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Few Questions about my husky pup Anubis! Any insight will be greatly appreciated!


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About a month ago I purchased my pup Anubis from his breeder when he was almost 8 weeks. Hes about 13 weeks now and hes already potty trained...for the most part. He knows hes suppose to go to the back door and let me know he needs to go potty. But he doesn't cry or bark he just sits or lays down at the backdoor and stares at me. I have been sleeping in my living room since I got him, I don't know how to transition him into my bedroom so I can stop sleeping on my floor. He has a crate but he climbs out of the top of it. And hes gotten used to sleeping with me...on the floor. Another thing is he was skittish and shy when I first got him. Hes no longer shy with me and follows me everywhere and hates it when I'm out of his sight. BUT he gets in these excited crazy moods where he just wants to bite the crap outta me! And HARD! I have tried everything from redirecting him to a toy, saying ouch(which made him bite harder) getting up and walking away, biting him back(only worked for a bit then it stopped working) and holding him against me to calm him down(which also no longer works, he growls and gets mad and wants to bite more!). I'm at wits end and I'm not giving up but I don't know what to do to stop him from biting!! Hes bitten my mom when she took him out to potty and she picked him...hes bitten my fiance over the same thing. I have taken him to parks, taken him to a festival with lots of people. I take him everywhere with me, hes used to a leash and collar and walking on one but hes still so skittish of other people. People go to pet him and he ducks and walks away to hide behind me. I'm taking him out and socializing him but he doesn't seem to be doing well or getting any better...I mean maybe a bit but hes not a puppy who loves everyone and wants to be petted by everyone. He also gets jealous of my fiance too. Also I have seen him tinkle on the carpet, I yell NO at him and he runs outside and finishes!? Haha hes so naughty! Also I have a travel water bowl for outings and hes offered water constantly, and hes up to date on shots and boosters he goes again on the 26th for more. Hes also already on heart-guard with flea preventative in it.

So here's a wrap up:

How do I transition him into my bedroom so I can sleep in my bed without him peeing and popping everywhere because we aren't near the back door?

How can I get him to bark and cry to let me know hes gotta go out instead of just sitting or laying at the back door while staring at me(and if I don't see him in time he pees in the apt!)?

How can I get him used to people so he will want to be loved by everyone and not be so skittish!?

How do I stop the biting!?










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What a beautiful little guy, but to answer some of your questions. As for the transition to the bedroom and the training of the signal to go bathroom, my suggestion is to train yourself to be on a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks. Also you want to start your little guy on a consistent food schedule as well. Also look into crating him at night in your bedroom to reduce the potty accidents.

Also understand that since Annubis is still learning to control his bladder and bowl function you are going to lose a lot of sleep at night for the next several months trying to prevent potty accidents by letting him out every couple of hours at night for him to relive himself.

As for getting him used to people just slowly work him from meeting just a few family members to then a friendly dog walking group, and finally just everybody in the park.

I wish you good luck with your training.

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First off, hi and your lovely furball!

1. I'm not giving insight on potty since it sucked with Ghost. BUT it did take some time for him to "say" when he wanted to go. What I did was, ask him everytime he wanted to go out "You wanna go out?". Mainly because I was always asking myself "what do you want this time!?" lol So then I turned it into a habit and now he answers my question, same with when he wants to eat - You wanna eat?

2. Biting, he's a pup and all he wants is to play with you and everyone else. Try telling him no and ignore him, works for most. It still takes some time, in a book I read, it can have sth to do with their brains not being fully developed so he sees it just as a toy and it takes time for him to realise it's not for eating. He's playful. You can slow it but it takes time before it stops. :P

3. It's not all that bad that your pup is shy or not trustful of others. He feels safe with you. And will probably be very dependable on you like mine. Ghost would scream whenever I went out, when my bf went stayed with him outside and I went shopping it's as if he was doing sth to it. Ghost would get loved by anyone but I always fear they could do sth to him (ppl who don't like dogs) some just take time, once he gets courageous I think you'll just sigh "where are those times now!?".

Try leaving him behind you and just talk with the person/people casually if he would come out by himself. If he does praise him or give him a little treat. Remember you were new people when you bought him so naturally he was a little scared since he hasn't met you before.

Overall, be patient and enjoy his playful stage. :) The biting is not all that bad.

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What a beautiful little guy, but to answer some of your questions. As for the transition to the bedroom and the training of the signal to go bathroom, my suggestion is to train yourself to be on a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks. Also you want to start your little guy on a consistent food schedule as well. Also look into crating him at night in your bedroom to reduce the potty accidents.

Also understand that since Annubis is still learning to control his bladder and bowl function you are going to lose a lot of sleep at night for the next several months trying to prevent potty accidents by letting him out every couple of hours at night for him to relive himself.

As for getting him used to people just slowly work him from meeting just a few family members to then a friendly dog walking group, and finally just everybody in the park.

I wish you good luck with your training.

Thank you very much! The current crate we have now he gets out of the top of it. I don't have anything to put on it so he cant escape. So I have no where to put him if I moved into the bedroom, and my bed is a full really tall memory foam bed. So hes too little to put in bed with me, would be afraid he would jump off and hurt himself. Right now hes cut off to the bedroom because he cant behave in there. Wants to eat my cats food or chew on my cats bed, lol. Hes met several people since I have had him. We took him to a summer festival the other day for 4 hours and tons of people came up to him but he was just so skittish. And we take him to human parks all the time. Hes nipped my mom and fiance too. And thanks so much for responding.

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First off, hi and your lovely furball!

1. I'm not giving insight on potty since it sucked with Ghost. BUT it did take some time for him to "say" when he wanted to go. What I did was, ask him everytime he wanted to go out "You wanna go out?". Mainly because I was always asking myself "what do you want this time!?" lol So then I turned it into a habit and now he answers my question, same with when he wants to eat - You wanna eat?

2. Biting, he's a pup and all he wants is to play with you and everyone else. Try telling him no and ignore him, works for most. It still takes some time, in a book I read, it can have sth to do with their brains not being fully developed so he sees it just as a toy and it takes time for him to realise it's not for eating. He's playful. You can slow it but it takes time before it stops. :P

3. It's not all that bad that your pup is shy or not trustful of others. He feels safe with you. And will probably be very dependable on you like mine. Ghost would scream whenever I went out, when my bf went stayed with him outside and I went shopping it's as if he was doing sth to it. Ghost would get loved by anyone but I always fear they could do sth to him (ppl who don't like dogs) some just take time, once he gets courageous I think you'll just sigh "where are those times now!?".

Try leaving him behind you and just talk with the person/people casually if he would come out by himself. If he does praise him or give him a little treat. Remember you were new people when you bought him so naturally he was a little scared since he hasn't met you before.

Overall, be patient and enjoy his playful stage. :) The biting is not all that bad.

Hello :) And thanks. I ask mine that too and he just tilts his head from side to side, lol. Its cute! When I feed Anubis I say "nummy nums" and he already knows that means food, lol. Yeah I know he wants to play but its not play biting its hurt biting. He bites me hard. And it hurts pretty bad. I have tried that and redirecting him to a toy and it doesnt work anymore. Hes bit my mom and my fiance when they tried to pick him up. yeah he HATES it when Im out of his sight or in the other room and he cant follow. He even cries and howls when I take a shower and he tries jumping in with me, lol. Thanks for your response!

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Hello :) And thanks. I ask mine that too and he just tilts his head from side to side, lol. Its cute! When I feed Anubis I say "nummy nums" and he already knows that means food, lol. Yeah I know he wants to play but its not play biting its hurt biting. He bites me hard. And it hurts pretty bad. I have tried that and redirecting him to a toy and it doesnt work anymore. Hes bit my mom and my fiance when they tried to pick him up. yeah he HATES it when Im out of his sight or in the other room and he cant follow. He even cries and howls when I take a shower and he tries jumping in with me, lol. Thanks for your response!

You're welcome. I had mine in shower (bath with shower head) with me first 2 times because he'd jump in too but I made sure no water touched him. Then he just sat and looked from behind the veil, then slept beneath and eventually I just left him outside and told him I need to shower. :D

Well, Ghost ripped apart my home trousers because he'd bite in them and wouldn't let go. And would leave me quite bite marks and suffusions on my arms and legs. My bf made him stop it by holding his head and putting it to the ground saying "you musn't" or sth (like dog mothers do with their children, they take their heads in mouths and lower them to ground) and it worked for him. Btw it's needle teeth, not even the other dogs he'll come in contact with will like it. ;)

If a toy doesn't work get him another one, I'd say something either gummy or sth like http://www.rajkrmiv.cz/user/shop/big/2429(1)(0).jpg , best if it has something gummy in the middle. Or any other toy, try and take him to a pet shop, Ghost always finds something interesting there he wants to steal. Or chewing gums, dental sticks. Anything that will keep him off you.

It may be he bit you and your family that his mom didn't properly teach him bite inhibition and he doesn't just know the limit. Ghost bit everyone, lol.

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Dimitri was a biter as a pup.. We found a very high pitched short sharp OW made him stop.. Then we'd turn our heads away from him until he submitted.. he learnt he could mouth but not bite.. Worse thing is their teeth are so bloody sharp at that age lol.. It is just a case of him learning what he can and can't get away with and you having the patience to understand it'll take time.

He also used to just stare at the back door when he needed to out and just send psychic waves to us.. In the end we got a bell and we wouldn't let him out until he rung the bell.. Took about 3 days for him to ding it on his own and it works fab :)

Good luck.. You have a gorgeous pup.... and some pretty cool tattoo's as well! :)

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I cannot comment much on the transition from room to room b/c we immediately crate trained with Maya. However, we had a biter too. I have previous posts on here begging for help b/c it got very bad at one point. THe best advice I can give you about reducing the biting is to remain consistent and try your best not to get frustrated. Maya is 7 1/2 months old now and her biting me is an invitation to play (most of the time). After about 3 months of consistently replacing me with a toy, she has now learned not to bite me and to get a toy instead. The worst stage was teething and it did feel like she was biting to hurt me. We did not have an episode for about 4 weeks when she suddenly bite me last night while at the dog park. Those are the times when I wish she could talk b/c it was an unprovoked temper tantrum. Compared to where we were, I would take once a month over the constant biting an bruising I was expereincing. I will tell you that IT WILL NOT STOP OVERNIGHT. I had to remain very consistent and I will be very honest, as she got bigger...the biting got worse b/c of the teething. There was a lot of crying and locking myself in a room away from her b/c of her persistence to play and use me as a chew toy.

To get through the teething, we would wet and freeze twisted towels and she loved chewing those, frozen fruits, water bottles (no cap and label removed) frozen with chicken or beef broth. This also gave her something to focus on rather than chewing on me. Good luck and keep us posted!!

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How do I transition him into my bedroom so I can sleep in my bed without him peeing and popping everywhere because we aren't near the back door?

With Ryn, I simply placed the crate beside my bed. While she no longer sleeps in the crate (she'll be two next month) she has a bed beside mine that she stays on. Most times, they will not eliminate in a crate .

How can I get him to bark and cry to let me know hes gotta go out instead of just sitting or laying at the back door while staring at me(and if I don't see him in time he pees in the apt!)?

Try bell training him. Each time you take him out ring a bell (which is tied to the door where he can reach it) Before long, he'll be ringing it to let you know he has to go out. Careful with this as they sometimes begin to ring it just because they want to go out, not necessarily to eliminate, but because they simply want to be outside. You must also be careful that he doesn't begin to train YOU in that respect. Ryn used to shake the devil out of the bell when she had to go, now she brushes past it with her body. No matter where I am in the house, I can hear the bell so I know she has to go.

How can I get him used to people so he will want to be loved by everyone and not be so skittish!?

This takes time and loads of socialization. Take him everywhere to expose him to everything you possibly can. Ryn went to parades, city celebrations, family gatherings, goes with me to cover stories (I'm an editor of a small newspaper). I exposed her to kids on bikes, motorcycles, busses, anything I could think of. She now goes with me and there is very little that upsets her or makes her skittish. In fact, she loves going to the town celebrations - especially walking through the midway where all the kids give her 'loves' and pats. The only thing that bothered her this year from the parade was the llamas...........she'd never seen them before. Even the sirens from the firetrucks didn't phase her - she just crossed her paws and looked at them.

How do I stop the biting!?

First I'd try a sound - Aaaack is a good one. Any sound which will distract the pup. Then turn away and don't give attention. Once the pup has settled down try again. Be consistent and patient. This one can be quite difficult. Another idea is to give him something appropriate to chew on - a nylabone, kong, frozen towel, bones filled with pumpkin and then frozen........you get the idea. But the best thing is to be patient and consistent......Don't allow him to nip one time and not the next. Mixed messages will be the downfall of this lesson.

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How do I transition him into my bedroom so I can sleep in my bed without him peeing and popping everywhere because we aren't near the back door?

With Ryn, I simply placed the crate beside my bed. While she no longer sleeps in the crate (she'll be two next month) she has a bed beside mine that she stays on. Most times, they will not eliminate in a crate .

How can I get him to bark and cry to let me know hes gotta go out instead of just sitting or laying at the back door while staring at me(and if I don't see him in time he pees in the apt!)?

Try bell training him. Each time you take him out ring a bell (which is tied to the door where he can reach it) Before long, he'll be ringing it to let you know he has to go out. Careful with this as they sometimes begin to ring it just because they want to go out, not necessarily to eliminate, but because they simply want to be outside. You must also be careful that he doesn't begin to train YOU in that respect. Ryn used to shake the devil out of the bell when she had to go, now she brushes past it with her body. No matter where I am in the house, I can hear the bell so I know she has to go.

How can I get him used to people so he will want to be loved by everyone and not be so skittish!?

This takes time and loads of socialization. Take him everywhere to expose him to everything you possibly can. Ryn went to parades, city celebrations, family gatherings, goes with me to cover stories (I'm an editor of a small newspaper). I exposed her to kids on bikes, motorcycles, busses, anything I could think of. She now goes with me and there is very little that upsets her or makes her skittish. In fact, she loves going to the town celebrations - especially walking through the midway where all the kids give her 'loves' and pats. The only thing that bothered her this year from the parade was the llamas...........she'd never seen them before. Even the sirens from the firetrucks didn't phase her - she just crossed her paws and looked at them.

How do I stop the biting!?

First I'd try a sound - Aaaack is a good one. Any sound which will distract the pup. Then turn away and don't give attention. Once the pup has settled down try again. Be consistent and patient. This one can be quite difficult. Another idea is to give him something appropriate to chew on - a nylabone, kong, frozen towel, bones filled with pumpkin and then frozen........you get the idea. But the best thing is to be patient and consistent......Don't allow him to nip one time and not the next. Mixed messages will be the downfall of this lesson.

From the sounds of it.you also have raised children....:rofl:

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i can give no advice with the potty training because at 13 weeks Luka refuses to poop outside. He'll go pee outside all day for you but i guess he wants privacy for the number 2. LOL

Luka gets in crazy fits where he tries to bite hard too. Ignoring him works sometimes but generally i just have to leave the room. He then realizes he better calm his little self down or he will get no attention. It takes time but Luka gets better with it every day. Like everyone else has said just be consistent.

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