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Gotta Go - NOW!


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How does your Husky tell you, "Hey, you! I gotta go potty, NOW!"

Zoya gives me a cold stare and gives me a wooooof. Eisa just gives me a suttle stare and a few quick yips.

It's like there's no time left, the need is immediate. Then when I take them out, it's like they have all the time in the world. Not in any hurry.

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Diva will whine/moan and walk to the door and if I don't take notice straight away she will jump up the door lol

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Both Bindi & Alpha do not do it during the day but in the mornings when I am still nicely tucked in bed and it is after 7 am then the both bang on the bedroom door and if I do not get up quick enough for them they will open the door and wake me up with a nice face wash....if how ever I get up at 6 am and want to take them out they just do not move from their beds and look at me with the "do you not know what time it is " look.....

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Calvin will stand there and stare at me and maybe whine a bit. If Im not fast enough then he starts sitting down but takes forever to do and keeps shifting around all while staring at me and whining. Sometimes he will lower his head and stare at me from the top of his eyes lol. Then I have to stand there forever with the door open while he takes his sweet time heading outside.

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My 3 are all slightly different.

Myshka will walk up to the back door, wait a moment, walk back to you, stare at you, walk to the door, walk back, have a little yap & stare some more, back to the door - that's her signal.

Diesel walks to the middle of the room, looks at no-one in particular, gives an almighty "WOOF!" then looks at whoever is in the room, waits for them to move then trots to the back door.

Kaviq will walk to the back door & sit down, his nose pressed against the glass, but does not make a peep! So unless you are aware that he has gone to the door, you'd never know he wants out! He just sits there!

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Echo stands there and puts her head down on any surface that is very close to me, like a bed, couch or chair and stares at me, just like a begging dog would do. If I give her eye contact, she wags her tail. If she feels her 'request' as been ignored, she will let out a one woof.

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Shiloh opens and closes the cat flap with his head which gets annoying cos sometimes he just likes sticking his head through it without actually wanting to go out. I hope i catch him from the other side with my camera one of these fine days :D

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Fox: Sits in front of the door...glares...glares some more...if you don't notice in under 2 minutes he'll come howl at you.

Eponine: No warning she scratches at the door once...if you don't have a leash on you she will piddle on the floor then glare at you for being too slow

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Oscar goes when I let him out to bed, he isn't really fussed but Maddie will walk around the living room a few times then sit at the door to go out. If I don't get up when she wants me to she walks back and comes and lays her head on my knee. Poppy only realises she needs to go when I get up to let Maddie out, then it becomes a mad rush to get out of the door!!

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after reading all these comments im now certain my boy is insane and not really a dog lol when he needs out he will run up and down the stairs about 10 times the nibble my feet and if i still dont move he brings me my shoe (usually after hes ragged it about a bit 1st) then when i do let him out he explores the garden for about 5 mins and then does the tiniest wee iv ever seen but he wont poop if i can see him hes a bit self concious of pooping in the open so he has his own little corner at the back of the shed lol

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Hmmm, Viggo gets restless. He comes over to me and simply will not leave me alone.

Tika comes over and starts howling.

Bear, well, he gets annoying. He'll start making his weird Bear noises and lick you, and paw at you. Oddly enough, Bear's way of telling me it's time to eat is to pick up his food bowl, bring it into the living room where I am sitting and to drop it, causing a very loud bang. Soooo annoying. LOL

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