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How to tell someone a husky isn't for them?


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So it's a bit of a toughie, I hope this is the right place to post this.

My Brother is wanting to get a husky with his Girlfriend for their first dog together. But for a bunch of reasons, I don't think they'd be able to handle a husky in the puppy/teenage stage at all, it's a niggling feeling I can't quite shake. They have very little patience, and his Girlfriend is very house proud. For one they have black sofas I know a husky hair would just love to mesh itself onto for eternity, which she's already obsessive over keeping clean.

I've spoken to my boyfriend about it, expecting him to tell me to stop being so silly, but he agreed. Adding he wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Ryder with them alone for any length of time because if he did one little naughty thing, he thinks they'd be overly harsh with him. His Girlfriend has lost her cool with Ryder already, and shoved him quite hard (which I did call her out on) and being in the room with him I know full well he wasn't doing anything bad at all :( My Brother's also gone to hit Ryder for biting him, despite me seconds earlier telling him to stop rough housing Ryder so much because he will get over excited and start mouthing. You don't get anywhere by shoving or hitting a dog.

On one hand I feel I should keep my nose out, but the other is telling me they're the type of people who'd underestimate the breed profiles of huskies, get one regardless, not be able to handle him/her then end up rehoming the poor thing. I'm not confrontational at all, so don't know where to begin in getting my point across. What would you do?

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Me I would be very blunt and just tell them straight up...you like you black couch..well it ain't going to be that nice any more...you like cleaning...well you will be doing a hell of a lot more esp. when they blow.....just be blunt and to the point

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tell them that huskies need hours and hours of excercise or they are destructive and twice a year they blow their coats tell them to look up a husky blowing its coat on youtube.

if they insist tell them to get a rescue. puppies are cute, but they destroy stuff when teething, and they have to be house trained and they bite a lot. we had micha from a puppy and out other 2 from about a year old each and they where definitely easier to handle.

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we had micha from a puppy and out other 2 from about a year old each and they where definitely easier to handle.

I suggested rehoming a husky to them, as I do think they'd be much better suited to an older dog. Cancels out most of the house training, and the biting etc.. But their thoughts are all breeds like Huskies end up in rescues because they're bad dogs, and they don't want a dog someones 'messed up' (which is awful to think of rescue dogs! :( ) I insisted the dogs aren't bad, it's just their first owners didn't have a clue *hinthint* but they wouldn't have it.

The exercise wouldn't be a problem with them, they are both outdoorsy people. I have mentioned how much attention and stimulation they need, but it doesn't phase them. They did have his girlfriends 2 border collies living with them until one of them became destructive from being bored, and off they went back to her Dad's house! Surely having a previously well behaved adult dog, who has the bonus of a pal to help keep each other entertained, feeling that under stimulated should show them they don't have the time for a puppy? I really do need to say something, and I know that. I just have zero courage and hate upsetting people. I need someone to give me a script!


Will have to show his Girlfriend that! :rofl: I must be mental, one thing I missed about having a husky was being able to spend ages grooming him :redface1:

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Will have to show his Girlfriend that! :rofl: I must be mental, one thing I missed about having a husky was being able to spend ages grooming him :redface1:

i have a video too of me brushing her (this was BEFORE i brushed that out of her) and im still getting loads out , tell her she will get that out of a dog about 4 times over when its blowing its coat lol


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Had a similar issue with my brother wanting to get a husky for his 4 young children. I explained all the usual things associated with owning a husky and fortunately this was enough to persuade him that a husky wasn't for his family. As it's your brother I think you can tell him straight that a husky doesn't sound like it's going to be the best breed of dog for him.

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I'm not confrontational at all either...but I'd find the courage to tell them! Just think about the dog and how it'll probably end up in the shelter.

As for them thinking that 'rescue' dogs are bad dogs....tell them there's no such thing as a bad dog. Just bad owners! *hint hint!*

Ask them why they want a husky and why they think it'll work for them. Is it just his girlfriend that wants the dog, or does he want one too?

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be sure to let her know too thst is doesnt just come out when you brush it out, it will fall out and work its way into her carpets, her bed sheets, her sofa. She will be eating it like a side dish, it will get in her cups of coffee, it will get up her nose and in her mouth even when she's at work and the dog is no where near!

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be sure to let her know too thst is doesnt just come out when you brush it out, it will fall out and work its way into her carpets, her bed sheets, her sofa. She will be eating it like a side dish, it will get in her cups of coffee, it will get up her nose and in her mouth even when she's at work and the dog is no where near!

oh yeah that too , i had to hoover my walls today LOL

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And tell them that yes, they do need a lot of exercise, but they also PULL and they pull hard!

Honestly, by the way they've treated Ryder already...I wouldn't want them to get ANY breed of dog unless they really clean up their act! It's their kind of attitude and 'training methods' (ie: hitting the dog) that results in the 'bad dogs' and the 'abused dogs' at the shelter!

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As it's your brother I think you can tell him straight that a husky doesn't sound like it's going to be the best breed of dog for him.

I guess I'll just have to stop being a wuss, I just hoped someone might have a nice tactful way to tell him without sounding like a bossy younger Sister. Write it on a cake or something. I'm a little wary of it coming across like I'm doing it out of spite because I know they did some bad mouthing of me and my Boyfriend to people over getting Ryder - although they were more childish in a 'they knew we wanted one' way.

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I guess I'll just have to stop being a wuss, I just hoped someone might have a nice tactful way to tell him without sounding like a bossy younger Sister. Write it on a cake or something. I'm a little wary of it coming across like I'm doing it out of spite because I know they did some bad mouthing of me and my Boyfriend to people over getting Ryder - although they were more childish in a 'they knew we wanted one' way.

are you on facebook? is he on ur facebook if u are? i can post that pic n vid of skyla on ur wall if u want so they will see it ;) lol

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If they can sit through videos of grooming/shedding, see photos of destruction and still want to go ahead...you might be surprised.

My OH wanted a husky, I went along with it because I was terrified of dogs and wanted over my fear. Not the greatest reason.

I thought people with dogs were disgusting, I thought dogs were disgusting, I'm lazy, I dont have a secure garden, I had a 3 month old baby and a 3 year old toddler, I couldn't stand the thought of dog hair, i was constantly cleaning my black fabric suite, (my pride and joy of the living room) my whole family hate dogs, I actually fell out my my OH and exes when they got upset at dogs dying in films....

But then I fell in love with a little black and white Husky. Then I got another. I'd do anything for my dogs.

I'm sure there's more bad stories than there are ones like mine, but I got there with the support of other husky owners. you'd be surprised where a little support will get you. ;)

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If they can sit through videos of grooming/shedding, see photos of destruction and still want to go ahead...you might be surprised.

My OH wanted a husky, I went along with it because I was terrified of dogs and wanted over my fear. Not the greatest reason.

I thought people with dogs were disgusting, I thought dogs were disgusting, I'm lazy, I dont have a secure garden, I had a 3 month old baby and a 3 year old toddler, I couldn't stand the thought of dog hair, i was constantly cleaning my black fabric suite, (my pride and joy of the living room) my whole family hate dogs, I actually fell out my my OH and exes when they got upset at dogs dying in films....

But then I fell in love with a little black and white Husky. Then I got another. I'd do anything for my dogs.

I'm sure there's more bad stories than there are ones like mine, but I got there with the support of other husky owners. you'd be surprised where a little support will get you. ;)

lol youre like me.

My oh wanted one and I didnt. now I have 2 and want a 3rd lol

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Honestly, by the way they've treated Ryder already...I wouldn't want them to get ANY breed of dog unless they really clean up their act! It's their kind of attitude and 'training methods' (ie: hitting the dog) that results in the 'bad dogs' and the 'abused dogs' at the shelter!

They went to this weird seminar on dog training a few years back that led to them thinking it's okay to treat dogs like that. Thing is, his Girlfriend is soft as anything with her two dogs. Never seen her be like how she is with Ryder with them. Little part of me thinks it's because he's mine, and I know she doesn't like me (or anyone that takes my Brother's attention off her, but that's a different matter!) so she could well be different with her own husky. But it still doesn't cross out one of her other dogs getting destructive out of boredom which is sometimes the last straw for huskies.

If they can sit through videos of grooming/shedding, see photos of destruction and still want to go ahead...you might be surprised.

Of course, there's every chance when they get the puppy they might change but if they didn't, and the puppy was to end up out of control and needing a new home, I'd feel just as responsible as them for its fate knowing I just sat by and said nothing. Glad your story ended perfectly though :) and I would fully support them if they did struggle, wouldn't just stand by with a 'told you so' attitude.

I'm not on Facebook sadly, Nix! I've got the video saved to show them though. Writing it all down, especially how they've been with Ryder, has made it click I really need to say something. They're over tomorrow so I'll just push myself up to say something, make them aware as possible. But they do have a 'we know best' mindset. When I told them we'd be keeping Ryder on a lead no matter how great his recall gets unless in a enclosed area they just scoffed and told me they'd never restrict their husky like that and people who do 'obviously' haven't trained their huskies properly :confused:

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I have been there too. My ex-room mate wanted a husky. I refused and told him no. I was blunt and told him you have gotten rid of every dog you have ever had and can't handle the boxer you have now. I told him the boxer is crated all day and you can not do that to a husky.

The only Husky he had ever been around was Rusty. Rusty is uncommon. He is the perfect dog very lazy and relaxed. I can even dress him up and he lets me. I told him too that huskys typically don't act like that.

I wish you the best of luck

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Quite simple invite them to a diner. Tell them your coffee without husky hair is not coffee. And as entertainment play some video form YouTube with what can do a husky as destructive they can be and how bad they are when theirs coat is blowing.I hope u to be lucky putting the idea in their heads without to prejudice the relation with them

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Not sure if this will help, but here we go :)

it doesnt matter what breed of dog you get they are hard work...but some are harder than others. Huskies are very stubborn, and being hard handed, or aggressive doesnt make them do what you want them to do.

even after hours of excersise, they could continue going for more.

if your house proud....having a husky is very difficult, having stone floors, or laminate flooring doesnt help with the mess, every day i have to wash the floors when its raining, and if not washed they are swept, as their hair...even when not blowing still drops and collects behind the doors, in the corners and under the sofa, imagine if you had a carpet....all the mud, fur, pee and poop (while training obviously) sick etc there is trapped in it ewww house proud you can not afford to be :)

You need to correct bad behavour straight away as it soon gets out of hand, and then fixing the bad habbit becomes a life time problem, one slip and they are back to the beginning. they need to be trained on touching their hands, paws, tails, heads, back...all over basically, socialisation is a key, like every dog they can be extremely dangerous, and because they are strong they can cause damage if not trained and socialised properly.

Aggressive behavour towards a husky can be extremely damaging, and will not result in a well behaved dog.

Boredom occures quickly too, especially is they are a lone dog, door scratching resulting in door eatten, wallpaper removed, table legs, chair legs, sofas chewed, books, shoes, toys, teddy bears, ornaments, clothes...(especially socks :)) all chewed, and this is just a puppy.

needing to get up in the night to let the pup out, cleaning the poop and pee away properly or it will continue to do it in the same spot, but making sure that when the dog crys in the night, shouldnt always get up or you'll end up getting up at the same time EVERY night.

chasing any small animal, and NEVER EVER EVER being allowed off lead as it could, kill, hurt or scare someone/something, resulting in being PTS, it could also run away being that they are extreme escape artists.

Diging in the back garden finding ways out under the fence, or chewing at the wire mesh getting out through small holes, jumping high fences lost forever or worse, hurt so badly you cant afford the vet bill and have to put it to sleep.

replacing leads, harness, and collars every time they break them or chew through them.

having sensitive stomach so any change to their diet could result in diareha for weeks.

i could go on, but we all know the drill, the simple matter is huskies are not for everyone, and if they want a dog so bad, tell them to join a couple of forums, and learn about breads they are interested in, a dog can change you life and make you a better person.

i must point out, even though my dogs have pretty much done everything and more listed above i love them so much and know even though i wasnt wise when i got them ive learnt so much and could never give them up...with the bad always comes the good....pros out way the cons.


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be sure to let her know too thst is doesnt just come out when you brush it out, it will fall out and work its way into her carpets, her bed sheets, her sofa. She will be eating it like a side dish, it will get in her cups of coffee, it will get up her nose and in her mouth even when she's at work and the dog is no where near!

Love your logo, also like your facebook page:up::):winner:

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