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Meet My Dog


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I'm not sure if there is a thread like this, but I KNOW all of our lovely dogs have such crazy unique personalities, and I would like to meet each and every one of them formally! We have an introductions page for people, so why not have one for our loves?

Meet Meeka


I'm 4 1/2 months old and my favorite thing to do is roam around my new house and find everything I'm NOT supposed to eat. I will eat everything from paper towels, toilet paper, socks, boxers, blankets, sheets, pillows. I really try to eat paperclips, staplers, wood chips, cat food, cat litter, rocks, but most the time my mom ends up sticking her hand down my throat and getting them. I don't like when she does this, but I keep doing it anyway!

I love love love my walks, especially when I get to meet new people I ask them for belly rubs and 10/10 they ALWAYS rub my belly and tell me how pretty I am.

But my most favorite thing to do, is every night when my mom and dad are watching TV, I like to cuddle up with them and let some good farts out :P

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This is a great idea. Was nice gettin to meet Meeka.

Meet Odin


I'm 2 years old, and live with my dad in Swansea.

I love nothing more than going for long walks with him around the area, or trips up to Brecon for walks when we go and see dads girlfriend.

When dads in work, I keep myself occupied with my chew toys, posing on the front window for passersby, and stealing things from the bin- my favourite being empty Ben & Jerrys tubs!

When dads back from work we love nothing more than a play in the front room, a nice cwtch on the sofa and having my tummy rubbed so I kick away like a loon!


Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using Tapatalk 2



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My name is Dimitri, I am almost 2 and I am truly beautiful! I am the Lord of all I survey, although my family try to keep telling me otherwise. I love rabbit.. Particularly the chase as it builds my appetite. I have magical powers whereby I can disappear into thin air and the ability to switch my hearing on and off at will. My eyes are the key to wooing the treat givers I meet on my walk and have a taste for gravy bones. I love attention but not too much so sometimes I go and block the draft in the hallway.


I am Shadow... PLAY!!! I am just 2.. PLAY!! and I love to run.. PLAY!! I love it that PLAY! my family take me on long runs PLAY! on the bike with my bud PLAY! Dimitri. Once I actually caught a squirrel PLAY.. SQUIRREL PLAY.. My family love PLAY to stroke my belly and it PLAY makes me howl.. I love to natter SQUIRREL quick chat here quick chat there.. In between this I PLAY sleep like an angel SQUIRREL but only when I'm on the comfiest PLAY chair in the house.. PLAY!




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I am Shadow... PLAY!!! I am just 2.. PLAY!! and I love to run.. PLAY!! I love it that PLAY! my family take me on long runs PLAY! on the bike with my bud PLAY! Dimitri. Once I actually caught a squirrel PLAY.. SQUIRREL PLAY.. My family love PLAY to stroke my belly and it PLAY makes me howl.. I love to natter SQUIRREL quick chat here quick chat there.. In between this I PLAY sleep like an angel SQUIRREL but only when I'm on the comfiest PLAY chair in the house.. PLAY!

someones watched up!!!! lol

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Hi, I'm Moro. I live with my mommy, daddy and partner in crime Juno, deep down in Alabama. I'll be 1 on July 19th and mom is gonna make me homemade ice cream then we're gonna play in the pool. I enjoy chewing on the porch, chairs, wall, toes, Lucy (the stupid beagle, cuz she's stupid) the tree....mom says I'm not sposed to tho. I really like to run, Juno and I run around and around every day when mom lets us out in the morning! I always try to come back and sneak some coffee from mom before dad gets up but I haven't succeeded yet. I love "training time", dad thinks I'm learning but I'm just going with it for the treats.....I know what I'm doing. I really enjoy movie time with my family, I let them get on my big queen sized bed and we all watch a movie. Dad thinks I talk back too much, really I'm just voicing my own opinion, I'm entitled to that right?

oooo oooooo I love when I get to ride in the big truck and we go to the Me Store, where everything is for meeeeee!!! All the people love me and I get lots and lots of treats for "being sweet", if they only knew. Juno and I like to dig too, we dug a human sized hole under the house....um....please tell me mom can't read this? she can't right? ok..... moving on.

I really love to eat the blackberries off of Grandpa's blackberry vine and I love when Grandma gives me ice from her tea glass ^.^

all in all I love my mom, dad and Juno so much!!! They are the best and they treat me like the king I am. Mom says I'm the big guy so that means I'm in charge. Oh and I'm in charge of hauling the firewood in the winter to keep mom warm, she likes that and she likes when I kill the icky bugs for her, I'm bug security.

Nice to meet you!!

Moro - the wood chewing, hole digging, beagle chasing, back talking, loving, cuddling, tough guy, mommas boy, husky.


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post-8052-13586049097863_thumb.jpgHi. My name is Gypsy, my mom rescued me and is now my forever home. I am a very curious girl and I like to eat whatever I can, even if it isn't what I should be eating. I wasn't socialized very much but my mom takes me on long walks and we meet lots of people who tell me how pretty I am. I am fascinated by squirrels and rabbits and I love to howl. I get very upset when my mom leaves for work but when she comes home I get to play and she gives me treats. I do talk back...a lot but I am happy to be in a place where I get lots of attention. I am going to clicker training in a few weeks so i can learn to listen better.

I love, love love car rides and sometimes i don't want to get out of the car. I could chase flies all day.

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Hi I'm luka!! I live in mississippi with my Mom and dad. I'm 12 weeks old and full of energy! I like to go on walks and smell everything! I watch animal planet while mommy is at work but when she gets home we play with my tennis ball and my stuffed raccoon. I have a love for toilet paper rolls ( you know the brand new ones with all the white stuff on it) but mommy isn't very happy when I shred them all over the house! Cant figure out why though, she Knows I'm a snow dog deep down and I'm just recreating snow ;) I'm crate trained but I sleep in my mommy's bed every night because she is so nice.


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Great idea for a post!


Hi, I'm Echo! I am estimated to be about 14 months old now, however my past is unknown. I came into the shelter as a stray, and I wasn't claimed. More than likely, someone loved how cute and pretty I was as a pup, but did not know how mischeivous and headstrong I would come to be, as I fit the Siberian's personality to a T! I am much too smart for my own good - I love to learn new tricks, but I can live without the obedience training - I like to do what I want to do when I want to do it - and I will back talk to you if I feel the need, I am a sassy girl! My favorite thing right now is playing, I could play all day long - but I am also very affectionate and can be quite the cuddle bug. I love men and I love children - mommy says 'One day, you will appreciate me' - whatever that means, I love her, but for right now, I just want to rough-house and play and meet new people! As much as I act more excited about everything and everyone else, I am very loyal to my mommy.. I stay with her all the time! I love to hunt and catch my tail, not because I am bored, but because it is fun! I will do it, even while I'm playing with another dog .. I love other dogs! I love to chew, but not icky furniture - but mommy says that's a good thing and I guess I agree! My favorites are Nylabones, tennis balls and ropes.. I will bring my rope to you and make sure you play tug-o-war with me. I may be a pretty girl, but don't let that fool you, I am a tomboy! Now, it's time for me take my mom for a walk, one of my favorite things! :) I could write more about me, but you get the point - I am a happy-go-lucky, playful, yet headstrong & independent girl!

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Hi, I'm Storm! I am a little bit over 5 months old. I live in Kansas City, Missouri with my mom and dad (Josh and his G/f Sarah) I love chewing on everything from daddies socks and mommies bras to ice and the extra piece of carpet we have by the front door. I'm trying to learn new things every day and we even get to go to the park 3 or 4 times a week and I get to meet new people and other dogs too. I like to run and hide behind the couch when i have something in my mouth i shouldn't and relax laying upside down with my feet on the front door so i know when someone is driving down our street. My parents think I'm spoiled but i know I'm not =) One of my favorite things to do is to try to pull my dads arm out of socket when i see any kind of wildlife in the really huge backyard we have. I make him run with me to try to chase it and he looks silly i think. I'm a handful and plan on being onry as much as I can be as i grow up!


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Meet Diamond!


Hi my name is Diamond and I will be 3 years old in 6 days time. My owner better buy me a big bunch of toys for that because if not some shoes will suffer to deeeaaath :D I live with my current family in a small town called Malang in Indonesia, and I'm loving it here since the weather is always so cold. I was born as a third in a litter of three boys in a place that you humans call as "puppy mill". An old man beats me up every day for one whole year until a lady rescued me and my brothers after the mill was closed down. My brothers didn't make it, but I do. Liv often says I'm a product of miracle because my brothers passed on due to a contagious disease (I'm always around them 24/7) yet I managed to survive. I don't have any idea what "miracle" is, but I believe it must be something real cool so you better listen to me now and give me what I want because... I'm a MIRACLE!! :cool: Liv also says that I have the WORST selective hearing ever, but hey how can she complaint I do things my own way. If I decided this is a good time to be sweet I'll be sweet, but if this is a bad day to be sweet I would go deaf! :D I believe that's fair enough :cool: but as devilish as I might sound, I'm the most angelic husky on Planet Earth :D not every husky can walk perfectly on the lead like me, and I believe not much is as lazy as I am! I must be a king of something because I'm so damn awesome so who wanna give me cheese now? :up:

Btw since I am about to celebrate my birthday I think you guys would want to know what things do I like ;) I like cheese, natural yoghurt, chicken meat, apple, chew toys, jogging, and.. of course.. some little cats that I can hunt :D I also love to sleep and learn new tricks but guess that's the unimportant ones :rolleyes: well that's all about me.. Don't forget my birthday you people! Remember, you LOVE your SHOES!!! :hehe:


Edited by mydiamond
grammatical errors
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Hi, Im Parker, you probably know alot about me already as my mum is rather proud and is always talking about me, well i not suprised are you, i mean look at me how can you not want to talk about me.... :)

Me and my brother are from the same family, there was 5 of us 3 boys and 2 girls, and we used to play in the garden together with my real mum and dad, oh and gran.

Now we live with mummy and Ken, i would call him daddy but he thinks it weird...humans never understood them :confused:

I am the boss, and i let Kaiden, and Cagney know it, all the toys are mine, all the treats are mine, all the food and water is mine mine mine.

I love going for a walk, if we go in the car it normally means an extra long walk, or even a run. i love running, but Ken and mummy are so slow, so i have to pull them most the way, i mean honestly how lazy can humans be...

I showed mum the other day, she was being so slow i pulled he over, twice, serves her right, she needs to keep up or ill just drag her around like a doll. i must admit though she finds it funny so its ok, if she got upset i would stop and go give her my famous I love you lick and look....she cant resist that.

sleeping, now there is a pleasure i can not begin to describe, while i sleep i dream off running in the fields, catching the rabbits that got away that day, its lovely...well that is until mum or ken comes over and snuggles upto me, i huff, but they just copy me, how childish is that.


Oi its my turn....Hi i am Kaiden, and you want to kiss and cuddle me dont you, you will, you must, look into my eyes....right your under....go and get the treat bag......put Parker outside.....give me all the treats.....thank you....oh right yes..um whats the saying....your awake...

I am as mummy says her chunky monkey, all i have to do is look at her and shes all over me like a rash, cause, well im just that cute.

Parker thinks he's in charge, but mummy is most defo the boss....do i get a treat for that mum?

I love winding my brother up when he is sleeping ill go chew his neck, the trick is to wait till he is running in his sleep, and to get to him before ken and mummy, then i pound on him. he jumps up and chases me, so much fun, well until mum shouts at us.

we're not allowed in the kitchen, but i always go in and if im quiet enough they dont notice me till ive found something, then i get chased around by mummy, so funny, she runs on two legs, if she ran on four she might be able to catch me....

I loveeee food, i would lie on my back and have food pooring into my mouth all day if i could, but mum has me on a diet, says shes sorry but the vet thinks i am over weight, well if i stand next to Parker i am not surprised, he looks like my real mum, feminine lol, where as i look like daddy, wow he was big strong and so playful.

I love playing and playing and running, and eating and playing and eating and being fussed over by mum, she does that alot, but then says Parkers turn, but i push him out the way, cause she loves me more

But sometimes its just nice to chill in the Pad with my bro Parker.


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Hi :wave: I'm Storm. I'm a Siberian Husky cross German Shepherd. My Doggy Mummy was a Husky cross German Shepherd and My Doggy Daddy was a Siberian Husky. So I'm more Husky, and Mummy says I'm all husky in my heart :heartbeat:.

I live in Northamptonshire, England with my Mummy, Daddy, Brother, Sister and My Wife Angel.

I was born on the 6th of July 2010, exactly one month today and it will be my second birthday!!!!!! I hope I get:cake: and presents. ( I better had or I'm going to do something my Mummy wont like me doing) MWAHAHAHAHAHA

I am a very friendly Lovable boy. Anyone who has met me, Loves me :D can you blame them?

I also love my Mummy and Daddy as much as they love me. :wub:


And I love my Sister too. My Brother is annoying :P[ATTACH]47760[/ATTACH]

I also Love my Wife very much too


I like to go for walks, and love going on my long leads so I can have a play and run. I went to the beach for the first time at April Husky camp and I love it! :D I want to go again! Mummy says we are both coming on holiday with them soon, I cant wait to go to the beach again.

I also like my home comforts, Lying on my back on the settee is my favourite position.


I also have special love for my Auntie Nix aka [MENTION=95]BingBlaze'n'Skyla[/MENTION]


Well thats all about me! :D Gosh I do love to talk about myself.

p.s. dont forget my birthday, 6th of July ;)




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Hi, I'm Angel. I live with my Mummy, Daddy, Brother, Sister and My Husband Storm (above)

I am over 2 years old. I was born in October 2009 but we don't know the date because I am a rescue so we say its the 24th. I went into Huskies In Need Husky Rescue sometime in the beginning of 2011. Aunty Val and Uncle Steve aka [MENTION=143]Val (Zebedee)[/MENTION] rescued me and my friend Buddy from being turfed out into the streets. :eek:

On the 26th of May I was taken to meet what would be my new family. I met Storm and it was love at first sight :wub:


On the 24th of June, My family came to collect me from my fosterer's.


I am very happy in my home, I love my family very much.

I am a very shy girl, and I do like to play but I get very scared easily. I don't like men I dont know very much, and I dont like loud noises or sudden movements.

I fart, A LOT. :tmi: I'm sorry lol.

I am extremely attached to my Mummy and I often sulk in my crate when she goes to work :( I don't like being apart from her.

I'm glad I am going on holiday with them because I didn't want to be seperated from my Mummy.

Also Mummy says it's going to be my first anniversary of being my family, while we are away. :D


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hi there! im Blaze , im gonna be 4 years old in september! and i just KNOW im gonna get spoilt for it , i always get spoilt ,, my mummy always shares her treats with me which makes my human sister call me a chunk , im not chunky at all im just really fluffy but she STILL calls me a chunky monkey *wth is a monkey!?*

i live with 2 other 4 legged animals , one kind of looks like me but is REALLY annoying and never stops biting my legs i like to be left alone or cuddled up with my mummy or human sister , i dont enjoy being chewed on! im not a 'rawhide' i like rawhide its my favorite treat *drools* oh erm where was i!? oh yeah and another 1 who is kind of like us but smaller not as fluffy and his ears are broken as they dont stand up like mine do ,,

i have one brown eye and one blue eye and its not a good thing because it means mummy and human sister NEVER leave me alone , they are ALWAYS stroking and cuddling me and saying how they want to just sqeeze my face off O_o they never do but it worries me that they might one day .

i love going for walks and im much better behaved now then i used to be , i get abit worried when i see other dogs as a nasty doggy bit me when i was a baby , and i saw a nasty dog really hurt my fur-sister too which i didnt like so i protect her like a good big brother! :)

anyway enough about me , stupid fur sister has decided she wants to muscle in and write all about her now instead *rolls eyes*

im going off to sleep now .... bye !!!!


HEYAAAAAAAAAA my names Skyla! well where to start about ME!! haha

im a gorgeous pure white dog with the most gorgeous blue eyes ;) im very fluffy too , mummy comes upto me and goes 'shes so fluffy im gonna die!!!' n squishes my face XD she saw that saying on the picture box and now says it too me , its funny , i enjoy it and try to play bite her n squish her back .

i am 2 and a half years old , but have only been in this house for just over 2 years , i used to live in cold cold scotland with my brothers and sisters and my parents , then i went to live with another family but after a week they tried to get rid of me , luckily my parents owners found out and got me back from those nasty people and asked if my new mummy would have me , im SOOOOOO glad she said yes because now i have a nice new pretty name *i was called roxy before but im NOT a roxy i dont look like roxy im definately a skyla* and 2 new friends/brothers to play with and i get to go out alot to meet lots of friends

i dont really like other dogs at first as a nasty doggy hurt me but once i get to know the dogs and we go for a walk together and i learn they wont hurt me i am much better behaved , like a princess *my mummy calls me that too* she has lots of nicknames for me , she calls me skyla bear , squealy-bear , squee-bug and the not so nice thunder thighs :( she thinks its funny to call me that because im bigger then other doggies and some silly nasty woman called me fat , it was soo funny seeing how much mummy wanted to hurt that woman she managed not too tho , i wish she had haha! im not fat u can see that when i get rid of my winter coat im just VERY fluffy , i love being fluffy i get lots of cuddles from people when im fluffy , erm anyway i dont think theres much else to say about me , im quite a good well behaved girl and i love my food too , mummy says i NEVER stop eating lol , i do it just to annoy her ;) anyway ill leave u with a pic of me so u can see for yourself just how gorgeous i am ;) lol

urgh my annoying older brother wants to say a quick word about himself too! god u will NEVER get him to shut up BELIVE ME!!


hi everyone , just a quick word from me *ill show skyla that im not ALWAYS loud*

my name is Bingo , but i only get called that when i am being naughty hehe , i just get called Bings

im not as fluffy as the other too im what mum calls a 'staffy cross whippet' i dont get alot of fuss from people because im not as fluffy but i just shout 'hey what about me!?' at them n make them stroke me :P

im the older more mature dog of the household , im 13ish , i have lived here for nearly 10 years now , i was found by these people who put me in a 'kennel' after i was dumped my previous owner :( they wernt very nice to me and used to hurt me , i was glad to be off the streets but didnt like the kennel , luckily i was only there for a week before a family came to look at me , they had to do some 'tests on me' i really wanted to go home with these people so when i was taken to where a cat was i hid away even tho i REALLY wanted to chase it , and when they said they just had to see if i was ok with their 'kids' *i think they meant the smaller humans* i JUMPED on the girl one and licked her face with all my might! everyone laughed but then i had to go back into the kennel :( i missed that family i hoped they would come back for me , it seemed like forever till they did , apparently it was only a week but it felt like MONTHS , they then took me home with them :D im scared of alot of things thanks to my nasty old owner but my new owner looks after me , i can be very loud but its only because i worry when people come to the door or my brother and sister start 'fighting' mum says they are only playing but i dont think they should play like that so i shout at them to calm down

thats enough about me anyway im tired now so i am going to have a nap , laters!



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