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A couple of interesting days (Warning - gory pics)


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Oh Gigi I am so sorry to hear what you've been through, I've only just picked up the thread. I hope things are getting better for you all. What's that saying it never rains but it pours. Let's hope the next lot of rain has a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end of it for you. One of my son's is a snowboarder and snowboarders use sanitary towels on wounds and blisters, probably work the same way as nappies.

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@Sarah divaandjessie Fox Tink & Eponine - Thanks for the kind well-wishes! We are all doing better. Troop is mad, at the moment, because I've left him out in the kennel all day, so that he'd move around enough to keep circulation enough in his foot that his toes don't swell - he'll be happy when I bring him inside tonight!

Wishing you and yours less stress, better health, effective medication and a ceasation to itching (witch hazel or hemroid pads used to clean the effected area will work a might bit better than a lot of other creams). Things will mellow out just you wait!!!

Srsly...you gotta wait.

I've BEEN waiting - for several YEARS now!!! :rolleyes: God is very persistent in his lessons on patience! :P

Thanks for the suggestions! May have to try to find those items sometime soon - likely to be next week though - shopping around here is pathetically limited... Am trying an ointment with some steroid in it, as of today, and want to see how it works, for the moment...

I can't believe I missed this post... way too busy, I guess.

I hope you both are getting better - cats can get really nasty in a nanosecond! Bites seem to take forever to heal, too.

Here you go, Gigi, to make you feel a bit better:


Don't feel badly, Kyle - I've missed my share of posts over the last couple of months being busy, too! This cat was nasty from start to finish - usually there's some warning, even if it's just a tensing of the skin. This guy exploded! Loved the pic, although I'll apply it to just the one cat - I DO like cats in general! :)

Oh Gigi I am so sorry to hear what you've been through, I've only just picked up the thread. I hope things are getting better for you all. What's that saying it never rains but it pours. Let's hope the next lot of rain has a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end of it for you. One of my son's is a snowboarder and snowboarders use sanitary towels on wounds and blisters, probably work the same way as nappies.

Thanks, Gill! Am always on the lookout for rainbows - will hope for the pot of gold! We are improving, it's just slower than I'd like (once again - more lessons in patience)... I would think that sanitary towels would work similarly to nappies - both are made to be absorbent...

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awwwww Gigi....what a rough week you've had...:grouphug:Trooper's leg does look better. Poor guy, still a long way to go until the fur grows back. Their legs always look so pathetic when they've been shaved..:D I was bitten several times, as well as seriously scratched, by various cats that my sister has had over the years...their bites can become infected so quickly and always seem to take forever to heal...and always itch like crazy! Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of cats....just don't trust them. Take care of yourself.....:)

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awwwww Gigi....what a rough week you've had...:grouphug:Trooper's leg does look better. Poor guy, still a long way to go until the fur grows back. Their legs always look so pathetic when they've been shaved..:D I was bitten several times, as well as seriously scratched, by various cats that my sister has had over the years...their bites can become infected so quickly and always seem to take forever to heal...and always itch like crazy! Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of cats....just don't trust them. Take care of yourself.....:)

Thanks, Sally! :) Troop, silly guy, is taking full advantage of his situation! He now thinks it's his due to be in the house - and complains loudly if he's left in the kennel, but I can't leave him crated too much! I actually like cats - this one was unusual... Most are quite scared, and may grumble at me, but are willing to (at least to some extent) be soothed... at least until whatever sedative we're injecting into them stings! :rofl: Usually, they seem to blame Tressa, who's poking, prodding, and injecting, rather than me (while I'm restraining them, I'm also usually sweet-talking and stroking them!)! This one - he was determined to be proactive in his defense - as nastily as he needed to be!

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Some more pics - still kind of gross, but not too bad...

Trooper's leg after 2 weeks - it's healing pretty well. We were going to only bandage the upper portion, where there was a big gash that is now granulating in, but when I went to put him in the cage, the lower part of his leg started bleeding, so we ended up putting a bandage there, too. We'd put a "cone" on him to keep him from licking at it, and with the leg now mostly bandaged, it's not really necessary, but it won't hurt anything, either, and you have to take this particular one completely apart to get it on/off - his head's too big to slip it over! :eek:



Here's a couple pics of my left arm/hand after being bitten by the cat. These were taken today, and most of the swelling has gone! Last week, I was so swollen, pretty much from elbow on down, that it looked like a cartoon arm and hand, and as though if you'd punctured it with a pin, it would have popped like a balloon! (My right arm is in the pic in post 42, holding up his leg, if you want something to compare to...)







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Wow Gigi that is still pretty swolen - ouch :( Poor Trooper too, the indignity of the cone is what does them in - I am not surprised that the gorgeous boy wants to be inside with Mommy where he knows he will get loves and kisses and not the tuanting of his pack mates :)

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Aww poor Trooper that picture of him with his radar dish on needs a caption. He looks so sorry for himself. He's not even looking into the camera. But, I suppose if you try to go stealing your next door neighbours toys you have to pay a penalty, although it was a very high price. Your arm looks so sore still and a mega ouch and itchy. That kitty sure did a number of you.

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Gotta love the phase of healing that almost looks worse than the initial injury! It looks like it's coming along quite nicely though. Poor Chicken Leg. I can't imagine how bad your arm must have been if that's better than it was! Damn.

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Wow Gigi that is still pretty swolen - ouch :( Poor Trooper too, the indignity of the cone is what does them in - I am not surprised that the gorgeous boy wants to be inside with Mommy where he knows he will get loves and kisses and not the tuanting of his pack mates :)

I suspect that he wants to be in more so he can taunt the others, than any other reason - being inside the house is major status around here! Leaving him out in the kennel, he loses that, so it should give him a lot of incentive to leave the cats alone, if I can get the connection through that big, fuzzy head! AnimatedlaughingDog.gif

Aww poor Trooper that picture of him with his radar dish on needs a caption. He looks so sorry for himself. He's not even looking into the camera. But, I suppose if you try to go stealing your next door neighbours toys you have to pay a penalty, although it was a very high price. Your arm looks so sore still and a mega ouch and itchy. That kitty sure did a number of you.

How about: "Darn, not only can I not get Animal Planet with this Dish, Strider's yelling comes in all the louder for it!" It was actually more sore today - I was told it was likely because it was shrinking down. It's improved since early this morning, but is pretty itchy! scratching.gif

Gotta love the phase of healing that almost looks worse than the initial injury! It looks like it's coming along quite nicely though. Poor Chicken Leg. I can't imagine how bad your arm must have been if that's better than it was! Damn.

Thanks for the reminder - I'll happily take the itchy and still a bit achy-sore stage I have now, over the sheer misery of last week! :P It's nice to have some definition in my arm - you can actually see that I have a wrist! :)

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I have just seen this thread,what a time you have had,can't believe your arm!!!What did that moggie do to you?!!

Poor Trooper,he's looking all forelorn in that last pic!

Hope both dogs on the mend. Good tip about the water baiting,I have a problem with my latest addition,noticed his urine is very yellow and trying to encourage more drinking as found out he is an older guy that we were told,(he is in fact 7)he is drinking a bit more ,but loves food so much,will put something in the water as an incentive.

I would love to work in a vets,(as a child always wanted to be a vet)too old now to study:(

but after looking through your pics,find it interesting and not gorey at all,think I missed my vocation in life!!LOL:D

Anyway,hope you all fully recover very soon.

Btw,you made me laugh when you said all 3 of you were taking yogurt!!:D

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I have just seen this thread,what a time you have had,can't believe your arm!!!What did that moggie do to you?!!

Poor Trooper,he's looking all forelorn in that last pic!

Hope both dogs on the mend. Good tip about the water baiting,I have a problem with my latest addition,noticed his urine is very yellow and trying to encourage more drinking as found out he is an older guy that we were told,(he is in fact 7)he is drinking a bit more ,but loves food so much,will put something in the water as an incentive.

I would love to work in a vets,(as a child always wanted to be a vet)too old now to study:(

but after looking through your pics,find it interesting and not gorey at all,think I missed my vocation in life!!LOL:D

Anyway,hope you all fully recover very soon.

Btw,you made me laugh when you said all 3 of you were taking yogurt!!:D

That darned cat actually flung himself at the vet I was working with to attack her - not a nice kitty! I think he just got a better hold on me than he did on her - two deep punctures in the muscle... Hope that the baited water helps get your guy drinking more - Reb likes just about anything in it from tinned meat to his dried cranberries or even tinned pineapple (he loves fruits and veggies)!

I truly enjoy working at a veterinary office, although it can be dangerous, as you can see, and it's often physically hard work. I'm currently filling in for a gal who had carpel tunnel surgery, and the first couple of weeks I would come home totally exhausted and soooo sore! I love the surgeries and don't mind things like poor Troop's leg, smelly though it is after several days bandaged... During slow times, though, it involves looking for things to do - cleaning and restocking supplies, mostly - or being sent home early!

Thanks for the well-wishes - we all appreciate them! Slowly but surely, we all seem to be improving. Yogurt - yum! Plus it puts the gut back to rights! :)

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That darned cat actually flung himself at the vet I was working with to attack her - not a nice kitty! I think he just got a better hold on me than he did on her - two deep punctures in the muscle... Hope that the baited water helps get your guy drinking more - Reb likes just about anything in it from tinned meat to his dried cranberries or even tinned pineapple (he loves fruits and veggies)!

I truly enjoy working at a veterinary office, although it can be dangerous, as you can see, and it's often physically hard work. I'm currently filling in for a gal who had carpel tunnel surgery, and the first couple of weeks I would come home totally exhausted and soooo sore! I love the surgeries and don't mind things like poor Troop's leg, smelly though it is after several days bandaged... During slow times, though, it involves looking for things to do - cleaning and restocking supplies, mostly - or being sent home early!

Thanks for the well-wishes - we all appreciate them! Slowly but surely, we all seem to be improving. Yogurt - yum! Plus it puts the gut back to rights! :)

Love the way you tell it,I can almost see that cat in slow motion and hear it screeching!!:D

I'll put some carrots in Hachi's water as he does flips and spins for them!!

You need a big pair of gloves,maybe goalies,or maybe the arm padding they use for police training dogs to keep you safe from possessed cats!:P

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Love the way you tell it,I can almost see that cat in slow motion and hear it screeching!!:D

I'll put some carrots in Hachi's water as he does flips and spins for them!!

You need a big pair of gloves,maybe goalies,or maybe the arm padding they use for police training dogs to keep you safe from possessed cats!:P

Actually, I can't recall for sure, but I think the cat was silent but deadly! We're used to cats being a bit crabby, but this one was worse than most. After the vet I was working with and I both were bitten, we managed to cage the cat, and when the head vet came in, we let him deal with the cat - and he DID use heavy duty gloves (leather gauntlets) and a winter coat - and the cat bit him, too!

Hope Hatchi likes his carrot juice! ;)

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Your talk about baiting water made me think of Ollie the other week in the New Forest. He had been in some really lovely smelly boggy places and was black up to his tum, so we took him over to Hatchett Pond near Beaulieau to have a paddle. Richard threw kibble into the water to get Ollie to go deeper into the water. Deep dark smelly water - no problem, clean clear water - forget it. Anyways we realised that when he got deeper he was snorkling and blowing bubbles because he thought he'd missed a bit of kibble. We then had an interesting discussion on how do you give mouth to mouth resuscitation to a half drowned husky???? Ollie is not known as the village idiot for nothing! How's the arm today and Trooper's leg. Strider's got to be careful as Trooper might decide to set up his own radio station.

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Your talk about baiting water made me think of Ollie the other week in the New Forest. He had been in some really lovely smelly boggy places and was black up to his tum, so we took him over to Hatchett Pond near Beaulieau to have a paddle. Richard threw kibble into the water to get Ollie to go deeper into the water. Deep dark smelly water - no problem, clean clear water - forget it. Anyways we realised that when he got deeper he was snorkling and blowing bubbles because he thought he'd missed a bit of kibble. We then had an interesting discussion on how do you give mouth to mouth resuscitation to a half drowned husky???? Ollie is not known as the village idiot for nothing! How's the arm today and Trooper's leg. Strider's got to be careful as Trooper might decide to set up his own radio station.

Please take some video sometime of Ollie snorkeling - I'll bet that was a sight! :rofl: Trooper is another Village Idiot, by the way (who else would reach under a fence to grab something from its owner and allow their "arm" to be the object of a game of 'Tug-O-War"?)... My arm is improving, but itchy! It's flaking and peeling a bit like it had been sunburned, and the swelling is going down, so it kind of has some stretch marks, especially on my hand, lol! Not sure how Troop's leg is doing - he'll have his bandage changed again tomorrow, and I'll have a better idea then -thanks for asking! As far as Troop and a radio station - I'm sure that the only thing he'd be likely to broadcast would be "Looney Tunes"!

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Some more pics - still kind of gross, but not too bad...

Trooper's leg after 2 weeks - it's healing pretty well. We were going to only bandage the upper portion, where there was a big gash that is now granulating in, but when I went to put him in the cage, the lower part of his leg started bleeding, so we ended up putting a bandage there, too. We'd put a "cone" on him to keep him from licking at it, and with the leg now mostly bandaged, it's not really necessary, but it won't hurt anything, either, and you have to take this particular one completely apart to get it on/off - his head's too big to slip it over! :eek:



Here's a couple pics of my left arm/hand after being bitten by the cat. These were taken today, and most of the swelling has gone! Last week, I was so swollen, pretty much from elbow on down, that it looked like a cartoon arm and hand, and as though if you'd punctured it with a pin, it would have popped like a balloon! (My right arm is in the pic in post 42, holding up his leg, if you want something to compare to...)



My goodness Gigi, you had said your hand was a little swollen and itch, that was an understatement. Sure it wasn't a mountain lion verses a cat that did that to you? Glad to hear from reading further, that you are doing better. Troopers pics looks like he is mending well also. :D

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My goodness Gigi, you had said your hand was a little swollen and itch, that was an understatement. Sure it wasn't a mountain lion verses a cat that did that to you? Glad to hear from reading further, that you are doing better. Troopers pics looks like he is mending well also. :D

Oh, last week it was very swollen - today it's down to just a little swollen - and pretty itchy! ;) I tell you, when that cat was bouncing around the prep room, trying (literally!) to climb the walls, it felt like there was at least a lynx, if not a mountain lion in there with us - even more so when he bit! :eek: As of Monday, when we last changed Troop's bandages, he was doing quite a bit better - hopefully that will continue! Antibiotics (used sparingly and when really needed!) are truly a blessing!!!:)

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Oh, last week it was very swollen - today it's down to just a little swollen - and pretty itchy! ;) I tell you, when that cat was bouncing around the prep room, trying (literally!) to climb the walls, it felt like there was at least a lynx, if not a mountain lion in there with us - even more so when he bit! :eek: As of Monday, when we last changed Troop's bandages, he was doing quite a bit better - hopefully that will continue! Antibiotics (used sparingly and when really needed!) are truly a blessing!!!:)


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For a moment there,when you said the head vet came in,I thought you were going to say...."for the safety of humankind,he decided to remove the cats teeth"lol:D

Lol, I think that we would all have appreciated it if he had! :P

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:yahoo: Trooper was celebrating today - until I made him sleep out in the kennel tonight! I'll bring him back in the house tomorrow, when the flies are out, but I don't want to keep him in a crate for too many hours of a day... His bandages came off today, and will hopefully be able to stay off! He still has to wear his cone, though... :(post-11601-0-56141500-1403265871_thumb.j



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That is looking soooo much better so glad he is making such good progress :D Kiana still has to wear her cone even though she got her stitches out today lol. How's you arm doing???

Poor Kiana! My arm is doing quite a bit better, thanks! The wound is "compacting down", as the vet I work with says it... The swollen tissue is basically returning to normal-size, and it feels kind of weird at times. It's itchy, and still tender to the touch, but I think I'll live! :)

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