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Lets find out and keep up to date whats going on in your area of the world, Local news where your from good/bad is there something happening you tell us....................

I'll start us off I live in in Rochdale northwest England.......

The bad :( [h=1]Protests in Rochdale and Heywood[/h]Police have made a small number of arrests after two simultaneous protests held by far-right groups in Heywood and Rochdale.

An operation was put in place by Greater Manchester Police, Rochdale Council and the community in the lead up to today's flash demonstrations.

At about 5.00pm on Wednesday, 16 May 2012, a group of around 10 members of the British National Party held a demonstration in Heywood town centre.

This was peaceful and passed off without incident.

However, around the same time a group of around 40 far-right protestors from the Infidels of Britain, the National Front and Combat Ex-Forces, arrived outside Rochdale town hall.

They attempted to force their way into a council function inside, but were prevented from doing so by GMP officers.

Three men were arrested at this time, two for a breach of the peace and another for a racially-aggravted public order offence.

The protestors then congregated outside the town hall before dispersing shortly after.

Supt Chris Hankinson said: "This evening's events show that far-right groups are now prepared to use different tactics in order to get their views across.

"On this occasion, they appear to have planned a seperate demonstration in Heywood, to draw attention away from a larger event in Rochdale.

"Thankfully, they came up against our determined and professional officers who prevented them getting into the town hall where they were cleafrly intent on causing as much disruption as possible.

"We took swift action to stop this and restored peace as quickly as possible.

"I want to thank the communities of Heywood and Rochdale for not engaging in today's activities and we will continue to work qwith them to ensure disruption from these types of events are kept to a minimum."

Jim Taylor, Chief Executive of Rochdale Borough Council, said: “The police have done a fantastic job in making sure these small demonstrations in Heywood and Rochdale caused minimal disruption and passed off with only a small number of arrests. We have an excellent relationship with our partners in the police and times like this show how important this relationship is.”

The good :)

[h=1]Hospital staff in Manchester 10K run[/h]Staff from The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust are to take part in this year’s BUPA Great Manchester 10K run on Sunday 20 May.

Staff will be seeking to raise £200,000 to buy equipment for the new purpose built women and children's 'super centre' at The Royal Oldham Hospital, that opens in December.

Included in the group will be community midwife matron Diane Chadderton, deputy management accountant Matt Sharples, Andrew Lynn from communications, Jane Nelson, technical manager in haematology, director of strategic planning Tom Wilders and chief executive John Saxby.

Diane Chadderton, community midwifery matron for Rochdale and Oldham, said: "I run for enjoyment with a local running club and supporting families is close to my heart. I ran last year for the Trust and feel that any small contribution from me and other colleagues running will enable the appeal to offer comfort and support to families."

Andrew Lynn, head of communication for the Trust, added: "I’m not really a runner but I wanted to do something a bit different. To run the Manchester 10k along with 40,000 other people sounded like a fun way to spend a Sunday. I wanted to do my small bit to help raise money and publicity for our In Your Hands Appeal, whilst at the same time it has given me a goal to get fit. It's a great appeal for a great cause. I hope we can continue raising money to reach our target”

The BUPA 10k Manchester run is one of the nation’s favourite running charity event with up to 40,000 runners participating each year. The event will be shown live on the BBC.

Your turn or just discuss :)

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A bunker used to store nuclear waste from all over the UK could be built in Kent, under a council's plans.

Shepway District Council is examining whether a nuclear disposal facility, where waste is buried underground, could be built at Romney Marsh.

The authority said it could bring jobs to the area as Dungeness A and B power stations are phased out.

However, Kent County Council said it would use "every tool in the box" to oppose the scheme.

The Romney Marsh Nuclear Research and Disposal Facility would be buried 200m (656ft) to 1,000m (3,280ft) below ground.

'Opportunity to decide' Councillor David Godfrey, who is leading the project for Shepway District Council, said the authority did not have a formal view about the facility and would consult with residents before submitting an expression of interest to the government.

[h=2]Romney Marsh Nuclear Research and Disposal Facility[/h]

  • The facility would be built between 200m (656ft) and 1,000m (3,280ft) below ground
  • Waste would be stored in secure containers buried within the rock
  • Once full, the facility would be permanently sealed
  • Supporters claim geological disposal keeps the waste secure from terrorists

"Our only view is that local people should be given the opportunity to decide for themselves if it is worth discussing the idea further," he said.

According to the council, when Dungeness A and B are fully decommissioned in either 2018 or 2023 the area will lose 1,000 jobs and an estimated £46m a year from the local economy.

It believes the scheme could bring skilled employment for hundreds of people "over many decades".

Council leader's 'horror' The leader of Kent County Council, Paul Carter, said his authority opposed the plan and would push for a county-wide referendum if necessary.

"We are totally opposed to initiating any process that even entertains the possibility of building a nuclear waste disposal site anywhere near or around Kent," he said.

"We will do everything possible to oppose this unviable proposal and will use every tool in the box to bring an end to this scheme.

"I have no doubt that the residents of Kent will share my horror, and I am absolutely committed to ensuring the public have their voice heard on this."

[h=1]South-east England reservoirs fill but hosepipe ban stays[/h]_60280527_60280522.jpg Reservoir levels are rising across the South East but more wet weather is needed

  • Reservoir levels are recovering in drought-hit south-east England but a wet winter is still needed to recharge underground sources, water firms say.

South East Water, Southern Water, and Sutton and East Surrey Water said rain and river water have boosted reservoirs but hosepipe bans remain in place.

Bough Beech reservoir is at 94%, Bewl Water has reached 70%, Arlington has reached 100% and Ardingly is at 75%.

All three companies said underground aquifers and boreholes remained low.

Mike Hegarty, operations director for Sutton and East Surrey Water, said: "We may be experiencing the 'wettest drought' in living memory but we are still in drought."

'Not much change'

He said the ground at the end of March was like a "hard old sponge" and had to become soaked before any water ran down to the aquifers.

"The rain has had a hugely beneficial effect - wetlands are wet again, a lot of crop problems have gone away, and there is flow in the rivers, at least in the short term," he added.

"But underground - which is what matters most for water supply in Sutton and East Surrey Water's supply area and for much of the South East - not much has changed."

The Environment Agency has said a wetter than average winter would be needed to begin to recharge groundwater sources.

Last week, the agency said drought status had been lifted in 19 areas of the country, but the drought remained in eastern and south-east England.

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Bad: Highway Killer in Southaven, MS (where i live) :yikes:

As they search for suspects in two highway killings, authorities in northwest Mississippi are urging drivers to use caution when approached by any vehicle with flashing blue lights. Investigators said Monday that two people shot along highways may have been killed by someone who posed as a police officer and pulled them over late at night. DeSoto County Sheriff Bill Rasco says efforts are focused on keeping motorists safe while investigators chase leads that are pouring in. He said many tips involve suspicious vehicles. So far there have been no arrests.

Rasco says motorists can call 911 if they are being pulled over. He said agencies can quickly determine whether they have vehicles in the area and dispatch help if needed. "We are telling motorists to be aware of everything around them and any time they are being pulled over to go to a safe location where there are lots of lights and where people are around, if possible, and always call 911," Rasco said Wednesday.

"Our unmarked vehicles also are not doing any traffic stops. If they spot a vehicle that needs to be stopped they will call in and we'll send a marked vehicle. We have extra patrols out to keep our citizens safe," the sheriff said.The assistant manager of a truck stop along the interstate where one victim was found said the shootings have been a topic of discussion among the employees — many of whom must drive the stretch of highway to get home. "Myself and a couple of other female employees here are concerned, especially for those getting off a night and driving home," Sunny Hall said. Hall, 28, said few customers coming through the Kangaroo Express on Interstate 55 in Senatobia, Miss., discuss the shootings unless someone brings it up. Then talk turns to the precautions that law enforcement is asking people to take. The business is located about 15 miles south of where one of the shootings occurred. Rasco and Highway Patrol spokesman Warren Strain say law enforcement agencies are not looking for any particular make of vehicle even though many tips have centered on the Ford Crown Victoria, the workhorse of law enforcement. Investigators say they are looking into whether someone posing as a law enforcement officer stopped the cars because of the circumstances of the killings, though they have no evidence to back that theory up. "There are only two people who could tell us about that and unfortunately, we cannot talk to them," Rasco said. Strain said the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is processing evidence."We have gotten hundreds of calls and each one has to get its due attention as you would expect," Strain said. Investigators were not releasing many details, including whether they believe a single gunman is responsible or what type of weapon was used. They said at a press conference Monday that the shootings so far are linked by their general similarity — both victims were found shot to death after pulling their cars off the road late at night. Shell casings found at both scenes are being analyzed. Thomas Schlender, 74, of Raymond, Neb., was found in his car on Interstate 55 in Panola County on May 8 about 1:30 a.m. Three days later, Lori Anne Carswell, 48, of Hernando, was found near her car on Mississippi Highway 713 in nearby Tunica County about 2:15 a.m. Carswell had just left work from Fitzgerald's Casino in Tunica County, authorities said. The interstate is more heavily traveled than the state highway where Carswell was found, but neither area is heavily populated. Neither car appeared to have had mechanical problems, said Strain. Carswell's 1997 Pontiac Grand Am was found on the shoulder of the highway, but her body was found in the road near the intersection of Mississippi Highway 713 and Interstate 69. She was returning home to nearby Hernando from work, police said.Schlender's body was found in his car, which crashed into a divider in the median. He was alone in the 1999 Ford F-150 and no other motorists were hurt. He was driving from Nebraska to Florida to pick up his grandson, authorities said.

Good: Ride for fallen riders

HERNANDO — The slow procession from the historic DeSoto County Courthouse looked similar to a funeral cortege and Hernando Bicycle Club spokesman Bo McAninch said that was precisely the point with Wednesday's "Ride of Silence." Thousands of bicyclists have been killed as a result of careless drivers hogging the road and ignoring state law which mandates motorists provide bike riders three-feet clearance in the front back and sides at all times. By law, cyclists have the same rights as motorists. Cyclists all over the country had similar rides on Wednesday which falls in the middle of National Bike Safety Week. “We think this is a fitting way to educate the motoring public about the legal right of cyclists to share the road with automobiles, while quietly honoring those who have been killed or injured,†noted McAninch said. “Cycling for recreation and transportation is making a big comeback, especially here in Hernando,†Mayor Chip Johnson said. “It used to be that everyone knew that bikes and cars shared the road, but that information just got lost for a generation," Johnson said. "With more bicyclists on the road, it is important that we are all aware of each other’s presence and what the law says.†Last year, Mississippi passed the John Paul Frerer Bicycle Safety Act, named after a Tupelo teen who died while cycling from Tupelo to Pontotoc.
The bill requires motorists to provide a three-foot buffer when passing bicyclists along the road and penalizes those who harass, taunt or toss objects at cyclists. Fines range from $100 for a first offense to $2,500 and seven days in jail for the third offense.The act also requires bicyclists to ride in the right-hand lane with no more than two abreast. The City of Hernando has erected “3’ It’s the Law†and “Share the Road†signs on arterials and collector streets, striped bike lanes, and held training-related events with the HBC and the city’s bike police. Southern Bancorp is sponsoring “Dust Off That Bicycle and Ride†every Saturday morning in May at 8 a.m. starting from the bank’s parking lot on Byhalia and McIngvale Roads. The Hernando Bicycle Club rides every Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. from the Hernando Farmers Market on the Square and has started a “Slowspokes†group ride at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons for novice riders.

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Bad: Highway Killer in Southaven, MS (where i live) :yikes:

As they search for suspects in two highway killings, authorities in northwest Mississippi are urging drivers to use caution when approached by any vehicle with flashing blue lights. Investigators said Monday that two people shot along highways may have been killed by someone who posed as a police officer and pulled them over late at night. DeSoto County Sheriff Bill Rasco says efforts are focused on keeping motorists safe while investigators chase leads that are pouring in. He said many tips involve suspicious vehicles. So far there have been no arrests.

Rasco says motorists can call 911 if they are being pulled over. He said agencies can quickly determine whether they have vehicles in the area and dispatch help if needed. "We are telling motorists to be aware of everything around them and any time they are being pulled over to go to a safe location where there are lots of lights and where people are around, if possible, and always call 911," Rasco said Wednesday.

"Our unmarked vehicles also are not doing any traffic stops. If they spot a vehicle that needs to be stopped they will call in and we'll send a marked vehicle. We have extra patrols out to keep our citizens safe," the sheriff said.The assistant manager of a truck stop along the interstate where one victim was found said the shootings have been a topic of discussion among the employees — many of whom must drive the stretch of highway to get home. "Myself and a couple of other female employees here are concerned, especially for those getting off a night and driving home," Sunny Hall said. Hall, 28, said few customers coming through the Kangaroo Express on Interstate 55 in Senatobia, Miss., discuss the shootings unless someone brings it up. Then talk turns to the precautions that law enforcement is asking people to take. The business is located about 15 miles south of where one of the shootings occurred. Rasco and Highway Patrol spokesman Warren Strain say law enforcement agencies are not looking for any particular make of vehicle even though many tips have centered on the Ford Crown Victoria, the workhorse of law enforcement. Investigators say they are looking into whether someone posing as a law enforcement officer stopped the cars because of the circumstances of the killings, though they have no evidence to back that theory up. "There are only two people who could tell us about that and unfortunately, we cannot talk to them," Rasco said. Strain said the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is processing evidence."We have gotten hundreds of calls and each one has to get its due attention as you would expect," Strain said. Investigators were not releasing many details, including whether they believe a single gunman is responsible or what type of weapon was used. They said at a press conference Monday that the shootings so far are linked by their general similarity — both victims were found shot to death after pulling their cars off the road late at night. Shell casings found at both scenes are being analyzed. Thomas Schlender, 74, of Raymond, Neb., was found in his car on Interstate 55 in Panola County on May 8 about 1:30 a.m. Three days later, Lori Anne Carswell, 48, of Hernando, was found near her car on Mississippi Highway 713 in nearby Tunica County about 2:15 a.m. Carswell had just left work from Fitzgerald's Casino in Tunica County, authorities said. The interstate is more heavily traveled than the state highway where Carswell was found, but neither area is heavily populated. Neither car appeared to have had mechanical problems, said Strain. Carswell's 1997 Pontiac Grand Am was found on the shoulder of the highway, but her body was found in the road near the intersection of Mississippi Highway 713 and Interstate 69. She was returning home to nearby Hernando from work, police said.Schlender's body was found in his car, which crashed into a divider in the median. He was alone in the 1999 Ford F-150 and no other motorists were hurt. He was driving from Nebraska to Florida to pick up his grandson, authorities said.

i must admit its stories like this that make me glad im in the UK.. but they say ..you can call 911.. well dunno about driving /phone laws in USA but here in the UK if i wasnt sure if it was real police pulling me over and i phoned our 999.. and then it was real police.. straight away i have added a charge of driving whislt on mobile phone.. soon to be converted to careless or dangerous driving .. but to be honest if a car behind started flashing blue lights and siren.. i know i should but the last thing i would be thinking " is this a real police car maybe i shall ring 999 to check"..no... we just accept it is and pull over.. unlike the USA here in the UK we dont get the freedom of information that you do.. over there you legally can listen to the police on scanners and readily can get the frequency needed ....as for here we are kept in the dark.. by use of the "airwaves system" that is so secure you would need 100+ scanners and a whole lot of luck to listen to even 10% off one converstaion.

and if i did ring 999 to check by the time the operator has taken all my details and then read them back and then put me on hold etc etc a further charge would be added of "failing to stop" and when i did stop some kid of a copper would feel im being threatening or abusive and would then for no reason try and put me on the floor adding "resisting arrest" to my allready growing list of charges..... and all this is before they find the dead body... 200 grams of drugs ... and bag of guns in my boot ......

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A few weeks old, but still causing a stir here :(

South Africa - President Zuma weds 6th wife in lavish affair

The 70-year-old formalised his relationship with long-time fiancee Bongi Ngema on Friday with Zulu song and dance while dressed in leopard skins and carrying a shield surrounded by men in similar warrior attire.

The businesswoman became Zuma's fourth wife in Nkandla, deep in the KwaZulu-Natal countryside, where on Saturday she handed presents to Zuma's family at his homestead in a gift ceremony.

Friday afternoon's tying of the knot was followed by a glitzy western-style evening reception with a tiered cake where the couple donned formal wear in a marquee erected on the grounds of a local school.

The couple have a seven-year-old son and Ngema joins Zuma's three other wives to become one of four first ladies with all spouses attending the marriage.

Multiple wives

The wedding is his third in just over four years and the second since coming to power in 2009 as the country's first president with

multiple wives.

In all, he has married six times and has 21 children. One of his wives has died, and another - home affairs minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma - divorced him.

The wives have no specific roles or responsibilities but their benefits include travel and secretaries and they are expected to support the president at state and official functions, with Ngema accompanying him to France last year.

With debate over his growing family after news of the nuptials broke last weekend, Zuma's office has said he would foot the wedding bill and that Ngema was already part of the president's spousal budget.

This comes after the state had to nearly double the spousal budget to more than two million dollars after he took office with his large family.

While legally recognised, polygamy is becoming less popular in South Africa where modernity and Western lifestyles have taken root.

A survey in 2010 found that nearly three-fourths of South Africans disapprove of polygamy. Among women, 83% disapproved.

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the good (ish)

VETERAN stars of Manchester United will be visiting the town on Sunday for a charity football match.

It has been organised by Daventry Town Football Club and will take place at Communications Park.

The game, sponsored by Hi-Force, will see a number of former legends of Manchester United taking part.

The Daventry Express will be among local businesses sponsoring the shirts of players. The line-up includes Champions League winner (1999) Denis Irwin, Frank Stapleton, Arthur Albiston and David May.

Former FA Cup winners Lee Martin, Mike Duxbury and Sammy McIlroy will be among the other Manchester United stars taking part in the match.

A late change has been made to the squad with Ben Thornley replacing Clayton Blackmore.

(mostly has beens lol)

the bad (or good considering they got them)

A MAN has been arrested at a house in Daventry following an ongoing investigation into the viewing and distribution of abusive images of children.

The 27-year-old was arrested on Monday alongside a 39-year-old man from Hargrave and a 47-year-old from Northampton.

All three were arrested on suspicion of possessing and distributing indecent images of children. A large quantity of computer equipment was seized from each address. They have all been bailed pending further enquiries.

The investigation is being conducted by the recently formed On-Line Exploitation Team, which has the task of dealing with child exploitation and on-line offences against children, and brings the total number of arrests under this particular investigation to almost 20 since the formation of the team.

Police Sergeant Alasdair Fraser, who led the search warrants and arrests, said: “We are fully committed to tackling what amounts to blatant child abuse.

“Behind every indecent image of this kind is an abused child.

“Viewing and distributing such images is totally unacceptable. Anybody who engages in this activity should rest very uneasily indeed, as one of our officers will be knocking at your door.”

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FORMER Wales and Liverpool striker Ian Rush was in Newport yesterday as work started on the new home of Welsh football in Spytty.

Contractor ISG moved in the diggers to start work on the £5 million national football development centre, which the Football Association of Wales hopes will boost the game in Wales.

Mr Rush, élite performance director of project partners the Welsh Football Trust, was there to oversee the start of work with deputy mayor John Guy.

The football legend said: “It is fantastic to be here to witness the start of a project that is going to make a massive difference to the development of football in Wales, at all levels.


“Having access to state-ofthe art training facilities right up through the age groups, as well as the improved back-room infrastructure, is only going to enhance the chances of Wales achieving success on the world stage.â€

Preparation work on the development w i t h i n N e w p o r t International Sports Village started earlier this year.

Once completed the facility will house the FAW’s office and administration headquarters, along with a 100-seat conference centre and meeting-rooms.

It will have outdoor pitches, including a FIFA 2-Star artificial pitch, which local clubs and community groups will be allowed to use.

It will also have changingrooms, physiotherapy and treatment rooms with an ice bath, a players’ room, and a high-tech video analysis suite and viewing balcony overlooking the pitches.

Funding of £2.6m for the project has already been secured from football governing bodies UEFA and FIFA, with a further £1.5m coming from the FAW Trust and Sport Wales.

Completion of pitches is expected in September and staff are expected to move into the main building in February next year.

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Do the articles have to be up to date or can I post something from a few years ago? Wanted to share something that happened across the street from me.

Post them from when ever you like Nicholas :)

I have put a like in all the posts you have done not for there content but for taking part :)

As for the multiple wifes [MENTION=1262]Rosemary[/MENTION] I don't bloody think so looking after Sue is more than enough :D

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First, the good.

Heroic dog Sadie saves neighbor, earns honor

First there was Rin Tin Tin. Then there was Lassie. And now there is Sadie, a black Lab from Redlands, who has come to save the day.

Sadie was recently named a Pet Hero by the San Bernardino Humane Society for saving the life of Keeko, the dog next door.

She was recognized and honored at the organization's 2012 Walk for the Animals.

“We were very excited to have the opportunity to honor Pet Heroes this year,” said Jill Henderson, development and community outreach coordinator for the organization. “It is stories like Sadie's that show us the ability for companion animals to make a difference in not only people's but other animals' lives.”

Keeko, a small white Shih Tzu about a year old, would not be alive today if it weren't for Sadie, the 4-year-old black Labrador who was hyper vigilant one chilly morning in March.

Keeko's owner, Jane Dreher, had put the dog in her yard when she left for work. “It was cold that morning, so I put a doggie blanket sweater on Keeko,” Dreher said.

The puppy had just come to live with Dreher, who had taken her in when she was found lost and homeless near Dreher's San Bernardino office. The dog had recently been to the vet for shots and had been shaved to remove her dirty, matted hair, hence the sweater to ward off the cold, Dreher said.

Dreher's next door neighbor, Denise Guy, was uncharacteristically home from work that morning and in an upstairs bathroom when her dog, Sadie, began barking and howling in an unusual way. “She just wouldn't stop and kept pulling on my sweatshirt (to come with her),” Guy said.

Guy put Sadie outside, but she came right back in the doggie door and continued to howl. Wondering what could be the matter, Guy followed Sadie into the yard and up to the 6-foot fence that separates the Guys' yard from the Drehers'. A small hole down low in the wooden fence usually enabled Sadie and Keeko to see each other and communicate.

Climbing up to look over the fence, Guy saw Keeko fighting for her life in the Drehers' spa. “All I could see was the tip of her nose and her paws,” Guy said. She heard gurgling, barking and screeching noises as Keeko tried unsuccessfully to keep her head above water, weighted down by her wool sweater.

Opening her gate and racing to the far side of the Drehers' yard, where the fence was shorter, Guy leaped over and found the puppy already at the bottom of the spa. She reached in and pulled out the unresponsive Keeko.

“She wasn't breathing so I pushed several times on her side, doing doggie CPR, and she revived,” Guy said. “She was in a panic and shivering, but was OK.” Scared and traumatized, Keeko ran and hid under the patio furniture.

When Guy returned to her own yard, Sadie was still stationed by the fence, waiting for her owner to return. “She would make a good service dog,” Guy said.

She called the work number for Dreher, who immediately drove home to tend to Keeko. “She would never have been discovered and saved if it had not been for Sadie,” Dreher said.

The next day, Dreher purchased a hot-pink doggie life jacket for Keeko and has been giving her swimming lessons on the weekends. “She now knows where the steps in the pool and Jacuzzi are located and how to get out,” Dreher said.

For her part, Keeko now wears her life vest every day when Dreher goes off to work.

And for her heroism, Sadie received a certificate and medallion, which she wore the entire day she received it, Guy said. But more to her liking, she now gets lots more of the green doggie bones she enjoys chewing on.

The bad and the scary.

Police Continue to Search for Suspects in Hemet, CA Murder Case

Police are searching for Rene Lopez-Fregozo, 21, from left, Jose Campos, 17, and Felicia Sharp, 17, who are suspected of murder or being accessories to murder.One of two missing Hemet teens is believed to be dead and the other boy is being sought for his killing, police announced Friday.

Detectives believe Adrian Rios, 17, was fatally shot last month. They are hunting for Jose Campos, also 17, on suspicion of killing Rios and burning his body in a backyard bonfire.

Late Thursday, police arrested Campos' mother, Maria Seym, 45, and his stepfather, Jose Seym, 29, on suspicion of accessory to murder. Police said the couple knew about the killing and were involved after the homicide.


Hemet police Chief Richard Dana, right, said authorities believe a Hemet teen missing since Nov. 15 killed a friend who has also been missing, then burned the body. Four others are accused of helping. Dana spoke during a news conference Friday with Assistant District Attorney Chuck Hughes.

The Seyms were not home when the shooting occurred the night of Nov. 15, but the fire was still burning when they came home, Hemet police Chief Richard Dana said.

Police also are searching for two other people suspected of helping burn Rios' remains, detectives announced Friday.

A wanted poster calls Campos, his girlfriend, Felicia Sharp, 17, and Rene Lopez-Fregozo, 21, "armed and dangerous."

Sharp and Lopez-Fregozo are suspected of being accessories to murder, but police said they could be charged with murder after questioning.

Authorities did not give any clue as to the motive behind the slaying but said gang detectives are involved in the investigation.

Dana said at least six people were at the Seyms' home on Bluejay Way in Hemet when Rios was killed and his body burned. Police are still trying to identify some of them, and said more suspects could be named.

No neighbors reported the bonfire to police or to the Fire Department, Dana said.

Rios had gone to the home to watch football with friends the afternoon of Nov. 15. His mother reported him missing the next day.

After police searched the property Nov. 17, the Seyms filed a missing-person report on Campos, and said their SUV was gone as well. The vehicle was found torched a few days later, police said Friday.

Sharp was reported missing Nov. 18, but she turned herself in to police Nov. 25, saying she had been staying with her mother since Nov. 9. Her parents are separated.

Police on Friday arrested Maria Seym, 45, and Jose Seym, 29, the mother and stepfather of homicide suspect Jose Campos, on suspicion of accessory to murder. Police say the couple know about the slaying of 17-year-old Adrian Rios and were involved after the homicide.

Police interviewed and released Sharp, saying she was not a suspect at that time.

Sharp has since disappeared and is now considered a fugitive.

Detectives developed information after she was released indicating she was involved in the killing, Hemet police Capt. Tony Margis said.

"There was not enough evidence to hold her at the time, and we learned she was probably not completely truthful in her interview," Margis said.

Lopez-Fregozo is a friend of Campos' who police believe was at the home the night of the killing. He is listed as having a Texas driver's license.

This happened across the street from me and I knew all 3 of these kids in high school. >< Actually, I was on the computer and could smell when poor Adrian's body was being burned. I, of course, had never smelled a burning body before and just closed my window in disgust.

Since then all three of them were found in Mexico and arrested.

(Oh, and for you more graphic types. Jose actually shot Adrian then hacked his body with a machete he stole from his parents before putting it in the bottom of the bon fire. The police were looking for '3 missing teens' for a week before they discovered the charred bones buried.)

Edited by Duremite
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The funny :D

New father accidentally steals car from hospital parking lot

KENT, Wash. -- Most new dads probably remember where they were right after their baby was born, but for a new Kent father, the story of his daughter's arrival will include the part about how he accidentally stole a car.

Sultan Berry had been up all night at Valley Medical Center in Renton as his wife gave birth to their first baby girl Alia.

He may have been dog tired, but he needed to get to a job interview in Tacoma. He asked to borrow his mother-in-law's car. She gave him the keys and he headed for the hospital parking lot.

"I'm looking for a gray Toyota Camry which I've only seen once or twice," Berry said. "Open the car door, turn the ignition car on and drive to Tacoma."

The only problem -- the key somehow started a car that didn't belong to his mother-in-law.

Sultan's interview goes fine, but the car won't start when he tries to head back to the hospital.

"I called my wife and said, 'the car's not starting'... she asks me 'did I break the car?' " Berry said.

That's when he realizes all is not right.

"I'm looking around and the car looks different -- it's looking a little old," Berry said.

Then it dawns on him -- he's in someone else's Camry.

"So I'm looking through the glove compartment and I realize this is not my mother-in-law's car," he said. "So I called my wife and told her, 'I think I just just stole someone else's car.' "

He said he went to the local police station.

"I walk into the police station and tell them I accidentally stole someone's car," he said.

Berry says at first, they didn't buy it. But after trying his key...

"They started laughing at me and they reassured me that everything would be fine," he said. "My key started it -- a 2003 key for a Toyota Camry started a 1994 Toyota Camry."

The police told him to leave the car at the station and left a voice mail for the car's rightful owner.

"I also left a note stating that I apologize and forgive me for taking your car," Berry said. He also offered to pay for the gas he used.

He had to hitch a ride with his brother-in-law back to the hospital. He is back with his family and his newborn daughter with a story to tell her when she gets a bit older.

This just breaks my heart though even though I never want kids I can't imagine the pain of not being able to cuddle your baby :(

Extremely rare condition breeds pain for infant, heartbreak for mom

PUYALLUP, Wash. -- He's still but an infant, but Casen Buswell is just one of 14 in the entire world.

Of the billions of people in the world, Casen is one of 14 known to suffer from a painful condition that makes his mother nervous to embrace him.

Jenna Buswell knew something was wrong with her son, Casen, when he was born. But it took three months for doctors to come up with a diagnosis, and with it came many more questions.

Casen suffers from a rare condition known as Plaque Type Glomuvenous Malformations, which is caused by a missing gene.

When he is fully dressed, he looks like any other 12-week-old as he smiles and babbles on. But when Casen is shirtless, the toll of the disorder is clear. A vascular condition that was visible around his collarbone at birth is spreading down his chest and to his arms.

"The growth scares us. It's moving at an alarming rate," Jenna said as she gently ran her hand along Casen's exposed chest, over seemingly bruised flesh.

The family is just learning how painful daily life can be for Casen. His doctor told them they shouldn't even wash Casen's chest with a washcloth for fear of rupturing a vessel.

"He's most comfortable when in a diaper and able to lay out and not have that compression, even from clothing," said his mother, who must think twice before embracing her own child. "The touch is nerve-wracking. I want to cuddle him. I want to hold him, but when that cry comes that I know is the pain, it's hard not to think that I just did that."

In addition to the visible lesions, plaque is hardening in Casen's vessels, muscles and skin. The family was told there are 13 other confirmed cases in the world, but they know little about the other patients.

"What does their life look like now? What type of pain are they in? What pain therapies are there?" Jenna wondered aloud. "There's so many questions we don't have the answers to. And we're seeing the top leading doctors in the United States who just have no clue.

"As a mom, you want to take away all of the pain, and there's not any answers or research to know how to do that."

The Buswells have plans to see a doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Boston. But their best chance to learn more is to travel to Belgium where two doctors have had some experience with Casen's disorder.

“To hear repeatedly every nurse and every doctor that came in (say), ‘We have never seen anything like this,’ you start to question,†said Jenna.

"He's absolutely perfect to us," Jenna said, "but we hope we can find him answers to live a normal, healthy, long life."

Meantime, the medical bills are mounting quickly. And with travel, the Buswells expect their bills to quickly reach the tens of thousands of dollars.

Their community is rallying around them with a number of fundraisers, including a garage sale scheduled to be held on Friday, May 18 and Saturday, May 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 17405 135th Ave. Ct. East in Puyallup.

Also planned are a basketball tournament, bake sale and raffle at Kalles Junior High School on Saturday, May 19 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A fundraising website has been set up at giveforward/com/casenpcifund, and donations can be made in Casen Buswell's name at any branch of Harborstone Bank.

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