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Behaviourist is all booked in


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That sounds really positive :grinning-smiley-003, really pleased for you all,

This has to be one of the most difficult ones, but stick with it...

thanks smithy. I have to agree it is very hard to feel the blue and bown eyes giving you the look and trying to resit! When I think of what we will get from continuing it all is far better :D

Sounds like it went well Amy, hope you see a change in your boys soon :)

Thanks Bec, I am already seeing very little small changes in their behaviour already. They are very small changes but everything counts :D

Yay, Amz! You sound so positive about your pack's future, and to see how much you enjoyed the experience - I guess we're all guilty of giving misleading signs to our dogs, but until it's pointed out to us, we don't know we're doing it! I'm so happy you felt it a positive experience & look forward to you bragging how well your boys are doing (& the humans, of course!)

Thanks Val :) Im finding at the moment that by talking positive and avoiding the negative parts as much as I can I think positive and so feel more confident with what Im doing. Next time we meet Gizmo should be acting like a real gentlemen and not try to just jump straight on poor Myshka lol

Awww i am so pleased for you amy, aatleast now you are armed with the tools to teach the boys from scratch and best of all the more assertive and positive, you get with them the more assertive and positive you will be with everything, it can only lead to better things! Loads of hugs, Jo.Xxx ;)

I really cannot thank you enough Jo for recommending me to natalie :) If it wasnt for you then we would probably still be pulling our hair out at the moment! Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Early Days!

We have made a few mistakes but we only started it all Friday night so its still very earlt days and to help us remember we will remind each other if one does something we shouldnt. Like this morning Edwina came into the dogs and I was having breakfast and she went to them and fussed them all whne we were told not to do that but to make them come to us on our terms not on theirs so I just reminded jamies mum and I feel by doing that we can support each other and make the best results come out!

Even though it is probably too early to tell, I have seen very slight changes in my boys already (It can only better!).

Gizmo is being the big challenger of them all and although it is a pain in th rear I keep at it and continue to think positive thought of how easy life will be once we have got over this first big step!

Bandit and Marley are getting better on recall. Ive been switching between giving a treat and fussing them as rewards so when they do something I want them too, they will not know what the reward will be and so hopefully become more obediant as they will have different things to work for, if that makes any sence at all lol!

Ive had to put Gizmo into detention once today as he kept jumping on me and everytime I pushed him down he would come back up again so I put into detention which he didnt like at all! He cried and moaned for ages, OMG the noise was horriffic! He eventually went quiet so I went and let him back out of detention.

Then Gizmo kept demanding to go outside! I went to the door and he followed and ran straight to the door so I ignored him and called Bandit to 'Come' from the living room so I could take him out and went out with Bandit and we did some "Stop, Start, Change Direction" work and a some recall aswell and Bandit went for toilet aswell then we went back in. Both Gizmo and Marley were waiting at the door this time so I just ignored both of them and got Bandit in removed the lead put it all away and went into the living room and sat down! Both Gizmo and Marley followed me in again and come up to me and I was still ignoring them (trying not to look at those pretty eyes and "The Look"). I sat there chilling out until everyone was once again settled and then decided "I will go outside now" and got up went into the back room by the back door, Gizmo cam flying through to the door again so I did the same again and just ignored him and called Marley to 'Come' from the living room, out he came trotting away like a pansy, lol, I hooked Marley upto the lead and went outside and did the same to Marley as what I did with Bandit. Marley was more stubborn than Bandit so if he did do wrong I just ignored him and kept thinking positive things! He was better once we got into it a bit more, starting it was the difficult bit. Then take Marley back in, Gizmo is still waiting and im still ignoring him! Went back into the living room and sat on the sofa and chilled out. Waiting for them to settle again and had another go at getting Gizmo outside and everytime he would make a mad run to the door so I would ignore him and go back in and sit down until they settled again and I would try again. I was doing that for hours until finally I went into the back room and Gizmo just calmly walked into the kitchen as I was getting ready and then I called him out and he sat still whilst I put the led on him and then ran straight to the door, so I ignored him and walked off into the living room and did that for a while until he finally followed me to the back door and waited behind me whilst I opened the door and went out. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did it woooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got there in the end! I had got him outside where we did the same as I did with Marley and Bandit and Gizmo, being Gizmo, was even more as stubborn and challenging as he is with everything else so Im finding (probably where we have let him get away with so much!).

I also had to put Marley into detention today as he was trying to lick my sandwhich whilst I was eating it! We were told if they beg then we glare at the food and then give them a dirty look and I did this several times and Marley never took his eyes off the food so I put him into detention. He was just as bad as Gizmo. Screaming, howling, crying!!!!! Stuck to my guns and waiting until he went quiet until I let him back out.

So far today thats about everything. Although it probably doesnt sound like it, I can already see an improvement in them all. I have to say Gizmo is definately going to be the biggest challenge!

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It must be really hard to stop what came natural before, but you sound SO determined & have already seen changes - Gizmo took a bit of time, but he did it in the end! This is where the husky stubbornness shows but you've just proved you can beat it! Well done you! The hardest part is done - implementing this new way of life to the boys, & they're listening... keep it up, look forward to reading your progress with them! xxxx

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I really cannot thank you enough Jo for recommending me to natalie :) If it wasnt for you then we would probably still be pulling our hair out at the moment! Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awww no need to thank me hun, you did the hardest part when you asked for help, i'm just pleased that its all going well for you and that you were able to get the help you needed, Natalie is fantastic at what she does, and to know that she was able to help you and your boys out is great. Keep us posted on how it all goes. I'll pm you in a mo, speak to you soon, Jo.Xxx:p

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wow great stuff :up: might be worth investing in some ear plugs LOL

You're doing a fantastic job keep it up, it's not easy avoiding "The Look" lol

lol i agree!!! earplugs have to be a definate must at the moment

their look is just toture to avoid lol must be done though

It must be really hard to stop what came natural before, but you sound SO determined & have already seen changes - Gizmo took a bit of time, but he did it in the end! This is where the husky stubbornness shows but you've just proved you can beat it! Well done you! The hardest part is done - implementing this new way of life to the boys, & they're listening... keep it up, look forward to reading your progress with them! xxxx

it definately isnt easy, I keep thinking about the camping trip which is helping keep the determination there as I really want to go but if the boys and me and jamie are not confident by then we would have to sit the camping trip out or just come up on our own and leave the boys behind which I dont want to heppen.

Awww no need to thank me hun, you did the hardest part when you asked for help, i'm just pleased that its all going well for you and that you were able to get the help you needed, Natalie is fantastic at what she does, and to know that she was able to help you and your boys out is great. Keep us posted on how it all goes. I'll pm you in a mo, speak to you soon, Jo.Xxx:p

Natalie is a brillaint help! Even before we booked the consultation with her she was helping us as best as she could which she didnt have to, Im sure any other behaviourist wouldn't have as at that point we could have easily said no we are going with someone else.

She has and still is being a great help and all of you here are showing and giving us so much support. I can't wait until we do have things back to normality so I can meet you all and show you the outcome of what you all have helped to become achievable :)

thats great news i'll be trying some of this with my two, glad to hear it's going well xxxx

To make you laugh, Jamie and his mum and dad have now said I should become a behaviourist! OMG what a crazy idea I thought at first but I enjoy working with animals and did do animal car and management at college but when I was there and had the change to start studying dog behaviour I was more focused on becoming a herpetologist so my work was obviously more focused on reptiles, amphibs and creep crawlys! I think I would rather see how everything goes with what we are doing now and then maybe think about doing a course a bit more then, but if i do go ahead I would be willing to help you out :grinning-smiley-003

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the last few days

omg it has been a challenge lately! every evening once jamie and his mum and dad come home the boys start to be a challenge! during the day when im on my own they are not too bad, have had to put them into either a calm freeze (hold them calmly by the collar and hold them still until they fully lie down, on their own) or detention/isolation a few times but evening is when it increases!

the other day (monday or tuesday, i think :confused:) it was dreadful! the dogs were challenging everything and being extremely stubborn, and jamie was being a challenge too and I really felt powerless so not much was done that day! I was in the complete wrong frame of mind for it that day and really couldn't hack it!

apart from that it has been going well. They are gradually getting calmer when we enter the house and their recall and lead work is definately improving :D I am seeing them fully relaxed (laid down on their side leg out front and sighing) alot more too. I have found that gizmo will do anything for cooked sausage today!! I was brave today and wondered outside of the back garden to the driveway towards the front gate and done some lead/focus work out the front with Gizmo and Bandit (didnt get far enough with Marley) and went really well! That is apart from when a cat ran accross the garden infront of Gizmo and off he went! All I did was ignored him and turned away (so I was facing away from the cat) and just waited there until Gizmo was back in focus on me and waiting for me to decided where we went, took a while and he moaned alot about it but I cracked him eventually and he came back to me and looked at me as if to say "Where do we go now?" :D woooohooooo cracked him on that probably still take a few attempt but I know that works and hopefully each time the time will decrease to nothing and he will ust wonder past and focus on me :D

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:clap: going well!!! :up:

That cat's got some nerve! lol

lol there is two of them. I think they are twins as they both look alike! We thought it was only the one at first until one day I saw one walk through the middle of the garden and at the same time the other one popped its head right at the window - until the boys saw it and charged for the window! not got that close since lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't updated this for a while!

Things are going great with the boys :D This morning was real proof of how much dogs can sence human emotions! I was realy nervouse about meeting Ade and Claire today and the boys knew it and were really thowing it all at me! When I got back they were once again calm and settled which ust shows how much they picked up on me and used that as their opportunity!

I was very bad the other day. I was cutting up some cocktail sausages to use as treats for the boys and Gizmo and Bandit were messing in the back room so I went in there to put them both into a calm freeze and came back in to the kitchen to find Marley had ceased the moment and was on the side eating the sausages!! I should have calmly got his collar and put him into a calm freeze but I got so angry with what he was doing the emotion took over and I pinned him onto the floor :eek: and then let go straight away and though 'I REALLY SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT!' I felt so bad for doing that :sad_face: :o and could have easily gone and gave Marley a big hug but though nope I can't do that either so I just left it at that and carried on cutting up what was left!

Wednesday night was a real bonus! I managed to walk outside the front gate with Gizmo without him charging in front of me! We didnt get far after that, only reached neighbours driveway, but still just going out the front gate and not getting dragged out was a result :D

Its getting there gradually and steps like I got with Gizmo are proof that is taking effect :)

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:clap: Amy - well done babe!

Don't beat yourself up about pinning him though, you are learning from your mistakes just like your boys are - you're all learning together :up:

I think it's great that you managed to get to the neighbours driveway - RESULT!! Keep going!!

Added to rep ;)

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well done, Amy, doesn't it give you a boost when you see evidence that your hard work is paying off!

It's understandable you feel pinning him went against what you were trying to achieve, but no-one's perfect (even me :cool: :D ) and you should expect the odd hiccup without being hard on yourself for doing it ... that's all part of the learning curve, I think you're doing amazing - look at your progress already with Gizmo ..

Keep up the good work, hun, you're doing a great job, xx

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Wow Amy, I'm impressed! This is so awesome to read through - I'm so glad this is working ofr you (and may even give you a new career in the long run - bless Gizmo, Marley, and Bandit for that!)

I also want you to know that by having your behaviorist come in, you've shown many members that there is a time to admit that you can't do it all yourself AND that there is no reason to ever give up on a dog! Thank you for that!

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:clap: Amy - well done babe!

Don't beat yourself up about pinning him though, you are learning from your mistakes just like your boys are - you're all learning together :up:

I think it's great that you managed to get to the neighbours driveway - RESULT!! Keep going!!

Added to rep ;)

Thanks sarah, I was so proud of Gizmo, also got out the front gate with Bandit too :D He went really well until a cyclist came a flew right past us and that made him dive for the hedge and took his concentration away so we could have got further but I didnt want to push it so we went back to the safety of the garden.

well done, Amy, doesn't it give you a boost when you see evidence that your hard work is paying off!

It's understandable you feel pinning him went against what you were trying to achieve, but no-one's perfect (even me :cool: :D ) and you should expect the odd hiccup without being hard on yourself for doing it ... that's all part of the learning curve, I think you're doing amazing - look at your progress already with Gizmo ..

Keep up the good work, hun, you're doing a great job, xx

gives more than just a boost with everyone here showing their support :D It would be a struggle without you all :grinning-smiley-003

Wow Amy, I'm impressed! This is so awesome to read through - I'm so glad this is working ofr you (and may even give you a new career in the long run - bless Gizmo, Marley, and Bandit for that!)

I also want you to know that by having your behaviorist come in, you've shown many members that there is a time to admit that you can't do it all yourself AND that there is no reason to ever give up on a dog! Thank you for that!

Thanks becky :) It wasnt easy to admit that we needed help but it was get help or split them up and there was no way I wanted to go down that road!!!!

I thought putting a little diary kinda thing on here would not only be something for myself to look back on but also something for other to look through and hopefully get some tips :)

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well done Amy so proud of you for keeping focused and putting in all the hard work to help your boys stay together.

I don't know how to do quotes but whay Becky says (I also want you to know that by having your behaviorist come in, you've shown many members that there is a time to admit that you can't do it all yourself AND that there is no reason to ever give up on a dog! Thank you for that! )

As you know Amy i'm having problems with my 3 at the moment since i rehomed my 3rd, i'm not one to admit i need help i'm a stubern sod and to admit i'm failing was not an option for me.

Reading your post as helped me in a lot of ways, i now quarantine when needed but for short periods of time and avoid eye contact it is helping but not only that you have helped me admit defeat.

I can't do it alone i need help ( there i did it lol ) and now thanks to you Amy i have contacted a behaviorist as sending Thor back into rescue is not an option for me i can not give up on him yet.

I did not rehome him to just give up on him he is a great dog in a lot of ways, he as just lost his way and needs help to get back and i guess thats where i come in, he deserves a second chance.

so you see Amy yes as Becky says your post helps others like me without it i may have struggled on for a while but then i may have ended up in a worse place than i am right now so i thank you and so will Thor when you meet him xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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well done Amy so proud of you for keeping focused and putting in all the hard work to help your boys stay together.

I don't know how to do quotes but whay Becky says (I also want you to know that by having your behaviorist come in, you've shown many members that there is a time to admit that you can't do it all yourself AND that there is no reason to ever give up on a dog! Thank you for that! )

As you know Amy i'm having problems with my 3 at the moment since i rehomed my 3rd, i'm not one to admit i need help i'm a stubern sod and to admit i'm failing was not an option for me.

Reading your post as helped me in a lot of ways, i now quarantine when needed but for short periods of time and avoid eye contact it is helping but not only that you have helped me admit defeat.

I can't do it alone i need help ( there i did it lol ) and now thanks to you Amy i have contacted a behaviorist as sending Thor back into rescue is not an option for me i can not give up on him yet.

I did not rehome him to just give up on him he is a great dog in a lot of ways, he as just lost his way and needs help to get back and i guess thats where i come in, he deserves a second chance.

so you see Amy yes as Becky says your post helps others like me without it i may have struggled on for a while but then i may have ended up in a worse place than i am right now so i thank you and so will Thor when you meet him xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

awww Linda, you are doing the right thing and I know that natalie will put you in touch with someone who, like her, knows what they are doing :D

Keep your chin up girl, it will improve. I wish I could help you more but I dont want to suggest too much to you as Im not exactly experienced yet! I agree with sarah I think you should do the same as me with the diary thing :) You may be advised of different methods (there are so many out there!) so it would be good to hear of what you have been advised :D and also its easier to keep everyone up to date and if you have a bad day can be somewhere to vent out!

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