he was just down sleeping on his bed next to my son. I always thought he was waking us because he was hungry, but it was because he was lonely or needed to use the bathroom (just to say, we can't crate him right now due to the diarrhea). I don't want to over feed him obviously and the Vet was literally no help in that department. Again, his diarrhea started after his first vet visit when they told us to up his food intake so that could very well be the problem! Just to say one more thing, he's back to puddles again and that's probably the de-worming medication. UGH..lol

Thanks again for your input and of course your encouragement all! Once this problem is over and done with, it's on to the housebreaking again and crate training, but we're going to be working with his trainer as of right now he can only do so much due to the tummy issues, but the biting is more annoying than that :)

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1 ounce is approx 28g. So when you feed 24 ounces per day that equivalent to 680 grams of food - far too much!!!

Just been doing a bit of research into BlueBuffalo food and according to their feeding guide:

21 (9.5kg) to 50lbs (22.5kg) / 1-3 months old / 1 - 2 1/2 cups per day

I'm assuming that they use a standard cup which comes with each bag of food, do you use their cup size or one of your own?

Hi, yes it is a standard cup (sorry just seeing this) according to the bag for his breed it says 1 1/2-3 cups...I definitely think you guys are correct, we are giving him far too much food. I cut back to 18 oz per day and then will see what happens there. Thanks :)

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I just found this post today. I have had the same "aggression" issues with Maya. We had a very hard six weeks from weeks 10-16 with her. I researched the internet, found this site, and began using the NILF method immeidately! She is now 24 weeks and we have a completely different puppy! She still has her moments where she wants to bite and she will make snarls, but it is her way of asking to be left alone. She used to draw blood and wreck havoc on my arms trying to get her way, but that has decreased to where is no longer bothers us and it is not a problematic behavior.

The short of where we started was actually more simple than I expected. She needed to DO SOMETHING before I would GIVE HER SOMETHING! Once I became more consistent with this, she quickly learned that I was in control of everything that she received, including time with play and her exercise. It's actually funny b/c now she will try to sit and lay down when begging b/c she believes that she WILL get things for her good behaviors. Another key factor in her change in behavior was her soicalization. At four months she received her finaly round of vaccinations and we were able to register her for a local dog park (safe and monitored by our county rangers). This is where she learned her bite inhibition and how to interact with other dogs and different people. We had a changed dog in alomost two weeks.

Every once in a while, maybe once a week at most, Maya will test her boundaries with either myself or my husband. She is crate trained so our IMMEDIATE response has been to crate her until she calms herself down. This is completely normal puppy boundary pushing and she responds well to her 'punishment.'

I hope this helps! I was in the same position a few weeks ago and we considered rehoming her. Glad we didn't!!

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I just found this post today. I have had the same "aggression" issues with Maya. We had a very hard six weeks from weeks 10-16 with her. I researched the internet, found this site, and began using the NILF method immeidately! She is now 24 weeks and we have a completely different puppy! She still has her moments where she wants to bite and she will make snarls, but it is her way of asking to be left alone. She used to draw blood and wreck havoc on my arms trying to get her way, but that has decreased to where is no longer bothers us and it is not a problematic behavior.

The short of where we started was actually more simple than I expected. She needed to DO SOMETHING before I would GIVE HER SOMETHING! Once I became more consistent with this, she quickly learned that I was in control of everything that she received, including time with play and her exercise. It's actually funny b/c now she will try to sit and lay down when begging b/c she believes that she WILL get things for her good behaviors. Another key factor in her change in behavior was her soicalization. At four months she received her finaly round of vaccinations and we were able to register her for a local dog park (safe and monitored by our county rangers). This is where she learned her bite inhibition and how to interact with other dogs and different people. We had a changed dog in alomost two weeks.

Every once in a while, maybe once a week at most, Maya will test her boundaries with either myself or my husband. She is crate trained so our IMMEDIATE response has been to crate her until she calms herself down. This is completely normal puppy boundary pushing and she responds well to her 'punishment.'

I hope this helps! I was in the same position a few weeks ago and we considered rehoming her. Glad we didn't!!

Yes it does help, every bit helps :) As far as his "aggression" or "possessiveness" he's been so well behaved and has not been possessive or aggressive once since I've applied the methods I've learned here! I have socialized him since he's was 12 weeks old (he's now 16 weeks) and although he's not done with all his shots due to his tummy issues (will talk about that in another post :) ) the vet said he's allowed around other dogs and to just be careful. I only allow him to just say hello and then we move on, there's no playing unless it's with a dog we know. The problem we have now is that the kids are starting to back off from him because all he wants to do is play bite, but I'll go to another thread for that, it's driving us crazy. lol Always something! We do put him in time out and he hates it, so he'll calm down. We put him behind a gate or a glass door so he can see us and see that we're done with his nonsense and he gets upset because he wants to be with us but it only lasts a few minutes before he's jumping on us trying to bite and play again ugh...lol Well thank you so much for the advice, glad to hear your little girl is better with her aggression, she's very pretty!

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Okay just a quick update for all of you WONDERFUL Husky lovers and helpful folks to those of us who are new to the breed :D

First off a HUGE Thank you again! Nigel is no longer possessive of his toys, he actually loves when we play with him while he has them in his mouth including his chewies! He thinks it's now a game and he no longer growls or tries to snap, he's ridiculously friendly about it and it's actually hilarious when he's running through the coffee table with it in his mouth and if we ignore him he'll come back to us with it in his mouth for play. We do leave him alone to teeth because he needs it though and it keeps him from chewing up the house.

As far as his tummy issues are concerned, you guys are geniuses!!! It was his food intake! Ever since we've cut him back to 3/4 cup in the AM, 3/4 cup in the afternoon and 1 cup in the evening, his poops are all now solid!!!!! (how can I get so excited over that? lol) :) I also threw out the granola biscuits we bought him because he had solids then after giving it to him he immediately had diarrhea, so gone with them! He's still attacking his food and acts like he's starving but he sits and stays for 5 seconds before I allow him at his bowl, I have applied this to him going outside and he's doing amazing, just sits and waits at the door even when it's open he will not put a paw over the threshold without us going first.

He's doing great, the only problem is the play biting and we'll work on that with other methods, even the trainers methods aren't working ugh. We'll get through this, I know we will. I'm sure there are some threads on here that will help.

Thank you all, really I can't thank you enough so I apologize if I keep saying it lol I'm just so happy his tummy issues are done and his toy possessiveness is gone, just going to work on the play biting and on to a happier pup and family!

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