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I made a Husky plushy!


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Okay here's the story...I ended up using a kanji dictionary website because it kind of hit me that I wouldn't be able to (easily) transfer the kanji we find to the computer, and with good translations of their meanings into English. Soo...after almost an hour of looking through lots and lots of kanji on that website, I had a huge list of kanji for you to chose from with nice meanings you might like. So bring hubby over to double check that I didn't find anything weird and make sure they could be read...

He couldn't read any of them...except for two. :facepalm:

Soo...I asked him for a familiar "bu" kanji and a familiar "ma" kanji so I can give you an example at least. My goal was to make sure if you happen to meet someone from Japan, there is a strong chance they can read it and it is as correct as possible. If you are hoping for different meanings in the kanji, tomorrow I will have him use his dictionary and I will try to bring those up on the internet somehow. I think I worked out a way. So...here's what i've got for now! No rush okay? ;)

Romaji: bu-ma (sound pronunciation, sounds like booma)

Hiragana: ã¶-ã¾

Katakana - ブ-マ

Kanji: 武真

æ­¦ - martial, manly, strong, powerful, mighty, brave, power of fighting

真 - truth, reality, true, real, genuine, veritable, just, right, exactly, pure

Let me know what you think okay? :)

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I hope so! :D I am finishing him up now and will post a picture very soon, the last step will be his name on the back which will involve researching some Kanji for you...unless you are really happy with Hiragana! I just realized I can't see his eyes in your picture, I remember you said brown. So sense I was lucky to find a "brown pack" you can decide which brown for his eye color. ;)


that second one, the reddyish one is perfect for angels colourings.

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wow that is awesome!

Thanks so much! :) I tried extra hard with this one, fixing the mistakes I made with my first one. It still has tiny imperfections, but handmade things usually do. :rolleyes:

That's amazing!! 100% Boomer :D On second thoughts I love the kanji and the meanings behind the symbols, so that one please?

GREAT!! :D I'm so happy to hear it! I tried to make it look as much like him as possible, while keeping it simple and cute too. :) I had a feeling you would like the kanji, most people do. ;) Are those kanji and their meanings okay? Or, do you want us to look for more for you to chose from first? I was planning to have him look in his dictionary to find a few more if possible, although he commented the "bu" sounding kanji's are a little difficult to find. The "bu" kanji he suggested is from the word "bushido" which means "way of the Samurai" (can you tell he does karate? :P) But the good point about those kanji is there is a strong possibility a native Japanese speaker can read them easily as "booma" which is how they would say "boomer" in Japan.

If you are fine with those kanji and their meanings, my plan is to either cut felt into the kanji shape and glue to the back, or paint the kanji on the back with acrylic paint. I'm going to experiment and see what works best.

that second one, the reddyish one is perfect for angels colourings.

Note taken. :D I was actually really looking for a reddish brown, and this was all I could find so I was going to ask you about that anyway. ;)

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I believe...Louise is next! So while I am finishing up Boomer for Kate (just needs the Japanese name on the back and a trip to the post office), i'll get a start on yours. :D

After I get his Japanese name on his back and you give it a thumbs up, should I put your Boomer plushy on Etsy and mark as reserved for you? Do you have Etsy? If so, what is your Etsy name? (you can share privatively if you want to, I just want to make sure it's you and not someone else buying him) I think I got my Etsy thingie sorted out, I was a little worried because I had to use my US bank account sense I haven't made a Japanese one yet (I know...should have done it AGES ago!). I haven't been back to the US to get my name changed to my married name so I figured there might be a problem with the different last names. I guess it's okay...at least the unusual first name is consistent on them, and the bank knows I am in Japan. :oops: When I finally find a bank in Japan I am happy with, i'll just switch it over (hopefully smoothly). :rolleyes:

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The first kanji is great, no need to change it :) If you message me your paypal email and the amount I can always just gift you money - saves you on etsy and paypal charges?

Then I've just got the torture of keeping my mouth shut on it - it isn't her birthday until October. But we've booked her a weekend break to Dublin so I should be able to get a city map with a hole in for a lanyard or something and pop him on that :D

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How much will they be?

Uve Probably said before sorry

Just I'm really skint atm as I need 2 get skyla her boosters n my car tax is nearly due so don't wanna have u waiting ages for the money for mine , u can do mine last if u want :-)

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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The first kanji is great, no need to change it :) If you message me your paypal email and the amount I can always just gift you money - saves you on etsy and paypal charges?

Then I've just got the torture of keeping my mouth shut on it - it isn't her birthday until October. But we've booked her a weekend break to Dublin so I should be able to get a city map with a hole in for a lanyard or something and pop him on that :D

If your fine with it, we can do it that way! :) I just figured you would feel safer buying through a website like Etsy or Ebay for example. I'll send you a message with my PayPal info soon (as soon as I figure out how, haven't used that feature yet :rolleyes:) I'll get started adding the kanji to the back sense your happy with them, I think I have decided to try gluing on felt kanji. I'll make sure hubby checks it first just in case I make an oops...it's so great having a native speaker around :P . If it doesn't work, acrylic paint is my backup plan.

When he's 100% finished and ready to go, i'll let you know ok? I think the soonest I can mail him will be this weekend, since i'll need my hubby to come with me to help me out. I haven't actually mailed anything in Japan by myself yet. :confused: Goodness the things I should already know after living here over a year. :duh: I'll probably learn fast sending you guys your plushies one by one. :P

How much will they be?

Uve Probably said before sorry

Just I'm really skint atm as I need 2 get skyla her boosters n my car tax is nearly due so don't wanna have u waiting ages for the money for mine , u can do mine last if u want :)

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

No problem! :D Trust me, I know how being skint goes. We are too, i'm buying my art supplies from the 100 yen store ($1 store) but fortunately most things at Japanese 100 yen stores are relatively good quality overall compared to the US $1 stores. Most of the items there are actually made in Japan too, a few made in China but not too many.

After asking everyone for their price suggestions, I settled on $6 for a Husky plushy, and $8 for a Husky plushy with a Japanese name on the back. No extra charge for custom Huskies that looks like yours, it's fun so I don't mind. :P Shipping I am estimating is about $5. Until I ship out Kate's, I won't know 100%. If it turns out to be more, i'll cover the extra and adjust the shipping with an announcement for you guys. If it turns out to be cheaper, i'll refund some money for Kate and of course make an announcement.

Edit: I think I can combine a few plushies together for the same shipping cost, with yours i'll go ahead and assume I can with two (and cover my oops for you). With more then 2 i'll need to check to be sure, shipping might be a little bit more.

I am getting to everyone in the order they replied to this thread (even if it wasn't asking for a plushy :P) so when I get to you, just let me know if you need more time or not, okay? :)


whoot whoot if you need any more pics let me knoow

Will do! :D I might need more body/side shots of Storm, and a front face picture of Angel (like Storms picture). I am zonked out tonight and need to get to bed soon. :goodnight: But I will try to get yours started tomorrow after I finish work, I finish work earlier on Tues-Thurs. I will need to buy some better matching thread for your guys, so i'll try to get to the store tomorrow while i'm stocking up on our food supply. :P

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Will do! :D I might need more body/side shots of Storm, and a front face picture of Angel (like Storms picture). I am zonked out tonight and need to get to bed soon. :goodnight: But I will try to get yours started tomorrow after I finish work, I finish work earlier on Tues-Thurs. I will need to buy some better matching thread for your guys, so i'll try to get to the store tomorrow while i'm stocking up on our food supply. :P

[ATTACH]47473[/ATTACH] angel headshot













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in hindsight angel will be easier than storm I think. storms got such a combination and mix of colours

If I had any needle felting skills (and i'm considering learning how now!) I could match their colorings more accurately, especially Storms. But like I did with Boomer, I did my best to match in a very simple way, emphasizing the main features. The beautiful thing about felt though is you can "blend" it somewhat, so I should be able to come up with something. :D

I think I will try to match the colorings/markings on the back as well, unless you want the back a solid color. If I use black or white felt the Japanese names should stand out just fine against their natural markings. :)

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Hey everyone! Sorry I have been so quiet. I went to the store yesterday to find matching thread, and couldn't find any. :-( I know another store that might have the thread I need, but I won't be able to go there until this weekend. In the mean time hopefully I can get Kate's Boomer mailed this weekend of all goes well. Sorry Kate, I know I still need to send you PayPal details! I am on my 2nd week of my new part time job so Tuesday-Thursday just zonks me out.

I just wanted to let you know I am on it and haven't forgotten. :)

In other news though...I finally got that bag finished! Well almost, I am going to add some word to it, maybe something like "I love Siberian Huskies" but I want to focus on your plushies first.


One of coworkers saw my work bag and said "Hasuki?" meaning Husky? and I was like yeah! I was so happy she could guess it was a Husky so easily. I wonder if I really need to put words on it or not now. :P

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Hey everyone! Sorry I have been so quiet. I went to the store yesterday to find matching thread, and couldn't find any. :-( I know another store that might have the thread I need, but I won't be able to go there until this weekend. In the mean time hopefully I can get Kate's Boomer mailed this weekend of all goes well. Sorry Kate, I know I still need to send you PayPal details! I am on my 2nd week of my new part time job so Tuesday-Thursday just zonks me out.

I just wanted to let you know I am on it and haven't forgotten. :)

In other news though...I finally got that bag finished! Well almost, I am going to add some word to it, maybe something like "I love Siberian Huskies" but I want to focus on your plushies first.


One of coworkers saw my work bag and said "Hasuki?" meaning Husky? and I was like yeah! I was so happy she could guess it was a Husky so easily. I wonder if I really need to put words on it or not now. :P

that bag is awesome!!!! and I love the word hasuki lol

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Update: Currently trapped in the "Golden Week" phenomenon in Japan, meaning we have chunk of time off work, which means hubby wants to get out and do something almost everyday while we have a chance. Enjoying it, but feel terrible the plushies ended up on the back burner. Will get back to the plushies as soon as possible. We have an odd Golden Week this year so we do have work today and tomorrow, so I might be able to get a bit done today and/or tomorrow. But things won't go back to normal until sometime next week. I am so sorry for all the suddenly delayed and excuses! :facepalm: I honestly kind of forgot about Golden Week when I started the plushies, otherwise I might have waited until after. It's not like we get a national week off in the USA or anything. :confused:

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Hey everyone! Sorry I have been so quiet. I went to the store yesterday to find matching thread, and couldn't find any. :-( I know another store that might have the thread I need, but I won't be able to go there until this weekend. In the mean time hopefully I can get Kate's Boomer mailed this weekend of all goes well. Sorry Kate, I know I still need to send you PayPal details! I am on my 2nd week of my new part time job so Tuesday-Thursday just zonks me out.

I just wanted to let you know I am on it and haven't forgotten. :)

In other news though...I finally got that bag finished! Well almost, I am going to add some word to it, maybe something like "I love Siberian Huskies" but I want to focus on your plushies first.


One of coworkers saw my work bag and said "Hasuki?" meaning Husky? and I was like yeah! I was so happy she could guess it was a Husky so easily. I wonder if I really need to put words on it or not now. :P

:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat: :goodjob: I love the bag! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so sorry!!! :(

I got so sidetracked with stuff what went on after Golden Week! I am full of excuses, i'm so sorry. :( The Boomer plushy is fine, he's been floating around our apartment where I can keep him safe. He still needs kanji because I have been debating whether to use felt or acrylic paint. I think I finally settled on paint, so i've been trying to plan a trip to get that. I am also having trouble finding the thread colors I need, so I might have to make due with black, white and a brown thread. I hope that's alright! I'm so sorry for all the delays. On top of that I have some other projects I want to start, but I want to get these done first. It's hard having your mind on a million things, I don't remember having so much going on when I started making the plushies. :S I hope you guys can forgive me. :facepalm:

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