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The first night of getting your first ever Siberian Husky and the progress?


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Tell me your stories of your first night home and the progress with the first ever Siberian Husky you owned!

Answer the questions below!

Did you ever own a dog before?

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

Did you do a lot of research?

How was the first night home?

How did the potty breaks go?

What was the longest time left alone?

First walks?

How was eating going?

Was trainging easy?

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1. Nope. First one is a husky!

2. I'm really not sure how I got introduced. I've always wanted one since I was little. One day I decided it was time and I contacted a reputable breeder

3. I did alottttt of research. And I recommend you do to. They are not for everyone

4. The first night was horrible. The first few nights actually. Those cries and whines were unbearable.

5. Potty breaks were good, I made sure to always keep an eye on him and took him out regularly

6. For the first few months I never left him alone for over an hour. I was lucky enough to have 4 months off.

7. He loved his first walks. I always walked him 5 minutes per month of age. No longer.

8.eating was good as well! Except he didn't chew he used to just swallow and gobble it right up. They tend to eat lots as puppies. But as they grow older they do have tendencies to skip meals. They are really efficient

9.No! Training was and is still hard. He's a year old and he knows all the basics and tricks. But his recall is horrible. They are very stubborn dogs and will only do things for you if they see the point in it. You have to be creative to keep them

Guessing and interested. In terms of potty training. He never had many accidents in the hose because I was home all the time. Just need to keep an eye on them. The first year is hard but worth it. Now there's pretty much no "work"that needs to be done. Except for long walks and cleaning hair from everywhere you can think of.

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Did you ever own a dog before?

Not one of my own, no.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

Reading books when I was very young.

Did you do a lot of research?

Tons. And then even more when I was told I could get one.

How was the first night home?

Fine. He slept more than anything. We didn't get back until midnight anyway.

How did the potty breaks go?

Ugh. This was by far the worst. Bite inhibition being second. The little turd wouldn't go when needed. I'd let him out, watch him through the window. He spent the whole time scampering around. Did this for almost 2 hours sometimes. So I'd give up and bring him in. The next time I turned around, there was a puddle of pee and a little pile by the door.

Per advice here, I started taking him out on his leash. For an hour and a half, he just sat there, no matter how many times I said go potty. This was in winter, too. So I was freezing. Finally, I gave up and went back in. I turned to shut the door, and when I turned back around, there he was in a squat.

I was so mad I couldn't look at him for a while.

Then it occurred to me that he had no problems pottying when we went on walks. So I set my alarm to wake me up three times during sleep. I'd get up and walk him around the block.

Then once he was a little older and could hold it better, I played with him until he was exhausted, then let him drink a ton of water. Then after 10 minutes, he was ready to play again. So I chased him around the house for 5 minutes, and then let him outside. I went out with him, and in two minutes, he was squatting to pee. So I praised him. In a weeks time he would finally go in the backyard. But he still had accidents. So then I taught him to ring a bell when he needed out. That took about three weeks. In another month, he was finally fully potty trained.

What was the longest time left alone?

5 hours. Went to my sisters for Christmas dinner. But he was 6 months by then and almost fully potty trained.

First walks?

Very short ones to go potty. 10 minutes at the longest, several times a day.

How was eating going?

That was a little frustrating. I'll just say that the kids gone through more than 20 brands. TOTW being one. He liked it for a few months, then one day he didn't want it any more. He had no problem eating my moms dog's prescription hills food. But I didn't want him eating that crap. So we switched brands again.

Now he's on Innova Prime fish.

Was trainging easy?

For things like sit, stay, shake, paw, etc yes. For potty training , bite inhibition, and loose leash walking, not at all.

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Did you ever own a dog before?

I'd had two dogs growing up but both (a lab cross doberman and a boxer cross great dane) had been put to sleep by the time I was 10.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I've just always had a thing about huskies. I don't know what caused it or when it started, I have just always loved them.

Did you do a lot of research?

I joined the forum three days after Kiska was born and was researching virtually every day until I got her, and virtually every day since :D

How was the first night home?

A breeze! Kiska was such an easy puppy. She played and played and played, and then when it was time for bed I carried her upstairs to her crate and she went straight in, laid down and pretty much went straight to sleep. She did whine once and I said "Kiska shh.." and she's never made a peep since! Her breeder had already crate trained her and she was exhausted so she was always happy to just conk out and sleep :P

How did the potty breaks go?

She would go to bed at around 12am with me and for the first 8-9 nights she would wake me up once a night at around 5am to pee. I'd then play with her for 20 minutes or so to tire her out and make her want to have a nap and I'd then carry her back up to her crate and we'd both sleep again until about 8am. From about 14 weeks old I could go to bed and wake up whenever the hell I wanted and Kiska would just sleep quietly in her crate without waking me up at all.

What was the longest time left alone?

I think I've left her for 9 hours before because of an insanely long lecture day where I couldn't get home to let her out but that was a one-off. The most she was ever regularly left for was 6 hours, but that was for a few weeks last autumn and the most she's ever left at the moment is 3 hours.

First walks?

She hated walking! Before she was vaccinated I made a point of carrying her around the block to get her used to cars etc before expecting her to walk around out there but when she was 11 weeks old and I could actually take her on walks she didn't want to leave the house! I had to carry her to the end of the street and let her run back just so she was getting some exercise and experience of walking outside. She got over that at about 14 weeks old, though even now she'll get excited when I say "Do you want to go for a walk?" but then hide when I get the harness and collar out?! :P

How was eating going?

She was a scoffer :P I started off hand feeding her so she wouldn't cause herself any tummy upsets and then moved on to adding water to her food instead. I eventually bought one of those anti-gulp bowls which worked a treat and from about 5-6 months old she stopped scoffing altogether and went back to a normal bowl. She's fine with that now :) She was also a bit food-guardy but hand feeding helped with that, as well as swapping her food bowl for nicer treats, and every now-and-then adding more food while she was eating.

Was trainging easy?

Yup, mostly! She's cross GSD so I expected this to be the case really. She's got good general obedience, good recall, and I've even used her as part of my university course and trained her to unload a grocery bag into a cupboard, opening and closing the cupboard as she goes :D

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Did you ever own a dog before?

Grew up with a black lab who was on valium (only my family)... a rescued Whippet with rickets who I found in the street - i was a somewhat bolshy twelve year old and I asked around until I found the owner - marched up to him whilst he was working on some wrecked car and ripped into him for being a bad owner - he just grinned and said "you want him you take him"
I took him... Tibetan Terrier who ruled the house and a possibly a quite insane Briard. My first boyfriend had two dobermans who I idolised, I missed them when we split up - didn't miss him.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I honestly do not know, I suspect it was a novel of some sort as I remember badgering my mum for one when we fisrt moved so I must have been about ten.

Did you do a lot of research?

Can't remember a time where any hint of a husky in an article/programme/report didn't grab my attention. Once I knew I was getting one then google became my best friend as did this site.

How was the first night home?

Surprisingly well, they were fine but I was the wreck sleeping on the sofa to make sure they were ok.

How did the potty breaks go?

They've always been pretty good but there were a few accidents as you would expect. Peanut butter became our treat for the potty training but I knew when we didn't need it any more when Atka conned me... she went for a wee in the garden and came running up for her peanut butter, the second she had finished licking the spoon clean she ran for another wee - more peanut butter, when she instantly ran off to finish her wee I knew the little furry madam knew exactly what she was doing.

What was the longest time left alone?

No longer than an hour max in the first couple of months.

First walks?

amusing with two pups. I also do the five mins per month allowance.

How was eating going?

I did and do part kibble part RAW and they've been fine other than when Yushi stole some bread during his first week with us and ended up at the vets, wheat isn't a good one on his tummy.

Was training easy?

Training to sit and down has been easy anything else usually ended up with me walking away laughing at their antics, I still do.

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Did you ever own a dog before?

No, Luka was mine, and my families first pet. I've always wanted a dog and brought him home when he was just shy of 8 weeks.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I can't remember to be honest, it was a long time ago, about 2 years since I started looking into the breed.

Did you do a lot of research?

Yes, I read everything I possibly could on the net, breed specific and just general stuff to do with dogs. How to care for injuries etc. I probably read on and off for 2 years, the last 6 months of which I was looking for my puppy and the research I did was very intense, when I finally put a deposit down for my pup, I was reading all day, every day about the breed.

How was the first night home?

I assume you mean bedtime? Luka wouldn't settle down on his own in his crate, it wasn't just crying it was squealing and trying to get out, very noisy. So for the first 2 weeks I slept with him, he was in his crate and his crate door was open, I had my arm in. After a few days, when he fell asleep I'd close his crate door and just sleep outside it. I woke up every time he did but I didn't let him know I was awake, he would just go back to sleep when he could see I was there... Maybe this wasn't the ideal strategy, but it worked.

How did the potty breaks go?

The crate really helped with the house training. He was fully house trained at 12/13 weeks. When he was younger I would set my alarm at nightie to take him out every 2 hours, even if he was asleep i'd get him up to go potty. He would still wake me up, 3 or 4 times a night when he needed to go until he could hold it through the night. I believe the rule of thumb is 1 hour per month of age, so when you first get them, they need to go every 2 hours, but realistically, they need to go every 15minutes lol

:) If you're not spending more time outside in the first month, then you're not doing it right :P

What was the longest time left alone?

The first time he was left alone was just recently, on April 5th, we went out for dinner and he had to stay home for 5 hours. He has been left alone for similar time frames 3 or 4 times since, he seems to be doing fine


First walks?

Luka didn't like wandering far from the house, he was impossible to walk, we would have to go out with the whole family, so he would be comfortable enough to walk just a few hundred meters before wanting to bolt home.

How was eating going?

He loved his food, he would inhale it, go crazy when I even touched his food bag. You'd think he hasn't eaten in months the way he would react to being held away from the food to show him no one is going to eat his kibble, he now waits for his food until he is told to eat.

Was trainging easy?

He picked up all the tricks very quickly, I ran out of things to teach him very quickly. Now, if i think, "oh, that would be useful" we will sit down and train it into him, he picks everything up quickly but he is very, very stubborn. If he doesn't want to look at you, he simply won't look at you and there is nothing you can do about it lol.

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Did you ever own a dog before?

Me personally? No, mum got us a scottish terrier pup called Maisy when i was 7 (a 'family' dog) Diesel is MY first dog, I brought him, he is my responsibility, i have to insure him etc

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I've wanted a husky for as long as i can remember! Probably because of a film or tv program. It was this site that helped me meet my first group of huskies and got to persuade mum to let me get 1


Did you do a lot of research?

Obviously since i'd lived with a dog for 10 years i didnt need to research anything about dogs in general (although i still learn something new every day) I spent months researching huskies, buying every info book i could find, asking people on here if i could meet up to meet their huskies and get to know the breed more so i knew what i was getting myself into


How was the first night home?

I stayed downstairs the first night to keep him company. Was up every hour to let baby D outside to do his business until about 6am, he then poop'd on the carpet and mum told me to go to bed because i was driving her insane getting up every hour lol


How did the potty breaks go?

Not to well at first...but like everything with a pup it takes patience, paper down every night and just incase and showing him that if he needs to do something he'll go outside. Now he'll sit at the door if he wants to go out instead of just pee'ing on the floor


What was the longest time left alone?

He's never on his own since he lives with 2 other dogs to keep him company. But without people i think the longest was about 4 hours. I dont tend to go anywhere without my boy

:wub: I could leave him all day if i wanted to because he's crate trained so he justs goes to sleep in his crate, but its weird going out without him and if i go out for longer than i take him with me :)

First walks?

First time outside the house and garden: I carried him outside to the shops nearby a few days after i got him until he got his last jabs so he could get used to cars, buses etc (didnt want a phsyco pup when i first took him out)

First actual walk: He went out with the other 2 dogs first so he wasnt on his own and didnt do too badly, kept stopping and pulling backwards, but got the hang of it in the end


How was eating going?

Was rough the first night because he had an upset tummy (probably because of his first set of jabs) He then had 6 months of upset tummy and we couldnt find any food that would keep him solid. Just after 6 months we found the perfect food so we eventually got that sorted (but that was a tough and stinky few months)

Now he scoffs all his food and despite the food problems he's still a healthy growing lad


Was trainging easy?

Diesel went to puppy training classes when he was 4 months old and was best in his class! He got everything really quickly but that phase has passed lol He'll still learn new tricks but he's pretty stubborn now and will just look at you if you say sit even with food lolInside tricks are pretty easy (he learnt a trick i'd never taught any other of my dogs within 20mins) its the scootering commands that are tricky, but he's getting them aswell. It just takes time (more time atm while he's being a teen lol)

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Very neat thread :D

Did you ever own a dog before?

I have owned dogs for my whole life lol can't remember a time when I didn't have at least one. Before we got Kuma our husky we had Koopa our pit bull.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I've always admired the breed. I use to love watching movies with sled dogs. One of my favorite was "Call of the Wild". I use to pretend to have huskies and a sled team when really it was just my beagle jack Russell mix pulling a wagon haha.

Did you do a lot of research?

I didn't do tons of research at first but had a fairly solid foundation with the breed as I know things about various breeds as I love researching dogs. After we got Kuma I did tons more husky specific research though.

How was the first night home?

Kuma was 6ish months old when we got him from a private rehome. He was extremely shy and timid. Didn't want to come out of his crate at all and would stay toward the back hunkered down. He would growl at Koopa if Koopa came near the create. He was rather scared and not confident at all.

How did the potty breaks go?

Lucky for us he was already 80-90% potty trained. He had a few accidents over the next few months but as he continued to mature he quickly became 100% trained.

What was the longest time left alone?

Our dogs are left at home while Tim works but he usually only works 4 hours at a time. They have been alone for 6 hours before but it's not a habit.

First walks?

We live on 89 acres of so the dogs get walked around our property. Kuma's first walks showed his timid nature. He walked low to the ground with his tail tucked slinking across the yard.

How was eating going?

Kuma was an still is a thrifty eater. At first he would pick at his kibble, take a few bites, walk off and come back. He use to take mouth fulls and walk off then place them on the ground. Now he'll eat in one sitting but some days he'll eat all his food others just a portion.

Was trainging easy?

Kuma isn't hard to train as long as he sees the reward (a treat). If he knows he'll get a treat he'll do what you ask. This goes for tricks, basic commands like sit he'll do all the time.

Kuma has changed a lot since we first got him. He is still reserved with strangers but has fully come out of his shell with me and Tim. He gets along great with Koopa and also now lives with our newest pack member Tenchi a pekingese. Kuma and Tenchi play almost all the time lol.

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Did you ever own a dog before?

Nope, not ever.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I was looking at some puppy pics and saw these really pretty siberian puppies, with the classic black markings. Their mischievous little faces charmed us and we decided to go for a husky.

Did you do a lot of research?

Not a lot, no, but I wouldn't say we were completely clueless either. We pretty much knew what to expect, although the research we had to do after getting him was far more extensive. Not sure whether that had to do with the fact the he is a Siberian Husky; I believe it was rather because we didn't really have any experience with puppies.

How was the first night home?

Horrible. Unfortunately, he kept crying whenever he was left alone - even if we were just behind the door. My mother ended up spending the night with him in so that he would shut up. It got better afterwards though, second night he already stopped crying and things went much smoother.

How did the potty breaks go?

Not very well - we did have a pretty good excuse though, as the year we got him we had a very rough winter, about -20 degrees C. Naturally, we weren't very keen on spending too much time outside in the freezing cold so it went pretty bad and we were terribly inconsistent. When we were able to take him on walks and spend lots of time outside with him, things got better.

Moral of the story: never get a puppy in the middle of the winter.

What was the longest time left alone?

I would say around 12 hours. Although I would never recommend it if it can be avoided - with us it only happened because we were unable to make any arrangements for that day. Usually, there's somebody home with him all the time.

First walks?

He was very excited and not one moment afraid to walk outside in the world. Very keen to discover new things. Of course, we had previously carried him around to the vets and the pet shop, but that didn't really do much to quench his curiosity.

How was eating going?

We had a very greedy pup - he'd eat everything he could find.

Was trainging easy?

It wasn't very difficult - yes, huskies are stubborn, but with the right motivation it's not hard to train them. He responded very well to treats so within his first few weeks he already knew a few commands. Now, whether he chose to obey them or not was a different matter, but as he grew up he became a bit more obedient (not too much, though lol). But yeah, he's been pretty fast at picking up things (except for potty training!).

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Did you ever own a dog before? No, not before my first Husky.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky? Let's just say ever since I was a little girl, I had a major obsession with dogs in general. Around 7-8 years old, I discovered the Siberian Husky and fell in love.. read up on them for years and years, did not get my first one til I was about 19.

Did you do a lot of research? Yep, like I said, I grew up reading all things Husky!


How was the first night home? Taz's first night, he paced quite a bit, and was a bit nervous and distressed. I rescued him from a previous home, in which he lived for 9 years, so it was such a major change for him. Echo I adopted from the shelter I work at and she was quite nervous too. She came home a lot younger than Taz (around 5 months), but she went from who knows where, to being a stray (from the looks of her, she was out running for weeks probably), to being in the shelter for 10 days, and then coming to my house. Both of them had no issues sleeping their first night though.

How did the potty breaks go? Both did not have accidents. Later on, Taz would sometimes because he had a voracious appetite, yet a sensitive belly.. if he got to something he shouldn't have, even a little bit, he would get the runs. Echo has not really gone in the house, however, she is a submissive/excited pee-er and will do that sometimes if someone new comes in the house.

What was the longest time left alone? In the beginning, Taz was not left alone more than 3 hours usually, but once I moved and had to start working out of my house, it would be a bit longer if my boyfriend wasn't home, but usually he was or he was home before me. So probably 6-7 hours long in his later years. Echo has been left alone up to 8 hours on some occasions, but not usually.

First walks? Taz was excellent. Echo, not so much, lol.

How was eating going? Before I knew about how crappy some brands of food were, I had Taz on them (thank goodness it was shortlived and I switched him fairly quickly!). He would not touch the food unless I mixed something in it. He had quite an appetite still though, he just didn't like the bad brands. When I switched him to grain free, he ate it, no problem. Echo has not at all had an issue eating, the one time she didn't eat was the day she was spayed. She was starving being out on the streets, super thin, so I think food is very precious to her and never should go to waste!

Was trainging easy? Taz was mostly trained, but there were still some things that needed to be worked on. And even being a senior, it was still tough. He had a worse recall than Echo does, and she's quite young and mischievous. Echo has been quite a challenge as well, mainly when she's outdoors on a leash, however her recall is good considering.

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1. Yes lots of them in my lifetime, one was 1/2 husky

2. Not really sure what you mean by "introduced" I've always known about Siberian Husky's and always wanted to own one, they're so beautiful.

3. Yes, my husband did most of it, but yes a lot of research.

4. First night was both a nightmare and joyful. He was scared and afraid, cried a lot but loved my daughter, we did not get much sleep, but we loved him and didn't mind staying up with him most of the night.

5. Again not sure what you mean by "potty breaks" but if you mean training, he did go on the pads and outside, but the first few nights he went in his crate due to his nerves. He's had a few accidents in the house, well on purposes if you ask me, when he's let in the front living room he takes advantage of that rug and in my daughter's room, otherwise, right to the peepee pads and outside.

6. So far, about an hour maybe a little over, but he does sleep alone in the kitchen at night some nights alone, otherwise he sleeps in his crate in my daughter's room with her and loves it. He's hardly ever alone. I do want to say that today I left him in the car 2x's, once to pump gas and the second time to run into the store and he was fine, this was right after his walk so he just chilled out. He's getting better (we've owned him for 4 weeks now).

7. Walks are fine, he starts off a little rough with the wanting to explore and not walk but once he gets his groove going, he's fine. He does tend to love to try and sprint just like a sled dog, I have to pull him back, but we do take him for short runs at night. His first walk was great, he loved it, we brought him to the park and beach and he was just amazed and just wanted to run, but like all puppies, they're going to try and dominate the walk, just make them sit if they get out of control.

8. Eating, yikes, I have an entire thread on that lol. He eats like he's never seen food before, but he's had some tummy issues. I have taught him to sit and stay before he's allowed to eat now so he is slowing down a tad bit but not much.

9. I don't know but he seems to learn extremely quick. I taught him to sit in 15 minutes, stay was a bit longer and then to come. We're working on "No" "Off" and "Down" which seems to only happen when he's excited so it's harder.

Hope I helped, but I think others did better than me lol.

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Did you ever own a dog before?

Nope, Diamond is my first dog and first husky LOL really won't recommend it.. Huskies are NOT a good starter dog


How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I don't remember


Did you do a lot of research?


:( hence the hellish first week

How was the first night home?


;) it's already night when he's home tho so that's not counted? Shall I tell you about his first morning at home then? Well his first morning at home is literally a nightmare. He had diarrhea everywhere (I've been warned by his prev owner) and vomit 2-3 times in less than one hour time. Scary.

How did the potty breaks go?

I am very fond of walking him which results in him being taken on short walks every hour on his first day home LOL but please note that my dog is 13-month old when he's home. Getting a puppy? Walking him every 1-2 hours is a must, then!

What was the longest time left alone?

Can't remember... He's never really home alone. There's always somebody watching over him. But he's been home alone once or twice.. 2-3 hours I guess?

First walks?

Nightmare. He's my first dog and I don't know that huskies pull. I don't know how to react around a dog and I don't even know how to control a dog on a walk. He pulled me across the road and I'm not wearing any sandals :eek: plus it's, like.. 1 pm that time my feet burned and some skins peeled off can't walk normally for 3 days straight


How was eating going?

Another hellish thing! Diamond is such a spoiled boy he won't touch his food unless I add some biscuits or fruits on his bowl =\ he also has a sensitive tummy and often got diarrhea... Not surprised, people say there are only two kinds of huskies: the one that has a super sensitive tummy, or the one that has a super strong tummy.

Was training easy?

You bet ;) he's really smart, training him to do tricks is a real joy to me. Up 'til today, Diamond is still the only dog (that I know of) that can master a trick in less than ten minutes. But that's trick training... Other trainings? SUPER hard! My boy is a rescue, gotta work on some behavioral problems and how to get over his fear of lots of things =\ it takes months for him to finally be socially normal. Still, socially normal doesn't mean friendly! Potty training is another nightmare. He's just SO stubborn >_<" leash-training took approximately 2 months (or three) which is actually quite fast.

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Tell me your stories of your first night home and the progress with the first ever Siberian Husky you owned!

Answer the questions below!

Did you ever own a dog before?

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

Did you do a lot of research?

How was the first night home?

How did the potty breaks go?

What was the longest time left alone?

First walks?

How was eating going?

Was trainging easy?

My first night with my baby boy was so clam. I had a lab Rottie mixed, so my husky was my second pup. I found out about the litter through my Boyfriend who got Sheriff for my birthday. =] (best birthday present I have ever received) Sheriff is so smart so we started training right away and it was easy. He would do anything for a dog treat. Only thing that was a bit difficult was potty training. No matter how many times I walked him, and he used the bathroom outside, he would still have an accident in the house. He wasn't fully trained until I believe it was four mths.

Sheriff was never left alone for more then a hour because I didn't work. It was the perfect time for me to have a new puppy. He ate everything in site so food wasnt an issue. We did give him boiled eggs for awhile because the breeder recommended it to us.. but we dont do it that often anymore. Even though Sheriff loves eggs and freaks out whenever he smells them. I love my Husky boy more then I love any human. He has kept me sane.. haha. Hes like a child to me. =]

Here is a pic of our first night, First car ride home and Sheriff eating eggs.






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Did you ever own a dog before?

Yup i had a Jack Russel and American Staff

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

Always wanted 1 since i was a kid

Did you do a lot of research?

Oh ya big time, i always try prepare myself as much as possible

How was the first night home?

Very good didnt really cry as he was on his own for the first time. Although he was very nervous and shy

How did the potty breaks go?

Very good and very easy to train

What was the longest time left alone?

7 hours at night

First walks?

very nervous so only small walks at a time

How was eating going?

Would not eat for hours but finally ate some salmon later that night

Was trainging easy?


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Did you ever own a dog before?

Yes, I briefly owned an Australian Shepherd/Eskimo Spitz mix (my mom gave her

away because she decided after I ALREADY HAD HER AND TRAINED HER, she

didn't want a dog). Her name was Saddie.

How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I always wanted one. I can't really remember when it all began, to be honest. I know

when I was in 6th grade, we followed the Iditarod, and a musher brought in her team

for us to meet real Siberian Huskies from the Iditarod. I am not sure if that was the


Did you do a lot of research?

Definitely. I read books, internet articles, ect. When I made my initial contact with the

breeder, she gave me a ton of information as well!

How was the first night home?

She was FANTASTIC! The breeder was like 2 hours away from us. We didn't crate her for

the car ride, instead Brandon and I took turns holding her the whole way home. I think

that helped us bond with her more quickly. When we got her home, we gave her plenty of

water, tried to feed her, and took her for walks outside so she could go potty. We crate-

trained her in a cat carrier, because she was so small! We crated her at night, she didn't

make a peep. I think she was too tired to really realize that she wasn't with her mum.

How did the potty breaks go?

We took her out every 1/2 hour with success. If it was more than that, she would go in

the house. She doesn't let us know when she has to go potty, even now (2 years later),

so we have to be diligent and take her out every hour, or else she makes a mess in the


What was the longest time left alone?

6 hours is the longest she is home alone, but Brandon's dad will come and let her out

when he is around.

First walks?

We would take her for a 1/2 mile loop around the mobile home park we live in.

We didn't take her anywhere else until she completed her vaccines.

How was eating going?

Once we got her on Taste of the Wild (and a flavor she liked) she did fantastic.

Was trainging easy?

No, it is not easy. For us, we had kind of a hard time because we have our rules,

and Brandon's dad would take her and spoil her, so she wouldn't listen to us


We also have a neighbor that promotes jumping, even though we tell him to stop,

so that is a battle we face with her. We don't allow her to jump on us when we

come home, and we constantly work on her not jumping on our guests.

She is hitting the 2 year mark, and we work with her every day on different things.

She learned her commands right away, because she is really smart.. but she is

VERY selective as to when she executes them, as she is really stubborn.

The breed is not for the faint of heart. They are extremely independent dogs, they

aren't like other breeds that live for you, and want to make you happy all the time.

They are mischievous, get bored easily, have selective hearing, are escape-artists

(although, I have been really lucky with Echo, she has only run off a couple of times

in the 2 years we have had her, and she has always come back really quickly. I learned

to turn it into a game for her, and not chase her. I run away from her, and it makes her

come to me, lol), ect. They are like having a 3 year old. They are constantly pushing

your boundaries, and getting into ANYTHING that is left unattended.

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Did you ever own a dog before?


How did you get introduced to the Siberian Husky?

I saw Suka at the shelter, so before I adopted him I went home and researched heck of a lot on the Siberian Husky.

Did you do a lot of research?


How was the first night home?

Pretty quiet, he had no problems. Didn't eat, though.

How did the potty breaks go?

N/A, he was already house trained.

What was the longest time left alone?

1 hour...then never again. We found out he has major SA.

First walks?

The first walk I took him on was rather...insane. I didn't know how to properly walk a dog, so I kept on getting pulled around (he was on a regular flat collar, then) and he got 6 ft of freedom all the time.

How was eating going?

He didn't eat for 5 days since we brought him home, but after that he was okay.

Was trainging easy?

He was already trained in the basics.

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