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He's at it again, aggressive NOT possessive.....Help Please


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@Lazacka I've been reading your other posts and find a mini mistake here... You say that you marched him to his crate and made sure it won't make him see his crate as a negative thing because it's already bedtime anyways. Well, that's your mistake there.. Nigel didn't see the crate as a punishment. He didn't know that he's being corrected, which is probably why this behavior never stops popping back up every now and then

Yeah I was so confused about that myself.....I know I'm not suppose to use it as a punishment, but I was mad at him for biting me and I just wanted to get him out of my sight lol. I was just shocked and exasperated and didn't know what to do and knew at the time I was doing the wrong thing. This is why I came here to talk to you guys and get some good sound advice and support :) ugh...let's hope it doesn't happen again. By the way, Nigel has been doing great with his crate training! As of last night he's back on the main floor and not a peep when going to bed, just goes in, lies down and sleeps. Of course I end up staying up late with him and we're up at about 6:00 am...ish....so that we can slowly get him to hold is bladder and it's working..thankfully! The Vet (you know the one who needs a slap :P) said that he should be holding his bladder 8 to 10 hours, the trainer said at least 8 hours he should be fine in the crate at night. So I'm slowly working on that. What do you think I should have done by the way? I didn't want to scream at him (felt like it!) or hit him (would never do that) or bite him back (which really what I wanted to do! lol) I just didn't know what to do :(

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I was told that you're not suppose to wrestle/play fight with a pup until they're at least 6 months old and wouldn't want to try this with him so young. I also don't know when the e-collar will be used, that may be down the line, I was just told that the trainer uses them and that he suggested we get one for Nigel and basically sooner or later we'll be training him with it. I think we're going to try it first, I don't want to hurt Nigel but I don't want him to hurt anyone else either. I'm working even harder with him now and going to gain my Alpha position back no matter what. thanks for your input and suggestion!!

Yes, this is told to all owners of big breed dogs. Personally - If a parent husky/pup would do it, I would do it - but the same way. The problem people will get into is when to STOP them and tell them how much power you they can use - but you are not continuing the play. You are only distracting him and then all of a sudden leaving him alone.

As far as the alpha role is concerned... I am not going to worry about that right now. Maybe you already have it and he is under the impression that he can get away with it at times - All HUskies do this to annoy you for the attention - they dont know what attention they want, you need to know that they need to burn the energy - get a treadmill and check youtube on how to get huskies used to them. Don't do full exercises but get the pup used to it.

THis is no reason for an e-collar but consistant effort of putting the pup in it's place - the right way.

SOme pups need to be told what "WORK" is at an early age without putting physical pressure but putting "WORK" habits in their daily routine.

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Yeah I was so confused about that myself.....I know I'm not suppose to use it as a punishment, but I was mad at him for biting me and I just wanted to get him out of my sight lol. I was just shocked and exasperated and didn't know what to do and knew at the time I was doing the wrong thing. This is why I came here to talk to you guys and get some good sound advice and support :) ugh...let's hope it doesn't happen again. By the way, Nigel has been doing great with his crate training! As of last night he's back on the main floor and not a peep when going to bed, just goes in, lies down and sleeps. Of course I end up staying up late with him and we're up at about 6:00 am...ish....so that we can slowly get him to hold is bladder and it's working..thankfully! The Vet (you know the one who needs a slap :P) said that he should be holding his bladder 8 to 10 hours, the trainer said at least 8 hours he should be fine in the crate at night. So I'm slowly working on that. What do you think I should have done by the way? I didn't want to scream at him (felt like it!) or hit him (would never do that) or bite him back (which really what I wanted to do! lol) I just didn't know what to do :(

8 hours?? Eeeeek that's way too long! Nigel is 5 months old, yes? :S I don't know what's the exact number of hours he can hold his bladder in, but 8 hours is deffo not the answer. Unless he's sleeping, that is x)

I think you should tell him "no!" when he bit you and walk away... Or if walking away is not effective you can put him in a timeout zone (NOT his crate. Bathroom maybe?) so that he knows the consequence of his actions. The timeout zone must be a place that is small and has nothing that he can chew. Put him there about 1-2 minutes, then take him out. If he repeats the behavior, increase into 2-3 minutes. Soon he'll know he has done something wrong and restricted from joining the pack's activity :)

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As of last night he's back on the main floor and not a peep when going to bed, just goes in, lies down and sleeps. Of course I end up staying up late with him and we're up at about 6:00 am...ish....so that we can slowly get him to hold is bladder and it's working..thankfully! The Vet (you know the one who needs a slap :P) said that he should be holding his bladder 8 to 10 hours, the trainer said at least 8 hours he should be fine in the crate at night. So I'm slowly working on that. What do you think I should have done by the way? I didn't want to scream at him (felt like it!) or hit him (would never do that) or bite him back (which really what I wanted to do! lol) I just didn't know what to do :(

Standard rule to be safe = 1 hour x months.

If your pup is 3 months, they will need to clear themselves out every 3-5 hours. Mostly is right when they get up and right around when you excite them.

5 months = 5 Hours - 7 hours.

7 months or above = 7-9 hours. You are causing problems by making them hold longer...

edit: keep in mind that if you had the pup from let's say 8 weeks of age... and trained properly, then at 5 months also he could be holding for 8 hours. But incase you did not have the habits established already, safer than sorry...

Edited by Prince
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awww man i wrote so much and its all gone, silly tiny netbook 'growls' LOL hiya :) nice to meet you.

I was just reading that you have taught pup 'off' but he does still like to nip and bite at clothing to get attention, have you read [h=3]Bite inhabition - the most important thing you can teach your dog ???[/h]

We've done this with all of our dogs, I just didn't know it had a fancy name haha :) if you are working on this, disregard :) if you aren't you should, i'm sure it would help you.

I would probably be looking for a new vet, each and every time you take your pup in they are going to look into that file and see 'aggressive dog' and that is how he will be treated, as aggressive from now on.. that's the very last thing you guys need. it took us awhile to find a vet that we really really love, that also really really loved our pets and took the time to understand them.

The e-collar thing, i haven't personally used one but my sister in law did with her aussie Shepard, not a good outcome, I am sure that in a controlled environment (training) that it can be a great tool, but here's why it didn't work for my SIL - because the other people in the household, husband, son, sister ect.. used it incorrectly. You have said several times that your family are not very involved in training, they like to do their own thing, I would HATE for it to be used in the wrong manner by someone, accidentally. Also everyone has chimed in on this topic and i would absolutely take their advise to heart.

Keep the updates coming, i'm sure your guy is just testing limits, I'm very sorry that your family isn't helping matters, I'm sure that is VERY frustrating for you. I totally get that, especially since its so important to get this training stuff down right now.

one of the things I do with my kids (even my big kids/ and youngest sister -17 yrs) is to leave lots of books on the subject laying around and have the subject open up on the computer. Maybe it will eventually sink in that they really need to follow directions too. ;)

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8 hours?? Eeeeek that's way too long! Nigel is 5 months old, yes? :S I don't know what's the exact number of hours he can hold his bladder in, but 8 hours is deffo not the answer. Unless he's sleeping, that is x)

I think you should tell him "no!" when he bit you and walk away... Or if walking away is not effective you can put him in a timeout zone (NOT his crate. Bathroom maybe?) so that he knows the consequence of his actions. The timeout zone must be a place that is small and has nothing that he can chew. Put him there about 1-2 minutes, then take him out. If he repeats the behavior, increase into 2-3 minutes. Soon he'll know he has done something wrong and restricted from joining the pack's activity :)

Oh believe me, he doesn't hold it 8 hours lol but YES I was told that a pup his age should be able to hold his bladder for 8 hours and maybe she said to build it up to 10, not sure but I definitely heard 10 :S....for instance, last night I put him in his crate at 1:00 AM after I let him out to use the bathroom, he was up by 4:45 and I came down got him and let him out and he did his business outside (both) and then I put him back in the crate and he slept again peacefully until about 6:30ish when he was let outside again to go the bathroom. I left him in the crate this afternoon for about 45 minutes while I went to get the kids from school and go to the store (we were out almost all day together playing and training in the yard so he was tired) he whined for about 2 minutes then stopped. When I got back he didn't even make a peep until I let him out and he was fine. So he's getting used to it, but there's no way he's holding his bladder for 8 hours. My kids have school and my husband has work so I stay up late with Nigel so he doesn't just get thrown in the crate and whine and keep the household up. They have finals and need sleep (hence the reason he was in the basement) they're out of school in 2 weeks so hopefully by then he can go in his crate from like midnight till at least 7 AM.

Time out, you're right, when he was younger he was, as all puppies are, biters and it was becoming unbearable so what we did was shut him outside the living room door where he could see us for a couple of minutes or put him behind a gate and that seemed to work. He's really slowing down on the play biting wish he would lose his teeth lol ouch....but he's much better with that. I would never put him in the bathroom, he thinks that's his own private Pet Smart! If the door is left open, he'll come running out with a cotton ball or body wash, anything he can find on the edge of the tub or in the trash! lol.....so the trash is now in the vanity with the door closed and everything is out of his reach but he'd find some way to get in trouble in there believe me. :)

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Standard rule to be safe = 1 hour x months.

If your pup is 3 months, they will need to clear themselves out every 3-5 hours. Mostly is right when they get up and right around when you excite them.

5 months = 5 Hours - 7 hours.

7 months or above = 7-9 hours. You are causing problems by making them hold longer...

edit: keep in mind that if you had the pup from let's say 8 weeks of age... and trained properly, then at 5 months also he could be holding for 8 hours. But incase you did not have the habits established already, safer than sorry...

Thank you so much for that schedule! He went about 4 hours last night and some nights he's gone up till 5 hours but we're just re-training him so it's going to take a little while I'm sure. I'm hoping by the middle of June I can get him at least 7 hours a night in the crate and then by the end of the summer 8 hours. He had a lot of stomach issues that's why we've had to re-train him. He couldn't hold it in the crate for a couple of hours back he had diarrhea so bad. His tummy issues are resolved and we're hopefully back on the right track. Thanks again for the schedule and your advice :)

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awww man i wrote so much and its all gone, silly tiny netbook 'growls' LOL hiya :) nice to meet you.

I was just reading that you have taught pup 'off' but he does still like to nip and bite at clothing to get attention, have you read Bite inhabition - the most important thing you can teach your dog ???

We've done this with all of our dogs, I just didn't know it had a fancy name haha :) if you are working on this, disregard :) if you aren't you should, i'm sure it would help you.

I would probably be looking for a new vet, each and every time you take your pup in they are going to look into that file and see 'aggressive dog' and that is how he will be treated, as aggressive from now on.. that's the very last thing you guys need. it took us awhile to find a vet that we really really love, that also really really loved our pets and took the time to understand them.

The e-collar thing, i haven't personally used one but my sister in law did with her aussie Shepard, not a good outcome, I am sure that in a controlled environment (training) that it can be a great tool, but here's why it didn't work for my SIL - because the other people in the household, husband, son, sister ect.. used it incorrectly. You have said several times that your family are not very involved in training, they like to do their own thing, I would HATE for it to be used in the wrong manner by someone, accidentally. Also everyone has chimed in on this topic and i would absolutely take their advise to heart.

Keep the updates coming, i'm sure your guy is just testing limits, I'm very sorry that your family isn't helping matters, I'm sure that is VERY frustrating for you. I totally get that, especially since its so important to get this training stuff down right now.

one of the things I do with my kids (even my big kids/ and youngest sister -17 yrs) is to leave lots of books on the subject laying around and have the subject open up on the computer. Maybe it will eventually sink in that they really need to follow directions too. ;)

Hi!!! I know exactly what you mean about writing a long post and then it disappear lol :) it took me a little bit to get used to the new format when it changed and so that would happen to me, I just keep myself logged in now.

Yes I read the bite inhibition a while back, we tried it but Nigel didn't respond, he just kept biting harder and no matter what we tried with that, he wasn't having it. It makes so much sense that he has to know when he's hurting you, but Nigel was just getting more excited the more we showed it hurt us. It's so hard with a puppy isn't it? He's really slowed down on the biting and tugging, I couldn't walk across my kitchen floor before now he's responding much better with the "off" command. It's working so I guess I don't want to mess with it, but thanks so much for the suggestion! :)

The Vet, he has a great Vet but this woman was not his regular vet and I'm going to request we don't see her again. There is another vet who we loved that took care of our last dog during emergencies and was the one who had to put her to sleep, she's a little further away and we just figured since Nigel is a puppy and could get into anything at anytime, it's better to establish a relationship with the one that is 10 minutes from the house vs 25-30. I'm not saying that Nigel isn't a tough nut to crack and he did get aggressive with me, hubby, the trainer and the vet and her assistant, but I feel he's young enough to learn and if an e-collar is what it takes, then we'll use it. I will keep you guys updated, he does have his pre-op on the 13th of June so I'm hoping he gets a good report card that day lol I'll let you guys know. He should be seeing the trainer this weekend, last weekend was a holiday so he was off. Thanks so much for your post and advice, greatly, greatly appreciated!!!! :)

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