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Are Pet Psychics Real?


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Haha! My opinion of anyone hiring a pet psychic is summed up by the phrase "a fool and his money are soon parted."

Half of these quacks claim to be able to communicate with your animal just by talking to you on the phone and/or looking at a photo of your pet - they don't even require the critter to be there! The other half - the ones who actually come on site and "commune" with your pet are generally astute cold readers who have questioned the hell out of the owner first then pick up cues from the environment second.

My sister went to a "communicating with animals" seminar, thinking it would be on animal body language and communication. But no, it was all about spiritual convening with animals and literally talking to them in English and having rational conversations with them.

What they are good for is making money off of insecure people who think their animals are humans in fur coats. They give their animals no respect or honour for what they are or how they think. The example in the article about the horses who are worried if they'll like their new home or not proves my point. Likely the humans are stressing about this and whether their horses will like it or not, and the horses pick up on that stress and become agitated - as any animal would. Animals don't think ahead and worry about they future. They live in the now and react accordingly, or react based on past experiences, not maybes of the future. Could you imagine what stockyards would be like if the cattle worried about what was going to happen when they go into the barn? Would our dogs really run away from us once we rationally explained the dangers of escape or why they can't eat certain things?

No, these people are looking for answers that cater to their own insecurities and explanations that are tailor-made for their idealistic views of their animals.


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I agree with the rest of you, just wanted to hear your opinions first before giving mine. :)

It's just another job that allows people to prey on others for money, the insecure and the mourning people who just lost their pet.

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I agree with the rest of you, just wanted to hear your opinions first before giving mine. :)

It's just another job that allows people to prey on others for money, the insecure and the mourning people who just lost their pet.


Just like people that say they can connect with the dead.

Honestly now? XD

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I've been fortunate to have been connected with my boy since his passing, by a member of this very forum. I have no doubt in it. Though I'm also quite sure that I wouldn't call this individual a "psychic".

I'm also pretty sure that there are many fakes out there willing to separate a fool from his money.

I wasn't charged, I asked the 'questions' posed and didn't provide that person with the information that Bo had passed. (This person actually asked me after 'talking' with Bo, if he had passed). It gave me a peace of mind that I shall ever be grateful for. Even though Bo was 15 years plus, and I had prepared myself for several years that our time was coming to a close, I still wasn't ready. I had many things I wanted to tell that boy, that I just couldn't say outloud to him for fear that he would feel I was giving up on him. With the help of this person, I was able to.

To that person (still a very active member here) - I thank you once again for what you provided me. I'm forever grateful.

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I'm apparently one of the doofuses who can communicate with animals, lol.

I'm not someone why easily believes in the paranormal, I want to have hard proof before I consider thinking of any of these strange things people tell me may be true. For that reason I followed the exact same course Ravenwolf described above. I was honestly shocked by how easy it actually is to do. It's not only very simply, it also taught me so much more about life. It's not limited to simply pets, it works the exact way for humans. But alive and deceased.

Which brings be to the next point. IMO most of people who can spiritually communicate with others totally got it to their head and are acting as it they're part of some kind of elite group with their 'rare ability', and will do their best to keep the paranormal surrounded by clouds of mystery. Just switch on the tv, they all have their own tv series. It's all about the money. I absolutely hate that as that's what makes this whole thing such a taboo to talk about. I want to be as open as possible about it.

I refuse to call it an 'ability', I simply learned it. I love doing this because of my love for animals and will never ever do this for money. I just love doing this because I can help out both the pet and the owner, or simply just to get a better understanding. There are many people out there who claim they can do it but can't, or are simply not very good at it and charge extreme prices for their 'services' as if it's an incredible hard thing to do.

So how DOES it "work"? Well, I am still not honestly sure how it works in generally but I can tell you how I experience it. Let me say one thing first: "Talking" to animals in English/Dutch is absolutely nonsense. Everyone has their own way of bringing their thoughts over to animal, and for me that's through visuals and emotions. The animal does not have to be close, in fact, I do better when I've never met the animal so I am sure my unconscious isn't filling in the blanks. I simply need a clear photo, name, gender and age. That's seriously all that's needed. What I do is I clear my own thoughts using mediations and some of my own tricks. After about 15-20 minutes I fully focus on the photo and will imagine the animal as if he/she was being right in front of me (One of the tricks I use is visualising a little red thread connecting us). I say the name of the animal in my head (sometimes the owner's name too) and simply write down the first thing that I feel, hear or think.

It's as simple as that. Don't let anyone else tell you it's anything else because they're making stuff up.

Yes, in the beginning I didn't believed it myself and I felt I was writing down absolutely nonsense (anxiety, colour red, crate, sound of a car, interior of a house), I felt I was talking to myself. I closed down the 'connection' and reread what I wrote. Hang on? Interior of a house, a red car, crate, anxiety? There's a pattern in here. I told everything I experiences, how stupid it was and the owner told my I was telling how that particular animal I was reading was rehomed to her house. The description of her old house? Right. Transported in a crate in a red car? Right. She was absolutely scared to death while being transported? Right. At this point a totally lost it. HOW THE HELL DID I DO THAT?? lol

I didn't talked, I simply imagined the questions I wanted to ask in my own way (feelings and emotions). I received the answers in the same way. The only thing that takes effort is distinguishing their thoughts from your own.

I've done quite some more communication sessions by now. The idea is simply, the owner sends me two sets of question. The first set are questions he knows the answer of but I don't and the second set are the actual questions the owner wants to ask. I will try to answer them all (and sometimes even insert a few other questions). That way we can both be sure I got the right animal and am not just writing random things. I always say to not focus on the answers too much because I CAN be wrong but so far I have not heard a single complaint about that.

I feel like I'm already rambling for way too long so I'll stop here, lol. However, I'm open to any questions, just ask! This pet psychic discussion is an absolute mess in the media, I know it's just an opinion, but I hate when they're trying to put their opinions up as actual facts. The truth is, I don't know anything about this either, I can describe my own experience but won't make any conclusions unless I'm 100% sure. I won't say "Paranormal is true because I can feel it" but when you say "Paranormal is impossible" I would simply reply: Try it yourself first before giving an opinion on this ;)

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No, I don't believe pet psychics (or human physics, for that matter) are real. I can see why they are successful though, but all in all it's just a job that plays on human emotions.

I would be quite interested to test a pet psychic (just for fun).

Sure. I'll bite. It'll be a good practise for me to get into it again :)

At the moment I'm too busy with school and the last time I tried it I had simply too much stress to properly meditate. I hope to start it again when it's all getting better for me. Maybe in my summer holiday? Just PM me around that time as a reminder. No money involved.

Thats a bunch of bologna!

I honestly think that it's in their mind.

Thy probably imagine what they're saying and they maybe hear it?

The truth is not too far from that. It's simply a gut feeling. Everyone knows what that feels like but many just ignore it because 'it can't be possible right?', often it's simply put off as coincidence. The trick is to recognise these gut feelings, they happen more than you might realise. If you have a gut feeling, write it down or tell someone, no matter our strange it is. You'll be surprised...

I've been fortunate to have been connected with my boy since his passing, by a member of this very forum. I have no doubt in it. Though I'm also quite sure that I wouldn't call this individual a "psychic".

I'm also pretty sure that there are many fakes out there willing to separate a fool from his money.

I wasn't charged, I asked the 'questions' posed and didn't provide that person with the information that Bo had passed. (This person actually asked me after 'talking' with Bo, if he had passed). It gave me a peace of mind that I shall ever be grateful for. Even though Bo was 15 years plus, and I had prepared myself for several years that our time was coming to a close, I still wasn't ready. I had many things I wanted to tell that boy, that I just couldn't say outloud to him for fear that he would feel I was giving up on him. With the help of this person, I was able to.

To that person (still a very active member here) - I thank you once again for what you provided me. I'm forever grateful.

I don't make any secrets about this, Becky. I don't want it to become a taboo. Feel free to name me :) And yes, Bo helped me so much more about understanding this all, more than I could ever write down in a single forum post.

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Thanks for that insightful post, Jos! :)

I'm open to the paranormal, but there are some things that stretch it my beliefs. I don't know if its the bad attention its given in the media, or that I've seen many shows 'debunking' these pet psychics...but as far as I'm concerned, unless I see it or experience it myself then I don't believe in it.

IMO, being a scientist at heart...I always try to find scientific explanations for all these kinds of things. Perhaps your subconscious is still filling in the blanks, and MAYBE it is possible with an animal that's alive.

But an animal that's dead? I'm sorry, but once you're dead you're dead. You don't have any thoughts or feelings, and you don't have a soul.

I don't believe in religion or the afterlife, even though I was raised to be a Catholic. But that's a whole other topic...

As for gut feelings...I have those all the time. I've always chaulked it up to instinct. Like, this one time, I wanted to go driving in the country with my car. I had this strong gut-feeling that told me "No! Something bad is going to happen! Just go home!". I didn't think those things, I just...felt them!

As it turns out, I got in an accident. I wasn't hurt, but the car was banged up pretty good.

Since then, I've learned to trust those 'feelings'. Sometimes they 'remind' me when I'm about to miss an assignment's due date...and other times they encourage me to study because I have a 'feeling' the test will be hard and that it'll be on X, Y, and Z topics.

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Thanks for that insightful post, Jos! :)

I'm open to the paranormal, but there are some things that stretch it my beliefs. I don't know if its the bad attention its given in the media, or that I've seen many shows 'debunking' these pet psychics...but as far as I'm concerned, unless I see it or experience it myself then I don't believe in it.

IMO, being a scientist at heart...I always try to find scientific explanations for all these kinds of things. Perhaps your subconscious is still filling in the blanks, and MAYBE it is possible with an animal that's alive.

But an animal that's dead? I'm sorry, but once you're dead you're dead. You don't have any thoughts or feelings, and you don't have a soul.

I don't believe in religion or the afterlife, even though I was raised to be a Catholic. But that's a whole other topic...


I'm the same. I want facts, proven facts before I start believing in something. For me, it's a fact that

I too am wondering how it has not been scientifically proven yet as I and many others have so many proves on our own. I can only think it's just something hard to measure. HOW can you measure the behaviour of an animals changes after given reiki to it? The owner knows, but how can that be measured? I also think it's hard to find open-minded scientists. If you don't believe in something and want to try to test if it exist, you'll always end up with the answer you where hoping to get. If something doesn't fit on your believe, you try to twist it until it fits.

Believe me, I too felt I was smacked into the face when I discovered this was real. I mean, where to these particles go - they HAVE to go somewhere, right? WHERE is this afterlife anyway? It felt like everything I thought I knew was wrong. However, I decided not to ignore it and pretend it never happened, I decided to continue exploring it, seek more answers and broaden my horizon. Again, this is not something only a select few people can do, everyone can learn it. Even me, who until the day I learned it, didn't believed it was possible.

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I used to take merlin to healing sessions that used rakki and other alternative healing to help him. While there I met a woman who was an animal communicator. She didn't know me or merlins story. We were sat outside and he was so relaxed (hes a dog who hates everything and does not tollerate physical contact from strangers) and he was happy for her to touch him. While were were there, sat in silence as she layed her hands on him I felt something. It was like a wave of sadness. It was such a strong feeling and the woman turned to me and said - Did you feel that too?

We both felt the same thing. It was very strange and very odd but I have no doubt it happened. She told me what Merlin had communicated to her. Things that no one there knew. This means she must have been able to communicate with him on some level, even if it was just that she got feelings from him.

Having seen rakki and alternative healing and medicines working on merlin and even myself to a degree then I see no reason that animal psychics don't exsist too.

Even if it doesn't work, for myself being told that I was forgiven by my last dog or even just some assurance that he is okay dispite me cutting his life short by putting him to sleep....well that would be priceless.

There probably are people out there trying to make a quick buck off of people but for the people involved perhapse they pay for it because the need the closure or forgiveness or just a bit of peace knowing that their loved one is okay

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Sure. I'll bite. It'll be a good practise for me to get into it again :)

At the moment I'm too busy with school and the last time I tried it I had simply too much stress to properly meditate. I hope to start it again when it's all getting better for me. Maybe in my summer holiday? Just PM me around that time as a reminder. No money involved.

I would gladly take on that offer. As I said, it's something I'm interested to try, so thanks for offering.

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I am a Christian, but also someone who needs/demands proof before I believe anything - a bit of a contradiction, I know :rolleyes:

Nobody really knows what is out there, and I like to believe there is more to life than what we know for fact. Pure science, or not, we humans haven't even begun to tap into our potential - we are either too lazy, disbelieving or cynical, and it is people like Jos, with an open mind, who are able to bridge that gap.

A good friend of our family is a leading DNA scientist and he once told us that scientists, like himself, are actually very closed minded when it comes to things like this - they dismiss it out of hand because it can't be proven.

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LOL, if we're making admissions, I have a fun anecdote about not so much understanding animals, but being understood by animals.

After my sister came back from her hokey communication clinic, she did admit that she thought of me on a number of occasions. One was when the woman spoke of coming to an agreement with crickets in her house about not being seen or heard. I told my sister how I used to daily find large house spiders in my bathroom in the morning, and would have hubby bring them outside. One day hubby wasn't home and I just couldn't bring myself to deal with a big spider so I snarled at it "Listen you. I'm going to let you live, but if I see you, or any of your little buddies again I will kill every one I find." I left the bathroom, and when I came back it was gone. I never saw another spider in that house. >.>

My favourite though, is a little barn swallow that made a nest on the maintenance shop I worked at. Every day this bird would sit on the fence and I would talk to him, and he would warble back.He was courting a female in the area, who was often seen nearby.So one day I’m chatting with this bird, and my co-worker – a crusty old man I just loved – said “I don’t know why you waste your time talking to that bird.It can’t understand you!â€Â

Me: “Sure he can!â€Â

Crusty dude: “You don’t even know if that’s a boy.â€Â

Me: “Sure I do! And the other one’s his girlfriend.â€Â

Crusty dude: “What other one? You don’t know that’s a boy, and it can’t understand you.â€Â

Me: “Sure he can!â€Â

I turned to the bird. “Where’s your pretty lady friend?†The swallow chattered at me and took off.

We got busy loading the truck and forgot about birds. A few minutes later I hear warbling behind me and look up. I laughed and pointed to the fence. “See? He brought his lady friend to show you!â€Â

Sure enough, on the fence sat two barn swallows - the excited, warbling male (identified by a patch of down that was always sticking out through his blue feathers) and his mate.

For fun, here’s a photo of my little friend (with his cute little scruffy patch):


Be they one-offs or fun little coincidences, I don't know. I maintain that we communicate so much more than we realize through our body language and tone - languages that animals are far more adept at learning. I've had my horse come galloping from the far side of an 8-acre field to attack a dog purely because he heard the distress in my cry (he wouldn't have been able to see anything from where he was), then come back to me and express very clearly in horse-speak "are you okay?"

But still, most of these so-called psychics rely very little on the animal, and focus primarily (without seeming to) on the owners and environment.


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I used to take merlin to healing sessions that used rakki and other alternative healing to help him. While there I met a woman who was an animal communicator. She didn't know me or merlins story. We were sat outside and he was so relaxed (hes a dog who hates everything and does not tollerate physical contact from strangers) and he was happy for her to touch him. While were were there, sat in silence as she layed her hands on him I felt something. It was like a wave of sadness. It was such a strong feeling and the woman turned to me and said - Did you feel that too?

We both felt the same thing. It was very strange and very odd but I have no doubt it happened. She told me what Merlin had communicated to her. Things that no one there knew. This means she must have been able to communicate with him on some level, even if it was just that she got feelings from him.

Having seen rakki and alternative healing and medicines working on merlin and even myself to a degree then I see no reason that animal psychics don't exsist too.

Even if it doesn't work, for myself being told that I was forgiven by my last dog or even just some assurance that he is okay dispite me cutting his life short by putting him to sleep....well that would be priceless.

There probably are people out there trying to make a quick buck off of people but for the people involved perhapse they pay for it because the need the closure or forgiveness or just a bit of peace knowing that their loved one is okay

Aww, this was kinda sad to read! :(When I read that I see someone who is very intuitive toward a dog’s body language and is thus able to pick up and identify with his energy – something Merlin was clearly drawn to. I think that is something totally different from animal psychics.

What you said last is what saddens and upsets me most about those who “communicate†with the dead. These people want some assurance that they did the right thing, that their pet is in a better place, that all is forgiven. It is SO easy for these people to slap on a sympathetic face and put out a generic “he wants you to know that he was suffering so much and you made the right decision. He’s happy now and wants you to be too,†flowered up with personal details and the like. I mean, one could argue what harm are they doing if the person is satisfied, but I guess I’m just so pragmatic that I don’t understand why a person would so willingly let themselves be deceived into feeling better. I highly doubt that there has ever been a pet psychic tell a person “they are so mad you killed them. They weren’t ready to go and wanted to keep fighting. They feel they could have made it but you didn’t give them a chance.†Why? Because the people who make casual decisions regarding the lives of their pets aren’t the ones who seek guidance and comfort…

And who knows? Maybe there is something to communicating with the spirit world, though I don’t know how truly detailed that would be. I’ve lost my share of critters over the years, and some of them I “felt†profoundly. My first loss was the hardest – a cat who got sick and I was blindsided by the announcement that he wouldn’t be coming home. My goodbye with him was traumatic and heartbreaking and as a teen I wasn’t allowed to stay with him while they put him to sleep. I felt that cat stayed with me for a long time, until I was more at peace with his loss.

When my beloved Lady had to be euthanized, the agony was in having to wait 4 hours to get it done. When she left, I genuinely felt her leave completely – she knew where she was going and was off to find Rascal, who had preceded her many years before. As much as I mourned her loss, my husband was quite thrown off to arrive home, expecting to have to comfort an upset wife but was met with an enthusiastic “come help me find a good place to bury her!†My dad and I joked as we dug the hole with a backhoe, and while I wept a little as I laid her body to rest, it was just a carcass – Lady was long gone and we were both at peace with it.

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I am a Christian, but also someone who needs/demands proof before I believe anything - a bit of a contradiction, I know :rolleyes:

Nobody really knows what is out there, and I like to believe there is more to life than what we know for fact. Pure science, or not, we humans haven't even begun to tap into our potential - we are either too lazy, disbelieving or cynical, and it is people like Jos, with an open mind, who are able to bridge that gap.

A good friend of our family is a leading DNA scientist and he once told us that scientists, like himself, are actually very closed minded when it comes to things like this - they dismiss it out of hand because it can't be proven.

Interesting to read this as my elder son was a Christian did exceptionally well in his RE/Philosophy 'A' level getting offered a place by a Professor to read Philosohy at Oxford. Rejected it and is currently completing his PhD in Chemistry using mass spectrometry. He is no longer a Christian and is also extremely closed minded when it comes to religion. I sometimes wonder if we become too analytical and theoretical we loosing touch with certain sensory abilities. My son however has a unique bond with our Cockatoo Sparky given to us as a last chance before being PTS. I always know when he is coming home because 10 minutes before he gets into the house she starts screaming for him and she can even tell if he is going to come through the front or backdoor because she looks in that direction. It must be so frustrating for her because she understands him but he doesn't understand her.

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Can you tell I'm super interested in this topic? :P

I am a Christian, but also someone who needs/demands proof before I believe anything - a bit of a contradiction, I know :rolleyes:

Nobody really knows what is out there, and I like to believe there is more to life than what we know for fact. Pure science, or not, we humans haven't even begun to tap into our potential - we are either too lazy, disbelieving or cynical, and it is people like Jos, with an open mind, who are able to bridge that gap.

A good friend of our family is a leading DNA scientist and he once told us that scientists, like himself, are actually very closed minded when it comes to things like this - they dismiss it out of hand because it can't be proven.

I'm totally with you on - to use a Christian turn of phrase - being a doubting Thomas. I don't think that everything can be proven by science, but I do need to see some form of evidence before I'll believe something.

As I mentioned above, I completely believe in souls and that we can at least feel, if not actually communicate with, spirits. I'm sure there are people out there who can, but I have yet to meet them and no advertised pet psychic I've heard of (or heard accounts from people who have hired them) has been anything more than a charlatan, skilled in cold reading.

It poses too, an interesting question for those of us who believe in reincarnation - if the souls are reborn, then how how can one communicate with them years after their passing? I don't think they stick around that long unless there's something horribly traumatic or desperate that they're hanging on for...

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Just to put it from a lighter perspective... if souls were to reincarnate, then if you think of it, thousands of years ago there weren't nearly as many people on the planet as there are now. If they did reincarnate, then for the 6 billion people on the planet to each have a soul, then the original souls must have become really diluted.

Or another question, where do they come from? Again, the sheer quantity of souls that would be needed for everybody on the planet really makes you wonder. And then where do they go? Where would one dispose of all the souls that pass away everyday?

And if souls do reincarnate, what is kept from its previous existence and what not? Is it like a complete hard-drive reformat or will there still be remains of conscience or something like that?

Okay, so this is not an entirely serious question (and probably not really on the topic), but I've always thought about this. That's not to say I don't believe in the existence of souls, in fact I very much do, since I refuse to believe we are all just living meat.

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I've wondered that myself. The only thing that really makes sense (to me) is that time as we know it must not apply - meaning that souls would just go back and forth in some cosmic train station where time is not a linear movement, but more like a destination you can keep going back to.

Your second question is generally answered by the religion of choice - be it reincarnation, heaven/hell, etc.

I think some things are retained from past lives, for sure. Unusual talents, unexplained phobias, relationships, etc. I never really gave the concept of what we retain much thought until one totally random day at work. I'm pretty friendly when it comes to customer service, but I'm not warm and chatty. I feel weird having conversations with random people, because the whole time we're talking I realize that I just don't care about them, their life or their experiences, and I'm sure they are the same way. 5 minutes from now we'll forget we even spoke. So it was really a slap in the face when I met this one customer. A generic man - married with kids, average looking, middle-aged, nothing special. When we greeted each other it was like meeting an old, dear friend. When he asked "how are you," it was with genuine empathy, as were my inquiries of him. When he was gone I was left with this warm, mushy feeling and the thought "I'm glad he's happy." It was so bizarre. There was no base level attraction, just that deep connection and sense of ease that comes from being with friends or family who just know you. I never saw him again. It got me thinking, and I truly believe that he was someone I must have known closely in a past life, and somehow we just found our way to each other for just that brief moment, just to see how the other was doing. Maybe that's reading too much into it, but out of every person I've met in my entire life I've never experienced anything like that meeting. One random dude out of dozens on that single night nearly 10 years ago.

Some, like the Hindu believe that souls must go through many experiences and lives to attain perfection and become one with the Divine. They start out as simple critters and become more complex until the lives begin to cycle through humans as they get closer to achieving Nirvana. I prefer to think of the reincarnation being a reward unto itself! Live a good life, you get to chose your next one, be it animal, human, whatever you wish. Live poorly, and your punishment will be to experience a life that will hopefully teach your soul a lesson. Kind of also has the neat feature of explaining suffering in the world. I'm totally certain that my husky/corgi cross was a dog in this life because of some great wrong done in another.

That's my 2 cents anyway!

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It poses too, an interesting question for those of us who believe in reincarnation - if the souls are reborn, then how how can one communicate with them years after their passing? I don't think they stick around that long unless there's something horribly traumatic or desperate that they're hanging on for...

That's an interesting one. I can't answer this from my own experience yet but at the course the trainer told her her own interpretation of it. She believes that souls to reincarnate. Not immediately, sometimes they wait until they've processed the idea of not being alive any more (which is often a very hard thing to do!). With trying to connect with deceased animals or humans there might be a change they've already reincarnated to a new body. Sometimes it helps saying their previous name and/or their previous owner. With some luck they'll still be able to remember their previous life. I could ask about their current life if I would but I realised that may give not so happy answers I might not want to know (or can do anything about that).

I once read about a study that showed that young children where sometimes able to talk about certain events and places in the past they could have not know that unless they were there. Some children literally described their 'previous life' in all the details. I need to find this study again. Think it was in book that collected all these occurrence (with proper sources!).

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I've wondered that myself. The only thing that really makes sense (to me) is that time as we know it must not apply - meaning that souls would just go back and forth in some cosmic train station where time is not a linear movement, but more like a destination you can keep going back to.

You literally just wrote a plot of my old story I was once writing. Wow! :lolman:

If souls can travel across the world, why not across time? It's a fun idea to think about. Although not very likely, if COULD be true. One soul for everyone who is alive, has ever lived and will be alive. You, me, our huskies, maybe we're just all the same, lol. Maybe WE are all simply god :D

Ah, this is making my brain hurt. I need to go to bed :oops:

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That's an interesting one. I can't answer this from my own experience yet but at the course the trainer told her her own interpretation of it. She believes that souls to reincarnate. Not immediately, sometimes they wait until they've processed the idea of not being alive any more (which is often a very hard thing to do!). With trying to connect with deceased animals or humans there might be a change they've already reincarnated to a new body. Sometimes it helps saying their previous name and/or their previous owner. With some luck they'll still be able to remember their previous life. I could ask about their current life if I would but I realised that may give not so happy answers I might not want to know (or can do anything about that).

I once read about a study that showed that young children where sometimes able to talk about certain events and places in the past they could have not know that unless they were there. Some children literally described their 'previous life' in all the details. I need to find this study again. Think it was in book that collected all these occurrence (with proper sources!).

I read something like that too! One example that stuck in my mind was a 3 year old who was terrified of loud noises like the bursting of balloons, and she had vivid recollections and was able to describe in impossible detail trench warfare in WWII. She grew out of it and ultimately forgot those "memories." If you do find the title and author of the book let me know - I'd be interested in seeing it too!

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I read something like that too! One example that stuck in my mind was a 3 year old who was terrified of loud noises like the bursting of balloons, and she had vivid recollections and was able to describe in impossible detail trench warfare in WWII. She grew out of it and ultimately forgot those "memories." If you do find the title and author of the book let me know - I'd be interested in seeing it too!

So would I :)

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I have absolutely no idea whether psychics are 'real' or not. However if people like Jos are using their talents free of charge to help people cope with the grieving process, almost like a grief councillor of sorts, then imo it can only be a good thing. Loosing an animal is really tough and if people gain comfort and peace from using a psychic, then why not?

It only becomes a problem when you start to involve money and throw a good helping of con artists into the mix. Is this exclusive to psychics? No! You have the exact same problems in most services, be it a rogue trader or fake psyhic. essentially they're the same thing...... scum.

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