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Question for those with multiple dogs and rescues


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Is there a rescue dog in your pack that you cannot do things with like you can the rest of your pack? How do you handle it? I cannot do alot of things with Diesel that I can with Kiana whom I've raised myself. I can't take him to dog parks, on long walks, and the beach is completely out of the question right now. I have to be on my toes at all times with him outside while keeping up a calm front. It's so different with Kiana I can relax, let my mind wonder, even just wonder aimlessly and have complete confidence in her moods. Diesel is still such a firecracker sometimes I feel like I'll never achieve with him what I have with Kiana. Does anyone else have a rescue that is in a category all his/her own?

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What's the story with Diesel? I know have a pack of three,and thay are all rescues,although they have all endured different things.They all have completely different personalities as still recovering and I have had to deal with some severe behavoural problems.

The dog I have had the longest,Max,was 2 when I got him and he is so close to me it's scary,he has the perfect temperament.

The other 2 boys have endured more neglect,and it did affect their behaviour,but the good news is,it gets better with time:)

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What's the story with Diesel?

Among many things his prey drive is out of this world. He's a GSDxHusky with no training at all when I got him. After a year he's made remarkable progress but this and his dominance issues have forced me to seek a behaviorist to get into that doggie brain of his. I'm just feeling a little beat up lately from other dog owners. Alot of them have rescues that can go out and be with other dogs or do things with their resident dogs I just can't do with Diesel yet. Today I got accused of neglect and being basically a bad owner because I never take D to the dog park :( I explained why and they said I shouldn't have gotten him to begin with then. They said some other far less flattering things I don't feel like repeating.

Well when I got him he had a scrotal hematoma and was a calm dog. No where in his paperwork did it say he would turn out to be a cat eating banana butt >_< I know I'm not the things they said and anyone that really knows me knows that I love him just as much as Kiana but sometimes I wonder will I ever be able to walk them together? It's nice to have the one on one walk time though to it's special for both of them and does help me cure his separation anxiety slowly. Bah idk maybe I just wanna know there's others out there with problem child dogs that they love despite the irritation their problems bring :P I will say though even if Diesel never gets to hang with my friend's pug (who is Kiana's best friend) I must admit I couldn't have found a better partner for my husky girl. They just fit and I wouldn't change it for anything :wub:

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I only have 1 dog, but Suka's a rescue.

He's different than other dogs though...dominant or 'pushy', sometimes leash-aggressive, SA that wasn't on his paperwork...

He's got major SA, we think, and we just sorta gave up on crate training...it never worked out. He was chewing at his crate bars so much (I set up a video camera to record what he did when we were gone for...wait for it ...10 minutes!) his gums were bleeding and he wrecked some of the crate's bars. We're lucky we were able to return that damn crate!

I also think he was abused, because he's feet shy and he freaks out if your foot gets too close.

He also HATES the cold, hates being outside (won't be outside for any longer than 10-15 minutes, even if its a nice temperature for him), hates getting wet, doesn't like being rained/snowed on.

He doesn't play with toys (well, rarely, but it's rare enough that I can say 'never'!), and he doesn't play with the majority of other dogs at the dog park. He's rather...aloof, I'd say.

But I still love him. :D

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LOL aww I love Suka to even if I've never met him :P He sounds like such a great dog even with his issues :)

Oh, he IS a great dog! :)

So well behaved, has great manners when around people and other dogs (well, in comparison. He's doesn't go looking for fights like others dogs do.), and he's the BEST first dog I could have asked for.

Well, I'm still disappointed he doesn't play fetch or play with anyone at all...but I guess he just has an 'aloof' personality. He doesn't really care about much, but when he DOES care about something, you know its serious.

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After reading about Suka's personality sound fairly close to my Sam with the exception that he can not be around medium to large dogs without giving them the good old husky test i.e. aggressive wrestling, pawing them at the shoulders, and putting his head over the shoulder of the other dog. Also which of your 2 is older Kiana or Diesel? Sometimes the older one can teach the other certain social skill at least social tolerance that will be acceptable to you.

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Diamond is an extreme special needs dog. She is deaf, so being on high alert while we are out because she won't hear things like cars approaching while we are out walking. She was also hit by a car when she was a pup, it's how she ended up in our rescue, so now she can't tolerate being outside for long periods of time when the temps are down. She can't go out with the rest of the pack when we go sledding or skijoring. She spends a lot of time inside. But she gets spoiled in that regard!

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Diamond is an extreme special needs dog. She is deaf, so being on high alert while we are out because she won't hear things like cars approaching while we are out walking. She was also hit by a car when she was a pup, it's how she ended up in our rescue, so now she can't tolerate being outside for long periods of time when the temps are down. She can't go out with the rest of the pack when we go sledding or skijoring. She spends a lot of time inside. But she gets spoiled in that regard!

Aww her story just breaks my heart :( I'm so glad she found you guys or vise versa lol. It's nice to know even though it's different circumstances that there's at least one other dog out there that can't spend all their time with the pack :) As long as they are healthy, happy, and spoiled rotten that's all that should matter imo.

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Is there a rescue dog in your pack that you cannot do things with like you can the rest of your pack? How do you handle it? I cannot do alot of things with Diesel that I can with Kiana whom I've raised myself. I can't take him to dog parks, on long walks, and the beach is completely out of the question right now. I have to be on my toes at all times with him outside while keeping up a calm front. It's so different with Kiana I can relax, let my mind wonder, even just wonder aimlessly and have complete confidence in her moods. Diesel is still such a firecracker sometimes I feel like I'll never achieve with him what I have with Kiana. Does anyone else have a rescue that is in a category all his/her own?

Well! I would have him outside with you for around a couple hours a day, and see how he reacts to the environment he is in. And do that for a couple of weeks and see how it turns out for him, and if he gets to the point to where you can give him the responsibility on off leash and gets to roam free. That's my advice hope it helps.

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Also which of your 2 is older Kiana or Diesel? Sometimes the older one can teach the other certain social skill at least social tolerance that will be acceptable to you.

They are the same age though D is 2 months older lol. She has managed to teach him bite inhibition thank GOD that boy knew NOTHING of people or dog interaction when he got over his sickness. His way of greeting humans was to jump up and bite their faces :( not aggressive just hi how are you let me nom your face >_< I put the kibosh on that but man did that take forever lol. He was such a mess didn't know a single trick, thought the world revolved around him, didn't know that humans were supposed to be pack leaders hell didn't even know a human was different than a dog. It was highly irritating to put it mildly. He had some sort of respect/fear of men but not a blasted thing for women. I swear he laughed at me the first four months or so I had him :rolleyes: Thankfully Kiana has helped alot in rounding him out especially when it comes to the fact mommy is god lol. He's a lot mellower now and behaves sooooo much better in the house. Still jumps but does correct himself after the first pounce and thank goodness no more face nabbing. Of course Kiana has also taught him her favorite game lol grabbing another dogs back leg then running like mad while trying to keep it in your mouth. I call it the chicken wing effect. She hates it when he uses it on her :P

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Haha looks like Kiana is able to teach him so much. One of the trials which was successful for me in introducing Sam to play with other dogs and eventually to do well in dog parks was to have one on one play date with a neutered husky or a female husky. But I was wondering why are you having problems with Diesel on long walks?

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When I got gus he had real mad sa still does but is a lot better from when we got him. Jasper was to scared to go outside when we got him he would try to fly bk indoors soon as you got him out the door. He had dog aggression and was scared everytime you raised your hand and snap at you it took me 3 months to take him for a proper walk and had no training on lead still hard to walk on lead no matter how much training we do with him. I got jasper from ho woop woop he really special to me he is has come on so much after been past around so much I'm the longest someone has had him and when people meet him they can't believe how calm he is now. He was terribble to house train as soon as you went out he would toilet and as soon as another dog came in he would toilet a problem that we have now solved. He is a special pup. Then we rescued spirit bear she is the demon itself lol she a pain in the butt. She is aggressive with other dogs even in her pack she was 7 months old and been to 5 homes goes to show what work went into her poor girl we love her to pieces but sometimes its hard trying to think what is best for her she is fab with humans and certain dogs but put food or water down you have to watch her like a hawk as she was start a fight we are still working on this with her. Well like I said she my demon dog pmsl

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Odin i got at 8 weeks so he's fine a stuborn sod but fine, then we rescued Loki thin, dirty and aher fur was all knots, we cleaned her up put weight on her she got on well with Odin so things were great. Then we rescued Thor and omg all hell broke loose.

The fights with him and Odin were out of control, they could not look at each other without a full blown fight braking out, we had blood and cut's every day. I was cleaning blood up like others clean fur, for about 3 month we lived like this but the commitment was made the day we adopted him so we had to sort this out.

Any way 2 years later you wouldn't think he's the same dog, he's so layed back so gentle lol he's asleep whilst he's walking he's that good. But he's stuborn he does not like the cold so does not stay out back for long lol he likes the fire and a comfy settee, i've tried to explain to him he's a snow dog but he just looks away like ' ye ok'

Now all 3 go mad if one goes out withut the other, the boys eat, sleep together their best mates. My only problem with him is when out walking if he don't want to go some where he just drops to the floor and theirs no moving him lol so we let him take us for a walk we go where he wants to go, also play he didn't know how to play and after 2 years he's only just starting to play with the others.

End of the day i'm so glad we made that commitment to him as most would have given up and sent him back, i'll admit we were close so many times but just decided if we adopted an unruly kid we would work through the issues the only difference is this kid as 4 legs and sharp teeth lol he's my baby and we had to help him. it can be so hard with a rescue some times but so rewarding when you finaly turn the corner.

Yes i'd do it all again ya get used to the fights the blood the bites lol and it's worth it xxxxxxxxxxx

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Our rescue girl Tahnee is very different from all our other dogs. We have the most sociable, outgoing pack possible - all our dogs work with us on a variety of fundraising events and absolutely love to meet new people. Tahnee is very much the exception. When we first got her from the abusive situation in which she had been living, she was terrified of people - especially men. She was never aggressive, though, and would simply curl up into a tight ball in the furthest corner. It is impossible to walk her on the lead as she spooks at the slightest sound or movement. It took her almost two months before she would let me anywhere near her. 14 months on, in many ways she is a completely changed dog. In our bedroom (which is the only place she feels 100% safe) she is no different from any of our other dogs - playing, cuddling, giving kisses. In other parts of the house, she is still a little wary - although she gets on well with the rest of our family. With the other dogs she is fine - which is just as well as she has to get all her exercise from running around playing with the pack. We still can't walk her as she panics outside the house.

Despite all the hard work we have had to put into her, she is worth it ..........

Tahnee on the bed with Mia our other rescue foster


Tahnee after her first grooming session



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But I was wondering why are you having problems with Diesel on long walks?

LOL I've been in a couple car accidents that's damaged my pelvic area and left hip pretty extensively. Until I can get Diesel's desperate, and boy does he act desperate, need to put furry things in his mouth under control my body can't take that with a long excursion. We are improving I can almost take him half way around the block now but it's slow progress. It's so funny one day he'll be perfect and I'll think we've made a hug leap and the next day it's all shattered back to the way he was lol but that one day I see that improvement I know it's worth it.

Tahnee after her first grooming session



LOL Awww she looks like she feels so naked :P Thank you Mick and to everyone sharing their rescue trouble children I'm so glad to know I'm not a failure as a rescue mom lol. Sometimes I guess you just can't undo all the dumb things a previous owner has done. It stinks but man are all these fur kids loved like they've never been loved before :)

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Tiffany - while I don't have a rescue, I do believe that each of us has the pack that we were meant to have. You have D for a reason - and he has you for a reason. I know you'll never give up on him and for that I applaud you!

He has something he is supposed to teach you and something he is supposed to learn from you.........and when you totally figure it out - WOW! You'll be overcome! It may not be tomorrow, or even next year, but I'm positive you were meant to be together! *hug*

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Tiffany - while I don't have a rescue, I do believe that each of us has the pack that we were meant to have. You have D for a reason - and he has you for a reason. I know you'll never give up on him and for that I applaud you!

He has something he is supposed to teach you and something he is supposed to learn from you.........and when you totally figure it out - WOW! You'll be overcome! It may not be tomorrow, or even next year, but I'm positive you were meant to be together! *hug*

That's very sweet Becky.

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People are so quick to judge without knowing the full facts, try to ignore them. They can't help being mean spirited, they don't know any better. In order to make them feel better about themselves they criticize others.

There are no quick fixes, anything worthwhile takes patience, understanding and lots of lots of love.

Keep your chin up :)

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Among many things his prey drive is out of this world. He's a GSDxHusky with no training at all when I got him. After a year he's made remarkable progress but this and his dominance issues have forced me to seek a behaviorist to get into that doggie brain of his. I'm just feeling a little beat up lately from other dog owners. Alot of them have rescues that can go out and be with other dogs or do things with their resident dogs I just can't do with Diesel yet. Today I got accused of neglect and being basically a bad owner because I never take D to the dog park :( I explained why and they said I shouldn't have gotten him to begin with then. They said some other far less flattering things I don't feel like repeating.

Well when I got him he had a scrotal hematoma and was a calm dog. No where in his paperwork did it say he would turn out to be a cat eating banana butt >_< I know I'm not the things they said and anyone that really knows me knows that I love him just as much as Kiana but sometimes I wonder will I ever be able to walk them together? It's nice to have the one on one walk time though to it's special for both of them and does help me cure his separation anxiety slowly. Bah idk maybe I just wanna know there's others out there with problem child dogs that they love despite the irritation their problems bring :P I will say though even if Diesel never gets to hang with my friend's pug (who is Kiana's best friend) I must admit I couldn't have found a better partner for my husky girl. They just fit and I wouldn't change it for anything :wub:

We will never know for sure exactly what suffering and pain a rescue dog has endured,they can't tell us,but they show us little signs and reactions.To add to that,each dog has a different personality,so we really can't gauge how long it will take for them to adapt and settle in our homes.Keep working with Diesel,as you said,you are making progress,so you're going in the right direction.

Personally,I have had a "belly full" of other peoples negative interferance recently about dogs,I had some family members telling me I was wrong to bring in a third dog as my first 2 dogs were so settled now and were being upset and that I had to be "grown up" and send him to another home without giving it another thought! I explained in certain words(LOL;)) That I had to try everything I could before giving up as I cared about the dog.I had never intended on getting another dog,but as we were the ones who actually had to buy Hachi,to get him into a foster home,we would always have a link to him as we saw him in a bad place and I couldn't sleep until he was out of there.It was a family member who gave out my contact details in the first place to help!

People will always have opinions,I really don't care anymore!

You have rescued a dog and you are doing a great job,in time things will get even better and you will learn such a lot:)

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All 3 of my dogs were rescues,the 1st direct from the 1st owner,who handed me this magnificent dog,full pedigree & papers,he was getting divorced and couldn't keep the dog.He had cared for him a great deal in the past,but he had been neglected for a yr or so and not walked as he was staying with his ex wife.His feet bled when I first walked him and he pulled me all over .Max has now become the greatest dog,he gets a bit anxious at times and is bad in cars,but overall a star.He changed me .Thank goodness he didn't get into the wrong hands as someone wanted to breed from him:(

Max is my first husky and we have a great understanding of each other.

Then came Blue,10 month old,with severe SA,I have never seen a dog so young go through so much turmoil.When we adopted him,5 mins after he was dropped off,he tried to jump through the window,he screamed and was afraid of everyone and cowered on the floor The lady from the rescue told me he had been in a crate up to 13 hrs a day,and NOT to put him in one at all or he would go crazy.He could hardly walk properly and his back legs were wobbly and matted.He had a big scab on his eye and cut ears.

His SA got worse and he became frenzied if left,it went on for months and I then crate trained him properly.It was the best thing and worked so well,I was surprised.I made his "den" a great place where he got his food and treats and felt safe there.

The latest Hachi,passed from home to home,insufficient diet for yrs,ear infection,irritable bowel,dominance aggression.Locked in a dirty old garden ,all alone.

Attacking Max,and for the first few weeks.Snarling and growling at everyone,stealing food from the other dogs.

When I tried to walk them in the grounds,he screamed so much trying to bite Max,I had to shout to stop him,which I hate doing and drag them all back home before anyone saw me.Stress levels through the roof!:eek:

Hachi also snarled at me and was defiant to anything he was asked to do.I had to be a consistant pack leader and earn his trust.

He is now like a different dog and wants a peaceful life,he loves cuddles and as long as he can sit near me, is happy.He hardly ever growls now.I did not believe that we would be able to settle him .

So no,it's not always easy,rescue dogs take time to adapt,but when they do.....it is the best feeling in the world and it warms your heart!

One thing I have learnt is to follow your instincts with the dogs and watch their body language,it tells us what words can't.

Good luck with Diesel,you are not alone....nearly every rescued dog will have some issues,and some human being pushed to the limit trying to resolve them:)

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