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One husky or two??!?


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Hello all! So I have had my pup for 2 ½ months, and I might have the opportunity to adopt another one! I was wondering if you guys think it is easier with 2 Huskies, rather than having just 1? I work all day so he is crated during the day, except when I come home from lunch. If I have to go out during the week he has to be crated while I am gone. I feel guilty because he has to be crated so much, and when he is out he is extremely hyper! Every minute I am home he is not in his crate, and he gets at least an hour outside (more on the weekends), and playtime inside. I think that getting him a companion would help. He is fixed, and the dog that is available is a 1 year old fixed female (mine is 4 ½ months old).

I never leave him uncrated in the house during the day, but I thought that if I had 2 of them, I would eventually be able to leave them uncrated without them chewing up my house, since they would keep each other company.

What is your guy’s experiences?

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Having a second does definitly helps them keep company and stop being lonely but I don't reckon it would prevent them from wrecking the house tho. That's just judging on my own experience.

I found it easier looking after two huskies compared to owning just one. There is 5 month age cap between my two older huskies. Lola was 7 months old when I got Rooney, she matured a lot when I got him.

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To be honest I would say no purely down to your puppy's age. He's going to be doing a lot of changing and growing over the next year+ and the best rule to follow when considering another dog is does your current dog have any bad habits or behaviours you wouldn't want to pass on to another dog? As he's likely to go through a naughty teenage stage you probably can't answer yes to that :P Plus he could become a bit of a handful, you might want to focus on him until he's matured!

That's just my idea on it though, I know a lot of people have taken on more than one puppy at a time, gotten another puppy while their dog is still a puppy etc, so it can be done, it's just a bit more work :)

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I have a 9 month old and a 6 month old and I can honestly say that there are pros and cons. The good things are that they do bond well and amuse each other but they will choose when and how they wish to play, if that's at 10pm and they are choosing to egg each other on doing something they shouldn't, it can be exhausting.

Training must be done separately as they tend to ignore you when they're together, focusing on each other instead.

That said, huskies are pack animals and do thrive with company, however exhausting they can be, there's nothing better than watching two happy huskies playing together.

Hope this helps a little bit. Good luck x

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Well, from my personal experience.....depends on the Husky...My first foster did not get along with my current Husky, so it was a nightmare.

I have adopted another one, and on day 9 now, they are doing excellent....

I would give your current puppy some more time before adding another one....but again, I would have a heard of them if I could lol

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I have a 9 month old and a 6 month old and I can honestly say that there are pros and cons. The good things are that they do bond well and amuse each other but they will choose when and how they wish to play, if that's at 10pm and they are choosing to egg each other on doing something they shouldn't, it can be exhausting.

Training must be done separately as they tend to ignore you when they're together, focusing on each other instead.

That said, huskies are pack animals and do thrive with company, however exhausting they can be, there's nothing better than watching two happy huskies playing together.

Hope this helps a little bit. Good luck x

I know that too well, my two still do this. I have to get up in the early hours of the morning to open the window and tell them off. they chase each other and play during the middle of the night. Usually they stop though when I tell them off.

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My thoughts were that if I were to get an older dog that my pup would pick up on the GOOD traits of the older dog, but now I think about the other dog is only about 6 or 7 months older than Nikko. Also, he is all alone during the day and goes through separation anxiety so having a playmate may be better for him since I can’t be home all day.

For those of you with two dogs, do you crate them? And if so do you crate them together or do they have to be in separate crates?

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Hello all! So I have had my pup for 2 ½ months, and I might have the opportunity to adopt another one! I was wondering if you guys think it is easier with 2 Huskies, rather than having just 1? I work all day so he is crated during the day, except when I come home from lunch. If I have to go out during the week he has to be crated while I am gone. I feel guilty because he has to be crated so much, and when he is out he is extremely hyper! Every minute I am home he is not in his crate, and he gets at least an hour outside (more on the weekends), and playtime inside. I think that getting him a companion would help. He is fixed, and the dog that is available is a 1 year old fixed female (mine is 4 ½ months old).

I never leave him uncrated in the house during the day, but I thought that if I had 2 of them, I would eventually be able to leave them uncrated without them chewing up my house, since they would keep each other company.

What is your guy’s experiences?

We've got 3, one of them comes to work with me and the other 2 stay at home, i dont crate them but every now and then will join ranks and attack the washing or whatever they can get paws on lol, but to be honest its better with 2

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I would Recommend separate crates. They need their own space to chill and feel safe without unwelcome interruption. They may fight a little initially as they try to establish the packing order and if unsupervised you could cone home from work to find two injured pups.

I also agree that two dogs is not the answer to separation anxiety, that will still be an issue and needs addressing separately. Also a one year old is not fully mature yet and likely to have some bad habits of it's own. They will likely teach each other bad habits as well as good. Training is the only real solution to this.

I'm not trying to talk you out of getting a second dog as it's not my place, but I do want to prepare you that things may not turn out how you'd pictured it in your head. Just be prepared for the unexpected and I'm sure you'll be fine!

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Yeah, I'm not really expecting miracles getting another husky, my thought was that Nikko might be happier if he had another dog to play with and keep him company, especially while I am at work. There are 2 of us in the household, so both dogs would get just as much attention and exercise. Space is another concern of mine too. I can see how there will be pros and cons of getting another dog, and I agree that because of his age it might not be the best thing at this time.

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I have four, the second two come from the same litter, I wouldn't get two at once again. I found they tend to bond with each other more than you. They not only follow the good examples from each other but the bad ones as well. If they get up to mischief they do it as a pack lol two the same age was very demanding and in hindsight don't feel I was able to enjoy them as puppies as much as may have done otherwise. ( not sure if two very close in age would be the same) Having said that, my partner managed to break his ankle two weeks after picking up the pups and was in plaster for the next eighteen which didn't help manage a teenage male dog and two pups lol

I think you've probably come to the better conclusion for the time being :) but when you do come to get the next one.. Pics please! Lol

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Well the husky that I was interested in was adopted by someone else anyway. I am not actively seeking another husky, but if I happen to find one to rescue I might go for it. I definitely don't want another puppy, I would want an older husky, maybe 2 or 3 years old. For now tho, I'll keep with the one

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I have two and I would not leave them alone out of their crates.

what if they had a fight?

what if they hurt eachother?

what if one got caught in the others collar?

what if they found food and fought over it?

nope. mine stay safe in their crates.

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Yeah, I would do the same too. There too many “what ifs†to let them have free rein of the house when I am not home.

I also think that Nikko does need to be older before I get another one. Space is another issue. I live in a townhome with a small backyard area. I’d rather wait until I had a real yard with a good fence to get another one.

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Many many what ifs here too, we have Moro the husky and Juno the German shepherd, when they're together in the yard they don't get in as much trouble, but if we leave them inside Juno goes into the crate and Moro is in the small area in front of her. That way there's no fighting and no crying.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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I would say wait till your pups a bit older. I let 3 of mine roam never had a problem but 2 of them are alphas and never play fight or even move off the sofa till I come home lol the other one won't stay in the crate she brakes free everytime but never ruins anything when free so now we let her roam too she is laid back but if we give bones she gets locked in a room

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