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those of you with multiple dogs

BingBlaze n Skyla

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do you have a favorite? lol horrible i know but despite loving ALL your dogs is there 1 who just makes u think OMG I ADORE THIS DOG! abit more then the others ?

i feel like such a bad owner for feeling like this but whilst i love all my dogs equally theres just something me and Skyla have together that i dont have with the boys

i adore Bings n hes my baby , my first ever dog and holds most of my heart with him

and i adore Blaze - but u all know hes not really MY dog so whilst i love him to peices we dont have as big a bond as i would like to have with him , i never really got to bond with him as a puppy either as everytime i would go to stroke or play with him i was always told to stroke Bings instead so he 'wouldnt feel left out' so i never really managed to forge a bond with him like i have with the other 2

and maybe its because im allowed to take Skyla to meets n stuff that i have a better bond with her but it makes me feel bad that i have this amazing bond with her that i dont quite have with my boys , especially Bings :( its such a horrible feeling , im just hoping im not the only one who feels like this - if i am i'll feel even crapper , if thats possible lol

my gorgeous pack who i love with all my heart!!! all of them!!!



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do you have a favorite? lol horrible i know but despite loving ALL your dogs is there 1 who just makes u think OMG I ADORE THIS DOG! abit more then the others ?

i feel like such a bad owner for feeling like this but whilst i love all my dogs equally theres just something me and Skyla have together that i dont have with the boys

i adore Bings n hes my baby , my first ever dog and holds most of my heart with him

and i adore Blaze - but u all know hes not really MY dog so whilst i love him to peices we dont have as big a bond as i would like to have with him , i never really got to bond with him as a puppy either as everytime i would go to stroke or play with him i was always told to stroke Bings instead so he 'wouldnt feel left out' so i never really managed to forge a bond with him like i have with the other 2

and maybe its because im allowed to take Skyla to meets n stuff that i have a better bond with her but it makes me feel bad that i have this amazing bond with her that i dont quite have with my boys , especially Bings :( its such a horrible feeling , im just hoping im not the only one who feels like this - if i am i'll feel even crapper , if thats possible lol

my gorgeous pack who i love with all my heart!!! all of them!!!


I thought I was the only one as well, even though Storm & Shadow get the same training, the same attention etc theres a connection between me and Storm that I don't have with Shadow, it could be that it just hasn't developed yet but with Storm it's as if we can read each other, like we know what each other is thinking just from a simple look.

I've had her for about 1 1/2 years and Shadow for only 6 months so it could be a time thing and like you said I love them both with all my heart but there's just something extra there with my Stormy, I can't quite place my finger on it and at times it does make me feel guilty for feeling that way about one and not the other, but, deep down I always know I do the best for them I possibly can and that's all that matters, we all love them equally but sometimes there's that "special one"

The Running Wild Pack

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don't feel bad :) what's important is you know you love them all and all three got their needs fulfilled ;) even a parent would have a "favorite child".. especially if they have so many children :rolleyes:

I only have one dog, so that's one spoiled rotten dog LOL but I know if I have three or four, it will be a bit hard to divide my heart into four pieces that is equal in size :confused: there will be one that owns a slightly larger piece.. Even if it's only 0.001 cm larger, but it is a larger piece x) and actually I know that no matter how much I want a second baby, Diamond will always be the dog that owns as bigger place in my heart :P

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I thought I was the only one as well, even though Storm & Shadow get the same training, the same attention etc theres a connection between me and Storm that I don't have with Shadow, it could be that it just hasn't developed yet but with Storm it's as if we can read each other, like we know what each other is thinking just from a simple look.

I've had her for about 1 1/2 years and Shadow for only 6 months so it could be a time thing and like you said I love them both with all my heart but there's just something extra there with my Stormy, I can't quite place my finger on it and at times it does make me feel guilty for feeling that way about one and not the other, but, deep down I always know I do the best for them I possibly can and that's all that matters, we all love them equally but sometimes there's that "special one"

The Running Wild Pack

see i dunno if its a time thing , weve only had skyla 2 years , blaze weve had for over 3 years n bings whos my first ever dog ive had for like 9 and a half years :/ thats what makes me feel the worst

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Tinkerbell drives me insane. Fox I adore because I've put so much work into him...HOWEVER it drives me absolutely INSANE that my husband whose put very little work into them has this whistle he does and it doesn't matter what Fox is doing...the world stops and he rushes to get his lovings for comming to daddy. We're talking dog park, yard, doesn't matter...the universe stops when daddy does that whistle (Hubby had not been home since Christmas until recently. He was home for a weekend. Working with the dogs, and hubby does his whistle. Fox says screw all your commands and your treats...there's daddy luvins to be had). Eponine it seems is my baby *L* I do just as much work with her as I do with Fox...but she doesn't have the super partial to daddy that Fox does...Also after having worked so hard and with so many people to get her here...well she's a mommys girl.

Strangely enough when Fox tries to jump on me when I'm holding the baby she comes out of no where usually and mauls his face in what can only be described as an epic, "NO YOU RETARD THERE'S A BABY THERE!!!" sort of rawrings.

So in short...I love them all...Tinkerbell is just louder than the Huskies...and Fox just has his daddy vice...so that means that Eponine adores me above all so I ought ot reciprocate right? It's ony fair.

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don't feel bad :) what's important is you know you love them all and all three got their needs fulfilled ;) even a parent would have a "favorite child".. especially if they have so many children :rolleyes:

thats true , i have 3 brothers and my eldest little brother is my mums fave where i think my oldest brother is my dads fave

me and my youngest lil bro are just 'there' lol

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see i dunno if its a time thing , weve only had skyla 2 years , blaze weve had for over 3 years n bings whos my first ever dog ive had for like 9 and a half years :/ thats what makes me feel the worst

I wouldn't feel bad about it, like mydiamond said, "it will be a bit hard to divide my heart into 4 pieces", someone's gonna always come out on top, for me it's my Stormy for, you it's Skyla, maybe it's not a time thing, maybe then it's what you said, taking her to meets and stuff, going through more experiences with each other so the bond is much stronger than with others, I know I've done a lot more with just me and Storm than I have with Shadow, whatever it is I don't think it's anything to do with picking one over the other, it wasn't a conscious decision it's just something that is there, I think I'm over thinking this but think it's nice that I can say Storm is my "special" girl, I wouldn't change that for the world:D

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I wouldn't feel bad about it, like mydiamond said, "it will be a bit hard to divide my heart into 4 pieces", someone's gonna always come out on top, for me it's my Stormy for, you it's Skyla, maybe it's not a time thing, maybe then it's what you said, taking her to meets and stuff, going through more experiences with each other so the bond is much stronger than with others, I know I've done a lot more with just me and Storm than I have with Shadow, whatever it is I don't think it's anything to do with picking one over the other, it wasn't a conscious decision it's just something that is there, I think I'm over thinking this but think it's nice that I can say Storm is my "special" girl, I wouldn't change that for the world:D

yeh thats true , bings can be a nightmare in the car n he barks all the time so can be annoying lol

and i do alot more with skyla then i do with the boys so thats probably why

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I always wonder whether I'd be like this when I get my next one. I literally could not love Kiska more and while I desperately do want another one I worry about what it would do to our bond, or whether I'd constantly try to compare the two and end up loving the new one less :(

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Interesting question and some interesting answers, so here's mine:

As you know, I have 3 fur-fiends, each has a special place in my heart; each gets a good share of my attention and there are times when one is higher on my list than at others.

Kiva, my old lady, stays close to me - my Velcro dog - and she sleeps on the bed with me ( she's the only one who can the other two are two large ) so in that respect she get's more of my time. She doesn't care where she is as long as it's close to daddy.

Avalanche, when I'm not cussing at his rowdy behaviour is my play boy. We'll go out and I'll kick his jolly ball and he'll fetch it ( sometimes and sorta ) and play with it himself before he brings it back to me. So he gets some attention that the others don't. Avalanche is my outside dog, he stays on lead all the time, can get into the house and has plenty of room to play outside and seems content to not always be in the middle of things.

Sasha is gradually developing a soft spot in my heart ( especially after the *B* bit me!! ) because, like any other sibe, I think, there's a personality there that the other two don't have. She'll be my companion when I drive up to Illinois because I like the way she travels, if she weren't here I'd be running with Kiva.

So while I love them all, I don't love them all the same; it's not that I love one any more than the others, it's that I love them differently.

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I always wonder whether I'd be like this when I get my next one. I literally could not love Kiska more and while I desperately do want another one I worry about what it would do to our bond, or whether I'd constantly try to compare the two and end up loving the new one less :(

don't worry about that too much :) you know you love dogs, especially your dogs. When the second one came she/he will be your dog, too and even if Kiska owns, like.. 51% of your heart while the new one owns 49% of it, you know you love them both and you only want the best for both of 'em :) the bond between you and Kiska would be most likely remain as strong, but you might feel a bit left out when you realize she prefers wrestling with the new dog than following you around in the house :rolleyes::P

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The way I see it is you love each dog for a different reason. While that will always remain true there is often one in the pack you click with far better than the others. For me it's obviously Kiana. I got her as a baby, raised her my way by my rules, and she's my first dog. So naturally we click quite well together. Diesel is still yet a mystery to me and I am continually trying to work on his triggers to get him where I want him to be training wise so he so far is and probably always will be the one I love to bits but get frustrated with the most lol. He's very dominant and headstrong but he loves us with true GSD passion. Even if I did get another puppy though I don't think I could love another like I do Kiana. We mesh very well she listens to and trusts me no matter what idiotic situation I get us into (beach and bee hive come to mind) and that right there will always make her the favorite despite the love I have for my D Monster :)

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I love all of ours with all my heart, but i do have a soft spot for Kira tbh.. our 9 year old german shep.. even though she isn't my dog ( Kai is the only one which is ) she's still the one i have the biggest soft spot for.. alot of people find that strange though as she isn't technically mine.. but i don't care :) lol, i don't love either of them more than the other though, like others have said.. i love them all for different reasons, just out of the whole pack Kira is the most well behaved so i think that's probably why she has the soft spot factor lol!

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I don't have multiple dogs, however, I do feel kinda bad that my bond with Taz was a lot stronger than my bond is with Echo. Taz and I connected extremely fast, but Echo and I have really had to build a bond and we have a lot of ups and downs.. I do love her dearly though, don't get me wrong! Taz was such a momma's boy, he never spent any time away from me, Echo seems slightly more clingy to my boyfriend, since day one. He does a lot of the rough house playing with her, and she loves that. But I was even saying today, as I am the caregiver to her, the one who takes her for walks and the affectionate one who likes to snuggle with her, I feel when she grows up more and matures, we will have that kind of connection that Taz & I had, not the same, but one of our own. I do play with her, but not constantly like my boyfriend does, and that's all she's about right now, lol. I know with how she acts with me and the trust we have built over the months (she had major issues when I got her), she is bonded to me, but I don't feel I am HER favorite... yet :P She will learn to appreciate me when she's older, lol.

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Kissu is my only dog. I have two cats though. I've actually been feeling terrible about it. I still love both of my cats a lot. But Kissu is a dog, so is more demanding in what he wants. If I happen to forget to feed him, he chews me out. The cats just get in my way and try to kill me by tripping me because they won't LEAVE ME ALONE! And it doesn't occur for some reason that's their way of telling me I've forgotten.

Sohma was there for me through a really tough time in my life. I've cried on him, and he was very patient about it. He even would jump into my arms if I held them out, and I'd catch him and hug him. Sometimes we still do this.

But if I'm laying down and Sohma tries to snuggle, more often than not I pick him back up and put him on the floor.

Siren, other than when he was new born, we never really bonded. We had been given a very petite Russian Blue looking cat who wasn't fixed. So we kept Sohma and Kurumi away from each other for a week, when Sohma was due to get fixed. The vet didn't tell us and we didn't know that he could still have some in him.

And Kurumi was a kinda skittish cat. I honestly think she was born a stray. She was skittish and tough and wouldn't take crap from anyone. So she hid a lot, so we didn't even know she was pregnant until she was in labor. I was actually at friends when my mom called and told me Kurumi had three kittens. When I got home, I saw 1 tiny pure grey kitten, another tiny white and grey kitten, and a black and white very tiny kitten.

The little black and white one was the runt, and was sick. He had gunk all over his face all the time from his eyes. Other than feeding him, Kurumi didn't take much care of him. So more times a day than I could keep count, I would take a warm wash cloth to him. His brother and sister's eyes opened before his did.

Poor little guy didn't know what was going on, so he constantly hissed. Some how though, he made it and got better and opened his eyes.... Then when he was 8 weeks old, the bugger found his way into the vent. Luckily this was in the summer, when the vent wasn't needed.

We called everyone. Insulation people, the cops, fire department, plumbers, a few heating and cooling companies. Most replied saying 'no', or 'what do you want us to do?' Or charged 2 arms and three legs. Finally a company called Air Force Heating & Cooling came out and only wanted $50.

Did I forget to mention Siren was in that vent for more than 24 hours? My stupid step dad wasn't doing anything to help. My mom has since informed me he was prepared to just let him die in there, and didn't get moving until my mom mentioned how bad it would smell.

And he meowed the ENTIRE time. 24 hours, non stop meowing. At the time it was heart breaking and kept making me cry. Now it's kind of a bittersweet memory, and the story of how he got his name.

Obviously I still love both of my cats. Siren takes after Kurumi so much. In personality and how he's petite. He's not much of a cuddler. So we don't have many bonding moments.

So, yes. Not only do I have a favorite, but I have an order. Kissu, Sohma and then Siren. All three are still like my babies though. I would no sooner give Siren up than I would Kissu. Which I think is the important thing.

Sorry for the rant.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Hmmm hard but good question. I think there are just some dogs and owners who bond more closely. Some dogs are very much a momma's or daddy's boy/girl. Nothing to feel bad about haveing a favorite/closer bond with one dog over your others. Its just something that happens. I'm not 100% sure which dog of my three is my favorite but they all hold separate pieces of my heart (kinda hard to explain). Koopa would most likely come out on top as I just have a special place in my heart for pit bulls. He is my big tough looking sofftie lol. Kuma is my awkward fur ball who likes to amuse me with his silly antics. Tenchi is just a little ares LOL but he's my little arse :D I will say this I did have a favorite dog Slade, my Boston terrier who passed away. While he is no longer with me he still holds onto the top spot in my heart, he was very special to me and is very much missed.

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Have to say that even though I had Tikka first, and she is SO well trained and behaves impeccably......Malakai has a little more 'spunk' to him, and although he annoys me at times, and almost drives me to despair....I think it's that bit of rebelliousness that attracts me to him ever so slightly more than to Tikka......and now I've seen this in writing I feel like a REALLY BAD HUSKY MUM!!! Aaaaaaannnnnnd now I'm going to go and give Tikka the BIGGEST HUG :grouphug:

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I love all 4 equally,they are all so special and individual in their own ways,but.....Lycan is different.He is such a mummy's boy,and when we are out walking all 4 off lead,he will stay with me rather than follow the others.As a pup he was always like that,and I still wonder if that will change,but not so far,and that is something I really love him for.

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