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Hello there. My name is Apryl, from Iowa and I have two dogs. A 13 year old, yorkie/pom named Knarly and a 1.5 year old chow/husky named Rolyx [Rolex, yes makes him a 'watch dog']. First of all, I hope it is ok that I join you guys and not have a full blood husky...Ro's mom is full husky and his dad [though I never met] was clearly chow. I found him at a shelter, and for some reason he called to me.

When I went to look at Ro, I spent literally half the day with him and he acted a lot more chowish. It was what drew me to him...I love chows and honestly, I was reluctant to even consider him because of the husky part. I don't say that because I have anything against huskies, only that I know my personality type and after reading up on them, I thought they'd be a bit much dog for myself. I spent so long at the shelter so I could really get a good feel for Ro to assure we were a match, but one thing I overlooked...he didn't consider me part of his pack, and though he was well mannered and laid back...that wasn't 'really' who Ro was. ;) It didn't take long after bringing him home, for the real slim shady to stand up. But please don't judge me just yet or think I'm hinting that I hate Ro or want to get rid of him. Not at all.

I come here for help, because regardless....I love Rolyx and we do have a strong bond. He is my boy and I am his human...this is clear. But he has come with baggage and as his human, it is my job to figure out how to make this work for us both. Some may even recognize me from other forums, but I am starting to believe it is the husky people who will have the best guidance to offer. I will save that for later however, and hope I am welcomed here with my dear Roley.





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I Like your pictures and he's a handsome dog; I presume the baggage that came along with him is the little one in the bottom picture?? << no, I saw you had two dogs, just making light of your comment! >>

You're welcome here, of course and even if he's not an AKC registered, dyed in the wool full pure bred Husky, we'll love him and you anyway.

I seem to have the feeling that there's another shoe to drop, so don't be bashful drop it and let's get on with it ....

Jokingly I said welcome, so now a more serious "Welcome to the Best Husky Forum You're going to find!" a great crew of folks here - some of whom are much more serious than I, but good none the less!

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Always nice to welcome a fellow Iowan to Husky-Owners. So Welcome. There are tons of members that have tons of experience, so someone I'm sure will be able to help with your issues.

Sent from my HTC with forumrunner.

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What a great name he has, and he is very handsome, not sure being part husky that he will be a great "watch dog", but the pun intended is hilarious! Welcome to the forum and don't be afraid to complain about your dog, huskies are wonderful creatures but can be a pain in the butt! but then again that is one of the bigger reason to love them more. You will get lots of help here and your guy will be loved by all no matter what!

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Hi, Apryl - WavingWelcome.gif to you, Knarly and Rolex from yet another Iowan (there are quite a few of us on the forum)! There are a number of people around who have Siberian mixes and/or other breeds, so don't be shy - we love helping with problems when we can!

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Hi and a huge welcome to the forum. Rolex is gorgeous, and so is the little Knarly :)

If Rolex is being a bit difficult it must be the Chow in him, can't possibly be the husky :lolman: Seriously though, there are some very experienced members on the forum who will be more than happy to help with any problems you might be experiencing. I look forward to seeing you around the forum.

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Thank you for the very warm welcome, and I even see a couple fellow Iowans. :) Rolyx is a great dog, but I think I'm the only one that feels that way...lol he's just misunderstood, he's had a rough start and I think with the right help, we'll get there or at least closer. :bananadance1:<-Can't go wrong with the dancing nanner

And btw Knarly says he's no ones baggage, but he makes a great nose ring. Kidding...the two will never be best friends but respect each other for most part. It is humorous to watch Ro press his luck though. Picture 8 pounds of Knar walking past 65+ pounds of Rolyx and entire time Ro is booping him with his nose with this grin on his face. Knar ignores it...boop. boop. boop. Knar gets just about clear of him....bo-op. knar whips around, "grr grr grr!" Ro tilts head, tongue hanging freely to the side, as you swear you can hear him say, "HAHAHAHA!"

Thanks again all, and I'll be posting again soon....dropping that other shoe. :)

Below is an example of a Rolyx drive by...taunt and run. Life is good.



Edited by Applebear
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Hello there and welcome. Doesn't have to be a full husky or even a husky mix for that matter to be welcome here lol. Rolyx and Knarly are both lovely looking pooches. I can totally see the chow chow in him, very hansoms. I had a chow mix a long time ago, he was an odd chow mix though as he was mixed with Jack Russell haha.

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welcome. I love the taunt and run photo.

what problems are you having with him?

ty for the welcomes all, and Christine...love the side photo there-makes me think of Rolyx. lol Storm, I posted about it in the training board, though I'm still under moderation so takes my replies awhile to go through. Warning if you check it out, it is long. :)

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post-6713-13586053482121_thumb.gif Apryl, Rolyx and Knarly. First of all, we would like to thank you for doing a Rescue, another life that has been saved. Though this was set us to be a Siberian Owner's Forum and which it is a great one, a lot of us here have all different breeds, even mixed with Siberian and the beautiful pure bread Siberian. You won't find a better group of K-9 lovers who are here and willing to answer any questions you may have from feeding, to training, health and behavior issues. As we also look forward to experiences you have had and your sharing them with us. That is what so unique about this forum, for we all have learned so much from each other and so willing to pass it on to help others. Looking forward to seeing your around. Thank you for joining us all here at Husky Owners.com

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