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Hi, it's Buddy here! Join my page and follow my journey to recovery! http://lisafleischer.chipin.com/the-christmas-husky To read all about me, check my notes!


My Christmas Miracle

Here it go’s the beginning of my story:

On Christmas day about 2 pm Geneva Ryan Paige was putting more wood in her stove and to do this she has to leave the front carport door open. That is when she heard a car horn. She did not think much about it she often hears a toot or two. She just thought it might be someone that she knew wishing her a Merry Christmas. Then she heard some more honking (too much for it to be friends passing by) so she looked out on the highway and saw a dog (me) wandering in and out traffic. (Those big metal things are scary and make a lot of noise). Her husband had said that the rescue cat that she brought home last march was to be the last stray that she could bring home. (Like that was ever going to happen).

Geneva had to think about it a few seconds and then got a leash and came out to get me. By this time I had wandered about 100 yards down the road. As she approached me, slowly, calling very softly, I stopped and then shied away from her. (I thought all humans were cruel). She coaxed me some more and when she got to me I was in really sad shape. I could hardly stand. My legs were shaking and she could see that I had raw spots all over me. There was a defeated look in my eyes as if to say just do whatever you are going to do. I was not expecting help or kindness just death. Geneva put the leash on me and slowly led me in to her house. I was so tired. She could now see better that I was starved. Almost all of my fur was gone and it was really cold that day. Geneva felt so bad for me. In her house she separated me from her other pets. She had run out of dog food that day and had planned to go to the store the next day. She had no dog food to feed me. (Now if Geneva’s husband ever found out what I had for dinner oh boy). Geneva gave me water and fed me all that she could find. First she gave me some ham then roast beef and when that was all gone she knew that I was still hungry and needed something more so two jars of peanut butter was next. She thought that I could use the protein. (Hope that her husband does not have face book). She made a bed for me and I gave her a little lick for that is what a good boy does. Geneva then told me what a good boy I was. (Wow that came from a human). Geneva said that I was sweet, gentle, and loving even when she made me take a bath. (Ugh!). Geneva fed me all I wanted for the next week.

Geneva’s husband would visit me in my room and could see that I needed a lot of help. They started to look on the internet for rescue shelters and could not find any. Geneva’s husband suggested husky sights and she posted on one. (Now I must tell you that Geneva’s husband is a disabled vet and Geneva has been out of work for 6 months). These humans in their troubled times took me in and fed me on Christmas day. They kept me safe and warm and showed me love. (There are good humans in this world). Within hours Mr. Matthew Perez had e-mailed her and then he called her. Geneva had only a few minutes to talk with Matthew. (She said, what a nice man). Matthew said that he would post on face book. (Something that Geneva had not thought of). So here is where the fun part begins. Matthew posted on face book. (Face book has a lot of humans on it). Several humans read his pleas and saw my photos. Kim saw his posts and was horrified by the pictures that were posted. Kim shared the posts and pictures and contacted a special human named Lisa. Lisa shared the posts and pictures and contacted a special human named Shay. (Who thought angels could be human and these ones were mine). They all talked on this thing called face book in a thing called PM. They decided that they were going to rescue me because Geneva could not afford my medical bills and I needed more help than she could provide. I know that Geneva misses me but is very happy for me. (She said that I was her Christmas Husky and a wonderful gift to her heart). I will miss her too and always remember that she saved my life. (Now maybe I will never be cold or hungry again).

It was my New Year’s Resolution to be a safe happy husky! I thought I was doing pretty good living it up at Geneva’s house but little did I know all of those pecking sounds coming from a thing called her keyboard were bringing even better things to come!

There is this wonderful human named Lisa that just loves us furry (or in my case not so furry right now) guys! When she saw what Geneva had pecked on her computer she took on a mission to help me.

There was this lady named Shay (now my foster mom) that lived in a big place called Atlanta, she saw the post Lisa sent out on something called Facebook asking for someone to help me. Shay has a soft spot for those of us that have special needs. Well, when she saw my gorgeous (though a bit weary) face she thought “I can help himâ€Â! She had saved another husky that she named Gracie (because the Vet told her it by the grace of God that she was still alive) who was in similar shape. Shay posted on the Facebook thingy and before you know it some of the people who love me, Lisa Schaldemose, Lisa Fleischer, Kimberly Adsit and their main man Matthew Perez all got on a PM thing with Shay and asked her to plan on a very short vacation to Arkansas!

Shay started campaigning for me right away by telling all of her friends about me! One of her very nice friends, Jeff Luke, said I needed to be comfortable on the trip and offered to take this thing he called an SUV and offered help her drive to Arkansas to pick me up! (What a nice man!). So on Wednesday, January 4th, they started their journey! They used some gizmo called a GPS to find me. It took them a very long time to get to me, traffic, accident back-ups; everything seemed to take longer than necessary!

Shay and Jeff arrived at Geneva’s home on Thursday afternoon to finally meet me. It was love at first sight for Shay but I wasn’t so sure about her yet. I thought maybe Geneva was the only nice human there was. (Wow was I wrong). Shay kept saying I reminded her so much of “her Bear†with the sad look in my eyes. I personally don’t think I resemble a bear at all but Shay keeps telling me she will tell me the story of “her Bear†later.

I wasn’t sure what the big fuss was about, pictures, hugs, and tears! (Who thought someone could care about me so much and little did I know that someday I would be famous). (Ok, maybe not famous but you have to admit that my popularity is growing. Roo, Roo!). Geneva told me she loved me and that I was going to be taken care of, I trusted her so I jumped in a crate they had in the back of the SUV thing for a very long trip! We took potty, water and food breaks on the way to Atlanta and I was on my very best behavior! We finally arrived at Shay’s house in some place called Georgia about 7:00 AM on Friday morning, January 6th. This was the day my life changed!

After sleeping for 3 hours Shay woke me up, put me in the backseat of her vehicle and we went for another ride! I thought this woman was crazy! When am I supposed to sleep? I was afraid she was going to take me away from the comfy bed she gave me. (I was scared). We were on the road less than an hour when we arrived at a huge place called University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine. I was really scared when I first arrived. I got comfortable really quickly because they have lots of pretty girls there (I am quite the ladies’ man after all)! There I met a man named Dr. Kent, he is a neurologist (whatever that is) but was helping out in the clinic that day. Dr. Kent is a wonderful man who kept telling me and Shay what a good boy I am and that he knew she could help me. He said I am a very lucky boy and now I know he was right. I didn’t like all the shots, sticks, prodding, poking and skin scrapes but they made me start feeling better really fast so it was all worth it! Shay feeds me good food, gives me Pill Pockets with my meds in them (I love those) and best of all I get lots of love! I think I like her! (Maybe she is a keeper). She said she is my foster mom! Wow I have a real Mom!

We went back to that UGA place again in 6 days and I had gained 6 pounds! (Lots of good food. Roo, Roo). Dr. Roth was there on that visit and was very impressed with me (as everyone should be). He said I was going to be a healthy happy boy before I knew it! (Funny I was already a bit happier). The next step is getting rid of some pesky heartworm things. Dr. Roth says I have to keep gaining weight and clear up my skin before we can even think about that. There is also a problem with my teeth; they are all broken off at my gum line. No one knows what happened to them and all I say is I was defending a lady’s honor when it happened (That is my story and I am sticking to it). When I am feeling like a normal husky again they will address all of these issues, I hope it means more Pill Pockets and not shots!

I am so happy meeting my new neighbors, (Wow, I have neighbors), my new best friend Otis, (Who would have thought), and now I am playing with toys Mama Shay has given me! I now am a celebrity with my own page on Facebook and people from all over are helping me pay my UGA bills to get me healthy again. I have even had people wanting to send me gifts! Wow! Mama Shay says send roses but don’t listen to her! I like treats and toys and all that manly stuff! I’ll keep you updated on my progress because I now know I am loved and that it is ok for me to love all of you back! No more mean people! (Ever).

Just remember me when you see the next “mangy mutt†on the side of the road. Instead of blowing your horn or shooing me away, pick me up and offer your kindness and help! The world can be a better place with one act of kindness which leads to others. After all look what happened to me. Stay tuned for regular updates and pictures. That is all for now! Husky Luv and Kisses!

Buddy, The Christmas Husky – Roo, Roo, Roo![ATTACH=full]48983[/ATTACH]


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Hi, it's Buddy here! Join my page and follow my journey to recovery! http://lisafleischer.chipin.com/the-christmas-husky To read all about me, check my notes!


My Christmas Miracle

Here it go’s the beginning of my story:

On Christmas day about 2 pm Geneva Ryan Paige was putting more wood in her stove and to do this she has to leave the front carport door open. That is when she heard a car horn. She did not think much about it she often hears a toot or two. She just thought it might be someone that she knew wishing her a Merry Christmas. Then she heard some more honking (too much for it to be friends passing by) so she looked out on the highway and saw a dog (me) wandering in and out traffic. (Those big metal things are scary and make a lot of noise). Her husband had said that the rescue cat that she brought home last march was to be the last stray that she could bring home. (Like that was ever going to happen).

Geneva had to think about it a few seconds and then got a leash and came out to get me. By this time I had wandered about 100 yards down the road. As she approached me, slowly, calling very softly, I stopped and then shied away from her. (I thought all humans were cruel). She coaxed me some more and when she got to me I was in really sad shape. I could hardly stand. My legs were shaking and she could see that I had raw spots all over me. There was a defeated look in my eyes as if to say just do whatever you are going to do. I was not expecting help or kindness just death. Geneva put the leash on me and slowly led me in to her house. I was so tired. She could now see better that I was starved. Almost all of my fur was gone and it was really cold that day. Geneva felt so bad for me. In her house she separated me from her other pets. She had run out of dog food that day and had planned to go to the store the next day. She had no dog food to feed me. (Now if Geneva’s husband ever found out what I had for dinner oh boy). Geneva gave me water and fed me all that she could find. First she gave me some ham then roast beef and when that was all gone she knew that I was still hungry and needed something more so two jars of peanut butter was next. She thought that I could use the protein. (Hope that her husband does not have face book). She made a bed for me and I gave her a little lick for that is what a good boy does. Geneva then told me what a good boy I was. (Wow that came from a human). Geneva said that I was sweet, gentle, and loving even when she made me take a bath. (Ugh!). Geneva fed me all I wanted for the next week.

Geneva’s husband would visit me in my room and could see that I needed a lot of help. They started to look on the internet for rescue shelters and could not find any. Geneva’s husband suggested husky sights and she posted on one. (Now I must tell you that Geneva’s husband is a disabled vet and Geneva has been out of work for 6 months). These humans in their troubled times took me in and fed me on Christmas day. They kept me safe and warm and showed me love. (There are good humans in this world). Within hours Mr. Matthew Perez had e-mailed her and then he called her. Geneva had only a few minutes to talk with Matthew. (She said, what a nice man). Matthew said that he would post on face book. (Something that Geneva had not thought of). So here is where the fun part begins. Matthew posted on face book. (Face book has a lot of humans on it). Several humans read his pleas and saw my photos. Kim saw his posts and was horrified by the pictures that were posted. Kim shared the posts and pictures and contacted a special human named Lisa. Lisa shared the posts and pictures and contacted a special human named Shay. (Who thought angels could be human and these ones were mine). They all talked on this thing called face book in a thing called PM. They decided that they were going to rescue me because Geneva could not afford my medical bills and I needed more help than she could provide. I know that Geneva misses me but is very happy for me. (She said that I was her Christmas Husky and a wonderful gift to her heart). I will miss her too and always remember that she saved my life. (Now maybe I will never be cold or hungry again).

It was my New Year’s Resolution to be a safe happy husky! I thought I was doing pretty good living it up at Geneva’s house but little did I know all of those pecking sounds coming from a thing called her keyboard were bringing even better things to come!

There is this wonderful human named Lisa that just loves us furry (or in my case not so furry right now) guys! When she saw what Geneva had pecked on her computer she took on a mission to help me.

There was this lady named Shay (now my foster mom) that lived in a big place called Atlanta, she saw the post Lisa sent out on something called Facebook asking for someone to help me. Shay has a soft spot for those of us that have special needs. Well, when she saw my gorgeous (though a bit weary) face she thought “I can help himâ€Â! She had saved another husky that she named Gracie (because the Vet told her it by the grace of God that she was still alive) who was in similar shape. Shay posted on the Facebook thingy and before you know it some of the people who love me, Lisa Schaldemose, Lisa Fleischer, Kimberly Adsit and their main man Matthew Perez all got on a PM thing with Shay and asked her to plan on a very short vacation to Arkansas!

Shay started campaigning for me right away by telling all of her friends about me! One of her very nice friends, Jeff Luke, said I needed to be comfortable on the trip and offered to take this thing he called an SUV and offered help her drive to Arkansas to pick me up! (What a nice man!). So on Wednesday, January 4th, they started their journey! They used some gizmo called a GPS to find me. It took them a very long time to get to me, traffic, accident back-ups; everything seemed to take longer than necessary!

Shay and Jeff arrived at Geneva’s home on Thursday afternoon to finally meet me. It was love at first sight for Shay but I wasn’t so sure about her yet. I thought maybe Geneva was the only nice human there was. (Wow was I wrong). Shay kept saying I reminded her so much of “her Bear†with the sad look in my eyes. I personally don’t think I resemble a bear at all but Shay keeps telling me she will tell me the story of “her Bear†later.

I wasn’t sure what the big fuss was about, pictures, hugs, and tears! (Who thought someone could care about me so much and little did I know that someday I would be famous). (Ok, maybe not famous but you have to admit that my popularity is growing. Roo, Roo!). Geneva told me she loved me and that I was going to be taken care of, I trusted her so I jumped in a crate they had in the back of the SUV thing for a very long trip! We took potty, water and food breaks on the way to Atlanta and I was on my very best behavior! We finally arrived at Shay’s house in some place called Georgia about 7:00 AM on Friday morning, January 6th. This was the day my life changed!

After sleeping for 3 hours Shay woke me up, put me in the backseat of her vehicle and we went for another ride! I thought this woman was crazy! When am I supposed to sleep? I was afraid she was going to take me away from the comfy bed she gave me. (I was scared). We were on the road less than an hour when we arrived at a huge place called University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine. I was really scared when I first arrived. I got comfortable really quickly because they have lots of pretty girls there (I am quite the ladies’ man after all)! There I met a man named Dr. Kent, he is a neurologist (whatever that is) but was helping out in the clinic that day. Dr. Kent is a wonderful man who kept telling me and Shay what a good boy I am and that he knew she could help me. He said I am a very lucky boy and now I know he was right. I didn’t like all the shots, sticks, prodding, poking and skin scrapes but they made me start feeling better really fast so it was all worth it! Shay feeds me good food, gives me Pill Pockets with my meds in them (I love those) and best of all I get lots of love! I think I like her! (Maybe she is a keeper). She said she is my foster mom! Wow I have a real Mom!

We went back to that UGA place again in 6 days and I had gained 6 pounds! (Lots of good food. Roo, Roo). Dr. Roth was there on that visit and was very impressed with me (as everyone should be). He said I was going to be a healthy happy boy before I knew it! (Funny I was already a bit happier). The next step is getting rid of some pesky heartworm things. Dr. Roth says I have to keep gaining weight and clear up my skin before we can even think about that. There is also a problem with my teeth; they are all broken off at my gum line. No one knows what happened to them and all I say is I was defending a lady’s honor when it happened (That is my story and I am sticking to it). When I am feeling like a normal husky again they will address all of these issues, I hope it means more Pill Pockets and not shots!

I am so happy meeting my new neighbors, (Wow, I have neighbors), my new best friend Otis, (Who would have thought), and now I am playing with toys Mama Shay has given me! I now am a celebrity with my own page on Facebook and people from all over are helping me pay my UGA bills to get me healthy again. I have even had people wanting to send me gifts! Wow! Mama Shay says send roses but don’t listen to her! I like treats and toys and all that manly stuff! I’ll keep you updated on my progress because I now know I am loved and that it is ok for me to love all of you back! No more mean people! (Ever).

Just remember me when you see the next “mangy mutt†on the side of the road. Instead of blowing your horn or shooing me away, pick me up and offer your kindness and help! The world can be a better place with one act of kindness which leads to others. After all look what happened to me. Stay tuned for regular updates and pictures. That is all for now! Husky Luv and Kisses!

Buddy, The Christmas Husky – Roo, Roo, Roo![ATTACH=full]48983[/ATTACH]


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Yeah I believe Buddy's owners chucked him out rather than pay his medical care. He's got a proper family now and it's full of people all over the world :).

Mama Shay's dog Little Bit has had emergency surgery and is very poorly :(

She and Geneva are truly angels.

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I have "chipped in" to help pay for some of his medical bills. They now think he may have lymphoma. I tend to think his owners knew he was ill and just got rid of him. His "mama Shay" is a true angel!:angel::angel:

Thank you for your kindness:lovebone:

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Yeah I believe Buddy's owners chucked him out rather than pay his medical care. He's got a proper family now and it's full of people all over the world :).

Mama Shay's dog Little Bit has had emergency surgery and is very poorly :(

She and Geneva are truly angels.


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I have "chipped in" to help pay for some of his medical bills. They now think he may have lymphoma. I tend to think his owners knew he was ill and just got rid of him. His "mama Shay" is a true angel!:angel::angel:

How very sweet, kindhearted and compassionate of you Nanci!! :up: Thank you SA DA KA for bringing this wonderful heartwarming story to us, we want to chip in as well-Buddy's mama could use the help!

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How very sweet, kindhearted and compassionate of you Nanci!! :up: Thank you SA DA KA for bringing this wonderful heartwarming story to us, we want to chip in as well-Buddy's mama could use the help!

Go to Buddy's FB page and there is instructions for the Chip-in...and if you "like" the page, then you will get it on your newsfeed and keep up with what's going on. That's where I saw it. Chip in is just as simple as pay pal. Jeff made a donation about 6 months ago or so for a dog that had it's site restored...yes, a husky, and the pictures were just overwhelming of when she regained her site. I'll have to see if I can find the post...I don't remember the name of it!

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Unfortunately, Lil Bit (buddy's friend) the other husky rescued by Shay passed away last night. :( He was a pretty solid white boy. Always sad to see a pet go, exp. after undergoing so much treatment.


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Unfortunately, Lil Bit (buddy's friend) the other husky rescued by Shay passed away last night. :( He was a pretty solid white boy. Always sad to see a pet go, exp. after undergoing so much treatment.

How hard it must have been especially since they bottle fed Lil Bit from a baby. A loss for both Shay and Buddy. :rainbowbridge::heartbeat:

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