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THINK BIKE THINK BIKER signs need to be bigger


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i really hate car driver and more so WOMEN drivers ( there really bad in leeds anyways)

i mean how is not possible to see me i have motorbike jeans (not leathers), army style jacket and a grey helmet with a GREEN bike so its impossible for me to blend in but yet these people are trying there best to make me a RIP victim :@

this month alone 4 cars and a bus have tried there best to either break my bones on kill me.

the best was yesterday going down york road and there is a slow moving hgv, then the woman decides she will come into my lane without warning but not in front on me but the spot that im in. she was inches away from ramming me and i had to swerve to avoid he while she moves back and doing so i nearly went off the road i have around a 10 cm gap between me and pavement which will of included me hitting a wall. i s**t myself then i went into rage mode and went up at the side of her speaking a lot of bad stuff but i mean its impossible not to see me use your mirrors for gods sake or even use your ears my exhaust ain't what u would call peaceful.

not being sexist but in leeds they are by far the worse of all drivers.

rant over :cool:

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UGH I HATE women drivers they think they freaking own the road and they are ALWAYS in such a freaking hurry they don't care who the heck they mess up when they are driving. Don't get me started on women who drive big vehicles O.M.G. :banghead: Glad your ok though :)

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All drivers and riders need to be far more observant than they currently are IMO. People need to realise they're in charge of a vehicle that can do serious damage in a split second and drive accordingly. I also believe it's still far too easy to pass your test if the standard of driving is anything to go by.

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All drivers and riders need to be far more observant than they currently are IMO. People need to realise they're in charge of a vehicle that can do serious damage in a split second and drive accordingly. I also believe it's still far too easy to pass your test if the standard of driving is anything to go by.

Agree with you 100% and now it is all made worse with extra distractions, Sat nav, Smart phones etc....and this is not only women drivers there is plenty of male drivers that should not have a license either..or at least redo their test...

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Glad your OK, It is a dangerous world out there for us car drivers so I feel for you on motorbikes. I think your driving skill should be re-tested every 10/15 years or so. Not a full test but someone who sits in with you as you drive around for a couple of hours and at the end, decides if you need extra tuition or your skills/standards are ok for the road.

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Ghost R1d3r you have my fullest sympathy, people just don't seem to give the road the attention it deserves.

Going back to my truck driving days, the two people who hit me were both women. One was in a hurry to pick up her kids from school and decided to pass me on the right when I was making a right hand turn - needless to say she was late.

I've ridden motorcycle but decided to give that up when an idiot turned in front of me pulling away from a stop - shattered wrist and spiral fractures up both arm bones when I "tried to push him out of the way".

When I was in Japan it was amazing to me the quality of driver there. Then, when I got my car and Japanese license and was declared a professional driver fully responsible for any accident I caused I began to understand why they were better than average drivers. Had I hit and injured someone, *I* would have been responsible for caring for his medical bills as well as replacing any income he might have earned while he was getting well. Carry that on to being responsible for someone for the rest of their life and I decided it was better to be safe than sorry.

Edited by Al Jones
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Yeah, men seem more observant - it kills me to say that - but every close call we have had on the bike has been because of a woman not paying attention. We have got to the point that we keep an eye out for women drivers especially, or any vehicle with children in as the driver will be easily distracted.

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I am a woman driver & am proud to have a clean sheet in all my years of driving (one woman thought she'd try & stitch me up, 2 yrs later, in court, I made her look like a fool!) - I am also a motorbike rider with a clean sheet but a fair few near misses on the part of other road users. I find both sexes behind the wheel equally frustrating - women seem preoccupied & don't check mirrors & men want to race me all the time & "get one over on the biker"! And the looks I get off men when I stop at lights, for example & lift my visor "Oh my gosh! A woman rider!!"

I strongly agree that every car driver needs to do a basic CBT while taking driving lessons, they will know what it feels like to have a jerk drive close to them, tailgate them, cut them up etc by a SMIDSY (sorry, mate, I didn't see you).

Edited by Val (Zebedee)
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