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A few questions about huskies


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I have a few questions about siberian huskies that googling didn't answer well enough for me..


My first question is how do you know if a sibe puppy will become a wooly husky? If I'm not mistaken this is a recessive trait?

The reason I'm asking this leads to my second question; The litter that I was looking into, the litter is mainly all 5 are chubby puppies with rolls of fat (breeder said "rolls of fat" so I'm not saying this to be mean x: ) . I asked on yahoo answers if this was just baby fat or a genetic thing that makes them stay chubby or what not but I kind of got answers that since sibes are usually lean that it is baby fat and some answers saying it could be a problem later on so I'm not sure what that exactly means.

I like wooly huskies too I'm just curious how you find out if they'll become wooly or not or if you can tell in their early stages?

Thank you ^-^!

btw, anyone care to give me a good link with a lot of information about huskies? I've read a lot of pages but I'm just looking for more . I read the ones on this forum already so .. Yeah lol .

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A few links...pretty much all the same info




As far as the woolie goes, I would guess if one of the parents are woolie, you may or may not get a woolie one lol....IDK how you can tell for sure as a pup..

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I'm not sure - Suka was an adult when I got him from the shelter.

If you want to find out more information about huskies...just ask on these forums! We're a friendly community and we answer all questions - no matter how 'small' they may seem to you!

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I think it's safe to say that almost all puppies are little rolly-polly bundles of fur and fat! Generally, I thinks it's also safe to say that most, in a good home, will develop along normal breed lines.

sutsibe How do you tell early whether they're going to be a woolly or not? And on that note, I keep trying to figure out what Sasha is; she's not a shaggy wooly but she's sure got a thicker, denser coat that Misty did.

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Wooly huskies tend to have like tufts behind their ears, their fur looks longer in general. Gigi can definitely explain it better. I think they kinda look like malamute pups instead of huskies haha. Heres a couple pictures to give u an idea:





You can see the wooly looks fluffier in general :P

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Welcome to the pack :up:, I am unable to answer your question regarding woolies, however I maybe able to help with other questions you may have with Siberians. I will also provide you with links to really excellent sites so you can read further. http://www.allabouthuskies.com/ and; http://shca.org/shcahp2b.htm and look at this link under Care and Training; http://www.canismajor.com/dog/siberian.html and here is a link to the answer you've posted about, Woolies ; http://www.huskycolors.com/wooly.html Back to getting your puppy, the first thing I would recommend is get a crate to make potty-training simpler for you as well as keeping the destruction down and put toys for your puppy in it-lots of toys with which to keep your puppy occupied while in crate and happy, not bored. The crate is a tool that when used properly (don't use as a punishment, or your pup will see the crate as a negative thing) can be a great help to you when you are in potty training phase or have to leave the house and don't want your pup running around destroying and chewing your house while you're away. Some people also use bells on the door you use to take them out to go potty, your pup learns to go and ring the bell to go out letting you know when its time. Also, after your puppy eats, take them out 25 minutes later and 15-20 minutes after they have had water-this habit will help the puppy make less mistakes and will quickly associate "going out" to potty as the correct place in which to do its business. Take your puppy to the same location to go use their facilities or do their business. By taking your puppy to the same place to go potty, it will have the smell to your puppy and your pup will know what is expected by you when you take your puppy there-it'll understand what you want it to do until it becomes routine, which is a key in training. Here is a link to Bite Inhibition : The most important thing you can teach your Dog, by magical Merlin : http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/bite-inhabition-the-most-important-thing-you-can-teach-your-dog.8234/ I hope this helps a little bit. :up: Here is another issue to concern yourself with-what type of food to feed your Siberian pup: http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/threads/my-sibes-dont-like-the-good-stuff.39550/

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Thank you everyone for your responses! :)

I look forward to reading these wonderful links you guys posted .

And thanks for answering my questions :D .

Ah Edit:

For crate training would it be better to get a big crate? (we were planning on getting a big one for later on since it's going to outgrow a smaller crate not sure if that's the right thing to do or not since I've never had a puppy but dogs)

I have a crate from my old dog but it's pretty small haha.

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Thank you everyone for your responses! :)

I look forward to reading these wonderful links you guys posted .

And thanks for answering my questions :D .

Ah Edit:

For crate training would it be better to get a big crate? (we were planning on getting a big one for later on since it's going to outgrow a smaller crate not sure if that's the right thing to do or not since I've never had a puppy but dogs)

I have a crate from my old dog but it's pretty small haha.

Yes, I would get a large crate if I were you, we got the Xlg, and it was too big, so we took it back and got the next smaller sized one-Lg. We also put a doggie bed in it, or you could put a blanket in there-its up to you :)

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You might be better having a crate which has a divider fitted that can be moved as the pup grows and then removed later on. As a crate that is way too big wont discourage the pup from messing in their bed as dogs dont tend to like soiling where they sleep. This will make house training easier.

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Haha that makes sense :P . Btw Skyla is beautiful

Do you guys let your husky live inside? I know they like to dig a lot and run and the whole "escape artist" thing but my mom doesn't really like a dog inside especially near the carpet, though she said shewould make an exception this time so I'm just wondering how bad the shedding gets.

My friend's husky doesn't shed much except when he blows out but I'm guessing it may be different for other huskies.

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Haha that makes sense :P . Btw Skyla is beautiful

Do you guys let your husky live inside? I know they like to dig a lot and run and the whole "escape artist" thing but my mom doesn't really like a dog inside especially near the carpet, though she said shewould make an exception this time so I'm just wondering how bad the shedding gets.

My friend's husky doesn't shed much except when he blows out but I'm guessing it may be different for other huskies.

Yeah, Suka...my boy...is an inside dog.

Oh, dear, the shedding is horrible! There's hair literally everywhere, and if you don't vacuum at least once a day (and twice a day during coat-blowing-time) then expect to have fur EVERYWHERE. On your clothes, in your food, blowing around like 'tumbleweeds'. The hair's easy to clean up,but still, my Dad went 'apeshit' because he didn't expect THAT much hair!

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yep mine are inside , both mine are weird HAHA

Blaze sheds constantly , he doesnt blow at all (hes nearly 4 and never had a blow)

but Skyla only sheds when she blows - but when she blows u know about it - shes had 2 blows (shes on her 2nd now) and shes 2 years 4 months old , when shes not blowing she doesnt shed

oh and thank you for the compliment on my girl :) i wish she was still that small LOL

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First hello and welcome to the forum :D

Lots of good info and links so far so I won't echo that.

As for inside my husky lives inside with my other 2 dogs. There are some who keep their huskies outside but as you mentioned they like to dig and are escape artists. Also since they are very pack oriented a single husky living outside might get lonely which may cause he/she to howl and more prone to being destructive.

With the hair we have husky hair EVERYWHERE including on our other dogs haha. Kuma sheds tons when he is blowing his coat and lightly sheds all other times.

Any more questions feel free to ask.

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Marius is an inside dog ^.^ he also has a XL crate but different brands have different measurements for "large" so you might have to check that out. Fully grown the dog should be able to stand up and turn around in its crate and since siberians usually get 20-23 1/2 inches get a crate bigger then that. Mind you there are alot of larger huskies but at least that gives you a general idea. The crates with the dividers are best for when you get a puppy so they cant make a bathroom space in the crate. As for shedding yes they do shed lots haha just means you have to vaccume more :P And remember...on leash always and forever if not fenced in

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Hi and WavingWelcome.gif!

Most puppies at a certain age are roly poly and chubby - then they usually grow longer and leaner as they sprout! I wouldn't worry about them - I'd guess that their mom is just feeding them well! A wooly coat will appear fuzzier and will show feathering at the ears and around the face, as well as on the backs of the legs and the tail. Here's a pic of one of my puppies who is a wooly...


A wooly coat is generally longer, but that isn't what makes a wooly a wooly - the texture of the coat is different, as well. You can have a longer-coated Siberian that still has properly textured guard coat, but a wooly coat does not. It's very soft and, well - wooly! - throughout. It does not repel wind quite as well, I don't think, and definitely soaks up water! It tends to mat and tangle far more readily than a "normal" Siberian coat. While woolies can occur in litters from two normal-coated parents, a reputable breeder will not specifically breed for the trait, because it is not a proper "working" coat.


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I'm so jealous of you guys' huskies +_+ They're all so adorable.

Ah Sorry for all the questions I'm just curious and I also get 3 different answers when I ask my friends that own huskies.

What gender should I get?

My friend said Male huskies are generally more cuter, not as intelligent (which makes them cuter) and they love girl owners. (and since I'm a girl I started leaning towards this more)

And I also heard males show more affection? Sounds bizarre to me but I know all huskies are different I just want to know your experiences with gender :)

As for females she just said they're smart and need a lot more attention.

and some other place said that it shouldn't matter once you neuter them so I'm not really sure what to think Lol.

Oh and if it matters I've only owned a male dog and my cousin's have had females but I can't really tell the difference. But they're all 3 different breeds so and the 2 females are puppies so I guess that can't really determine anything compared to my 8 year old dog :P

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Suka's a male, and he doesn't really show any affection (besides the occasional lick). I suppose that the 'affection' part just depends on the dog's personality. He's very intelligent, though, and he was trained to go on a treadmill (from 'introducing him' to it and starting to run on it only took about 3 or 4 days!)

I don't have any comment on the females, because I've never had a female dog.

sutsibe is a breeder, so she might know the differences between genders. (At least, I'd hope so!!)

The most important part, though, is to make sure you get your pup from a reputable breeder. We can help you with that by giving you things to watch out for and questions to ask.

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In my opinion, how affectionate they are depends more on the individual dog's personality than on the sex of the dog - and both males and females can be scarily intelligent! :P I do feel that a spayed female and/or a neutered male are likely to be more affectionate and less distractible (and therefore could seem more intelligent!) than intact ones. Without the hormones pulling them to mate, they seem to me more inclined to focus on their human, than on other dogs...

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I have a few questions about siberian huskies that googling didn't answer well enough for me..


My first question is how do you know if a sibe puppy will become a wooly husky?

take a look at their parents. And then, take a look at their grandparents. There is almost no way you can tell what a baby husky will turn into, so the best way is to make a guess by looking at their parents and grandparents :) but since woolly coat in huskies is considered as a serious fault, I honestly doubt a good breeder would breed a woolly.. And if there's no woolly gene in the parents, no woolly in the litter either

Ah Edit:

For crate training would it be better to get a big crate? (we were planning on getting a big one for later on since it's going to outgrow a smaller crate not sure if that's the right thing to do or not since I've never had a puppy but dogs)

I have a crate from my old dog but it's pretty small haha.

no, a crate that is too big would make a puppy restless and it will cause trouble. As long as your puppy can easily stand up, lay down and turn around in a crate then your crate's size is good. You don't need a crate that is too big :) but I don't have a crate so I might be wrong... this is just what do I know from several websites

Do you guys let your husky live inside? I know they like to dig a lot and run and the whole "escape artist" thing but my mom doesn't really like a dog inside especially near the carpet, though she said shewould make an exception this time so I'm just wondering how bad the shedding gets.

My friend's husky doesn't shed much except when he blows out but I'm guessing it may be different for other huskies.

Diamond is hard to be described LOL he's actually an outside dog but he spends 9 hours in the house per day (not every day tho) :confused: some dogs don't like it to be an outside dog, but huskies can be an outside dog. Remember: "can" doesn't equal "should". I believe you knew this but I'll just write it anyways (for those lurkers that is also reading this post) huskies aren't the right dog for people who don't have time for 'em. Their exercise requirements are GREAT, even if they live as an outside dog you still have to exercise them for at the very least sixty minutes a day (for adult dogs). The shedding depends on whether your dog is an inside dog or an outside dog :) outside dog has "shedding periods" and when they're out of it they shed lightly. Inside dogs shed heavily all year round, but every dog varies..

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I'm so jealous of you guys' huskies +_+ They're all so adorable.

Ah Sorry for all the questions I'm just curious and I also get 3 different answers when I ask my friends that own huskies.

What gender should I get?

My friend said Male huskies are generally more cuter, not as intelligent (which makes them cuter) and they love girl owners. (and since I'm a girl I started leaning towards this more)

And I also heard males show more affection? Sounds bizarre to me but I know all huskies are different I just want to know your experiences with gender :)

As for females she just said they're smart and need a lot more attention.

and some other place said that it shouldn't matter once you neuter them so I'm not really sure what to think Lol.

Oh and if it matters I've only owned a male dog and my cousin's have had females but I can't really tell the difference. But they're all 3 different breeds so and the 2 females are puppies so I guess that can't really determine anything compared to my 8 year old dog :P

and there's the debate again x) there is an endless informal argument about this.. Would a dog be a better pet? Or would a bitch be a better pet? No one knows for sure since people has their own personal preferences. But actually, after the dogs got fixed, there is no real difference between a bitch and a dog. Answering your questions:

1) No. There is no difference in intelligence. And another no, a dog's gender doesn't make them lean to a specific human gender. But for some reasons, dogs with abusive past life tend to be more aloof with men and loves ladies more. If your dog comes from a breeder which makes his/her past life 100% abuse-free, I don't think he would love you more just because he's a male dog and you're a girl :)

2)Females need more attention because they're the only gender that can experience things such as heat cycle, menstruation (sorry male readers), phantom pregnancy... Well those lady things which is, in all honesty, troublesome. Which is probably why people say that bitches require more attention :)

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