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Two 14 week old husky pups fighting.


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So i have two pups from the same litter and they are about 13-14 weeks old. They play fight all the time but sometimes it gets out of hand. I have a fenced in yard that they stay in while outside and this is where they get into their fights.

The yard is right outside my office window where I spend most of my time working on the computer. Usually when they get out of hand I give them a yelp and they stop but last night I had to go outside. They stopped as soon as they heard the door opening. I put them away in their crates after this fight.

Today one of them had a raw hide and they were both in the back yard. I was outside working on something on my truck when I heard them going at it. They didn't stop until I physically separated them. One of my pups has a cut by his eye from the fight. This is the first time they drew blood.

I've had them about a month now and this is probably the 5th time they've gotten out of hand.

What should I be doing about this? Should I not let them stay outside together? Should I only allow them outside of their crates together when I can supervise them? Or should I just separate them when they fight and not worry about it?


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Today one of them had a raw hide and they were both in the back yard. I was outside working on something on my truck when I heard them going at it. They didn't stop until I physically separated them. One of my pups has a cut by his eye from the fight. This is the first time they drew blood.

I've had them about a month now and this is probably the 5th time they've gotten out of hand.

What should I be doing about this? Should I not let them stay outside together? Should I only allow them outside of their crates together when I can supervise them? Or should I just separate them when they fight and not worry about it?


only give them bones and toys when you can keep an eye on them.....thats always good for a fight reguardless of how good they normally get along....

are they both males or females? or one of each?

I would just watch them. If my two boys get into a fight, it's usually over a possessive reasoning.

Separate them and let them go back to being together

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do you know which one is starting the fights - apart from the rawhide - is there anything in the garden they might fight over ? (toys etc)

I have my suspicions but I'm not sure. I don't think there is anything else out there that they would fight over.

only give them bones and toys when you can keep an eye on them.....thats always good for a fight reguardless of how good they normally get along....

are they both males or females? or one of each?

I would just watch them. If my two boys get into a fight, it's usually over a possessive reasoning.

Separate them and let them go back to being together

Both male. But yeah there was only one rawhide out there as I threw it out of the back of my truck and one of them went right back into the fenced area with the rawhide and the other followed. I just kept doing what I was doing which was probably a mistake. They eat together from the same dish with no problems.

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But yeah there was only one rawhide out there as I threw it out of the back of my truck and one of them went right back into the fenced area with the rawhide and the other followed.

I just kept doing what I was doing which was probably a mistake. They eat together from the same dish with no problems.

well I can almost guarentee thats why they fought this time....

not telling you what to do, but I would start feeding them in separte bowls to avoid in the future any fighting.

boys will be boys:D

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I read a couple of articles on this subject recently, and I think I bookmarked them so I'll dig them out for you. The overall 'message' I got from both articles was this: dogs will often (but not always) fight over food, no matter who is 'top dog', thus feed in separate spaces.

I feed my two separately, but if they have small treats (biscuits or chews) they get one each at the same time. Molly tends to move herself to another room at times (she eats very slowly).

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The eat together from the same bowl without problem? They keep fighting so there is clearly a problem...

Personally I never recommend getting two pups from the same litter. If I were you I would consider sending one back. It's not too late for the breeder to find one another home.

If you desperately want to keep them I would be separating them and now. Feed them separately. Train them separately. When you cant supervise them have them separated. At the very least you don't want them to become too dependent on one another and you don't want them to learn to value each other more than you. The fighting will get worse unless you make some changes.

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I have had the same problem with Neptune and Caroline when we brought Caroline home. At the time. Neptune was 6 months and Caroline was 2 1/2 months. They fought over bones and toys all the time!! I started feeding them in their crates. Which helps. Also, when it comes to bones, you better make sure if one has a bone the other has to have a bone!! NO MATTER WHAT!! Also, start walking them separately. You need to make sure they build a bond with you and not with each other. I am still working on issues with mine. Having two huskies that are puppies is a challenge. So make sure you have time and patience and they should get over this stage. But like other people said before, boys will be boys, especially if they are huskies!! Also, another thought to consider, they are probably starting to show who is the alpha in the pack!! So they maybe extra aggressive.

Have you ever consider going to obedience class with them? Just another thought to consider.

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This is normal. They are young male dogs going into adolesence. I had three male what I call teenage dogs under one roof and they are just trying to figure out pack order and establish dominence. In my house this went on for 6 months. Some fights more serious than others, some requiring a vet visit and stitches. Toys and food are usually the culprits, however just about anything would trigger them. After this time period a leader emerged and I swear to you its like night and day. Alpha gets what he wants usually and everything stays peaceful.

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I tend to agree with [MENTION=6656]CatJax[/MENTION] on this. One of the things we seem to forget ( with our generally gentle dogs ) is that when Husky's play, they play rough! You have two who are the same age trying to work out - in their doggish way - who's the boss. When that happens - and it won't if you keep interfering :) - you'll have two good dogs because they "know how things stand". A few scratches are a small price to pay for the eventual peace. Obviously it's your call as to what's too rough for your comfort, but given time they will have the one free for all that will settle things.

I'd also like to expand on the comments about food and feeding. I have two here, both are about two years old ( guessing ), Avalanche is the laid back male but loves to play - and play and play and play - Sasha is my really laid back female who is finally beginning to learn how to play. Who's the alpha, beats me. They each give and take in play time, neither is particularly possessive at the single food bowl (( though I've learned that Sasha can be very possessive, she's not when it comes to Avalanche ... dogs! )) but neither is given anything that the other doesn't also get. They take their training together and whoever is best gets their treat first ... but in the end they both get the same amount.

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Wow, I missed some posts. Thank you all for your suggestions.

I have an update. About a week after this last fight there were no more out and out brawls. I was doing my work and the boys were out side. I grabbed two treat chew sticks for them and made sure each one got one. Well, the less confident one decided he wanted the other's chew so he left his and tried to get the other one. I wasn't watching but this is what I gathered from my forensics investigation LOL. Anyway, they went at it again, this time no blood. I went out and separated them.

I don't know but I'm not going to worry much more about these fights and let things turn out where they will. Max was the second one and he is a much more confident dog while Ike seems to be wanting to show dominance. Ike definitely has a chip on his shoulder that I think Max needs to remove lol. For the most part they get along splendidly and there is no way I'm getting rid of either of them, for better or worse.

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Wow, I missed some posts. Thank you all for your suggestions.

I have an update. About a week after this last fight there were no more out and out brawls. I was doing my work and the boys were out side. I grabbed two treat chew sticks for them and made sure each one got one. Well, the less confident one decided he wanted the other's chew so he left his and tried to get the other one. I wasn't watching but this is what I gathered from my forensics investigation LOL. Anyway, they went at it again, this time no blood. I went out and separated them.

I don't know but I'm not going to worry much more about these fights and let things turn out where they will. Max was the second one and he is a much more confident dog while Ike seems to be wanting to show dominance. Ike definitely has a chip on his shoulder that I think Max needs to remove lol. For the most part they get along splendidly and there is no way I'm getting rid of either of them, for better or worse.

a few things in your post concern me ive highlighted them in red.

you werent watching them, when you know food is a trigger. You were advised to seperate when feeding, and supervise them.

You want to "let things turn out" ? what if one of them gets hurt?

and the chip on the shoulder thing? really?

You asked for advice, you were given advice, I suggest you heed the advice.

Feed seperately, mine still are. My girl knicks treats from my boy so I have to supervise.

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Everyone has different stories and advice on how to handle a case like this.

My two are approximately a month apart in age, male and female. We got Micah when Ozzy was about five months old, so they were both still puppies.

They eat in the kitchen (raw diet) in separate bowls, but on the same bath towel - no problem whatsoever. When they have ribs or large bones, they lie down next to each other on the grass - no problem whatsoever. But ...... I never leave them alone to eat, maybe that is why there are no fights - Ozzy does on occasion like to peek at Micah's bowl but I correct him immediately.

They don't get treats like rawhide, etc. They also don't have toys when we are not there to supervise their every move - because that is the one thing they will get into arguments about - Micah must have what Ozzy has at any cost :rolleyes:

I hope you can sort this out now as it will only intensify as they get older if not stopped. Good luck :)

Edited by Rosemary
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a few things in your post concern me ive highlighted them in red.

you werent watching them, when you know food is a trigger. You were advised to seperate when feeding, and supervise them.

They don't have any problems during feeding time eating out of the same bowl. This was not a feeding it was a treat, I gave them both a treat and Ike decided he wanted the other treat instead of the one in his mouth. I really don't like the tone of your post to be honest. I was given lots of different conflicting advice so it isn't like there was a unanimous consensus that I'm blindly ignoring.

You want to "let things turn out" ? what if one of them gets hurt?

and the chip on the shoulder thing? really?

Yeah, really. I think people tend to act like they have more of the story than they do. You have very little of the whole story so please don't act like you know the exact solution to what is going on. But there was advice given to let them figure things out and I tend to agree with this. So I am heading this advice and not some of the other advice.

You asked for advice, you were given advice, I suggest you heed the advice.

Feed seperately, mine still are. My girl knicks treats from my boy so I have to supervise.

Cool, do what works for your dogs and please don't act like your way is the only way to achieve the goals that we all want from our dogs.

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I agree with Storm & Angel's mum; I don't think she was being rude, just giving stern advice, based upon the fact she is an experiences owner, everyone has said to feed in separate bowls as they may get on at the moment , but as they get older it could all change! when one wants the last scraps over the other you will have a worse fight as they will both be bigger stronger & have their adult teeth which can really do some damage! I can understand you following advice about leaving them too it & seeing what will happen, but like Storm & Angel's mum said it could end with a serious injury to one if not both of them, which will just fuel more aggression & a hefty vet bill! My puppy who is only 9 weeks plays with my girlfriends dog Prince who is a large Huskmute(mal x husky) and I still need to supervise them so I can correct any behaviour otherwise if you just 'leave them to it' a lot of damage can be done I'm not trying to cause any offence or push my opinion, just offering my point of view :) best of luck to you & the pups though! :)

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How do you know they are both getting enough nutrients etc if u feed from the same bowl , feeding from the same bowl whilst ok now could cause problems once they hit dominance , this should be stopped n fed separately , even with treats aswell , ur saying we don't know the whole story so how do you expect us to help unless u give us all the details

Dogs shouldn't ever be 'left to sort it out' they should have rules and boundaries , what happens if you leave them 2 sort it out they fight you can't stop them in time and one ends up seriously injured or worse!?

We aren't having a go we are trying 2 help .

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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I have to agree on the shared bowl. I realise it's cute and looks cool for your two boys to share their bowl when eating and some friends have probably commented on how great and unusual it is. But at the age they are it will and does work well. In adulthood despite them always having shared it really will become an issue. Not only that but as mentioned once the dominance issue is resolved that will mean the dominant male will take more from the bowl than the submissive one resulting in a less strong healthy dog. If you want two strapping strong boyz, give them their own bowl. They wouldn't share a lead or a collar. So why a bowl?

You may think I'm making too much of nothing at all in your eyes but only time will prove my point.

And I realise dogs are dogs and people are people. But would you share your dinner off your siblings plate every day for the rest of your life? Or.. And you're not going to like this.. Is it just easier to fill and clean one bowl as opposed to two?

I have two boyz who went through the 'who's going to be boss' stage I'm currently dealing with my girlz in a dominance issue which has come about through the dominant bitch having almost died.

Don't make a difficult situation worse simply because you're too stubborn to buy a second bowl :)

Oh, we have four bowls :P

Edited by Povodny
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I agree with other members regarding the shared bowl as has been said it may be ok now but sooner or later you will have issues with it and this is coming from someone who also has 2 males from the same litter,i would never leave them with food or treats ,all mine are fed on a raw diet now and are fed by me by had one piece each at a time so i dont have the worry of food bowls anymore and thats just what works for me.

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I agree with the feeding in separate bowls I'm not being stubborn about that. As it turns out it isn't an issue at the moment so I haven't changed it yet, I will soon enough. Also, when we went to the vets (both at the same time) they weighed exactly the same.

They fight over treats not food. The feeding thing wasn't even a part of why I posted in the first place. IF I keep feeding them from the same bowl I'm sure there will be fights over that but I am not going to keep doing that.

I really don't care for people acting like their view is the only way to achieve our goals. I happen to agree with the letting them figure things out but I won't do it blindly and let them kill each other. I don't want my boys injured but I don't want to have two dogs that I constantly have to watch or they fight.

The next time I gave them treats in the back yard I watched them closely. This time, Max ate his and started moving towards Ike's treat, I corrected him verbally and Max backed off. Ike, at first, was interested in Max's treat but I verbally corrected Ike and he backed off and ate his. This is why Max was done first because he wasn't worried about Ike's treat until his was gone.

Thanks everybody for your suggestions.

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If you don't want advice then don't ask for it...

You don't think feeding them from the same bowl is causing problems yet they fight over resources like food regularly. I would suspect very strongly that feeding from the same bowl is contributing to their fighting issues. You are teaching them they have a reason to be competitive over resources.

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If you don't want advice then don't ask for it...

Obviously this is not the case, I asked for advice and I got quite a lot of it. If you look closely there are conflicting advice so I have to look at what makes the most sense.

You don't think feeding them from the same bowl is causing problems yet they fight over resources like food regularly. I would suspect very strongly that feeding from the same bowl is contributing to their fighting issues. You are teaching them they have a reason to be competitive over resources.

They only fight over treats and that hasn't happened for quite some time. They have never lifted a paw against each other during feeding. Like I said though, I'll be getting the second set of bowls and they won't be feeding together any longer.

Thanks for all the advice...

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I've stayed out of this since as @Marc_L has said, he got plenty of advice and much of it was conflicting - and one of my comments seems to have drawn more than its share of ire.

Marc_L understood, from a later comment of his, that when I said "let them work it out" that there are limits. We've all, I presume, seen our dogs shuffling for "leader of the pack" and while there may be a lot of noise and action, there is seldom any blood. Watching it, it's obviously more than just play; it's also obvious that the dogs involved aren't serious about hurting each other.

I would also like to suggest that this is one thread where people have come way too close to saying that others don't know what they're talking about. I speak from my personal experience - some of that experience has been good and some of it not so good - but it's still what I've tried / done and know that this works for me, given other dogs and other circumstance it may not work at all. Whether couched as such or not, everything I might say is a suggestion - it can be heeded or ignored, matters not to me - because in the end, it's the person who posed the question who is the most intimate contact with their dog(s) and should know if something sounds feasible for them or not.

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